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Neural crest cells are pluripotent cells that emerge from the neural epithelium, migrate extensively and differentiate into numerous derivatives, including neurons, glial cells, pigment cells and connective tissue. Major questions concerning their morphogenesis include: (1) what establishes the pathways of migration? And (2), what controls the final destination and differentiation of various neural crest subpopulations? These questions will be addressed in this Review. Neural crest cells from the trunk level have been explored most extensively. Studies show that melanoblasts are specified shortly after they depart from the neural tube and this specification directs their migration into the dorsolateral pathway. We also consider other reports that present strong evidence for ventrally migrating neural crest cells being similarly fate restricted. Cranial neural crest cells have been less analyzed in this regard but the preponderance of evidence indicates that either the cranial neural crest cells are not fate-restricted or are extremely plastic in their developmental capability and that specification does not control pathfinding. Thus, the guidance mechanisms that control cranial neural crest migration and their behavior vary significantly from the trunk.The vagal neural crest arises at the axial level between the cranial and trunk neural crest and represents a transitional cell population between the head and trunk neural crest. We summarize new data to support this claim. In particular, we show that: (1) the vagal-level neural crest cells exhibit modest developmental bias; (2) there are differences in the migratory behavior between the anterior and the posterior vagal neural crest cells reminiscent of the cranial and the trunk neural crest, respectively and (3) the vagal neural crest cells take the dorsolateral pathway to the pharyngeal arches and the heart, but take the ventral pathway to the peripheral nervous system and the gut. However, these pathways are not rigidly specified because of prior fate restriction. Understanding the molecular, cellular and behavioral differences between these three populations of neural crest cells will be of enormous assistance when trying to understand the evolution of the neck.Key words: neural crest, morphogenesis, cell migration, chicken embryo, fate restriction, vagal neural crest, pathways  相似文献   


The neural crest (NC) is a population of migratory stem/progenitor cells that is found in early vertebrate embryos. NC cells are induced during gastrulation, and later migrate to multiple destinations and contribute to many types of cells and tissues, such as craniofacial structures, cardiac tissues, pigment cells and the peripheral nervous system. Recently, accumulating evidence suggests that many extracellular metalloproteinases, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a disintegrin and metalloproteinases (ADAMs), and ADAMs with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTSs), play important roles in various stages of NC development. Interference with metalloproteinase functions often causes defects in craniofacial structures, as well as in other cells and tissues that are contributed by NC cells, in humans and other vertebrates. In this review, we summarize the current state of the field concerning the roles of these three families of metalloproteinases in NC development and related tissue morphogenesis, with a special emphasis on craniofacial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

In contrast to the classical assumption that neural crest cells are induced in chick as the neural folds elevate, recent data suggest that they are already specified during gastrulation. This prompted us to map the origin of the neural crest and dorsal neural tube in the early avian embryo. Using a combination of focal dye injections and time-lapse imaging, we find that neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors are present in a broad, crescent-shaped region of the gastrula. Surprisingly, static fate maps together with dynamic confocal imaging reveal that the neural plate border is considerably broader and extends more caudally than expected. Interestingly, we find that the position of the presumptive neural crest broadly correlates with the BMP4 expression domain from gastrula to neurula stages. Some degree of rostrocaudal patterning, albeit incomplete, is already evident in the gastrula. Time-lapse imaging studies show that the neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors undergo choreographed movements that follow a spatiotemporal progression and include convergence and extension, reorientation, cell intermixing, and motility deep within the embryo. Through these rearrangement and reorganization movements, the neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors become regionally segregated, coming to occupy predictable rostrocaudal positions along the embryonic axis. This regionalization occurs progressively and appears to be complete in the neurula by stage 7 at levels rostral to Hensen's node.  相似文献   

Little is known about the spatiotemporal requirement of Hox gene patterning activity in vertebrates. In Hoxa2 mouse mutants, the hyoid skeleton is replaced by a duplicated set of mandibular and middle ear structures. Here, we show that Hoxa2 is selectively required in cranial neural crest cells (NCCs). Moreover, we used a Cre-ERT2 recombinase system to induce a temporally controlled Hoxa2 deletion in the mouse. Hoxa2 inactivation after cranial NCC migration into branchial arches resulted in homeotic transformation of hyoid into mandibular arch skeletal derivatives, reproducing the conventional Hoxa2 knockout phenotype, and induced rapid changes in Alx4, Bapx1, Six2 and Msx1 expression patterns. Thus, hyoid NCCs retain a remarkable degree of plasticity even after their migration in the arch, and require Hoxa2 as an integral component of their morphogenetic program. Moreover, subpopulations of postmigratory NCCs required Hoxa2 at discrete time points to pattern distinct derivatives. This study provides the first temporal inactivation of a vertebrate Hox gene and illustrates Hox requirement during late morphogenetic processes.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a fascinating population of cells that migrate long distances in the developing embryo to generate many different derivatives. It also occupies a central position in the origin and patterning of the vertebrate head, and has generated debates about issues such as cell programming versus plasticity and the role of cell death in early morphogenesis. These aspects of the field were revisited and discussed in a recent meeting organized to honour the retirement of Jim Weston and his contribution to the field.  相似文献   

