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Atg5 and Ambra1 differentially modulate neurogenesis in neural stem cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Neuroepithelial cells undergoing differentiation efficiently remodel their cytoskeleton and shape in an energy-consuming process. The capacity of autophagy to recycle cellular components and provide energy could fulfill these requirements, thus supporting differentiation. However, little is known regarding the role of basal autophagy in neural differentiation. Here we report an increase in the expression of the autophagy genes Atg7, Becn1, Ambra1 and LC3 in vivo in the mouse embryonic olfactory bulb (OB) during the initial period of neuronal differentiation at E15.5, along with a parallel increase in neuronal markers. In addition, we observed an increase in LC3 lipidation and autophagic flux during neuronal differentiation in cultured OB-derived stem/progenitor cells. Pharmacological inhibition of autophagy with 3-MA or wortmannin markedly decreased neurogenesis. These observations were supported by similar findings in two autophagy-deficient genetic models. In Ambra1 loss-of-function homozygous mice (gt/gt) the expression of several neural markers was decreased in the OB at E13.5 in vivo. In vitro, Ambra1 haploinsufficient cells developed as small neurospheres with an impaired capacity for neuronal generation. The addition of methylpyruvate during stem/progenitor cell differentiation in culture largely reversed the inhibition of neurogenesis induced by either 3-MA or Ambra1 haploinsufficiency, suggesting that neural stem/progenitor cells activate autophagy to fulfill their high energy demands. Further supporting the role of autophagy for neuronal differentiation Atg5-null OB cells differentiating in culture displayed decreased TuJ1 levels and lower number of cells with neurites. These results reveal new roles for autophagy-related molecules Atg5 and Ambra1 during early neuronal differentiation of stem/progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved process for the bulk degradation of cytoplasmic material. Triggering of autophagy results in the formation of double membrane‐bound vesicles termed autophagosomes. The conserved Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex is essential for autophagosome formation. Here, we show that the yeast Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex directly binds membranes. Membrane binding is mediated by Atg5, inhibited by Atg12 and activated by Atg16. In a fully reconstituted system using giant unilamellar vesicles and recombinant proteins, we reveal that all components of the complex are required for efficient promotion of Atg8 conjugation to phosphatidylethanolamine and are able to assign precise functions to all of its components during this process. In addition, we report that in vitro the Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex is able to tether membranes independently of Atg8. Furthermore, we show that membrane binding by Atg5 is downstream of its recruitment to the pre‐autophagosomal structure but is essential for autophagy and cytoplasm‐to‐vacuole transport at a stage preceding Atg8 conjugation and vesicle closure. Our findings provide important insights into the mechanism of action of the Atg5–Atg12/Atg16 complex during autophagosome formation.  相似文献   

Atg12 is conjugated to Atg5 through enzymatic reactions similar to ubiquitination. The Atg12–Atg5 conjugate functions as an E3‐like enzyme to promote lipidation of Atg8, whereas lipidated Atg8 has essential roles in both autophagosome formation and selective cargo recognition during autophagy. However, the molecular role of Atg12 modification in these processes has remained elusive. Here, we report the crystal structure of the Atg12–Atg5 conjugate. In addition to the isopeptide linkage, Atg12 forms hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions with Atg5, thereby fixing its position on Atg5. Structural comparison with unmodified Atg5 and mutational analyses showed that Atg12 modification neither induces a conformational change in Atg5 nor creates a functionally important architecture. Rather, Atg12 functions as a binding module for Atg3, the E2 enzyme for Atg8, thus endowing Atg5 with the ability to interact with Atg3 to facilitate Atg8 lipidation.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of chronic morphine exposure remains unknown. In this study, we hypothesized that macroautophagy/autophagy of dopaminergic neurons would mediate the alterations of neuronal dendritic morphology and behavioral responses induced by morphine. Chronic morphine exposure caused Atg5 (autophagy-related 5)- and Atg7 (autophagy-related 7)-dependent and dopaminergic neuron-specific autophagy resulting in decreased neuron dendritic spines and the onset of addictive behaviors. In cultured primary midbrain neurons, morphine treatment significantly reduced total dendritic length and complexity, and this effect could be reversed by knockdown of Atg5 or Atg7. Mice deficient for Atg5 or Atg7 specifically in the dopaminergic neurons were less sensitive to developing a morphine reward response, behavioral sensitization, analgesic tolerance and physical dependence compared to wild-type mice. Taken together, our findings suggested that the Atg5- and Atg7-dependent autophagy of dopaminergic neurons contributed to cellular and behavioral responses to morphine and may have implications for the future treatment of drug addiction.  相似文献   

