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DNA methylation is involved in development and in human diseases. Genomic DNA derived from lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) is commonly used to study DNA methylation. There are potential confounding factors regarding the use of LCL-derived DNA, however, such as Epstein-Barr (EB) viral infection and artifacts induced during cell culture. Recently, several groups compared the DNA methylation status of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and LCLs and concluded that the DNA methylation profiles between them might be consistent. To confirm and extend theses results, we performed a comprehensive DNA methylation analysis using both PBLs and LCLs derived from the same individuals. Using the luminometric methylation assay, we revealed that the global DNA methylation level was different between PBLs and LCLs. Furthermore, the direction of change was not consistent. Comparisons of genome-wide DNA methylation patterns of promoter regions revealed that methylation profiles were largely conserved between PBLs and LCLs. A preliminary analysis in a small number of samples suggested that the methylation status of an LCL may be better correlated with PBLs from the same individual than with LCLs from other individuals. Expectedly, DNA methylation in promoter regions overlapping with CpG islands was associated with gene silencing in both PBLs and LCLs. With regard to methylation differences, we found that hypermethylation was more predominant than hypomethylation in LCLs compared with PBLs. These findings suggest that LCLs should be used for DNA methylation studies with caution as the methylation patterns of promoter regions in LCLs are not always the same as those in PBLs.Key words: DNA methylation, lymphoblastoid cell lines, peripheral blood leukocytes, LUMA, promoter tiling array, gene expression  相似文献   

Previous reports have shown that DNA methylation profiles within primary human malignant tissues are altered when these cells are transformed into cancer cell lines. However, it is unclear if similar differences in DNA methylation profiles exist between DNA derived from peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and corresponding Epstein-Barr Virus transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). To assess the utility of LCLs as a resource for methylation studies we have compared DNA methylation profiles in promoter and 5/ regions of 318 genes in PBL and LCL sample pairs from patients with type 1 diabetes with or without nephropathy. We identified a total of 27 (~8%) genes that revealed different DNA methylation profiles in PBL compared with LCL-derived DNA samples. In conclusion, although the profiles for most promoter regions were similar between PBL-LCL pairs, our results indicate that LCL-derived DNA may not be suitable for DNA methylation studies at least in diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

Reduced levels of global DNA methylation are associated with genomic instability and are independent predictors of cancer risk. Little is known about the environmental determinants of global DNA methylation in peripheral blood. We examined the association between demographic and lifestyle factors and levels of global leukocyte DNA methylation in 161 cancer-free subjects enrolled in the North Texas Healthy Heart Study aged 45–75 years in 2008. We used in-person interviews for demographics and lifestyle factors, a self-administrated Block food frequency questionnaire for diet, and bioelectrical impedance analysis and CT-scan for body composition. We measured genomic DNA methylation using bisulfite conversion of DNA and pyrosequencing for LINE-1. Body composition measures including body mass index, waist circumference, areas of subcutaneous fat and visceral fat, percent of fat mass and fat-free mass were not associated with global genomic DNA methylation after controlling the effect of age, gender and race/ethnicity. Instead, female gender was significantly associated with a reduced level of global methylation (β = -2.77, 95% CI: -4.33, -1.22). Compared to non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks (β = -2.02, 95% CI: -3.55, -0.50) had significantly lower levels of global methylation. No association was found with age, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and dietary intake of nutrients in one-carbon metabolism. Global leukocyte DNA methylation differs by gender and race/ethnicity, suggesting these variables need to be taken into consideration in studies of global DNA methylation as an epigenetic marker for cancer.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that epigenetic alterations involving DNA methylation can be causative for neurodevelopmental, growth and metabolic disorders. Although lymphoblastoid cell lines have been an invaluable resource for the study of both genetic and epigenetic disorders, the impact of EBV transformation, cell culturing and freezing on epigenetic patterns is unknown. We compared genome-wide DNA methylation patterns of four white blood cell samples, four low-passage lymphoblastoid cell lines pre and post freezing and four high-passage lymphobastoid cell lines, using two microarray platforms: Illumina HumanMethylation27 platform containing 27,578 CpG sites and Agilent Human CpG island Array containing 27,800 CpG islands. Comparison of genome-wide methylation profiles between white blood cells and lymphoblastoid cell lines demonstrated methylation alterations in lymphoblastoid cell lines occurring at random genomic locations. These changes were more profound in high-passage cells. Freezing at low-passages did not have a significant effect on DNA methylation. Methylation changes were observed in several imprinted differentially methylated regions, including DIRAS3, NNAT, H19, MEG3, NDN and MKRN3, but not in known imprinting centers. Our results suggest that lymphoblastoid cell lines should be used with caution for the identification of disease-associated DNA methylation changes or for discovery of new imprinted genes, as the methylation patterns seen in these cell lines may not always be representative of DNA methylation present in the original B-lymphocytes of the patient.  相似文献   