Using genetic approaches in the mouse, we show that the primary target tissue of retinoic acid (RA) action during eye morphogenesis is not the retina nor the corneal ectoderm, which both express RA-synthesizing retinaldehyde dehydrogenases (RALDH1 and RALDH3), but the neural crest cell-derived periocular mesenchyme (POM), which is devoid of RALDH. In POM, the effects of the paracrine RA signal are mediated by the nuclear RA receptors heterodimers RXRalpha/RARbeta and RXRalpha/RARgamma. These heterodimers appear to control: (1) the remodeling of the POM through activation of Eya2-related apoptosis; (2) the expression of Foxc1 and Pitx2, which play crucial roles in anterior eye segment development; and (3) the growth of the ventral retina. We additionally show that RALDH1 and RALDH3 are the only enzymes that are required for RA synthesis in the eye region from E10.5 to E13.5, and that patterning of the dorsoventral axis of the retina does not require RA.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are multipotential stem cells that contribute extensively to vertebrate development and give rise to various cell and tissue types. Determination of the fate of mammalian neural crest has been inhibited by the lack of appropriate markers. Here, we make use of a two-component genetic system for indelibly marking the progeny of the cranial neural crest during tooth and mandible development. In the first mouse line, Cre recombinase is expressed under the control of the Wnt1 promoter as a transgene. Significantly, Wnt1 transgene expression is limited to the migrating neural crest cells that are derived from the dorsal CNS. The second mouse line, the ROSA26 conditional reporter (R26R), serves as a substrate for the Cre-mediated recombination. Using this two-component genetic system, we have systematically followed the migration and differentiation of the cranial neural crest (CNC) cells from E9.5 to 6 weeks after birth. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that CNC cells contribute to the formation of condensed dental mesenchyme, dental papilla, odontoblasts, dentine matrix, pulp, cementum, periodontal ligaments, chondrocytes in Meckel's cartilage, mandible, the articulating disc of temporomandibular joint and branchial arch nerve ganglia. More importantly, there is a dynamic distribution of CNC- and non-CNC-derived cells during tooth and mandibular morphogenesis. These results are a first step towards a comprehensive understanding of neural crest cell migration and differentiation during mammalian craniofacial development. Furthermore, this transgenic model also provides a new tool for cell lineage analysis and genetic manipulation of neural-crest-derived components in normal and abnormal embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Cofilin/ADF proteins are a ubiquitously expressed family of F-actin depolymerizing factors found in eukaryotic cells including plants. In vitro, cofilin/ADF activity has been shown to be essential for actin driven motility, by accelerating actin filament turnover. Three actin depolymerizing factors (n-cofilin, m-cofilin, ADF) can be found in mouse and human. Here we show that in mouse the non-muscle-specific gene-n-cofilin-is essential for migration of neural crest cells as well as other cell types in the paraxial mesoderm. The main defects observed in n-cofilin mutant embryos are an impaired delamination and migration of neural crest cells, affecting the development of neural crest derived tissues. Neural crest cells lacking n-cofilin do not polarize, and F-actin bundles or fibers are not detectable. In addition, n-cofilin is required for neuronal precursor cell proliferation and scattering. These defects result in a complete lack of neural tube closure in n-cofilin mutant embryos. Although ADF is overexpressed in mutant embryos, this cannot compensate the lack of n-cofilin, suggesting that they might have a different function in embryonic development. Our data suggest that in mammalian development, regulation of the actin cytoskeleton by the F-actin depolymerizing factor n-cofilin is critical for epithelial-mesenchymal type of cell shape changes as well as cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are physically responsible for craniofacial skeleton formation, pharyngeal arch artery remodeling and cardiac outflow tract septation during vertebrate development. Cdc42 (cell division cycle 42) is a Rho family small GTP-binding protein that works as a molecular switch to regulate cytoskeleton remodeling and the establishment of cell polarity. To investigate the role of Cdc42 in NCCs during embryonic development, we deleted Cdc42 in NCCs by crossing Cdc42 flox mice with Wnt1-cre mice. We found that the inactivation of Cdc42 in NCCs caused embryonic lethality with craniofacial deformities and cardiovascular developmental defects. Specifically, Cdc42 NCC knockout embryos showed fully penetrant cleft lips and short snouts. Alcian Blue and Alizarin Red staining of the cranium exhibited an unfused nasal capsule and palatine in the mutant embryos. India ink intracardiac injection analysis displayed a spectrum of cardiovascular developmental defects, including persistent truncus arteriosus, hypomorphic pulmonary arteries, interrupted aortic arches, and right-sided aortic arches. To explore the underlying mechanisms of Cdc42 in the formation of the great blood vessels, we generated Wnt1Cre-Cdc42-Rosa26 reporter mice. By beta-galactosidase staining, a subpopulation of Cdc42-null NCCs was observed halting in their migration midway from the pharyngeal arches to the conotruncal cushions. Phalloidin staining revealed dispersed, shorter and disoriented stress fibers in Cdc42-null NCCs. Finally, we demonstrated that the inactivation of Cdc42 in NCCs impaired bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2)-induced NCC cytoskeleton remodeling and migration. In summary, our results demonstrate that Cdc42 plays an essential role in NCC migration, and inactivation of Cdc42 in NCCs impairs craniofacial and cardiovascular development in mice.  相似文献   

