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53BP1 is phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM upon DNA damage. Even though several ATM phosphorylation sites in 53BP1 have been reported, those sites have little functional implications in the DNA damage response. Here, we show that ATM phosphorylates the S1219 residue of 53BP1 in vitro and that the residue is phosphorylated in cells exposed to ionizing radiation (IR). Transfection with siRNA targeting ATM abolished IR-induced phosphorylation at this residue, supporting the theory that this process is mediated by the kinase. To determine the functional relevance of this phosphorylation event, a U2OS cell line expressing S1219A mutant 53BP1 was established. IR-induced foci formation of MDC1 and γH2AX, DNA damage signaling molecules, was reduced in this cell line, implying that S1219 phosphorylation is required for recruitment of these molecules to DNA damage sites. Furthermore, overexpression of the mutant protein impeded IR-induced G2 arrest. In conclusion, we have shown that S1219 phosphorylation by ATM is required for proper execution of DNA damage response.  相似文献   

Lamins A/C have been implicated in DNA damage response pathways. We show that the DNA repair protein 53BP1 is a lamin A/C binding protein. In undamaged human dermal fibroblasts (HDF), 53BP1 is a nucleoskeleton protein. 53BP1 binds to lamins A/C via its Tudor domain, and this is abrogated by DNA damage. Lamins A/C regulate 53BP1 levels and consequently lamin A/C‐null HDF display a 53BP1 null‐like phenotype. Our data favour a model in which lamins A/C maintain a nucleoplasmic pool of 53BP1 in order to facilitate its rapid recruitment to sites of DNA damage and could explain why an absence of lamin A/C accelerates aging.  相似文献   

In response to genotoxic stress, cells protect their genome integrity by activation of a conserved DNA damage response (DDR) pathway that coordinates DNA repair and progression through the cell cycle. Extensive modification of the chromatin flanking the DNA lesion by ATM kinase and RNF8/RNF168 ubiquitin ligases enables recruitment of various repair factors. Among them BRCA1 and 53BP1 are required for homologous recombination and non-homologous end joining, respectively. Whereas mechanisms of DDR are relatively well understood in interphase cells, comparatively less is known about organization of DDR during mitosis. Although ATM can be activated in mitotic cells, 53BP1 is not recruited to the chromatin until cells exit mitosis. Here we report mitotic phosphorylation of 53BP1 by Plk1 and Cdk1 that impairs the ability of 53BP1 to bind the ubiquitinated H2A and to properly localize to the sites of DNA damage. Phosphorylation of 53BP1 at S1618 occurs at kinetochores and in cytosol and is restricted to mitotic cells. Interaction between 53BP1 and Plk1 depends on the activity of Cdk1. We propose that activity of Cdk1 and Plk1 allows spatiotemporally controlled suppression of 53BP1 function during mitosis.  相似文献   

In response to genotoxic stress, cells protect their genome integrity by activation of a conserved DNA damage response (DDR) pathway that coordinates DNA repair and progression through the cell cycle. Extensive modification of the chromatin flanking the DNA lesion by ATM kinase and RNF8/RNF168 ubiquitin ligases enables recruitment of various repair factors. Among them BRCA1 and 53BP1 are required for homologous recombination and non-homologous end joining, respectively. Whereas mechanisms of DDR are relatively well understood in interphase cells, comparatively less is known about organization of DDR during mitosis. Although ATM can be activated in mitotic cells, 53BP1 is not recruited to the chromatin until cells exit mitosis. Here we report mitotic phosphorylation of 53BP1 by Plk1 and Cdk1 that impairs the ability of 53BP1 to bind the ubiquitinated H2A and to properly localize to the sites of DNA damage. Phosphorylation of 53BP1 at S1618 occurs at kinetochores and in cytosol and is restricted to mitotic cells. Interaction between 53BP1 and Plk1 depends on the activity of Cdk1. We propose that activity of Cdk1 and Plk1 allows spatiotemporally controlled suppression of 53BP1 function during mitosis.  相似文献   

