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Rnf8 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that plays a key role in the DNA damage response as well as in the maintenance of telomeres and chromatin remodeling. Rnf8−/− mice exhibit developmental defects and increased susceptibility to tumorigenesis. We observed that levels of p53, a central regulator of the cellular response to DNA damage, increased in Rnf8−/− mice in a tissue- and cell type–specific manner. To investigate the role of the p53-pathway inactivation on the phenotype observed in Rnf8−/− mice, we have generated Rnf8−/−p53−/− mice. Double-knockout mice showed similar growth retardation defects and impaired class switch recombination compared to Rnf8−/− mice. In contrast, loss of p53 fully rescued the increased apoptosis and reduced number of thymocytes and splenocytes in Rnf8−/− mice. Similarly, the senescence phenotype of Rnf8−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts was rescued in p53 null background. Rnf8−/−p53−/− cells displayed defective cell cycle checkpoints and DNA double-strand break repair. In addition, Rnf8−/−p53−/− mice had increased levels of genomic instability and a remarkably elevated tumor incidence compared to either Rnf8−/− or p53−/− mice. Altogether, the data in this study highlight the importance of p53-pathway activation upon loss of Rnf8, suggesting that Rnf8 and p53 functionally interact to protect against genomic instability and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2014,6(5):844-854
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A growing body of evidence indicates that early mitotic inhibitor 1 (Emi1) is essential for genomic stability, but how this function relates to embryonic development and cancer pathogenesis remains unclear. We have identified a zebrafish mutant line in which deficient emi1 gene expression results in multilineage hematopoietic defects and widespread developmental defects that are p53 independent. Cell cycle analyses of Emi1-depleted zebrafish or human cells showed chromosomal rereplication, and metaphase preparations from mutant zebrafish embryos revealed rereplicated, unsegregated chromosomes and polyploidy. Furthermore, EMI1-depleted mammalian cells relied on topoisomerase IIα-dependent mitotic decatenation to progress through metaphase. Interestingly, the loss of a single emi1 allele in the absence of p53 enhanced the susceptibility of adult fish to neural sheath tumorigenesis. Our results cast Emi1 as a critical regulator of genomic fidelity during embryogenesis and suggest that the factor may act as a tumor suppressor.Successful cell division requires faithful replication of the genome, and defects in this process can contribute to genomic instability and subsequent malignant transformation (23). A key regulator of the normal cell cycle is the early mitotic inhibitor 1 (EMI1/FBXO5), a zinc finger protein expressed by a variety of adult tissues and especially in proliferating Ki-67-positive cells (39). Studies of the mammalian and Xenopus homologues of EMI1 have shown that it inhibits the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), a ubiquitin ligase complex that targets cell cycle-regulated proteins, such as the S- and M-phase cyclins (A and B), securin, and geminin (13, 25, 31). Depletion of EMI1 by small interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown in cell lines or immunodepletion in cycling Xenopus extracts results in the untimely degradation of APC/C substrates, delaying G1/S- and M-phase progression and inducing rereplication (6, 21, 25, 31). Such rereplication is a consequence of decreased levels of the APC/C substrates cyclin A and geminin, which are regulators of replication licensing (6, 21). The result of EMI1 depletion in some cell lines is senescence (39).Despite these insights into the molecular underpinnings of EMI1 function, little is known about the role of this protein in development. Knockout of murine Emi1 results in an embryonic-lethal phenotype prior to implantation, while a deficiency of Emi1 in cultured pronuclear zygotes leads to multipolar and tangled spindle structures, orphan chromosomes, large nuclei, and apoptosis by the 16-cell stage (17). Otherwise, the dynamic influence of EMI1 on early vertebrate development remains undefined. We sought to close this gap by taking advantage of the zebrafish model system. Zebrafish embryos harboring homozygous mutations of emi1 (emi1m/m) develop beyond the onset of circulation, providing a unique opportunity to examine the developmental roles of Emi1 in vivo. The zebrafish emi1 mutant (hi2648) line was originally identified by a proviral insertional mutagenesis screen designed to identify genes that are necessary for normal morphological development in embryos (1, 8, 9). Subsequent studies showed that the insertion was located between the first and second exons of the emi1 gene (2). The morphological defects in emi1m/m embryos at 2 days postfertilization (p.f.) are described in the public access zebrafish model organism database (http://zfin.org). Briefly, abnormalities in emi1m/m embryos can be identified as early as 20 h p.f. and include slightly smaller heads and a lack of ventral curving of the posterior presomitic mesoderm. By 25 h p.f., the tail is more ventrally curved than in normal embryos, and increased cell death is observed throughout the central nervous system. Mutant embryos have circulating blood cells, although the onset of circulation is delayed. We became interested in this mutant because it harbors defects in the numbers and morphology of granulocytes, an important myeloid cell type within the innate immune system.There is evidence that EMI1 may function in cancer pathogenesis, and a variety of human tumors express this factor very highly, although in some cases this may be a consequence of elevated proliferation rates (11, 18). In fact, the human homologue of emi1 resides within chromosome 6q25, a region often deleted in leukemia, which, together with the cell cycle-regulatory role of EMI1, suggested that this factor may also function as a tumor suppressor whose loss of function could promote genetic instability. Thus, in addition to investigating the role of zebrafish emi1 in zebrafish development, with particular emphasis on hematopoiesis, we examined mammalian cells to identify mechanisms that may be important in EMI1-related malignant transformation and explored a putative tumor suppressor role for this cell cycle-regulatory protein.  相似文献   

