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真核细胞中,基因组DNA缠绕组蛋白八聚体形成核小体,核小体再经过多层次折叠压缩形成具有高级结构的染色质.过去30多年,科学家对30 nm染色质纤维的结构进行了大量的研究,然而关于30 nm染色质纤维的精细结构仍然存在很大的争议.本文综述了近年来对30 nm染色质纤维结构的最新研究进展,并重点阐述了最近解析的30 nm染色质纤维左 手双螺旋结构.同时,我们还进一步讨论了一些对30 nm染色质纤维结构起调控作用的因子及其作用机制.最后,我们对30 nm染色质纤维结构与功能领域所面临的挑战和问题进行了展望.  相似文献   

染色质可及性(chromatin accessibility)作为一种衡量染色质结合因子与染色质DNA结合能力高低的染色质属性,是评价染色质结构稳态的重要指标之一,在多种细胞核进程中扮演重要角色,包括基因转录调控以及DNA损伤修复等。该属性的异常调控与多种疾病的发生发展密切相关,包括肿瘤以及神经退行性疾病等。对于该属性探究已经成为生命科学与疾病领域的热点。伴随越来越多的新技术应运而生,例如染色质构象捕获技术、高通量测序技术以及两种技术的结合等。随着技术的进步,多种参与调控染色质可及性的因素被发现和总结,包括核小体占位、组蛋白修饰以及非编码RNA等。多项大规模的染色质组学数据绘制了多种疾病的染色质可及性图谱,为揭示疾病的发生发展与染色质可及性之间的关系提供了数据支持。同时,随着单细胞染色质可及性测序技术的发展,实现了对细胞类型染色质层面的划分,弥补了单纯依赖基因表达划分细胞类型的不足。本文将从染色质的组成与可及性、影响染色质可及性的因素、染色质可及性的检测方法,以及染色质可及性与癌症的关系等方面简要阐述染色质可及性的研究进展。  相似文献   

Dynamic regulation of chromatin structure is an important mechanism for balancing the pluripotency and cell fate decision in embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Indeed ESCs are characterized by unusual chromatin packaging, and a wide variety of chromatin regulators have been implicated in control of pluripotency and differentiation. Genome-wide maps of epigenetic factors have revealed a unique epigenetic signature in pluripotent ESCs and have contributed models to explain their plasticity. In addition to the well known epigenetic regulation through DNA methylation, histone posttranslational modifications, chromatin remodeling, and non-coding RNA, histone variants are emerging as important regulators of ESC identity. In this review, we summarize and discuss the recent progress that has highlighted the central role of histone variants in ESC pluripotency and ESC fate, focusing, in particular, on H1 variants, H2A variants H2A.X, H2A.Z and macroH2A and H3 variant H3.3.  相似文献   

学习记忆的形成依赖于转录机制.近年研究发现,染色质修饰在基因表达调节中起重要作用.组蛋白乙酰化和去乙酰化是染色质修饰中最为常见调节方式,参与基因的转录调控.乙酰化可以激活转录,促进记忆的形成.组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂可以增强突触可塑性,改善记忆损伤.因此,对于染色质修饰的深入研究,不仅有助于阐明记忆形成的分子机制,而且对记忆相关疾病的治疗以及新药物研发也具有重要指导意义.本文主要就组蛋白乙酰转移酶调节基因转录以及组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂促进记忆形成的作用机理进行综述.  相似文献   

In June 2015, the fourth European Workshop on Plant Chromatin took place in Uppsala, Sweden, bringing together 80 researchers studying various aspects of plant chromatin and epigenetics. The intricate relationships between plant chromatin dynamics and gene expression change, chromatin organization within the plant cell nucleus, and the impact of chromatin structure on plant development were discussed. Among the main highlights of the meeting were an ever-growing list of newly identified players in chromatin structure establishment and the development of novel tools and approaches to foster our understanding of chromatin-mediated gene regulation, taking into account the context of the plant cell nucleus and its architecture. In this report, we summarize some of the main advances and prospects of plant chromatin research presented at this meeting.  相似文献   

