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Oocyte maturation-preventing factor (OMPF) was extracted from bovine granulosa cells with a buffer containing 1 M urea and 5 mM EDTA. OMPF was partially purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G25 and by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The maturation-preventing activity of purified fractions was determined by measuring their capacity to block the spontaneous dissolution of the germinal vesicle (GVBD) of isolated cumulus-enclosed mouse oocytes. Hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, heparin, heparan sulfate, keratan sulfate, and dextran sulfate at concentrations of 500 μg/ml did not affect the frequency of GVBD of isolated mouse oocytes. Heparin and heparan sulfate, however, blocked the inhibitory effect of OMPF, whereas the inhibition of GVBD induced with dibutyryl cAMP, forskolin, W7 (calmodulin antagonist), and 3-isobutyl-l-methylxanthine (phosphodiesterase inhibitor) was not blocked. OMPF was eluted in the adsorbed fraction when chromatographed on heparin-Agarose, showing interaction of OMPF with heparin. The present results suggest that the glycosaminoglycan matrix may influence OMPF action on oocytes.  相似文献   

Tumour‐associated oncogenes induce unscheduled proliferation as well as genomic and chromosomal instability. According to current models, therapeutic strategies that block oncogene activity are likely to selectively target tumour cells. However, recent evidences have revealed that oncogenes are only essential for the proliferation of some specific tumour cell types, but not all. Indeed, the latest studies of the interactions between the oncogene and its target cell have shown that oncogenes contribute to cancer development not only by inducing proliferation but also by developmental reprogramming of the epigenome. This provides the first evidence that tumorigenesis can be initiated by stem cell reprogramming, and uncovers a new role for oncogenes in the origin of cancer. Here we analyse these evidences and propose an updated model of oncogene function that can explain the full range of genotype–phenotype associations found in human cancer. Finally, we discuss how this vision opens new avenues for developing novel anti‐cancer interventions.  相似文献   

The level of Sirt2 protein is reduced in oocytes from aged mice, while exogenous expression of Sirt2 could ameliorate the maternal age‐associated meiotic defects. To date, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here, we confirmed that specific depletion of Sirt2 disrupts maturational progression and spindle/chromosome organization in mouse oocytes, with compromised kinetochore–microtubule attachments. Candidate screening revealed that acetylation state of lysine 243 on BubR1 (BubR1‐K243, an integral part of the spindle assembly checkpoint complex) functions during oocyte meiosis, and acetylation‐mimetic mutant BubR1‐K243Q results in the very similar phenotypes as Sirt2‐knockdown oocytes. Furthermore, we found that nonacetylatable‐mimetic mutant BubR1‐K243R partly prevents the meiotic deficits in oocytes depleted of Sirt2. Importantly, BubR1‐K243R overexpression in oocytes derived from aged mice markedly suppresses spindle/chromosome anomalies and thereupon lowers the incidence of aneuploid eggs. In sum, our data suggest that Sirt2‐dependent BubR1 deacetylation involves in the regulation of meiotic apparatus in normal oocytes and mediates the effects of advanced maternal age on oocyte quality.  相似文献   

The cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) content of intact oocyte-cumulus cell complexes at various times after the induction of oocyte maturation in mice in vivo was correlated with the time of commitment by the oocytes to undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB) and metabolic coupling between the oocyte and cumulus cells. Seventy-nine percent of the oocytes either underwent GVB or were committed to do so by 2 h after injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This occurred without a decrease in the coupling between cumulus cells and the oocyte and with increasing cAMP levels in the oocyte-cumulus cell complex. Maintenance of threshold levels of cAMP within mammalian oocytes appears essential for the maintenance of meiotic arrest, but data presented here suggest that oocyte maturation in mice is induced by gonadotropins in nonatretic follicles in vivo by some mechanism other than one which decreases the cAMP content of the intact oocyte-cumulus cell complex.  相似文献   

Actin nucleation factors, which promote the formation of new actin filaments, have emerged in the last decade as key regulatory factors controlling asymmetric division in mammalian oocytes. Actin nucleators such as formin-2, spire, and the ARP2/3 complex have been found to be important regulators of actin remodeling during oocyte maturation. Another class of actin-binding proteins including cofilin, tropomyosin, myosin motors, capping proteins, tropomodulin, and Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin proteins are thought to control actin cytoskeleton dynamics at various steps of oocyte maturation. In addition, actin dynamics controlling asymmetric-symmetric transitions after fertilization is a new area of investigation. Taken together, defining the mechanisms by which actin-binding proteins regulate actin cytoskeletons is crucial for understanding the basic biology of mammalian gamete formation and pre-implantation development.  相似文献   