Maintenance of genome integrity and stability is a critical responsibility of the DNA damage response (DDR) within cells, such that any disruption in this kinase-based signaling pathway leads to development of various disorders, particularly cancer. The tumor suppressor P53-binding protein 1 (53BP1), as one of the main mediators of DDR, plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the choice of double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway and contains interaction surfaces for numerous DSB-responsive proteins. It has been extensively demonstrated that aberrant expression of 53BP1 contributes to tumor occurrence and development. 53BP1 loss of function in tumor tissues is also related to tumor progression and poor prognosis in human malignancies. Due to undeniable importance of this protein in various aspects of cancer initiation/progression, angiogenesis, metastasis and development of drug resistance, as well as its targeting in the treatment of cancer, this review focused on explaining the structure and function of 53BP1 and its contribution to cancer.  相似文献   

Anumber of proteins are recruited to nuclear foci upon exposure to double-strand DNA damage, including 53BP1 and Rad51, but the precise role of these DNA damage-induced foci remain unclear. Here we show in a variety of human cell lines that histone deacetylase (HDAC) 4 is recruited to foci with kinetics similar to, and colocalizes with, 53BP1 after exposure to agents causing double-stranded DNA breaks. HDAC4 foci gradually disappeared in repair-proficient cells but persisted in repair-deficient cell lines or cells irradiated with a lethal dose, suggesting that resolution of HDAC4 foci is linked to repair. Silencing of HDAC4 via RNA interference surprisingly also decreased levels of 53BP1 protein, abrogated the DNA damage-induced G2 delay, and radiosensitized HeLa cells. Our combined results suggest that HDAC4 is a critical component of the DNA damage response pathway that acts through 53BP1 and perhaps contributes in maintaining the G2 cell cycle checkpoint.  相似文献   

泛素化修饰是真核生物细胞内重要的翻译后修饰类型,通过调节蛋白质活性、稳定性和亚细胞定位广泛参与细胞内各项信号传导与代谢过程,对维持正常生命活动具有重要意义。组蛋白作为染色质中主要的蛋白成分,与DNA复制转录、修复等行为密切相关,是研究翻译后修饰的热点。DNA损伤后,组蛋白泛素化修饰通过调节核小体结构、激活细胞周期检查点、影响修复因子的招募与装配等诸多途径参与损伤应答。同时,组蛋白泛素化修饰还能调节其他位点翻译后修饰,并通过这种串扰(crosstalk)作用调节DNA损伤应答。本文介绍了组蛋白泛素化修饰的主要位点和相关组分(包括E3连接酶、去泛素化酶与效应分子),以及这些修饰作用共同编译形成的信号网络在DNA损伤应答中的作用,最后总结了目前该领域研究所面临的一些问题,以期为科研人员进一步探索组蛋白密码在DNA损伤应答中的作用提供参考。  相似文献   

Li R  Yang YG  Gao Y  Wang ZQ  Tong WM 《Cell research》2012,22(5):859-872
Microcephaly is a clinical characteristic for human nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS, mutated in NBS1 gene), a chromosomal instability syndrome. However, the underlying molecular pathogenesis remains elusive. In the present study, we demonstrate that neuronal disruption of NBS (Nbn in mice) causes microcephaly characterized by the reduction of cerebral cortex and corpus callosum, recapitulating neuronal anomalies in human NBS. Nbs1-deficient neocortex shows accumulative endogenous DNA damage and defective activation of Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR)-Chk1 pathway upon DNA damage. Notably, in contrast to massive apoptotic cell death in Nbs1-deficient cerebella, activation of p53 leads to a defective neuroprogenitor proliferation in neocortex, likely via specific persistent induction of hematopoietic zinc finger (Hzf) that preferentially promotes p53-mediated cell cycle arrest whilst inhibiting apoptosis. Moreover, Trp53 mutations substantially rescue the microcephaly in Nbs1-deficient mice. Thus, the present results reveal the first clue that developing neurons at different regions of brain selectively respond to endogenous DNA damage, and underscore an important role for Nbs1 in neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1) belongs to a family of serine-threonine kinases and plays a critical role in mitotic progression. Plk1 involves in the initiation of mitosis, centrosome maturation, bipolar spindle formation, and cytokinesis, well-reported as traditional functions of Plk1. In this review, we discuss the role of Plk1 during DNA damage response beyond the functions in mitotsis. When DNA is damaged in cells under various stress conditions, the checkpoint mechanism is activated to allow cells to have enough time for repair. When damage is repaired, cells progress continuously their division, which is called checkpoint recovery. If damage is too severe to repair, cells undergo apoptotic pathway. If damage is not completely repaired, cells undergo a process called checkpoint adaptation, and resume cell division cycle with damaged DNA. Plk1 targets and regulates many key factors in the process of damage response, and we deal with these subjects in this review. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(5): 249-255]  相似文献   

