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The methylated DNA immunoprecipitation method (MeDIP) is a genome-wide, high-resolution approach that detects DNA methylation with oligonucleotide tiling arrays or high throughput sequencing platforms. A simplified high-throughput MeDIP assay will enable translational research studies in clinics and populations, which will greatly enhance our understanding of the human methylome. We compared three commercial kits, MagMeDIP Kit TM (Diagenode), Methylated-DNA IP Kit (Zymo Research) and Methylamp™ Methylated DNA Capture Kit (Epigentek), in order to identify which one has better reliability and sensitivity for genomic DNA enrichment. Each kit was used to enrich two samples, one from fresh tissue and one from a cell line, with two different DNA amounts. The enrichment efficiency of each kit was evaluated by agarose gel band intensity after Nco I digestion and by reaction yield of methylated DNA. A successful enrichment is expected to have a 1:4 to 10:1 conversion ratio and a yield of 80% or higher. We also evaluated the hybridization efficiency to genome-wide methylation arrays in a separate cohort of tissue samples. We observed that the MagMeDIP kit had the highest yield for the two DNA amounts and for both the tissue and cell line samples, as well as for the positive control. In addition, the DNA was successfully enriched from a 1:4 to 10:1 ratio. Therefore, the MagMeDIP kit is a useful research tool that will enable clinical and public health genome-wide DNA methylation studies.  相似文献   

The methylated DNA immunoprecipitation method (MeDIP) is a genome-wide, high-resolution approach that detects DNA methylation with oligonucleotide tiling arrays or high throughput sequencing platforms. A simplified high-throughput MeDIP assay will enable translational research studies in clinics and populations, which will greatly enhance our understanding of the human methylome. We compared three commercial kits, MagMeDIP Kit TM (Diagenode), Methylated-DNA IP Kit (Zymo Research) and Methylamp? Methylated DNA Capture Kit (Epigentek), in order to identify which one has better reliability and sensitivity for genomic DNA enrichment. Each kit was used to enrich two samples, one from fresh tissue and one from a cell line, with two different DNA amounts. The enrichment efficiency of each kit was evaluated by agarose gel band intensity after Nco I digestion and by reaction yield of methylated DNA. A successful enrichment is expected to have a 1:4 to 10:1 conversion ratio and a yield of 80% or higher. We also evaluated the hybridization efficiency to genome-wide methylation arrays in a separate cohort of tissue samples. We observed that the MagMeDIP kit had the highest yield for the two DNA amounts and for both the tissue and cell line samples, as well as for the positive control. In addition, the DNA was successfully enriched from a 1:4 to 10:1 ratio. Therefore, the MagMeDIP kit is a useful research tool that will enable clinical and public health genome-wide DNA methylation studies.  相似文献   

DNA demethylation induced by the methyl-CpG-binding domain protein MBD3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brown SE  Suderman MJ  Hallett M  Szyf M 《Gene》2008,420(2):99-106



In the recent past large progress has been made in the analysis of the epigenome, the entirety of epigenetic modifications, and its meaning for the implementation of the genetic code. Besides histone modifications and miRNA expression, DNA methylation is one of the key players in the field of epigenetics, involved in numerous regulatory processes.


In the present review we focus on methods for the analysis of DNA methylation patterns and present an overview about techniques and basic principles available for this purpose.

Results and general significance

We here discuss advantages and disadvantages of various methods and their feasibility for specific tasks of DNA methylation analysis.  相似文献   

Bst DNA聚合酶大片段作为一种常用的DNA聚合酶,因其独特的特点:能引发链置换反应、高保真、耐高温等,而成为一种重要的DNA多重置换扩增酶。目的:为减少成本,设计一种高产,方便且扩增活性高的Bst DNA聚合酶大片段表达体系;探究该酶应用于胃癌石蜡包埋组织基因组DNA的扩增条件。方法:采用p TWIN1质粒作为载体克隆表达Bst DNA聚合酶大片段,应用几丁质亲和层析柱纯化该酶,使用该酶对人类基因组DNA进行不同温度下扩增,探究其最适反应温度,并据此对胃癌石蜡包埋组织基因组DNA进行扩增。结果:由此得到的Bst DNA聚合酶大片段能运用于胃癌石蜡包埋组织基因组DNA的扩增,扩增效率可达200倍,并能应用于a CGH芯片。结论:扩增得到保真性高,覆盖基因组范围大的DNA扩增产物。该应用与a CGH结合,使得对少量的癌症石蜡包埋组织DNA样本进行全基因组扩增,并进行其基因拷贝数变异研究成为可能。  相似文献   