INMAP is a spindle protein that plays essential role for mitosis, by ensuring spindle and centromere integrality. The aim of this study was to investigate the relevant functions of INMAP for genomic stability and its functional pathway. We overexpressed INMAP in HeLa cells, resulting in growth inhibition in monolayer cell cultures, anchorage-independent growth in soft agar and xenograft growth in nude mice. In this system caused micronuclei (MNi) formation, chromosome distortion and γH2AX expression upregulation, suggesting DNA damage induction and genomic stability impairment. As a tumour biochemical marker, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzymes were detected to evaluate cell metabolic activity, the results confirming that total activity of LDH, as well as that of its LDH5 isoform, is significantly decreased in INMAP-overexpressing HeLa cells. The levels of p53 and p21 were upregulated, and however, that of PCNA and Bcl-2, downregulated. Indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and coimmunoprecipitation (CoIP) analyses revealed the interaction between INMAP and p21. These results suggest that INMAP might function through p53/p21 pathways.  相似文献   

Autophagy was recently established as a novel tumor suppression mechanism, which stimulated a wave of investigations that were aimed at understanding exactly how autophagy prevents tumorigenesis, as well as to determine to what extent autophagy is implicated in human cancers. Autophagy might exert its tumor suppression function at the subcellular level by removing defective cytoplasmic components, such as damaged mitochondria. In addition, it might function at the cellular level by helping in the orderly removal of damaged cells. Previous studies indicated that autophagy is compromised in human breast, ovarian and prostate cancers. Recent research revealed that autophagy is activated by p53, a critical tumor suppressor that is involved in most, if not all, tumorigenesis. This study places autophagy in a broader context of human cancers. Future work elucidating the role of autophagy in the p53 circuit and p53 function might provide more insight into tumorigenesis and targeted cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

p53 and APC gene mutations: software and databases.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A large number of different mutations in the APC and p53 tumor suppressor genes have been identified in various types of cancer. This substantial increase since our previous reports can enable analyses which were not previously possible. In order to capture all these new data, the software permitting analysis has been improved. This report describes the various improvements since the second release of the database.  相似文献   

Tumor suppressor p53: analysis of wild-type and mutant p53 complexes.   总被引:28,自引:7,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
It has been suggested that the dominant effect of mutant p53 on tumor progression may reflect the mutant protein binding to wild-type p53, with inactivation of suppressor function. To date, evidence for wild-type/mutant p53 complexes involves p53 from different species. To investigate wild-type/mutant p53 complexes in relation to natural tumor progression, we sought to identify intraspecific complexes, using murine p53. The mutant phenotype p53-246(0) was used because this phenotype is immunologically distinct from wild-type p53-246+ and thus permits immunological analysis for wild-type/mutant p53 complexes. The p53 proteins were derived from genetically defined p53 cDNAs expressed in vitro and also from phenotypic variants of p53 expressed in vivo. We found that the mutant p53 phenotype was able to form a complex with the wild type when the two p53 variants were cotranslated. When mixed in their native states (after translation), the wild-type and mutant p53 proteins did not exhibit any binding affinity for each other in vitro. Under identical conditions, complexes of wild-type human and murine p53 proteins were formed. For murine p53, both the wild-type and mutant p53 proteins formed high-molecular-weight complexes when translated in vitro. This oligomerization appeared to involve the carboxyl terminus, since truncated p53 (amino acids 1 to 343) did not form complexes. We suggest that the ability of the mutant p53 phenotype to complex with wild type during cotranslation may contribute to the transforming function of activated mutants of p53 in vivo.  相似文献   

Inactivation of Myc-induced p53-dependent apoptosis in human tumors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Myc family of oncoproteins promote cell growth and are frequently overexpressed in human tumors. However, Myc can also trigger cell death by apoptosis. This is at least in part mediated via the ARF-p53 pathway. Myc activation leads to a selection for inactivation of ARF or p53, allowing cell survival and tumor progression. Restoration of p53-dependent apoptosis by various means is an attractive approach for new cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Alterations in DNA damage response and repair have been observed in Huntington’s disease (HD). We generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from primary dermal fibroblasts of 5 patients with HD and 5 control subjects. A significant fraction of the HD iPSC lines had genomic abnormalities as assessed by karyotype analysis, while none of our control lines had detectable genomic abnormalities. We demonstrate a statistically significant increase in genomic instability in HD cells during reprogramming. We also report a significant association with repeat length and severity of this instability. Our karyotypically normal HD iPSCs also have elevated ATM-p53 signaling as shown by elevated levels of phosphorylated p53 and H2AX, indicating either elevated DNA damage or hypersensitive DNA damage signaling in HD iPSCs. Thus, increased DNA damage responses in the HD genotype is coincidental with the observed chromosomal aberrations. We conclude that the disease causing mutation in HD increases the propensity of chromosomal instability relative to control fibroblasts specifically during reprogramming to a pluripotent state by a commonly used episomal-based method that includes p53 knockdown.  相似文献   

