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Identification of S6K2 as a centrosome-located kinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ribosomal S6 kinase 2 (S6K2) acts downstream of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Here, we show that some S6K2 localize at the centrosome throughout the cell cycle. S6K2 is found in the pericentriolar area of the centrosome. S6K2 centrosomal localization is unaffected by serum withdrawal or treatment with rapamycin, wortmannin, U0126, or phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA). Unlike S6K2, S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) does not localize at the centrosome, suggesting the two kinases may also have nonoverlapping functions. Our data suggest that centrosomal S6K2 may have a role in the phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway that has also been detected in the centrosome.  相似文献   

The insect prothoracic glands are the source of steroidal molting hormone precursors and the glands are stimulated by a brain neuropeptide, prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH). Previous work from this laboratory revealed that PTTH acts via a cascade including Ca2+/calmodulin activation of adenylate cyclase, protein kinase A, and the subsequent phosphorylation of a 34 kDa protein (p34) hypothesized, but not proven, to be the 56 protein of the 40S ribosomal subunit. The jmmunosuppressive macrolide, rapamycin, is a potent inhibitor of cell proliferation, a signal transduction blocker, and also prevents ribosomal S6 phosphorylation in mammalian systems. We demonstrate here that rapamycin inhibited PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in vitro by the prothoracic glands of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, with half-maximal inhibition at a concentration of about 5 nM. At concentrations above 5 nM, there was a 75% inhibition of ecdysteroid biosynthesis. Similar results, were observed with the calcium ionophore (A23187), a known stimulator of ecdysteroidogenesis. Most importantly, the inhibition of ecdysteroid biosynthesis was accompanied by the specific inhibition of the phosphorylation of p34, indicating that p34 indeed is ribosomal protein S6. In vivo assays revealed that injection of rapamycin into day 6 fifth instar larvae resulted in a decreased hemolymph ecdysteroid titer and a dose-dependent delay in molting and metamor-phosis. When S6 kinase (S6K) activity was examined using rapamycin-treated prothoracic glands as the enzyme source and a synthetic peptide (S6-21) or a 40S ribosomal subunit fraction from Manduca tissues as substrate, the date revealed that rapamycin inhibited S6K activity. The composite data suggest that rapamycin inhibits a signal transduction element leading to p34 phosphorylation that is necessary for PTTH-stimulated ecdysteroidogenesis in this insect endocrine gland, and lend further support to the concept that p34 is S6. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The 40S ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) is a conserved serine/threonine protein kinase that belongs to the AGC family of protein kinases, which also includes Akt and many others. S6K1 is the principal kinase effector downstream of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). S6K1 is sensitive to a wide range of signaling inputs, including growth factors, amino acids, energy levels and hypoxia. S6K1 relays these signals to regulate a growing list of substrates and interacting proteins in control of oncogenic processes, such as cell growth and proliferation, cell survival and apoptosis and cell migration and invasion. Several lines of evidence suggest an important role for S6K1 in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer. S6K1 directly phosphorylates and activates ERα. Furthermore, S6K1 expression is estrogenically regulated. Therefore, hyperactivation of mTORC1/S6K1 signaling may be closely related to ER-positive status in breast cancer and may be utilized as a marker for prognosis and a therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K) is a key regulator of cell size and growth. It is regulated via phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3K) and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathways. We demonstrate for the first time that CoA synthase associates specifically with S6K1. The association was observed between native and transiently overexpressed proteins in vivo, as well as by BIAcore analysis in vitro. The sites of interaction were mapped to the C-terminal regions of both CoA synthase and S6K1. In vitro studies indicated that the interaction does not affect their enzymatic activities and that CoA synthase is not a substrate for S6 kinase. This study uncovers a potential link between mTor/S6K signaling pathway and energy metabolism through CoA and its thioester derivatives, but its physiological relevance should be further elucidated.  相似文献   