染色质结构可由转录抑制状态转变为转录激活状态,从而调节早期胚胎由母型基因控制转变为合子型基因控制。作为一种特殊类型的连接组蛋白——哺乳动物特异性连接组蛋白H1oo,其表达方式具有一定的时序性,但又与其他7种连接组蛋白亚型有所不同,H1oo不但能够在卵母细胞.胚胎发育转换过程中发挥功能,而且还可能在基因组重编程过程中起到关键性作用。分析研究卵母细胞特异性连接组蛋白,有助于认识染色质重构建、基因组重编程过程以及核移植的分子机制,而且可能对克隆效率的提高有所补益。  相似文献   

The chromatin organization modifier domain (chromodomain) was first identified as a motif associated with chromatin silencing in Drosophila. There is growing evidence that chromodomains are evolutionary conserved across different eukaryotic species to control diverse aspects of epigenetic regulation. Although originally reported as histone H3 methyllysine readers, the chromodomain functions have now expanded to recognition of other histone and non-histone partners as well as interaction with nucleic acids. Chromodomain binding to a diverse group of targets is mediated by a conserved substructure called the chromobox homology region. This motif can be used to predict methyllysine binding and distinguish chromodomains from related Tudor “Royal” family members. In this review, we discuss and classify various chromodomains according to their context, structure and the mechanism of target recognition.  相似文献   

Protection of chromosome ends from DNA repair and degradation activities is mediated by specialized protein complexes bound to telomere repeats. Recently, it has become apparent that epigenetic regulation of the telomric chromatin template critically impacts on telomere function and telomere‐length homeostasis from yeast to man. Across all species, telomeric repeats as well as the adjacent subtelomeric regions carry features of repressive chromatin. Disruption of this silent chromatin environment results in loss of telomere‐length control and increased telomere recombination. In turn, progressive telomere loss reduces chromatin compaction at telomeric and subtelomeric domains. The recent discoveries of telomere chromatin regulation during early mammalian development, as well as during nuclear reprogramming, further highlights a central role of telomere chromatin changes in ontogenesis. In addition, telomeres were recently shown to generate long, non‐coding RNAs that remain associated to telomeric chromatin and will provide new insights into the regulation of telomere length and telomere chromatin. In this review, we will discuss the epigenetic regulation of telomeres across species, with special emphasis on mammalian telomeres. We will also discuss the links between epigenetic alterations at mammalian telomeres and telomere‐associated diseases.  相似文献   

Chromatin composition differs across the genome, with distinct compositions characterizing regions associated with different properties and functions. Whereas many histone modifications show local enrichment over genes or regulatory elements, marking can also span large genomic intervals defining broad chromatin domains. Here we highlight structural and functional features of chromatin domains marked by histone modifications, with a particular emphasis on the potential roles of H3K27 methylation domains in the organization and regulation of genome activity in metazoans.  相似文献   

Imprinting is an epigenetically controlled form of gene regulation in which the expression of a gene is based on its parent of origin. This epigenetic regulation is likely to involve allele-specific DNA or histone modifications. The relative abundance of eight different histone modifications was tested at various regions in several imprinted maize (Zea mays) genes using a chromatin immunoprecipitation protocol coupled with quantitative allele-specific single nucleotide polymorphism assays. Histone H3 lysine-27 di- and tri-methylation are paternally enriched at the imprinted loci Mez1, ZmFie1 and Nrp1. In contrast, acetylation of histones H3 and H4 and H3K4 dimethylation are enriched at the maternal alleles of these genes. Di- and tri-methylation of H3 lysine-9, which is generally associated with constitutively silenced chromatin, was not enriched at either allele of imprinted loci. These patterns of enrichment were specific to tissues that exhibit imprinting. In addition, the enrichment of these modifications was dependent upon the parental origin of an allele and not sequence differences between the alleles, as demonstrated by reciprocal crosses. This study presents a detailed view of the chromatin modifications that are associated with the maternal and paternal alleles at imprinted loci and provides evidence for common histone modifications at multiple imprinted loci.  相似文献   

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