The conserved Ser/Thr kinase Atg1/ULK1 plays a crucial role in the regulation of autophagy. However, only very few Atg1 targets have been identified, impeding elucidation of the mechanisms by which Atg1 regulates autophagy. In our study, we determined the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Atg1 consensus phosphorylation sequence using a peptide array-based approach. Among proteins containing this sequence we identified Atg9, another essential component of the autophagic machinery. We showed that phosphorylation of Atg9 by Atg1 is required for phagophore elongation, shedding light on the mechanism by which Atg1 regulates early steps of autophagy.  相似文献   

室管膜下区(subventricular zone,SVZ)存在着神经干细胞(nueral stem cells,NSCs),是成年哺乳动物脑内重要的神经发生区域。神经发生过程极为复杂,包括一系列的生物学事件。在病理状态下,SVZ区的细胞增殖,新生的神经细胞迁移到病灶处,取代或修复受损的细胞,起到保护脑组织的作用。该文就SVZ区的神经干细胞、神经发生过程及病理状态下神经发生的相关研究做一综述。  相似文献   

The notion that phosphorylation constitutes a major mechanism to induce autophagy was established 15 years ago when a conserved Atg1/ULK kinase family was identified as an essential component of the autophagy machinery. The key observation was that starved atg1Δ cells lack autophagosomes in the cytosol and fail to accumulate autophagic bodies in the vacuole. Although many studies have revealed important details of Atg1 activation and function, a cohesive model for how Atg1 regulates the autophagic machinery is lacking. Our recent findings identified conserved steps of temporal and spatial regulation of Atg1/ULK1 kinase at both the PAS and autophagosomal membranes, suggesting that Atg1 not only promotes autophagy induction, but may also facilitate late stages of autophagosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

miRNAs在肿瘤中异常表达,且与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关。目前发现,miR-9-5p在肿瘤中可能发挥原癌或抑癌效应,功能尚未完全阐述清楚。本文拟探讨miR-9-5p在舌癌中的作用。前期研究中收集10例舌癌组织及配对的癌旁组织,实时荧光定量PCR技术检测后发现,miR-9-5p在舌癌组织中的表达量显著高于癌旁组织,且其在舌癌细胞中的表达量也明显高于正常舌上皮细胞。此外,在舌癌细胞Tca8113中过表达miR-9-5p显著增加细胞的增殖能力。生物信息学预测及双荧光素酶报告基因实验证实,miR-9-5p可直接结合在自噬/苄氯素1调节因子1(activating molecule in beclin1-regulated autophagy, Ambra1)的 3′-UTR区域,靶向抑制Ambra1表达。Western印迹结果证实过表达miR-9-5p降低Ambra1的表达,反之亦然。Ambra1在舌癌细胞中的表达量显著低于正常舌上皮细胞。BrdU实验证实在舌癌细胞SCC-25中过表达Ambra1可显著抑制其增殖能力;相反,使用siRNA技术沉默Ambra1能够显著促进Tca8113细胞的增殖。在干预miR-9-5p的细胞中同时干预Ambra1的表达,结果发现Ambra1可显著逆转miR-9-5p对舌癌细胞增殖的促进作用。总之,miR-9-5p在舌癌中可能发挥原癌基因样作用,通过直接靶向抑制Ambra1表达进而促进舌癌细胞发生增殖。  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular trafficking pathway sequestering cytoplasm and delivering excess and damaged cargo to the vacuole for degradation. The Atg1/ULK1 kinase is an essential component of the core autophagy machinery possibly activated by binding to Atg13 upon starvation. Indeed, we found that Atg13 directly binds Atg1, and specific Atg13 mutations abolishing this interaction interfere with Atg1 function in vivo. Surprisingly, Atg13 binding to Atg1 is constitutive and not altered by nutrient conditions or treatment with the Target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1)-inhibitor rapamycin. We identify Atg8 as a novel regulator of Atg1/ULK1, which directly binds Atg1/ULK1 in a LC3-interaction region (LIR)-dependent manner. Molecular analysis revealed that Atg13 and Atg8 cooperate at different steps to regulate Atg1 function. Atg8 targets Atg1/ULK1 to autophagosomes, where it may promote autophagosome maturation and/or fusion with vacuoles/lysosomes. Moreover, Atg8 binding triggers vacuolar degradation of the Atg1-Atg13 complex in yeast, thereby coupling Atg1 activity to autophagic flux. Together, these findings define a conserved step in autophagy regulation in yeast and mammals and expand the known functions of LIR-dependent Atg8 targets to include spatial regulation of the Atg1/ULK1 kinase.  相似文献   