本文研究了血管紧张素II在小鼠卵母细胞中的免疫组织化学定位。结果表明血管紧张素II不仅分布在卵巢内的黄体细胞、卵泡的膜细胞、基质和血管,在卵母细胞的细胞质和细胞膜上也见有阳性分布。颗粒细胞和卵丘细胞上未见着色。在恢复减数分裂过程中,处于生发泡破裂和第一极体排放期的卵母细胞内也检测到血管紧张素II[(\265\304\303\342\322\337\321\364\320\324\316\357\241\243)238.1(\322\362\264\313)],血管紧张素II有可能在卵泡的生长发育和卵母细胞的成熟过程中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Germline cysts containing 16 interconnected cells (cystocytes) are produced at an early stage of Drosophila oogenesis by progenitor cells known as cystoblasts that undergo four synchronous rounds of incomplete division. During cyst formation, a region of specialized, spectrin-rich cytoplasm called the fusome traverses the intercellular Connections (ring canals), linking individual cystocytes. Subsequently, 15 cystocytes begin to transport specific RNAs and other components into the remaining cell, the future oocyte. We used fusome-specific antibodies to characterize the early stages of cyst formation. During the first cystoblast division, a spherical mass of fusome material (the “spectrosome”) was associated with only one pole of the mitotic spindle, revealing that this division is asymmetric. During the subsequent three divisions, the growing fusome always associated with the pole of each mitotic spindle that remained in the mother cell, and only extended through the newly formed ring canals after each division was completed. These observations suggest that fusomes help establish a system of directional transport between cystocytes that underlies oocyte determination. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Alteration in chromosome numbers and structures instigate and foster massive genetic instability. As Boveri has seen a hundred years ago (Boveri, 1914; 2008), aneuploidy is hallmark of many cancers. However, whether aneuploidy is the cause or the result of cancer is still at debate. The molecular mechanism behind aneuploidy includes the chromo-some mis-segregation in mitosis by the compromise of spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). SAC is an elaborate network of proteins, which monitor that all chromosomes are bipolarly attached with the spindles. Therefore, the weakening of the SAC is the major reason for chromosome number instability, while complete compromise of SAC results in detrimental death, exemplified in natural abortion in embryonic stage. Here, I will review on the recent progress on the understanding of chromosome mis-segregation and cancer, based on the comparison of different mouse models of BubR1, the core component of SAC.  相似文献   

The influence of vital staining with trypan blue or fluorescein diacetate on the fertilization of mouse oocytes and the developmental potential of mouse embryos was assessed. Neither stain induced spontaneous activation in mouse oocytes, nor did they impair the in vitro development and implantation of mouse zygotes, two-cell embryos, stressed morulae or blastocysts. However, fertilization and subsequent development of mouse oocytes have been shown to be reduced by vital staining.  相似文献   

Although bovine embryos are routinely produced in vitro for several decades, there still exists a critical need for techniques to accurately predict the oocyte's developmental competence in a noninvasive way, before the in vitro embryo production procedure. In this review, several noninvasive methods to evaluate oocyte quality are discussed, such as morphological assessment of the cumulus oocyte complex and the use of brilliant cresyl blue. Because an individual oocyte and embryo culture method can possibly generate additional insights into the factors that determine oocyte quality, the second part of this review summarizes the state of the art of bovine single oocyte culture. The optimization of individual in vitro embryo production can obviously accelerate the quest for better noninvasive oocyte quality markers, because more information about the oocyte's requirements and intrinsic quality will be revealed. Although each step of in vitro culture has to be re-examined in light of the hampered production of single embryos, the reward at the end will be substantial. Individual scored oocytes will be traceable along the in vitro embryo production procedure and the final blastocyst outcome can be linked to the original oocyte quality and follicular environment without the bias caused by simultaneously developing embryos.  相似文献   

