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Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) proteins are important regulators of cell survival and proliferation. PI3K-dependent signalling regulates cell proliferation by promoting G1- to S-phase progression during the cell cycle. However, a definitive role for PI3K at other times during the cell cycle is less clear. In these studies, we provide evidence that PI3K activity is required during DNA synthesis (S-phase) and G2-phase of the cell cycle. Inhibition of PI3K with LY294002 at the onset of S-phase caused a 4- to 5-h delay in progression through G2/M. LY294002 treatment at the end of S-phase caused an approximate 2-h delay in progression through G2/M, indicating that PI3K activity functions for both S- and G2-phase progression. The expression of constitutively activated Akt partially reversed the inhibitory effects of LY294002 on mitotic entry, which demonstrated that Akt was one PI3K target that was required during G2/M transitions. Inhibition of PI3K resulted in enhanced susceptibility of G2/M synchronized cells to undergo apoptosis in response to DNA damage as compared to asynchronous cells. Thus, similar to its role in promoting cell survival and cell cycle transitions from G1 to S phase, PI3K activity appears to promote entry into mitosis and protect against cell death during S- and G2-phase progression.  相似文献   

Sibling species groups are suitable models for the understanding of inter‐ and intraspecific processes in taxonomy and biogeography. We analysed 262 individuals from the Alps of the Coenonympha arcania/gardetta species complex by allozyme electrophoresis. These taxa showed high variance amongst populations (FST: 0.391) and strong intertaxon genetic differentiation (FCT: 0.376). Although morphologically similar, Coenonympha gardetta and Coenonympha arcania clearly differ in their genetic characteristics; the morphologically intermediate taxa Coenonympha darwiniana darwiniana and Coenonympha darwiniana macromma are genetically well distinguished from each other and the two other taxa. Coenonympha arcania and C. d. macromma most probably share a common ancestor and evolved by cladogenesis, whereas the taxonomic situation of C. d. darwiniana is still unresolved: This taxon might be the result of hybridization between C. arcania and C. gardetta or it might have a common ancestor together with C. gardetta. We suggest species rank for all four taxa. The distribution of genetic diversity of these populations and the differentiation amongst populations suggest rather different biogeographical scenarios: C. arcania most probably is of Mediterranean origin with postglacial range expansion northwards; C. gardetta survived the last ice age in peripheral refugia of the Alps and has spread all over this high mountain system in the postglacial; C. darwiniana and C. macromma survived the Würm in geographic proximity to their actual distribution areas and only have performed moderate uphill translocations during postglacial warming. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 890–904.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae lacks several common DNA repair pathways found in other organisms. As recent evidence had indicated that gonococci use recombinational repair to repair UV-induced DNA lesions, this study examined whether the gonococcal RecJ homologue contributes in this repair capacity. The recJ gene from strain MS11 was cloned and sequenced and was found to show a considerable degree of identity to its Escherichia coli homologue. A N. gonorrhoeae delta recJ mutant was constructed and tested for recombinational proficiency as well as for defects in DNA repair. In the absence of the RecJ exonuclease, DNA transformation and pilin switching occurred at wild type levels, indicating that the efficiency of recombination remained unimpaired. In contrast, N. gonorrhoeae delta recJ mutants showed extreme sensitivity to low levels of UV irradiation and to exposure to DNA-alkylating reagents [e.g. ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)]. Complementation of the gonococcal recJ mutant in cis restored resistance to low-level UV, indicating that the gonococcal RecJ protein is involved in recombinational repair, and can act independently of other single-strand-specific exonucleases. Furthermore, transformation competence was not required for RecJ-dependent DNA repair. Overall, the data show that N. gonorrhoeae recJ mutants present a unique phenotype when compared to their E. coli recJ counterparts, and further support the contention that RecORJ-dependent recombinational repair is a major DNA repair pathway in the genus Neisseria.  相似文献   