Wip1 (protein phosphatase Mg2+/Mn2+-dependent 1D, Ppm1d) is a nuclear serine/threonine protein phosphatase that is induced by p53 following the activation of DNA damage response (DDR) signaling. Ppm1d−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) exhibit premature senescence under conventional culture conditions; however, little is known regarding the role of Wip1 in regulating cellular senescence. In this study, we found that even at a representative physiological concentration of 3% O2, Ppm1d−/− MEFs underwent premature cellular senescence that depended on the functional activation of p53. Interestingly, Ppm1d−/− MEFs showed increased H2AX phosphorylation levels without increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or DNA base damage compared with wild-type (Wt) MEFs, suggesting a decreased threshold for DDR activation or sustained DDR activation during recovery. Notably, the increased H2AX phosphorylation levels observed in Ppm1d−/− MEFs were primarily associated with S-phase cells and predominantly dependent on the activation of ATM. Moreover, these same phenotypes were observed when Wt and Ppm1d−/− MEFs were either transiently or chronically exposed to low levels of agents that induce replication-mediated double-stranded breaks. These findings suggest that Wip1 prevents the induction of cellular senescence at physiological oxygen levels by attenuating DDR signaling in response to endogenous double-stranded breaks that form during DNA replication.  相似文献   

Sharp-1 modulates the cellular response to DNA damage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jian-Jun Liu  Jiali Li 《FEBS letters》2010,584(3):619-624

Living organisms have evolved various mechanisms to control their metabolism and response to various stresses, allowing them to survive and grow in different environments. In eukaryotes, the highly conserved mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway integrates both intracellular and extracellular signals and serves as a central regulator of cellular metabolism, proliferation and survival. A growing body of evidence indicates that mTOR signaling is closely related to another cellular protection mechanism, the DNA damage response (DDR). Many factors important for the DDR are also involved in the mTOR pathway. In this review, we discuss how these two pathways communicate to ensure an efficient protection of the cell against metabolic and genotoxic stresses. We also describe how anticancer therapies benefit from simultaneous targeting of the DDR and mTOR pathways.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence shows that Uhrf1 plays an important role in DNA damage response for maintaining genomic stability. Interestingly, Uhrf1 has a paralog Uhrf2 in mammals. Uhrf1 and Uhrf2 share similar domain architectures. However, the role of Uhrf2 in DNA damage response has not been studied yet. During the analysis of the expression level of Uhrf2 in different tissues, we found that Uhrf2 is highly expressed in aorta and aortic vascular smooth muscle cells. Thus, we studied the role of Uhrf2 in DNA damage response in aortic vascular smooth muscle cells. Using laser microirradiation, we found that like Uhrf1, Uhrf2 was recruited to the sites of DNA damage. We dissected the functional domains of Uhrf2 and found that the TTD, PHD and SRA domains are important for the relocation of Uhrf2 to the sites of DNA damage. Moreover, depletion of Uhrf2 suppressed DNA damage-induced H2AX phosphorylation and DNA damage repair. Taken together, our results demonstrate the function of Uhrf2 in DNA damage response.  相似文献   

TopBP1 is a checkpoint protein that colocalizes with ATR at sites of DNA replication stress. In this study, we show that TopBP1 also colocalizes with 53BP1 at sites of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs), but only in the G1‐phase of the cell cycle. Recruitment of TopBP1 to sites of DNA replication stress was dependent on BRCT domains 1–2 and 7–8, whereas recruitment to sites of DNA DSBs was dependent on BRCT domains 1–2 and 4–5. The BRCT domains 4–5 interacted with 53BP1 and recruitment of TopBP1 to sites of DNA DSBs in G1 was dependent on 53BP1. As TopBP1 contains a domain important for ATR activation, we examined whether it contributes to the G1 cell cycle checkpoint. By monitoring the entry of irradiated G1 cells into S‐phase, we observed a checkpoint defect after siRNA‐mediated depletion of TopBP1, 53BP1 or ATM. Thus, TopBP1 may mediate the checkpoint function of 53BP1 in G1.  相似文献   

