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Mutations in the Fused in sarcoma/Translated in liposarcoma gene (FUS/TLS, FUS) have been identified among patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). FUS protein aggregation is a major pathological hallmark of FUS proteinopathy, a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by FUS-immunoreactive inclusion bodies. We prepared transgenic Drosophila expressing either the wild type (Wt) or ALS-mutant human FUS protein (hFUS) using the UAS-Gal4 system. When expressing Wt, R524S or P525L mutant FUS in photoreceptors, mushroom bodies (MBs) or motor neurons (MNs), transgenic flies show age-dependent progressive neural damages, including axonal loss in MB neurons, morphological changes and functional impairment in MNs. The transgenic flies expressing the hFUS gene recapitulate key features of FUS proteinopathy, representing the first stable animal model for this group of devastating diseases.  相似文献   

Misfolding and aggregation of Cu, Zn Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) is often found in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. The central apo SOD1 barrel was involved in protein maturation and pathological aggregation in ALS. In this work, we employed atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the conformational dynamics of SOD1barrel monomer in different concentrations of trifluoroethanol (TFE). We find concentration dependence unusual structural and dynamical features, characterized by the local unfolding of SOD1barrel. This partially unfolded structure is characterized by the exposure of hydrophobic core, is highly dynamic in nature, and is the precursor of aggregation seen in SOD1barrel. Our computational studies supports the hypothesis of the formation of aggregation ‘building blocks’ by means of local unfolding of apo monomer as the mechanism of SOD1 fibrillar aggregation. The non-monotonic TFE concentration dependence of protein conformational changes was explored through simulation studies. Our results suggest that altered protein conformation and dynamics within its structure may underlie the aggregation of SOD1 in ALS.  相似文献   

Neuronal inclusions of aggregated RNA‐binding protein fused in sarcoma (FUS) are hallmarks of ALS and frontotemporal dementia subtypes. Intriguingly, FUS's nearly uncharged, aggregation‐prone, yeast prion‐like, low sequence‐complexity domain (LC) is known to be targeted for phosphorylation. Here we map in vitro and in‐cell phosphorylation sites across FUS LC. We show that both phosphorylation and phosphomimetic variants reduce its aggregation‐prone/prion‐like character, disrupting FUS phase separation in the presence of RNA or salt and reducing FUS propensity to aggregate. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrates the intrinsically disordered structure of FUS LC is preserved after phosphorylation; however, transient domain collapse and self‐interaction are reduced by phosphomimetics. Moreover, we show that phosphomimetic FUS reduces aggregation in human and yeast cell models, and can ameliorate FUS‐associated cytotoxicity. Hence, post‐translational modification may be a mechanism by which cells control physiological assembly and prevent pathological protein aggregation, suggesting a potential treatment pathway amenable to pharmacologic modulation.  相似文献   

Mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1, EC cause familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; with aggregated forms of mutant protein accumulating in spinal cord tissues of transgenic mouse models and human patients. Mice over-expressing wild-type human SOD1 (WT hSOD1) do not develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-like disease, but co-expression of WT enzyme at high levels with mutant SOD1 accelerates the onset of motor neuron disease compared with mice expressing mutant hSOD1 alone. Spinal cords of mice expressing both proteins contain aggregated forms of mutant protein and, in some cases, evidence of co-aggregation of WT hSOD1 enzyme. In the present study, we used a cell culture model of mutant SOD1 aggregation to examine how the presence of WT SOD1 affects mutant protein aggregation, finding that co-expression of WT SOD1, hSOD1 or mouse SOD1, delayed the formation of mutant hSOD1 aggregates; in essence appearing to slow the aggregation rate. In some combinations of WT and mutant hSOD1 co-expression, the aggregates that did eventually form appeared to contain WT hSOD1 protein. However, WT mouse SOD1 did not co-aggregate with mutant hSOD1 despite displaying a similar ability to slow mutant hSOD1 aggregation. Together, these studies indicate that WT SOD1 (human or mouse), when expressed at levels equivalent to the mutant protein, modulates the aggregation of mutant SOD1.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(11):3655-3662.e2
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by selective death of motor neurons in the brainstem, motor cortex, and spinal cord, leading to muscle atrophy and eventually to death. It is currently held that various oligomerization-inducing mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), an amyloid-forming protein, may be implicated in the familial form of this fast-progressing highly lethal neurodegenerative disease. A possible therapeutic approach could therefore lie in developing inhibitors to SOD1 mutants. By screening a focused mutagenesis library, mutated randomly in specific “stability patch” positions of the B1 domain of protein G (HTB1), we previously identified low affinity inhibitors of aggregation of SOD1G93A and SOD1G85R mutants. Herein, with the aim to generate a more potent inhibitor with higher affinity to SOD1 mutants, we employed an unbiased, random mutagenesis approach covering the entire sequence space of HTB1 to optimize as yet undefined positions for improved interactions with SOD1. Using affinity maturation screens in yeast, we identified a variant, which we designated HTB1M3, that bound strongly to SOD1 misfolded mutants but not to wild-type SOD1. In-vitro aggregation assays indicated that in the presence of HTB1M3 misfolded SOD1 assembled into oligomeric species that were not toxic to NSC-34 neuronal cells. In addition, when NSC-34 cells were exposed to misfolded SOD1 mutants, either soluble or preaggregated, in the presence of HTB1M3, this inhibitor prevented the prion-like propagation of SOD1 from one neuronal cell to another by blocking the penetration of SOD1 into the neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal disease characterized by the premature loss of motor neurons. While the underlying cellular mechanisms of neuron degeneration are unknown, the cytoplasmic aggregation of several proteins is associated with sporadic and familial forms of the disease. Both wild-type and mutant forms of the RNA-binding proteins FUS and TDP-43 accumulate in cytoplasmic inclusions in the neurons of ALS patients. It is not known if these so-called proteinopathies are due to a loss of function or a gain of toxicity resulting from the formation of cytoplasmic aggregates. Here we present a model of FUS toxicity using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in which toxicity is associated with greater expression and accumulation of FUS in cytoplasmic aggregates. We find that FUS and TDP-43 have a high propensity for co-aggregation, unlike the aggregation patterns of several other aggregation-prone proteins. Moreover, the biophysical properties of FUS aggregates in yeast are distinctly different from many amyloidogenic proteins, suggesting they are not composed of amyloid.  相似文献   

Mutations in the fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma (FUS/TLS) gene have been associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). FUS-positive neuropathology is reported in a range of neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS and fronto-temporal lobar degeneration with ubiquitin-positive pathology (FTLD-U). To examine protein aggregation and cytotoxicity, we expressed human FUS protein in yeast. Expression of either wild type or ALS-associated R524S or P525L mutant FUS in yeast cells led to formation of aggregates and cytotoxicity, with the two ALS mutants showing increased cytotoxicity. Therefore, yeast cells expressing human FUS protein recapitulate key features of FUS-positive neurodegenerative diseases. Interestingly, a significant fraction of FUS expressing yeast cells stained by propidium iodide were without detectable protein aggregates, suggesting that membrane impairment and cellular damage caused by FUS expression may occur before protein aggregates become microscopically detectable and that aggregate formation might protect cells from FUS-mediated cytotoxicity. The N-terminus of FUS, containing the QGSY and G rich regions, is sufficient for the formation of aggregates but not cytotoxicity. The C-terminal domain, which contains a cluster of mutations, did not show aggregation or cytotoxicity. Similar to TDP-43 when expressed in yeast, FUS protein has the intrinsic property of forming aggregates in the absence of other human proteins. On the other hand, the aggregates formed by FUS are thioflavin T-positive and resistant to 0.5% sarkosyl, unlike TDP-43 when expressed in yeast cells. Furthermore, TDP-43 and FUS display distinct domain requirements in aggregate formation and cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