A number of hypotheses have been presented to explain the mechanism of action of thalidomide. The most widely published and apparently widely accepted hypothesis is that of embryonic neuropathy advanced by McCredie and McBride. This paper reviews the points of the hypothesis and analyzes it in light of known limb embryology supported with recent experimental evidence which directly tests the hypothesis. The hypothesis may be considered as being composed of two separate parts. The first part proposes that thalidomide-induced limb defects exhibit a segmental pattern. The second proposes that the segmental pattern of limb defects is a result of segmental peripheral neuropathy. We are in complete agreement with the first portion of the hypothesis, but find the second portion quite unlikely.  相似文献   

Nie X  Wang Q  Jiao K 《Mechanisms of development》2011,128(3-4):200-207
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in regulating gene expression during numerous biological/pathological processes. Dicer encodes an RNase III endonuclease that is essential for generating most, if not all, functional miRNAs. In this work, we applied a conditional gene inactivation approach to examine the function of Dicer during neural crest cell (NCC) development. Mice with NCC-specific inactivation of Dicer died perinatally. Cranial and cardiac NCC migration into target tissues was not affected by Dicer disruption, but their subsequent development was disturbed. NCC derivatives and their associated mesoderm-derived cells displayed massive apoptosis, leading to severe abnormalities during craniofacial morphogenesis and organogenesis. In addition, the 4th pharyngeal arch artery (PAA) remodeling was affected, resulting in interrupted aortic arch artery type B (IAA-B) in mutant animals. Taken together, our results show that Dicer activity in NCCs is essential for craniofacial development and pharyngeal arch artery morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The neural crest     
Graham A 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(10):R381-R384

Protocadherins (Pcdhs), a major subfamily of cadherins, play an important role in specific intercellular interactions in development. These molecules are characterized by their unique extracellular domain (EC) with more than 5 cadherin-like repeats, a transmembrane domain (TM) and a variable cytoplasmic domain. PCNS (Protocadherin in Neural crest and Somites), a novel Pcdh in Xenopus, is initially expressed in the mesoderm during gastrulation, followed by expression in the cranial neural crest (CNC) and somites. PCNS has 65% amino acid identity to Xenopus paraxial protocadherin (PAPC) and 42-49% amino acid identity to Pcdh 8 in human, mouse, and zebrafish genomes. Overexpression of PCNS resulted in gastrulation failure but conferred little if any specific adhesion on ectodermal cells. Loss of function accomplished independently with two non-overlapping antisense morpholino oligonucleotides resulted in failure of CNC migration, leading to severe defects in the craniofacial skeleton. Somites and axial muscles also failed to undergo normal morphogenesis in these embryos. Thus, PCNS has essential functions in these two important developmental processes in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cells migrate in a precisely segmented manner to form cranial ganglia, facial skeleton and other derivatives. Here, we investigate the mechanisms underlying this patterning in the axolotl embryo using a combination of tissue culture, molecular markers, scanning electron microscopy and vital dye analysis. In vitro experiments reveal an intrinsic component to segmental migration; neural crest cells from the hindbrain segregate into distinct streams even in the absence of neighboring tissue. In vivo, separation between neural crest streams is further reinforced by tight juxtapositions that arise during early migration between epidermis and neural tube, mesoderm and endoderm. The neural crest streams are dense and compact, with the cells migrating under the epidermis and outside the paraxial and branchial arch mesoderm with which they do not mix. After entering the branchial arches, neural crest cells conduct an "outside-in" movement, which subsequently brings them medially around the arch core such that they gradually ensheath the arch mesoderm in a manner that has been hypothesized but not proven in zebrafish. This study, which represents the most comprehensive analysis of cranial neural crest migratory pathways in any vertebrate, suggests a dual process for patterning the cranial neural crest. Together with an intrinsic tendency to form separate streams, neural crest cells are further constrained into channels by close tissue apposition and sorting out from neighboring tissues.  相似文献   

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