In order to gain more insight into the relationships between DNA methylation and genome stability, chromosomal and molecular evolutions of four Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human lymphoblastoid cell lines were followed in culture for more than 2 yr. The four cell lines underwent early, strong overall demethylation of the genome. The classical satellite-rich, heterochromatic,juxtacentromeric regions of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 and the distal part of the long arm of the Y chromosome displayed specific behavior with time in culture. In two cell lines, they underwent a strong demethylation, involving successively chromosomes Y, 9, 16, and 1, whereas in the two other cell lines, they remained heavily methylated. For classical satellite 2-rich heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1 and 16, a direct relationship could be established between their demethylation, their undercondensation at metaphase, and their involvement in non-clonal rearrangements. Unstable sites distributed along the whole chromosomes were found only when the heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1 and 16 were unstable. The classical satellite 3-rich heterochromatic region of chromosomes 9 and Y, despite their strong demethylation, remained condensed and stable. Genome demethylation and chromosome instability could not be related to variations in mRNA amounts of the DNA methyltransferases DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B and DNA demethylase. These data suggest that the influence of DNA demethylation on chromosome stability is modulated by a sequence-specific chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Birthweight has been associated with a number of health outcomes throughout life. Crucial to proper infant growth and development is the placenta, and alterations to placental gene function may reflect differences in the intrauterine environment which functionally contribute to infant growth and may ultimately affect the child’s health. To examine if epigenetic alteration to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene was linked to infant growth, we analyzed 480 human placentas for differential methylation of the GR gene exon 1F and examined how this variation in methylation extent was associated with fetal growth. Multivariable linear regression revealed a significant association (p < 0.0001) between differential methylation of the GR gene and large for gestational age (LGA) status. Our work is one of the first to link infant growth as a measure of the intrauterine environment and epigenetic alterations to the GR and suggests that DNA methylation may be a critical determinant of placental function.  相似文献   

We introduce a method to follow DNA repair that is suitable for both clinical and laboratory samples. An episomal construct with a unique 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) base at a defined position was prepared in vitro using single-stranded phage harboring a 678-bp tract from exons 5 to 9 of the human P53 gene. Mixing curve experiments showed that the real-time PCR method has a linear response to damage, suggesting that it is useful for DNA repair studies. The episomal construct with a unique 8-oxoG base was introduced into AD293 cells or human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and plasmids were recovered as a function of time. The quantitative real-time PCR assay demonstrated that repair of the 8-oxoG was 80% complete in less than 48 h in AD293 cells. Transfection of small interfering RNAs down-regulated OGG1 expression in AD293 cells and reduced the repair of 8-oxoG to 30%. Transfection of the episome into unstimulated white blood cells showed that 8-oxoG repair had a half-life of 2 to 5 h. This method is a rapid, reproducible, and robust way to monitor repair of specific adducts in virtually any cell type.  相似文献   

Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a ubiquitous herpesvirus that infects and establishes latency in the majority of the human population and may cause fatal infections in immunocompromised patients. Recent data implies a close interaction between HCMV encoded proteins and cellular epigenetic mechanisms such as histone acetylation and deacetylation. In this study, we investigated the interactions between HCMV infection and the DNA methylation machinery in different host cells using several approaches. We found that colon cancer cell line HCT-116 lacking the DNMT1 and DNMT3b methyltransferases was susceptible to HCMV-AD169 infection, while wild-type cells were non-susceptible. Treatment of wild-type HCT-116 cells with 5-azacytidine rendered them susceptible to infection. Further investigation of HCMV infected MRC-5 fibroblasts demonstrated significant global hypomethylation, a phenomenon that was virus strain-specific and associated with the re-localization of DNMT1 and DNMT3b from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic accumulation of DNMT1 was also evident in in vitro infected macrophages and in epithelial cells in tissue samples from patients with inflammatory bowel disease and concomitant HCMV infection. Foscavir treatment of virus infected fibroblasts did not affect the majority of the virus induced nuclear exclusion of DNMT1, which suggest that it is dependent on viral IE gene products. In conclusion, HCMV infection results in profound effects on the host cell DNA methylation machinery and is associated with inflammation in vivo. Our results improve the understanding of cytomegalovirus pathogenesis and open the search for new antiviral therapy targets. These findings may also contribute to the further understanding of mechanisms involved in DNA methylation abnormalities in physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft-tissue sarcoma in children. While cytogenetic abnormalities have been well characterized in this disease, aberrant epigenetic events such as DNA hypermethylation have not been described in genome-wide studies. We have analyzed the methylation status of 25,500 promoters in normal skeletal muscle, and in cell lines and tumor samples of embryonal and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma from pediatric patients. We identified over 1,900 CpG islands that are hypermethylated in rhabdomyosarcomas relative to skeletal muscle. Genes involved in tissue development, differentiation, and oncogenesis such as DNAJA4, HES5, IRX1, BMP8A, GATA4, GATA6, ALX3, and P4HTM were hypermethylated in both RMS cell lines and primary samples, implicating aberrant DNA methylation in the pathogenesis of rhabdomyosarcoma. Furthermore, cluster analysis revealed embryonal and alveolar subtypes had distinct DNA methylation patterns, with the alveolar subtype being enriched in DNA hypermethylation of polycomb target genes. These results suggest that DNA methylation signatures may aid in the diagnosis and risk stratification of pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma and help identify new targets for therapy.  相似文献   

Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft-tissue sarcoma in children. While cytogenetic abnormalities have been well characterized in this disease, aberrant epigenetic events such as DNA hypermethylation have not been described in genome-wide studies. We have analyzed the methylation status of 25,500 promoters in normal skeletal muscle, and in cell lines and tumor samples of embryonal and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma from pediatric patients. We identified over 1,900 CpG islands that are hypermethylated in rhabdomyosarcomas relative to skeletal muscle. Genes involved in tissue development, differentiation, and oncogenesis such as DNAJA4, HES5, IRX1, BMP8A, GATA4, GATA6, ALX3, and P4HTM were hypermethylated in both RMS cell lines and primary samples, implicating aberrant DNA methylation in the pathogenesis of rhabdomyosarcoma. Furthermore, cluster analysis revealed embryonal and alveolar subtypes had distinct DNA methylation patterns, with the alveolar subtype being enriched in DNA hypermethylation of polycomb target genes. These results suggest that DNA methylation signatures may aid in the diagnosis and risk stratification of pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma and help identify new targets for therapy.  相似文献   

EcoP1I methyltransferase (M.EcoP1I) belongs to the type III restriction-modification system encoded by prophage P1 that infects Escherichia coli. Binding of M.EcoP1I to double-stranded DNA and single-stranded DNA has been characterized. Binding to both single- and double-stranded DNA could be competed out by unlabeled single-stranded DNA. Metal ions did not influence DNA binding. Interestingly, M.EcoP1I was able to methylate single-stranded DNA. Kinetic parameters were determined for single- and double-stranded DNA methylation. This feature of the enzyme probably functions in protecting the phage genome from restriction by type III restriction enzymes and thus could be considered as an anti-restriction system. This study describing in vitro methylation of single-stranded DNA by the type III methyltransferase EcoP1I allows understanding of the mechanism of action of these enzymes and also their role in the biology of single-stranded phages.  相似文献   

Altered levels of global DNA methylation and gene silencing through methylation of promoter regions can impact cancer risk, but little is known about their environmental determinants. We examined the association between lifestyle factors and levels of global genomic methylation and IL-6 promoter methylation in white blood cell DNA of 165 cancer-free subjects, 18–78 years old, enrolled in the COMIR (Commuting Mode and Inflammatory Response) study, New York, 2009–2010. Besides self-administrated questionnaires on diet and physical activity, we measured weight and height, white blood cell (WBC) counts, plasma levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and genomic (LINE-1) and gene-specific methylation (IL-6) by pyrosequencing in peripheral blood WBC. Mean levels of LINE-1 and IL-6 promoter methylation were 78.2% and 57.1%, respectively. In multivariate linear regression models adjusting for age, gender, race/ethnicity, body mass index, diet, physical activity, WBC counts and CRP, only dietary folate intake from fortified foods was positively associated with LINE-1 methylation. Levels of IL-6 promoter methylation were not significantly correlated with age, gender, race/ethnicity, body mass index, physical activity or diet, including overall dietary patterns and individual food groups and nutrients. There were no apparent associations between levels of methylation and inflammation markers such as WBC counts and hs-CRP. Overall, among several lifestyle factors examined in association with DNA methylation, only dietary folate intake from fortification was associated with LINE-1 methylation. The long-term consequence of folate fortification on DNA methylation needs to be further evaluated in longitudinal settings.  相似文献   