ING2 (Inhibitor of Growth 2) is a candidate tumor suppressive protein frequently lost in human tumors. Recently, we have reported that ING2 downregulation impairs DNA replication forks progression and leads to genome instability. To better understand the tumor suppressive functions of ING2 and its role in the cell cycle, we downregulated its expression in cells and studied the consequences of this downregulation on the G1/S transition. We observed that the inhibition of ING2 expression accelerated the progression of cells from G1 to S phase, and was accompanied by a decrease of p21 expression. Moreover, we show that the regulation of p21 by ING2 is independent, of the tumor suppressive protein p53. Interestingly, this function seems to be unique for ING2 since its closest homologue ING1 does not regulate the G1/S transition. It has been suggested previously that ING2 may modulate the trimethylation of H3K4 at the promoter of p21. Accordingly, our results suggest that there may be a link between the regulation of the G1/S transition by ING2 and the level of H3K4Me3. All together, these results bring new information concerning the role of ING2 in the regulation of the cell cycle and suggest that it may play important roles in controlling several S phase checkpoints.  相似文献   

W M Saxton  J Hicks  L S Goldstein  E C Raff 《Cell》1991,64(6):1093-1102
The in vivo function of the microtubule motor protein kinesin was examined in Drosophila using genetics and immunolocalization. Kinesin heavy chain mutations (khc) cause abnormal behavior and lethality. Mutant larvae exhibit loss of mobility and tactile responsiveness in the most posterior segments, followed by general paralysis and death during larval or pupal development. Adults homozygous for a temperature-sensitive allele also exhibit a loss in mobility and sensory responses. The data indicate that kinesin function is essential and suggest that kinesin has an important role in the neuromuscular system, perhaps as a motor for axonal transport. The possibility of more general cellular functions remains open, but observation of embryogenesis and morphogenesis in khc mutants suggests that mitosis and the cell cycle can proceed in spite of impaired kinesin function. Immunolocalization suggests that kinesin may have some general cellular functions but that it is not a major component of mitotic spindles.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between xylem resistance to cavitation and 16 structural and functional traits across eight unrelated Populus deltoides×Populus nigra genotypes grown under two contrasting water regimes. The xylem water potential inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductance (Ψ50) varied from ?1.60 to ?2.40 MPa. Drought‐acclimated trees displayed a safer xylem, although the extent of the response was largely genotype dependant, with Ψ50 being decreased by as far as 0.60 MPa. At the tissue level, there was no clear relationship between xylem safety and either xylem water transport efficiency or xylem biomechanics; the only structural trait to be strongly associated with Ψ50 was the double vessel wall thickness, genotypes exhibiting a thicker double wall being more resistant. At the leaf level, increased cavitation resistance was associated with decreased stomatal conductance, while no relationship could be identified with traits associated with carbon uptake or bulk leaf carbon isotope discrimination, a surrogate of intrinsic water‐use efficiency. At the whole‐plant level, increased safety was associated with higher shoot growth potential under well‐irrigated regime only. We conclude that common trade‐offs between xylem resistance to cavitation and other physiological traits that are observed across species may not necessarily hold true at narrower scales.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether Gd is able to exert the proliferation-promoting effect and to explore its possible underlying mechanism. We showed that Gd promoted cell cycle progression with increased S-phase entry in a concentration- and time-dependent manner in NIH 3T3 cells. The effect was further evidenced by the expressions of key proteins in driving cells through the G1/S transition point of the cell cycle. In the presence of Gd, the protein levels of cyclins D, E, and A were dramatically increased and demonstrated a characteristically temporal pattern of sequential mitotic events. Additionally, the levels of phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein were also significantly increased at certain time periods. To further elucidate the underlying mechanism, extracellular signal-regulated kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathways were assessed. Both pathways were activated by Gd. Moreover, the levels of cyclin D and cyclin A were evaluated after the addition of the pharmacological inhibitors at early and late G1 phases, correspondingly, to reveal the contribution of the two pathways in the Gd-promoted G1/S transition. It showed that both pathways were needed for Gd-promoted cell cycle progression. The results presented here provide novel evidence to advance knowledge leading to further understanding of the mechanisms of both cell growth and death caused by Gd and may be helpful for more rational application of Gd-based compounds in the future.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase related protein‐1 (TRP‐1) is a melanocyte‐specific gene product involved in eumelanin synthesis. Mutation in the Tyrp1 gene is associated with brown pelage in mouse and oculocutaneous albinism Type 3 in humans (OCA3). It has been demonstrated that TRP‐1 expresses DHICA oxidase activity in the murine system. However, its actual function in the human system is still unclear. The study was designed to determine the effects of mutation at two Typr1 alleles, namely the Tyrp1b (brown) and Tyrp1b‐cj (cordovan) compared with wild type Tyrp1B (black) on melanocyte function and melanin biosynthesis. The most significant finding was that both of the Tyrp1 mutations (i.e. brown expressing a point mutation and cordovan expressing decreased amount of TRP‐1 protein) resulted in attenuation of cell proliferation rates. Neither necrosis nor apoptosis was responsible for the observed decrease in cell proliferation rates of the brown and cordovan melanocytes. Ultrastructural evaluation by electron microscopic analysis revealed that both mutations in Tyrp1 affected melanosome maturation without affecting its structure. These observations demonstrate that mutation in Tyrp1 compromised tyrosinase activity within the organelle. DOPA histochemistry revealed differences in melanosomal stages between black and brown melanocytes but not between black and cordovan melanocytes. There were no significant differences in tyrosine hydroxylase activities of tyrosinase and TRP‐1 in wild type black, brown and cordovan melanocyte cell lysates. We conclude that mutations in Tyrp1 compromise cell proliferation and melanosomal maturation in mouse melanocyte cultures.  相似文献   