Cellular responses to DNA damage require the formation of protein complexes in a highly organized fashion. The complete molecular components that participate in the sequential signaling response to DNA damage remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) in resting cells plays an important role in the formation of ionizing radiation-induced foci that assemble on the 53BP1 scaffold protein during the DNA damage response. The kinase VRK1 is activated by DNA double strand breaks induced by ionizing radiation (IR) and specifically phosphorylates 53BP1 in serum-starved cells. VRK1 knockdown resulted in the defective formation of 53BP1 foci in response to IR both in number and size. This observed effect on 53BP1 foci is p53- and ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-independent and can be rescued with VRK1 mutants resistant to siRNA. VRK1 knockdown also prevented the activating phosphorylation of ATM, CHK2, and DNA-dependent protein kinase in response to IR. VRK1 activation in response to DNA damage is a novel and early step in the signaling of mammalian DNA damage responses.  相似文献   

The function of protein phosphatase 1 nuclear-targeting subunit (PNUTS)--one of the most abundant nuclear-targeting subunits of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1c)--remains largely uncharacterized. We show that PNUTS depletion by small interfering RNA activates a G2 checkpoint in unperturbed cells and prolongs G2 checkpoint and Chk1 activation after ionizing-radiation-induced DNA damage. Overexpression of PNUTS-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)--which is rapidly and transiently recruited at DNA damage sites--inhibits G2 arrest. Finally, γH2AX, p53-binding protein 1, replication protein A and Rad51 foci are present for a prolonged period and clonogenic survival is decreased in PNUTS-depleted cells after ionizing radiation treatment. We identify the PP1c regulatory subunit PNUTS as a new and integral component of the DNA damage response involved in DNA repair.  相似文献   

Acylpeptide hydrolase (APEH) deacetylates N-alpha-acetylated peptides and selectively degrades oxidised proteins, but the biochemical pathways that are regulated by this protease are unknown. Here, we identify APEH as a component of the cellular response to DNA damage. Although APEH is primarily localised in the cytoplasm, we show that a sub-fraction of this enzyme is sequestered at sites of nuclear damage following UVA irradiation or following oxidative stress. We show that localization of APEH at sites of nuclear damage is mediated by direct interaction with XRCC1, a scaffold protein that accelerates the repair of DNA single-strand breaks. We show that APEH interacts with the amino-terminal domain of XRCC1, and that APEH facilitates both single-strand break repair and cell survival following exposure to H2O2 in human cells. These data identify APEH as a novel proteolytic component of the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

MCPH1 encodes BRCT-containing protein MCPH1/Microcephalin/BRIT1, mutations of which in humans cause autosomal recessive disorder primary microcephaly type 1 (MCPH1), characterized by a congenital reduction of brain size particularly in the cerebral cortex. We have shown previously that a deletion of Mcph1 in mice results in microcephaly because of a premature switch from symmetric to asymmetric division of the neuroprogenitors, which is regulated by MCPH1's function in the centrosome. Because MCPH1 has been implicated in ATM and ATR-mediated DNA damage response (DDR) and defective DDR is often associated with neurodevelopmental diseases, we wonder whether the DDR-related function of MCPH1 prevents microcephaly. Here, we show that a deletion of Mcph1 results in a specific reduction of the cerebral cortex at birth, which is persistent through life. Due to an effect on premature neurogenic production, Mcph1-deficient progenitors give rise to a high level of early-born neurons that form deep layers (IV–VI), while generate less late-born neurons that form a thinner outer layer (II–III) of the cortex. However, neuronal migration seems to be unaffected by Mcph1 deletion. Ionizing radiation (IR) induces a massive apoptosis in the Mcph1-null neocortex and also embryonic lethality. Finally, Mcph1 deletion compromises homologous recombination repair and increases genomic instability. Altogether, our data suggest that MCPH1 ensures proper neuroprogenitor expansion and differentiation not only through its function in the centrosome, but also in the DDR.  相似文献   

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