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The morphological characteristics of intercalary heterochromatin (IH) are compared with those of other types of silenced chromatin in the Drosophila melanogaster genome: pericentric heterochromatin (PH) and regions subject to position effect variegation (PEV). We conclude that IH regions in polytene chromosomes are binding sites of silencing complexes such as PcG complexes and of SuUR protein. Binding of these proteins results in the appearance of condensed chromatin and late replication of DNA, which in turn may result in DNA underreplication. IH and PH as well as regions subject to PEV have in common the condensed chromatin appearance, the localization of specific proteins, late replication, underreplication in polytene chromosomes, and ectopic pairing.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid cohesion, mediated by cohesin and regulated by Sororin, is essential for chromosome segregation. In mammalian cells, cohesion establishment and Sororin recruitment to chromatin-bound cohesin depends on the acetyltransferases Esco1 and Esco2. Mutations in Esco2 cause Roberts syndrome, a developmental disease in which mitotic chromosomes have a 'railroad' track morphology. Here, we show that Esco2 deficiency leads to termination of mouse development at pre- and post-implantation stages, indicating that Esco2 functions non-redundantly with Esco1. Esco2 is transiently expressed during S-phase when it localizes to pericentric heterochromatin (PCH). In interphase, Esco2 depletion leads to a reduction in cohesin acetylation and Sororin recruitment to chromatin. In early mitosis, Esco2 deficiency causes changes in the chromosomal localization of cohesin and its protector Sgo1. Our results suggest that Esco2 is needed for cohesin acetylation in PCH and that this modification is required for the proper distribution of cohesin on mitotic chromosomes and for centromeric cohesion.  相似文献   

Trimethylation of lysine 9 in histone H3 (H3K9me3) enrichment is a characteristic of pericentric heterochromatin. The hypothesis of a stepwise mechanism to establish and maintain this mark during DNA replication suggests that newly synthesized histone H3 goes through an intermediate methylation state to become a substrate for the histone methyltransferase Suppressor of variegation 39 (Suv39H1/H2). How this intermediate methylation state is achieved and how it is targeted to the correct place at the right time is not yet known. Here, we show that the histone H3K9 methyltransferase SetDB1 associates with the specific heterochromatin protein 1α (HP1α)–chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF1) chaperone complex. This complex monomethylates K9 on non‐nucleosomal histone H3. Therefore, the heterochromatic HP1α–CAF1–SetDB1 complex probably provides H3K9me1 for subsequent trimethylation by Suv39H1/H2 in pericentric regions. The connection of CAF1 with DNA replication, HP1α with heterochromatin formation and SetDB1 for H3K9me1 suggests a highly coordinated mechanism to ensure the propagation of H3K9me3 in pericentric heterochromatin during DNA replication.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies in triatomines have described the occurrence of holokinetic chromosomes, heterochromatin distribution and the location of rDNA (ribosomal DNA) sites, but few aspects of nuclear organization in this group have been discussed. We have focused on ultrastructural and cytogenetic features and differences in cystic cells of seminiferous tubules between five species of Triatoma. Cystic cells showed evidence of polyploidy events and heterochromatic blocks appeared predominantly in the central region of the nuclei. Cytogenetic analyses showed that there was variation in chromocenter number between species, and that the central regions were AT‐rich [DAPI+ (4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole+)], whereas the periphery was CG‐rich (CMA+). Another characteristic was the distribution of 45S rDNA, which differed according to the chromosomal location of this sequence. In all we have compared aspects of nuclear organization, polyploidy, heterochromatin, rDNA site distribution and methylation levels, as well as the relationships between five species of Triatoma from a cystic cell perspective.  相似文献   