FUS is an RNA‐binding protein involved in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Cytoplasmic FUS‐containing aggregates are often associated with concomitant loss of nuclear FUS. Whether loss of nuclear FUS function, gain of a cytoplasmic function, or a combination of both lead to neurodegeneration remains elusive. To address this question, we generated knockin mice expressing mislocalized cytoplasmic FUS and complete FUS knockout mice. Both mouse models display similar perinatal lethality with respiratory insufficiency, reduced body weight and length, and largely similar alterations in gene expression and mRNA splicing patterns, indicating that mislocalized FUS results in loss of its normal function. However, FUS knockin mice, but not FUS knockout mice, display reduced motor neuron numbers at birth, associated with enhanced motor neuron apoptosis, which can be rescued by cell‐specific CRE‐mediated expression of wild‐type FUS within motor neurons. Together, our findings indicate that cytoplasmic FUS mislocalization not only leads to nuclear loss of function, but also triggers motor neuron death through a toxic gain of function within motor neurons.  相似文献   

Stefan Auer  Dimo Kashchiev 《Proteins》2010,78(11):2412-2416
Under favorable conditions, many proteins can assemble into macroscopically large aggregates such as the amyloid fibrils that are associated with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other neurological and systemic diseases. The overall process of protein aggregation is characterized by initial lag time during which no detectable aggregation occurs in the solution and by maximal aggregation rate at which the dissolved protein converts into aggregates. In this study, the correlation between the lag time and the maximal rate of protein aggregation is analyzed. It is found that the product of these two quantities depends on a single numerical parameter, the kinetic index of the curve quantifying the time evolution of the fraction of protein aggregated. As this index depends relatively little on the conditions and/or system studied, our finding provides insight into why for many experiments the values of the product of the lag time and the maximal aggregation rate are often equal or quite close to each other. It is shown how the kinetic index is related to a basic kinetic parameter of a recently proposed theory of protein aggregation. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Khare SD  Wilcox KC  Gong P  Dokholyan NV 《Proteins》2005,61(3):617-632
Diverse point mutations in the enzyme Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) are linked to its aggregation in the familial form of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The disease-associated mutations are known to destabilize the protein, but the structural basis of the aggregation of the destabilized protein and the structure of aggregates are not well understood. Here, we investigate in silico the sequence and structural determinants of SOD1 aggregation: (1) We identify sequence fragments in SOD1 that have a high aggregation propensity, using only the sequence of SOD1, and (2) we perform molecular dynamics simulations of the SOD1 dimer folding and misfolding. In both cases, we identify identical regions of the protein as having high propensity to form intermolecular interactions. These regions correspond to the N- and C-termini, and two crossover loops and two beta-strands in the Greek-key native fold of SOD1. Our results suggest that the high aggregation propensity of mutant SOD1 may result from a synergy of two factors: the presence of highly amyloidogenic sequence fragments ("hot spots"), and the presence of these fragments in regions of the protein that are structurally most likely to form intermolecular contacts under destabilizing conditions. Therefore, we postulate that the balance between the self-association of aggregation-prone sequences and the specific structural context of these sequences in the native state determines the aggregation propensity of proteins.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a chronic, adult-onset neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the selective loss of upper and lower motor neurons, resulting in severe atrophy of muscles and death. Although the exact pathogenic mechanism of mutant superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) causing familial ALS is still elusive, toxic protein aggregation leading to insufficiency of chaperones is one of the main hypotheses. In this study, we investigated the effect of over-expressing one of these chaperones, heat shock protein 27 (Hsp27), in ALS. Mice over-expressing the human, mutant SOD1G93A were crossed with mice that ubiquitously over-expressed human Hsp27. Even though the single transgenic hHsp27 mice showed protection against spinal cord ischemia, the double transgenic SOD1G93A/hHsp27 mice did not live longer, and did not show a significant delay in the onset of disease compared to their SOD1G93A littermates. There was no protective effect of hHsp27 over-expression on the motor neurons and on the mutant SOD1 aggregates in the double transgenic SOD1G93A/hHsp27 mice. In conclusion, despite the protective action against acute motor neuron injury, Hsp27 alone is not sufficient to protect against the chronic motor neuron injury due to the presence of mutant SOD1.  相似文献   

TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) inclusions have been found in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and several other neurodegenerative diseases. Many studies suggest the involvement of RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) in TDP-43 proteinopathy. To elucidate the structural stability and the unfolding dynamics of RRMs, we have carried out atomistic molecular dynamics simulations at two different temperatures (300 and 500 K). The simulations results indicate that there are distinct structural differences in the unfolding pathway between the two domains and RRM1 unfolds faster than RRM2 in accordance with the lower thermal stability found experimentally. The unfolding behaviors of secondary structures showed that the α-helix was more stable than β-sheet and structural rearrangements of β-sheets results in formation of additional α-helices. At higher temperature, RRM1 exhibit increased overall flexibility and unfolding than RRM2. The temperature-dependent free energy landscapes consist of multiple metastable states stabilized by non-native contacts and hydrogen bonds in RRM2, thus rendering the RRM2 more prone to misfolding. The structural rearrangements of RRM2 could lead to aberrant protein–protein interactions that may account for enhanced aggregation and toxicity of TDP-43. Our analysis, thus identify the structural and thermodynamic characteristics of the RRMs of TDP-43, which will serve to uncover molecular mechanisms and driving forces in TDP-43 misfolding and aggregation.  相似文献   

The cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) is a nuclear 18-kDa protein consisting of an amino-terminal RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) and a carboxyl-terminal domain containing several RGG motifs. First characterized for its overexpression upon cold shock, CIRP is also induced by stresses such as UV irradiation and hypoxia. Here, we investigated the expression as well as the subcellular localization of CIRP in response to other stress conditions. We demonstrate that oxidative stress leads to the migration of CIRP to stress granules (SGs) without alteration of expression. Stress granules are dynamic cytoplasmic foci at which stalled translation initiation complexes accumulate in cells subjected to environmental stress. Relocalization of CIRP into SGs also occurs upon other cytoplasmic stresses (osmotic pressure or heat shock) as well as in response to stresses of the endoplasmic reticulum. CIRP migration into SGs is independent from TIA-1 which has been previously reported to be a general mediator of SG formation, thereby suggesting the existence of multiple pathways leading to SG formation. Moreover, deletion mutants revealed that both RGG and RRM domains can independently promote CIRP migration into SGs. However, the methylation of arginine residues in the RGG domain is necessary for CIRP to exit the nucleus to be further recruited into SGs. By RNA-tethering experiments, we also show that CIRP down-regulates mRNA translation and that this activity is carried by the carboxyl-terminal RG-enriched domain. Altogether, our findings further reveal the diversity of mechanisms by which CIRP is regulated by environmental stresses and provide new insights into CIRP cytoplasmic function.  相似文献   

A dominant mutation in the gene for copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is the most frequent cause of the inherited form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Mutant SOD1 provokes progressive degeneration of motor neurons by an unidentified acquired toxicity. Exploiting both affinity purification and mass spectrometry, we identified a novel interaction between heat-shock protein 105 (Hsp105) and mutant SOD1. We detected this interaction both in spinal cord extracts of mutant SOD1(G93A) transgenic mice and in cultured neuroblastoma cells. Expression of Hsp105, which is found in mouse motor neurons, was depressed in the spinal cords of SOD1(G93A) mice as disease progressed, while levels of expression of two other heat-shock proteins, Hsp70 and Hsp27, were elevated. Moreover, Hsp105 suppressed the formation of mutant SOD1-containing aggregates in cultured cells. These results suggest that techniques that raise levels of Hsp105 might be promising tools for alleviation of the mutant SOD1 toxicity.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(2):112025
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