SIRT1 is a mammalian NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase implicated in metabolism, development, aging and tumorigenesis. Prior studies that examined the effect of enterocyte-specific overexpression and global deletion of SIRT1 on polyp formation in the intestines of APC+/min mice, a commonly used model for intestinal tumorigenesis, yielded conflicting results, supporting either tumor-suppressive or tumor-promoting roles for SIRT1, respectively. In order to resolve the controversy emerging from these prior in vivo studies, in the present report we examined the effect of SIRT1 deficiency confined to the intestines, avoiding the systemic perturbations such as growth retardation seen with global SIRT1 deletion. We crossed APC+/min mice with mice bearing enterocyte-specific inactivation of SIRT1 and examined polyp development in the progeny. We found that SIRT1-inactivation reduced total polyp surface (9.3 mm2 vs. 23.3 mm2, p = 0.01), average polyp size (0.24 mm2 vs. 0.51 mm2, p = 0.005) and the number of polyps >0.5 mm in diameter (14 vs. 23, p = 0.04), indicating that SIRT1 affects both the number and size of tumors. Additionally, tumors in SIRT1-deficient mice exhibited markedly increased numbers of cells undergoing apoptosis, suggesting that SIRT1 contributes to tumor growth by enabling survival of tumor cells. Our results indicate that SIRT1 acts as a tumor promoter in the APC+/min mouse model of intestinal tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

p53 tumor suppressor has been identified as a protein interacting with the large T antigen produced by simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40). Subsequent research on p53 inhibition by SV40 and other tumor viruses has not only helped to gain a better understanding of viral biology, but also shaped our knowledge of human tumorigenesis. Recent studies have found, however, that inhibition of p53 is not strictly in the realm of viruses. Some bacterial pathogens also actively inhibit p53 protein and induce its degradation, resulting in alteration of cellular stress responses. This phenomenon was initially characterized in gastric epithelial cells infected with Helicobacter pylori, a bacterial pathogen that commonly infects the human stomach and is strongly linked to gastric cancer. Besides H. pylori, a number of other bacterial species were recently discovered to inhibit p53. These findings provide novel insights into host–bacteria interactions and tumorigenesis associated with bacterial infections.  相似文献   

肿瘤细胞中存活蛋白与p53的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
存活蛋白(survivin)作为凋亡抑制蛋白(IAP)家族的最小成员,在肿瘤组织中高表达,且具有严格的细胞周期依赖性,而p53作为细胞周期中的负调节因子,参与了细胞周期调控和细胞凋亡等重要的生物学功能。最近研究表明,存活蛋白与p53的相互作用在肿瘤的发生发展中具有重要作用。该文将从细胞周期与细胞凋亡的角度对存活蛋白/p53通路在肿瘤中的研究进展进行阐明。  相似文献   

Gurer  T.  Aytekin  A.  Caki  E.  Gezici  S. 《Molecular Biology》2022,56(3):474-488
Molecular Biology - MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small noncoding RNAs that have major functions in the development and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) as tumor suppressors or oncogenes....  相似文献   

Mutation of the tumor suppressor p53 plays a major role in human carcinogenesis. Here we describe gene-targeted porcine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and live pigs carrying a latent TP53R167H mutant allele, orthologous to oncogenic human mutant TP53R175H and mouse Trp53R172H, that can be activated by Cre recombination. MSCs carrying the latent TP53R167H mutant allele were analyzed in vitro. Homozygous cells were p53 deficient, and on continued culture exhibited more rapid proliferation, anchorage independent growth, and resistance to the apoptosis-inducing chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin, all characteristic of cellular transformation. Cre mediated recombination activated the latent TP53R167H allele as predicted, and in homozygous cells expressed mutant p53-R167H protein at a level ten-fold greater than wild-type MSCs, consistent with the elevated levels found in human cancer cells. Gene targeted MSCs were used for nuclear transfer and fifteen viable piglets were produced carrying the latent TP53R167H mutant allele in heterozygous form. These animals will allow study of p53 deficiency and expression of mutant p53-R167H to model human germline, or spontaneous somatic p53 mutation. This work represents the first inactivation and mutation of the gatekeeper tumor suppressor gene TP53 in a non-rodent mammal.  相似文献   

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