Altered levels of global DNA methylation and gene silencing through methylation of promoter regions can impact cancer risk, but little is known about their environmental determinants. We examined the association between lifestyle factors and levels of global genomic methylation and IL-6 promoter methylation in white blood cell DNA of 165 cancer-free subjects, 18–78 years old, enrolled in the COMIR (Commuting Mode and Inflammatory Response) study, New York, 2009–2010. Besides self-administrated questionnaires on diet and physical activity, we measured weight and height, white blood cell (WBC) counts, plasma levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and genomic (LINE-1) and gene-specific methylation (IL-6) by pyrosequencing in peripheral blood WBC. Mean levels of LINE-1 and IL-6 promoter methylation were 78.2% and 57.1%, respectively. In multivariate linear regression models adjusting for age, gender, race/ethnicity, body mass index, diet, physical activity, WBC counts and CRP, only dietary folate intake from fortified foods was positively associated with LINE-1 methylation. Levels of IL-6 promoter methylation were not significantly correlated with age, gender, race/ethnicity, body mass index, physical activity or diet, including overall dietary patterns and individual food groups and nutrients. There were no apparent associations between levels of methylation and inflammation markers such as WBC counts and hs-CRP. Overall, among several lifestyle factors examined in association with DNA methylation, only dietary folate intake from fortification was associated with LINE-1 methylation. The long-term consequence of folate fortification on DNA methylation needs to be further evaluated in longitudinal settings.  相似文献   



We performed a comparative analysis of the genome-wide DNA methylation profiles from three human embryonic stem cell (HESC) lines. It had previously been shown that HESC lines had significantly higher non-CG methylation than differentiated cells, and we therefore asked whether these sites were conserved across cell lines.  相似文献   

李红东  洪贵妮  郭政 《遗传》2015,37(2):165-173
机体老化与癌症、神经退行性疾病等许多复杂疾病相关。目前,研究者已在外周全血中识别了大量的与老化相关的DNA甲基化标记,这些标记可能反映外周血白细胞在机体老化过程中发生的变化,也可能反映外周血中与年龄相关的细胞构成比例的变化。文章利用3组正常个体外周全血DNA甲基化谱,采用Spearman秩相关分析识别了与老化相关的CpG甲基化位点(age-related DNA methylation CpG sites, arCpGs)并评价了其可重复性;利用去卷积算法估计了各外周血样本中髓性和淋巴性细胞的比例并分析了其与年龄的相关性;比较了在外周全血、CD4+T细胞和CD14+单核细胞中识别的arCpGs的一致性。结果显示,在独立外周全血数据中识别的arCpGs具有显著的可重复性(超几何检验,P=1.65×10-11)。外周血髓性和淋巴性细胞的比例分别与年龄显著正、负相关(Spearman秩相关检验,P<0.05,r≤0.22),它们间DNA甲基化水平差异较大的CpG位点倾向于在外周全血中被识别为arCpGs。在CD4+T细胞中识别的arCpGs与在外周全血中识别的arCpGs显著交叠(超几何检验,P=6.14×10-12),且99.1%的交叠位点在CD4+T细胞及外周全血中的DNA甲基化水平与年龄的正、负相关性一致。尽管在CD14+单核细胞中识别的arCpGs与在外周全血中识别的arCpGs并不显著交叠,但是在交叠的51个arCpGs中,有90.1%的位点在CD14+单核细胞、外周全血以及CD4+T细胞中的DNA甲基化水平与年龄的正、负相关性一致,提示它们可能主要反映细胞间共同的改变。在外周全血中识别的arCpGs主要反映某些白细胞共同或特异的DNA甲基化改变,但是也有一部分反映外周血细胞比例构成的变化。  相似文献   

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