The 70 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) plays important roles in the regulation of protein synthesis, cell growth and metabolism. S6K1 is activated by the phosphorylation of multiple serine and threonine residues in response to stimulation by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. In addition to phosphorylation, we have recently shown that S6K1 is also targeted by lysine acetylation. Here, using tandem mass spectrometry we have mapped acetylation of S6K1 to lysine 516, a site close to the C-terminus of the kinase that is highly conserved amongst vertebrate S6K1 orthologues. Using acetyl-specific K516 antibodies, we show that acetylation of endogenous S6K1 at this site is potently induced upon growth factor stimulation. Although S6K1 acetylation and phosphorylation are both induced by growth factor stimulation, these events appear to be functionally independent. Indeed, experiments using inhibitors of S6K1 activation and exposure of cells to various stresses indicate that S6K1 acetylation can occur in the absence of phosphorylation and vice versa. We propose that K516 acetylation may serve to modulate important kinase-independent functions of S6K1 in response to growth factor signalling.  相似文献   

The 40S ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) is a conserved serine/threonine protein kinase that belongs to the AGC family of protein kinases, which also includes Akt and many others. S6K1 is the principal kinase effector downstream of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). S6K1 is sensitive to a wide range of signaling inputs, including growth factors, amino acids, energy levels and hypoxia. S6K1 relays these signals to regulate a growing list of substrates and interacting proteins in control of oncogenic processes, such as cell growth and proliferation, cell survival and apoptosis and cell migration and invasion. Several lines of evidence suggest an important role for S6K1 in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer. S6K1 directly phosphorylates and activates ERα. Furthermore, S6K1 expression is estrogenically regulated. Therefore, hyperactivation of mTORC1/S6K1 signaling may be closely related to ER-positive status in breast cancer and may be utilized as a marker for prognosis and a therapeutic target.  相似文献   