Under stress conditions, pro-survival and pro-death processes are concomitantly activated and the final outcome depends on the complex crosstalk between these pathways. In most cases, autophagy functions as an early-induced cytoprotective response, favoring stress adaptation by removing damaged subcellular constituents. Moreover, several lines of evidence suggest that autophagy inactivation by the apoptotic machinery is a crucial event for cell death execution. Here we show that apoptotic stimuli induce a rapid decrease in the level of the autophagic factor Activating Molecule in Beclin1-Regulated Autophagy (Ambra1). Ambra1 degradation is prevented by concomitant inhibition of caspases and calpains. By both in vitro and in vivo approaches, we demonstrate that caspases are responsible for Ambra1 cleavage at the D482 site, whereas calpains are involved in complete Ambra1 degradation. Finally, we show that Ambra1 levels are critical for the rate of apoptosis induction. RNA interference-mediated Ambra1 downregulation further sensitizes cells to apoptotic stimuli, while Ambra1 overexpression and, more efficiently, a caspase non-cleavable mutant counteract cell death by prolonging autophagy induction. We conclude that Ambra1 is an important target of apoptotic proteases resulting in the dismantling of the autophagic machinery and the accomplishment of the cell death program.  相似文献   

The prospect of using embryonic stem cell (ESC)‐derived neural progenitors and neurons to treat neurological disorders has led to great interest in defining the conditions that guide the differentiation of ESCs, and more recently induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), into neural stem cells (NSCs) and a variety of neuronal and glial subtypes. Over the past decade, researchers have looked to the embryo to guide these studies, applying what we know about the signaling events that direct neural specification during development. This has led to the design of a number of protocols that successfully promote ESC neurogenesis, terminating with the production of neurons and glia with diverse regional addresses and functional properties. These protocols demonstrate that ESCs undergo neural specification in two, three, and four dimensions, mimicking the cell–cell interactions, patterning, and timing that characterizes the in vivo process. We therefore propose that these in vitro systems can be used to examine the molecular regulation of neural specification. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 535–542, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a lysosomal bulk degradation pathway for cytoplasmic cargo, such as long-lived proteins, lipids, and organelles. Induced upon nutrient starvation, autophagic degradation is accomplished by the concerted actions of autophagy-related (ATG) proteins. Here we demonstrate that two ATGs, human Atg2A and Atg14L, colocalize at cytoplasmic lipid droplets (LDs) and are functionally involved in controlling the number and size of LDs in human tumor cell lines. We show that Atg2A is targeted to cytoplasmic ADRP-positive LDs that migrate bidirectionally along microtubules. The LD localization of Atg2A was found to be independent of the autophagic status. Further, Atg2A colocalized with Atg14L under nutrient-rich conditions when autophagy was not induced. Upon nutrient starvation and dependent on phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P] generation, both Atg2A and Atg14L were also specifically targeted to endoplasmic reticulum-associated early autophagosomal membranes, marked by the PtdIns(3)P effectors double-FYVE containing protein 1 (DFCP1) and WD-repeat protein interacting with phosphoinositides 1 (WIPI-1), both of which function at the onset of autophagy. These data provide evidence for additional roles of Atg2A and Atg14L in the formation of early autophagosomal membranes and also in lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Tang HW  Wang YB  Wang SL  Wu MH  Lin SY  Chen GC 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(4):636-651
Autophagy is a membrane-mediated degradation process of macromolecule recycling. Although the formation of double-membrane degradation vesicles (autophagosomes) is known to have a central role in autophagy, the mechanism underlying this process remains elusive. The serine/threonine kinase Atg1 has a key role in the induction of autophagy. In this study, we show that overexpression of Drosophila Atg1 promotes the phosphorylation-dependent activation of the actin-associated motor protein myosin II. A novel myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)-like protein, Spaghetti-squash activator (Sqa), was identified as a link between Atg1 and actomyosin activation. Sqa interacts with Atg1 through its kinase domain and is a substrate of Atg1. Significantly, myosin II inhibition or depletion of Sqa compromised the formation of autophagosomes under starvation conditions. In mammalian cells, we found that the Sqa mammalian homologue zipper-interacting protein kinase (ZIPK) and myosin II had a critical role in the regulation of starvation-induced autophagy and mammalian Atg9 (mAtg9) trafficking when cells were deprived of nutrients. Our findings provide evidence of a link between Atg1 and the control of Atg9-mediated autophagosome formation through the myosin II motor protein.  相似文献   