Exposure of C3HBYB/Wq hairless (hr/hr) mice to ultra‐violet radiation (UVR) for 15 days induced intense tanning of their dorsal skin. Small, dark freckles appeared first, gradually enlarging and coalescing as treatment progressed yielding a uniform tan. Histologically, the gross changes in skin color were matched initially by the appearance of scattered epidermal melanocytes that subsequently proliferated to form discrete, progressively expanding and abutting populations resulting in a uniform melanocyte network throughout the basal layer of the interfollicular epidermis. In contrast, when applied topically before each daily exposure to UVR, a cream or lotion vehicle containing both vitamins C and E (Vits C/E) inhibited UVR‐induced erythema and tanning. Application of Vits C/E, both before and after irradiation, was no more effective in providing photoprotection than pre‐treatment only. At the tissue level, UVR‐induced proliferation and melanogenesis of melanocytes were reduced compared with irradiated controls. The density of individual melanocyte populations was reduced, as was the number of melanocyte populations achieving merger (confluence) with others. Confluence grades and cell counts, estimating the maximum density of melanocyte populations in UVR–Vits C/E‐treated mice, were approximately two thirds those of UVR–vehicle‐treated controls. However, tanning was only one fifth that of UVR–vehicle‐treated controls, suggesting that melanogenesis was also inhibited. In addition to its inhibitory actions on irradiated melanocytes, Vits C/E also inhibited UVR‐induced suppression of contact hypersensitivity (CHS) in haired (Hr/hr) and hr/hr mice of the C3HBYB/Wq strain. The common denominators for most, if not all, of the influences of topically‐applied Vits C/E in muting the responses of the melanocyte and immune systems to UVR may stem from the vitamins’ combined ability to suppress UVR‐stimulated inflammation and its associated cascade of mediators.  相似文献   

Some of the important controlling events regulating eukaryotic S-phase progression are considered to occur late in the G1 stage of the cell cycle. We show here that stimulation of DNA synthesis in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) by macrophage CSF-1 is preceded by G1 expression of three genes which encode proteins associated with the DNA synthesis machinery--the M1 and M2 subunits of ribonucleotide reductase and proliferating cell nuclear Ag (PCNA). Increased expression for these genes correlated well with the mitogenic response and sustained expression required de novo RNA and protein synthesis and also the presence of CSF-1 for at least most of G1. Inhibitors of BMM proliferation (LPS, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and cAMP elevating agents) suppressed CSF-1-induced expression of M1, M2, and PCNA mRNA measured at 22 h. This suppression occurred even when added up to 12 h after the CSF-1, a period coinciding with the G1/S-phase boundary. The delayed kinetics of this effect parallels the ability of these agents to maximally inhibit CSF-1-induced BMM DNA synthesis when added at similar times. Decreased expression of M1, M2, and PCNA was not merely a consequence of DNA synthesis inhibition because the S-phase inhibitor, hydroxyurea, did not suppress CSF-1-induced gene expression. These results suggest that inhibition of DNA synthesis by antiproliferative agents involves inhibition of expression of several genes associated with the DNA synthesis machinery.  相似文献   