Amassments of heterochromatin in somatic cells occur in close contact with the nuclear envelope (NE) but are gapped by channel‐ and cone‐like zones that appear largely free of heterochromatin and associated with the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). To identify proteins involved in forming such heterochromatin exclusion zones (HEZs), we used a cell culture model in which chromatin condensation induced by poliovirus (PV) infection revealed HEZs resembling those in normal tissue cells. HEZ occurrence depended on the NPC‐associated protein Tpr and its large coiled coil‐forming domain. RNAi‐mediated loss of Tpr allowed condensing chromatin to occur all along the NE's nuclear surface, resulting in HEZs no longer being established and NPCs covered by heterochromatin. These results assign a central function to Tpr as a determinant of perinuclear organization, with a direct role in forming a morphologically distinct nuclear sub‐compartment and delimiting heterochromatin distribution.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin protein‐1 (HP1) is a key component of heterochromatin. Reminiscent of the cohesin complex which mediates sister‐chromatid cohesion, most HP1 proteins in mammalian cells are displaced from chromosome arms during mitotic entry, whereas a pool remains at the heterochromatic centromere region. The function of HP1 at mitotic centromeres remains largely elusive. Here, we show that double knockout (DKO) of HP1α and HP1γ causes defective mitosis progression and weakened centromeric cohesion. While mutating the chromoshadow domain (CSD) prevents HP1α from protecting sister‐chromatid cohesion, centromeric targeting of HP1α CSD alone is sufficient to rescue the cohesion defects in HP1 DKO cells. Interestingly, HP1‐dependent cohesion protection requires Haspin, an antagonist of the cohesin‐releasing factor Wapl. Moreover, HP1α CSD directly binds the N‐terminal region of Haspin and facilitates its centromeric localization. The need for HP1 in cohesion protection can be bypassed by centromeric targeting of Haspin or inhibiting Wapl activity. Taken together, these results reveal a redundant role for HP1α and HP1γ in the protection of centromeric cohesion through promoting Haspin localization at mitotic centromeres in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The Smc5/6 holocomplex executes key functions in genome maintenance that include ensuring the faithful segregation of chromosomes at mitosis and facilitating critical DNA repair pathways. Smc5/6 is essential for viability and therefore, dissecting its chromosome segregation and DNA repair roles has been challenging. We have identified distinct epigenetic and post-translational modifications that delineate roles for fission yeast Smc5/6 in centromere function, versus replication fork-associated DNA repair. We monitored Smc5/6 subnuclear and genomic localization in response to different replicative stresses, using fluorescence microscopy and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-on-chip methods. Following hydroxyurea treatment, and during an unperturbed S phase, Smc5/6 is transiently enriched at the heterochromatic outer repeats of centromeres in an H3-K9 methylation-dependent manner. In contrast, methyl methanesulphonate treatment induces the accumulation of Smc5/6 at subtelomeres, in an Nse2 SUMO ligase-dependent, but H3-K9 methylation-independent manner. Finally, we determine that Smc5/6 loads at all genomic tDNAs, a phenomenon that requires intact consensus TFIIIC-binding sites in the tDNAs.  相似文献   

DNA methylation occurs on CpG sites and is important to form pericentric heterochromatin domains. The satellite 2 sequence, containing seven CpG sites, is located in the pericentric region of human chromosome 1 and is highly methylated in normal cells. In contrast, the satellite 2 region is reportedly hypomethylated in cancer cells, suggesting that the methylation status may affect the chromatin structure around the pericentric regions in tumours. In this study, we mapped the nucleosome positioning on the satellite 2 sequence in vitro and found that DNA methylation modestly affects the distribution of the nucleosome positioning. The micrococcal nuclease assay revealed that the DNA end flexibility of the nucleosomes changes, depending on the DNA methylation status. However, the structures and thermal stabilities of the nucleosomes are unaffected by DNA methylation. These findings provide new information to understand how DNA methylation functions in regulating pericentric heterochromatin formation and maintenance in normal and malignant cells.  相似文献   

HP1 family proteins are adaptor molecules, containing two related chromo domains that are required for chromatin packaging and gene silencing. Here we present the structure of the chromo shadow domain from mouse HP1beta bound to a peptide containing a consensus PXVXL motif found in many HP1 binding partners. The shadow domain exhibits a novel mode of peptide recognition, where the peptide binds across the dimer interface, sandwiched in a beta-sheet between strands from each monomer. The structure allows us to predict which other shadow domains bind similar PXVXL motif-containing peptides and provides a framework for predicting the sequence specificity of the others. We show that targeting of HP1beta to heterochromatin requires shadow domain interactions with PXVXL-containing proteins in addition to chromo domain recognition of Lys-9-methylated histone H3. Interestingly, it also appears to require the simultaneous recognition of two Lys-9-methylated histone H3 molecules. This finding implies a further complexity to the histone code for regulation of chromatin structure and suggests how binding of HP1 family proteins may lead to its condensation.  相似文献   

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