Cell replacement therapies that rely on in vitro differentiation of human neural progenitor cells are a promising strategy to compensate the progressive cell loss in neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease. We and others observed, that the functional differentiation of progenitors in standard differentiation medium remains limited. The aim of the present study was to optimize neuronal in vitro differentiation by mimicking the physiological shift from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing conditions that occurs during early brain development. Differentiation was initiated using a depolarizing high potassium- and low sodium-containing medium. Subsequently, the high potassium-containing medium was replaced by a hyperpolarizing medium containing low potassium and high sodium concentrations. This two-phase strategy significantly promoted the expression of neuronal markers, enhanced neurite growth, enlarged sodium inward currents, and increased action potential firing. Thus, depolarizing followed by hyperpolarizing culture conditions enable developing human neural progenitor cells to adopt more mature functional qualities.  相似文献   

Recent research has revealed a role for Ambra1, an autophagy-related gene-related (ATG) protein, in the autophagic pro-survival response, and Ambra1 has been shown to regulate Beclin1 and Beclin1-dependent autophagy in embryonic stem cells and cancer cells. However, whether Ambra1 plays an important role in the autophagy pathway in cardiomyocytes is unknown. In this study, we hypothesized that Ambra1 is an important regulator of autophagy and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes. To test this hypothesis, we confirmed autophagic activity in serum-starved cardiomyocytes by assessing endogenous microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) localization, the presence of autophagosomes and LC3 protein levels. Cell apoptosis and viability were measured by annexin-V and PI staining and MTT assays. We determined that serum deprivation-induced autophagy was associated with Ambra1 upregulation in cardiomyocytes. When Ambra1 expression was reduced by siRNA, the cardiomyocytes were more sensitive to staurosporine-induced apoptosis. In addition, co-immunoprecipitation of Ambra1 and Beclin1 demonstrated that Ambra1 and Beclin1 interact in serum-starved or rapamycin-treated cardiomyocytes, suggesting that Ambra1 regulates autophagy in cardiomyocytes by interacting with Beclin1. Finally, we determined that starvation stress-induced activation of Ambra1 contributes to the attenuation of adaptive AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling. In conclusion, Ambra1 is a crucial regulator of autophagy and apoptosis through AMPK signaling pathway in cardiomyocytes that maintains the balance between autophagy and apoptosis.  相似文献   

通过阐明C5a、calpain和Atg5相互作用,为开展新的研究寻找方向.中性粒细胞凋亡控制炎症反应及其强度,多种疾病和中性粒细胞凋亡失调有关,但其发生机制尚未阐明.C5a为补体片段,有多种功能,如诱导中性粒细胞趋化、呼吸爆发、增强吞噬、颗粒酶释放和延迟凋亡.已知calpain涉及中性粒细胞功能及凋亡调节并对该凋亡发生具有特异性.不同刺激因素可通过不同路径调节不同calpain亚型的活性. 已有报道C5a可以通过调节calpain亚型活性而调节中性粒细胞的趋化反应.另外,自噬是真核细胞中广泛存在的生物过程,具有细胞保护作用,Atg5对于自噬体形成必不可少.Calpain可裂解Atg5为24 ku tAtg5,使其失去形成自噬体的功能并介导凋亡.Atg5参与了自噬和凋亡的转换.  相似文献   

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