p70 S6 kinase (S6K), a serine/threonine protein kinase, is a downstream target of target of rapamycin (TOR) gene and an important regulator of protein synthesis responsible for cell growth and reproduction. In this study, a S6K gene, named BdS6K (GenBank Accession No. GQ203802), was isolated from the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). Quantitative RT-PCR showed that BdS6K mRNA is expressed at a higher level in egg than in other developmental stages, as well as in ovary than in fat body. Downregulation of BdS6K activity by rapamycin treatment in larval stage resulted in the developmental defects of larvae, pupae, and adults, with a reduced yolk protein (YP) expression in the fat body throughout the first reproductive cycle with a substantial reduction in ovary size, and also repressed the egg development in female fruit fly. Knockdown of BdS6K gene by RNA interference in the adult significantly decreased the YP expression. These observations support the involvement of BdS6K signaling in the regulation of the YP synthesis and egg development in B. dorsalis.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts are highly differentiated terminal cells formed by fusion of hematopoietic stem cells. Previously, osteoprotegerin (OPG) inhibit osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption by blocking receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) binding to RANK indirect mechanism. Furthermore, autophagy plays an important role during osteoclast differentiation and function. However, whether autophagy is involved in OPG-inhibited osteoclast formation and bone resorption is not known. To elucidate the role of autophagy in OPG-inhibited osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption, we used primary osteoclast derived from mice bone marrow monocytes/macrophages (BMM) by induced M-CSF and RANKL. The results showed that autophagy-related proteins expression were upregulated; tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive osteoclast number and bone resorption activity were decreased; LC3 puncta and autophagosomes number were increased and activated AMPK/mTOR/p70S6K signaling pathway. In addition, chloroquine (as the autophagy/lysosome inhibitor, CQ) or rapamycin (as the autophagy/lysosome inhibitor, Rap) attenuated osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption activity by OPG treatment via AMPK/mTOR/p70S6K signaling pathway. Our data demonstrated that autophagy plays a critical role in OPG inhibiting osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption via AMPK/mTOR/p70S6K signaling pathway in vitro.  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein (α-Syn) is a major component of Lewy bodies, a pathological feature of Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases collectively known as synucleinopathies. Among the possible mechanisms of α-Syn-mediated neurotoxicity is interference with cytoprotective pathways such as insulin signaling. Insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 is a docking protein linking IRs to downstream signaling pathways such as phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K)1; the latter exerts negative feedback control on insulin signaling, which is impaired in Alzheimer's disease. Our previous study found that α-Syn overexpression can inhibit protein phosphatase (PP)2A activity, which is involved in the protective mechanism of insulin signaling. In this study, we found an increase in IRS-1 phosphorylation at Ser636 and decrease in tyrosine phosphorylation, which accelerated IRS-1 turnover and reduced insulin-Akt signaling in α-Syn-overexpressing SK-N-SH cells and transgenic mice. The mTOR complex (C)1/S6K1 blocker rapamycin inhibited the phosphorylation of IRS-1 at Ser636 in cells overexpressing α-Syn, suggesting that mTORC1/S6K1 activation by α-Syn causes feedback inhibition of insulin signaling via suppression of IRS-1 function. α-Syn overexpression also inhibited PP2A activity, while the PP2A agonist C2 ceramide suppressed both S6K1 activation and IRS-1 Ser636 phosphorylation upon α-Syn overexpression. Thus, α-Syn overexpression negatively regulated IRS-1 via mTORC1/S6K1 signaling while activation of PP2A reverses this process. These results provide evidence for a link between α-Syn and IRS-1 that may represent a novel mechanism for α-Syn-associated pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Muscarinic receptors subserve many functions in both peripheral and central nervous systems. Some of these processes depend on increases in protein synthesis, which may be achieved by activation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a kinase that regulates protein translation capacity. Here, we examined the regulation of mTOR-dependent signaling pathways by muscarinic receptors in SK-N-SH human neuroblastoma cells, and in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cell lines transfected with individual muscarinic receptor subtypes. In SK-N-SH cells, the acetylcholine analog carbachol stimulated phosphorylation of the ribosomal S6 protein, a downstream target of mTOR. The sensitivity of the response to subtype-selective muscarinic receptor antagonists indicated that it was mediated by M3 receptors. Carbachol-evoked S6 phosphorylation was blocked by the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin, but was independent of phosphoinositide 3-kinase activation. The response was significantly reduced by the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor U0126, which also inhibited carbachol-evoked S6 phosphorylation in HEK cells expressing M2 receptors, but was ineffective in M3 receptor-expressing HEK cells, although carbachol activated MAPK in both transfected lines. The p90 ribosomal S6 kinase has been implicated in mTOR regulation by phorbol esters, but was not activated by carbachol in any of the cell lines tested. The protein kinase C inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide I reduced carbachol-stimulated S6 phosphorylation in SK-N-SH cells, and in HEK cells expressing M3 receptors, but not in HEK cells expressing M2 receptors. The results demonstrate that multiple muscarinic receptor subtypes regulate mTOR, and that both MAPK-dependent and -independent mechanisms may mediate the response in a cell context-specific manner.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of PI 3-kinase and mTOR in the degradation of IRS-1 induced by insulin. Inhibition of mTOR with rapamycin resulted in approximately 50% inhibition of the insulin-induced degradation of IRS-1. In contrast, inhibition of PI-3 kinase, an upstream activator of mTOR, leads to a complete block of the insulin-induced degradation. Inhibition of either PI-3 kinase or mTOR prevented the mobility shift in IRS-1 in response to insulin, a shift that is caused by Ser/Thr phosphorylation. These results indicate that insulin stimulates PI 3-kinase-mediated degradation of IRS-1 via both mTOR-dependent and -independent pathways. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) stimulation leads to a lower level of degradation, but significant phosphorylation of IRS-1. Both the degradation and phosphorylation of IRS-1 in response to PDGF are completely inhibited by rapamycin, suggesting that PDGF stimulates IRS-1 degradation principally via the mTOR-dependent pathway. Inhibition of the serine/threonine phosphatase PP2A with okadaic acid also induced the phosphorylation and degradation of IRS-1. IRS-1 phosphorylation and degradation in response to okadaic acid were not inhibited by rapamycin, suggesting that the action of mTOR in the degradation of IRS-1 results from inhibition of PP2A. Consistent with this, treatment of cells with rapamycin stimulated PP2A activity. While the role of mTOR in the phosphorylation of IRS-1 appears to proceed primarily through the regulation of PP2A, we also provide evidence that the regulation of p70S6 kinase phosphorylation requires the direct activity of mTOR.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K) is involved in the regulation of cell growth and cellular metabolism. The activation of S6K in response to diverse extracellular stimuli is mediated by multiple phosphorylations coordinated by the mTOR and PI3K signaling pathways. We have recently found that both forms of S6K are modified by ubiquitination. Following these findings, we demonstrate here for the first time that S6K1 associates specifically with ubiquitin ligase ROC1 in vitro and in vivo. The interaction was initially identified in the yeast two-hybrid screening and further confirmed by pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays. Furthermore, the overexpression of ROC1 leads to an increase in S6K1 ubiquitination. Consistent with this observation, we showed that the steady-state level of S6K1 is regulated by ROC1, since downregulation of ROC1 by specific siRNA promotes stabilization of S6K1 protein. The results suggest the involvement of ROC1 in S6K1 ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