Autophagy is the degradative process by which eukaryotic cells digest their own components using acid hydrolases within the lysosome. Originally thought to function almost exclusively in providing starving cells with nutrients taken from their own cellular constituents, autophagy is in fact involved in numerous cellular events including differentiation, turnover of macromolecules and organelles, and defense against parasitic invaders. During the last 10-20 years, molecular components of the autophagic machinery have been discovered, revealing a complex interactome of proteins and lipids, which, in a concerted way, induce membrane formation to engulf cellular material and target it for lysosomal degradation. Here, our emphasis is autophagy in protists. We discuss experimental and genomic data indicating that the canonical autophagy machinery characterized in animals and fungi appeared prior to the radiation of major eukaryotic lineages. Moreover, we describe how comparative bioinformatics revealed that this canonical machinery has been subject to moderation, outright loss or elaboration on multiple occasions in protist lineages, most probably as a consequence of diverse lifestyle adaptations. We also review experimental studies illustrating how several pathogenic protists either utilize autophagy mechanisms or manipulate host-cell autophagy in order to establish or maintain infection within a host. The essentiality of autophagy for the pathogenicity of many parasites, and the unique features of some of the autophagy-related proteins involved, suggest possible new targets for drug discovery. Further studies of the molecular details of autophagy in protists will undoubtedly enhance our understanding of the diversity and complexity of this cellular phenomenon and the opportunities it offers as a drug target.  相似文献   

Greatwall (Gwl) was originally discovered in Drosophila as an essential kinase for correct chromosome condensation and mitotic progression. In Xenopus, Gwl may influence the positive-feedback loop that directs cyclin B1-Cdk1 activation and the mitotic state by inhibiting the phosphatase PP2A. Here, we describe the human orthologue of Gwl called microtubule-associated serine/threonine kinase-like (MASTL). We found that MASTL localizes to the nucleus in interphase and re-localizes in part to centrosomes in mitosis, when it is active. Cells strongly depleted of MASTL by RNAi delay in G2 phase and reveal slow chromosome condensation. MASTL RNAi cells that enter and progress through mitosis often fail to completely separate their sister chromatids in anaphase. This causes chromatin to be trapped in the cleavage furrow, which may lead to formation of 4N G1 cells by cytokinesis failure. Further, our experiments indicate that MASTL supports the phosphorylation state of mitotic phospho-proteins downstream of cyclin B1-Cdk1, including the APC/C. Cyclin B1 destruction is incomplete when mitotic cells that are strongly depleted of MASTL exit mitosis. We propose that MASTL enhances cyclin B1-Cdk1-dependent mitotic phosphorylation-events, directing mitotic entry, anaphase and cytokinesis in human cells.  相似文献   

The final destination of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-attached proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the plasma membrane or the cell wall. Two kinds of signals have been proposed for their cellular localization: (i) the specific amino acid residues V, I, or L at the site 4 or 5 amino acids upstream of the GPI attachment site (the omega site) and Y or N at the site 2 amino acids upstream of the omega site for cell wall localization and (ii) dibasic residues in the region upstream of the omega site (the omega-minus region) for plasma membrane localization. The relationships between these amino acid residues and efficiencies of cell wall incorporation were examined by constructing fusion reporter proteins from open reading frames encoding putative GPI-attached proteins. The levels of incorporation were high in the constructs containing the specific amino acid residues and quite low in those containing two basic amino acid residues in the omega-minus region. With constructs that contained neither specific residues nor two basic residues, levels of incorporation were moderate. These correlations clearly suggest that GPI-attached proteins have two different signals which act positively or negatively in cell wall incorporation for their cellular localization.  相似文献   

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