During mouse oocyte maturation histones are deacetylated, and inhibiting this deacetylation leads to abnormal chromosome segregation and aneuploidy. RBBP7 is a component of several different complexes that contain histone deacetylases, and therefore could be implicated in histone deacetylation. We find that Rbbp7 is a dormant maternal mRNA that is recruited for translation during oocyte maturation to regulate the histone deacetylation. Importantly, we show that the maturation-associated decrease of histone acetylation is required for localization and function of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) during oocyte meiotic maturation. This finding can explain the phenotypes of oocytes where Rbbp7 is depleted by an siRNA/morpholino cocktail including severe chromosome misalignment, improper kinetochore–microtubule attachments, impaired SAC function, cytokinesis defects, and increased incidence of aneuploidy at metaphase II (Met II). These results implicate RBBP7 as a novel regulator of histone deacetylation during oocyte maturation and provide evidence that such deacetylation is required for proper chromosome segregation by regulating localized CPC function.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the development of immature oocytes after their fusion with male somatic cells expressing red fluorescence protein (RFP). RFP‐expressing cells were fused with immature oocytes, matured in vitro and then parthenogenetically activated. Somatic nuclei showed spindle formation, 1st polar body extrusion after in vitro maturation and protruded the 2nd polar body after parthenogenetic activation. RFP was expressed in the resultant embryos; two‐cell stage and blastocysts. Chromosomal analysis showed aneuploidy in 81.82% of the resulting blastocysts while 18.18% of the resulting blastocysts were diploid. Among eight RFP‐expressing blastocysts, Xist mRNAs was detected in six while Sry mRNA was detected in only one blastocyst. We propose “prematuration somatic cell fusion” as an approach to generate embryos using somatic cells instead of spermatozoa. The current approach, if improved, would assist production of embryos for couples where the male partner is sterile, however, genetic and chromosomal analysis of the resultant embryos are required before transfer to the mothers.  相似文献   

Of eggs ovulated in LT/Sv mice, 10–20% undergo spontaneous parthenogenetic activation, and 40–50% of the parthenotes develop to blastocysts when cultured in simple defined medium from the one-cell stage. Similar percentages of oocytes isolated from Graafian follicles undergo parthenogenetic activation after spontaneous maturation in simple defined medium, but embryonic development proceeds no further than the two-cell stage. The simple defined medium that supported preimplantation development of ovulated eggs and spontaneous maturation of extrafollicular oocytes contained no serum, free amino acids, or vitamins. The present experiments were conducted to determine what conditions during spontaneous maturation of extrafollicular oocytes could promote the ability of oocytes to develop to blastocysts after parthenogenetic activation and mimic the environment of preovulatory follicles. Cumulus-enclosed oocytes that were matured in simple medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum (FBS) developed to blastocysts after spontaneous parthenogenetic activation. Furthermore, minimum essential medium (MEM), a complex medium containing free amino acids and vitamins, could substitute completely for FBS for maturing oocytes from (C57BL/6J × LT/Sv)F1 mice, and to a lesser extent for maturing LT/Sv oocytes. Therefore, even though germinal vesicle breakdown in mouse oocytes and preimplantation development of mouse eggs can occur in the absence of an exogenous supply of free amino acids and vitamins, a complete, or normal, mouse oocyte maturation cannot. These results also demonstrated that gonadotropins are not necessary during oocyte meiotic maturation for parthenogenetically activated eggs to develop through the preimplantation stages. Luteinizing hormone or 17β-estradiol in MEM during oocyte maturation had no effect on the subsequent development of parthenotes. In contrast, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and progesterone in the maturation medium decreased the number of ova that subsequently cleaved, and FSH decreased the number of cleaved eggs that developed to blastocysts.  相似文献   

Oocytes uniquely accumulate cytoplasmic constituents to support early embryogenesis. This unique specialization is accompanied by acquisition of a large size and by execution of asymmetric meiotic divisions that preserve precious ooplasm through the expulsion of minimal size polar bodies. While often taken for granted, these basic features of oogenesis necessitate unique specializations of the meiotic apparatus. These include a chromatin‐sourced RanGTP gradient that restricts spindle size by defining a spatial domain where meiotic spindles form, acentriolar centrosomes that rely on microtubule organizing centers to form spindle poles, and an actin‐based mechanism for asymmetric spindle positioning. Additionally, localized protein synthesis to support spindle formation is achieved in the spindle forming region, whilst protein synthesis is reduced elsewhere in the ooplasm. This is achieved through enrichment of spindle‐related mRNAs in the spindle forming region combined with local PLK1‐mediated phosphorylation and inactivation of the translational repressor EIF4EBP1. This allows PLK1 to function as an important regulatory nexus through which endogenous and exogenous signals can impact spindle formation and function, and highlights the important role that PLK1 may have in maintaining oocyte quality and fertility.  相似文献   

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