The protein kinase mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a central regulator of cell proliferation and growth, with the ribosomal subunit S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) as one of the key downstream signaling effectors. A critical role of mTOR signaling in skeletal muscle differentiation has been identified recently, and an unusual regulatory mechanism independent of mTOR kinase activity and S6K1 is revealed. An mTOR pathway has also been reported to regulate skeletal muscle hypertrophy, but the regulatory mechanism is not completely understood. Here, we report the investigation of mTOR's function in insulin growth factor I (IGF-I)-induced C2C12 myotube hypertrophy. Added at a later stage when rapamycin no longer had any effect on normal myocyte differentiation, rapamycin completely blocked myocyte hypertrophy as measured by myotube diameter. Importantly, a concerted increase of average myonuclei per myotube was observed in IGF-I-stimulated myotubes, which was also inhibited by rapamycin added at a time when it no longer affected normal differentiation. The mTOR protein level, its catalytic activity, its phosphorylation on Ser2448, and the activity of S6K1 were all found increased in IGF-I-stimulated myotubes compared to unstimulated myotubes. Using C2C12 cells stably expressing rapamycin-resistant forms of mTOR and S6K1, we provide genetic evidence for the requirement of mTOR and its downstream effector S6K1 in the regulation of myotube hypertrophy. Our results suggest distinct mTOR signaling mechanisms in different stages of skeletal muscle development: While mTOR regulates the initial myoblast differentiation in a kinase-independent and S6K1-independent manner, the hypertrophic function of mTOR requires its kinase activity and employs S6K1 as a downstream effector.  相似文献   

为研究佛波酯 (PMA)和胰岛素在蛋白质合成中的信号传递 ,应用激酶活性测定和Western印迹等方法 ,分别检测mTOR(mammaliantargetofrapamycin)特异性抑制剂rapamycin或磷脂酰肌醇 3激酶 (PI3K)的特异性抑制剂LY2 94 0 0 2预处理、PMA或胰岛素处理的血清饥饿的中国仓鼠肺成纤维细胞 (CHL)中p70S6激酶 (p70S6K)和蛋白激酶B(PKB)的活性及表达 .结果显示 ,PMA或胰岛素刺激促进p70S6K的活化和表达 .而rapamycin预处理可阻断PMA和胰岛素对p70S6K的激活作用 ,表明PMA和胰岛素可能是通过mTOR 依赖性途径激活p70S6K .结果还显示 ,胰岛素刺激促进PKB的活化和表达 ,而PMA对PKB的活性和表达无影响 .LY2 94 0 0 2预处理可阻断胰岛素对p70S6K和PKB的激活作用 ,但不能抑制PMA刺激引起的p70S6K的活化 .表明胰岛素和PMA介导p70S6K活化的信号途径有所不同 ,胰岛素介导p70S6K的活化可能依赖于PI3K途径 ,而PMA介导p70S6K的活化不通过PI3K途径  相似文献   

We hypothesized that rapamycin (Rapa), acarbose (ACA), which both increase mouse lifespan, and 17α‐estradiol, which increases lifespan in males (17aE2) all share common intracellular signaling pathways with long‐lived Snell dwarf, PAPPA‐KO, and Ghr−/− mice. The long‐lived mutant mice exhibit reduction in mTORC1 activity, declines in cap‐dependent mRNA translation, and increases in cap‐independent translation (CIT). Here, we report that Rapa and ACA prevent age‐related declines in CIT target proteins in both sexes, while 17aE2 has the same effect only in males, suggesting increases in CIT. mTORC1 activity showed the reciprocal pattern, with age‐related increases blocked by Rapa, ACA, and 17aE2 (in males only). METTL3, required for addition of 6‐methyl‐adenosine to mRNA and thus a trigger for CIT, also showed an age‐dependent increase blunted by Rapa, ACA, and 17aE2 (in males). Diminution of mTORC1 activity and increases in CIT‐dependent proteins may represent a shared pathway for both long‐lived‐mutant mice and drug‐induced lifespan extension in mice.  相似文献   

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