The whole genome amplification (WGA) protocol evaluated during this study, GenomiPhi DNA amplification kit, is a novel method that is not based on polymerase chain reaction but rather relies on the highly processive and high fidelity Phi29 DNA polymerase to replicate linear genomic DNA by multiple strand displacement amplification. As little as 1 ng of genomic DNA template is sufficient to produce microgram quantities of high molecular weight DNA. The question explored during this study is whether such a WGA method is appropriate to reliably replenish and even recover depleted DNA samples that can be used for downstream genetic analysis. A series of human DNA samples was tested in our laboratory and validated using such analytical methods as gene-specific polymerase chain reaction, direct sequencing, microsatellite marker analysis, and single nucleotide polymorphism allelic discrimination using TaqMan and Pyrosequencing chemistries. Although degraded genomic DNA is not a good template for Phi29 WGA, this method is a powerful tool to replenish depleted DNA stocks and to increase the amount of sample for which biological tissue availability is scarce. The testing performed during the validation phase of the study indicates no discernable difference between WGA samples and the original DNA templates. Thus, GenomiPhi WGA can be used to increase precious or depleted DNA stocks, thereby extending the life of a family-based linkage analysis project and increasing statistical power.  相似文献   

We developed and optimized a method using Chelex DNA extraction followed by whole genome amplification (WGA) to overcome problems conducting molecular genetic studies due to the limited amount of DNA obtainable from individual small organisms such as predatory mites. The DNA from a single mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henrot (Acari: Phytoseiidae), isolated in Chelex suspension was subjected to WGA. More than 1000-fold amplification of the DNA was achieved using as little as 0.03 ng genomic DNA template. The DNA obtained by the WGA was used for polymerase chain reaction followed by direct sequencing. From WGA DNA, nuclear DNA intergenic spacers ITS1 and ITS2 and a mitochondrial DNA 12S marker were tested in three different geographical populations of the predatory mite: California, the Netherlands, and Sicily. We found a total of four different alleles of the 12S in the Sicilian population, but no polymorphism was identified in the ITS marker. The combination of Chelex DNA extraction and WGA is thus shown to be a simple and robust technique for examining molecular markers for multiple loci by using individual mites. We conclude that the methods, Chelex extraction of DNA followed by WGA, provide a large quantity of DNA template that can be used for multiple PCR reactions useful for genetic studies requiring the genotypes of individual mites.  相似文献   

DNA repeats in the human genome   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  

Genetic analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi relies on analysis of single spores. The low DNA content makes it difficult to perform large scale molecular analysis. We present the application of Phi29 DNA polymerase mediated strand displacement amplification (SDA) to genomic DNA extracted from single spores of Glomus and Gigaspora species to address this problem. The genome coverage of the SDA process was evaluated by PCR amplification of the beta-tubulin1 gene and part of the rDNA cluster present in AM fungi. The fidelity of SDA was evaluated further by sequencing the Glomus intraradices ITS1 variants to detect the four ITS1 variants previously identified for this fungus.  相似文献   

In case of studies associated with human genetics, genomics, and pharmacogenetics the genomic DNA is extracted from the buccal cells, whole blood etc. Several methods are exploited by the researchers to extract DNA from the whole blood. One of these methods, which utilizes cell lysis and proteolytic properties of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and proteinase K respectively, might also be called SDS-PK method. It does not include any hazardous chemicals such as phenol or chloroform and is inexpensive. However, several researchers report the same method with different formulas and conditions. During our experiments with whole blood DNA extraction we experienced problems such as protein contamination, DNA purity and yield when followed some SDS-PK protocols reported elsewhere. A260/A280 and A260/A230 ratios along with PCR amplification give a clear idea about the procedure that was followed to extract the DNA. In an effort to increase the DNA purity from human whole blood, we pointed out some steps of the protocol that play a crucial role in determining the extraction of high quality DNA.  相似文献   

Gene silencing via promoter CpG island hypermethylation offers tumor cells growth advantages. This epigenetic event is pharmacologically reversible, and uncovering a unique set of methylation-silenced genes in tumor cells can bring a new avenue to cancer treatment. However, high-throughput tools capable of surveying the methylation status of multiple gene promoters are needed for this discovery process. Herein we describe an oligonucleotide-based microarray technique that is both versatile and sensitive in revealing hypermethylation in defined regions of the genome. DNA samples are bisulfite-treated and PCR-amplified to distinguish CpG dinucleotides that are methylated from those that are not. Fluorescently labeled PCR products are hybridized to arrayed oligonucleotides that can discriminate between methylated and unmethylated alleles in regions of interest. Using this technique, two clinical subtypes of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, mantle cell lymphoma, and grades I/II follicular lymphoma, were further separated based on the differential methylation profiles of several gene promoters. Work is underway in our laboratory to extend the interrogation power of this microarray system in multiple candidate genes. This novel tool, therefore, holds promise to monitor the outcome of various epigenetic therapies on cancer patients.  相似文献   

提取(量化)特征是DNA甲基化状态预测中的一个关键步骤,然而不同的方法所使用的特征并不相同,特征量化的具体过程计算繁琐。本文集成文献中的重要特征,设计并实现了DNA序列的特征提取软件工具。该软件封装了特征的计算过程,可以方便地批量计算目标序列的相关特征,为后续的数据分析和挖掘提供便利。  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, DNA has to bend significantly to pack inside the nucleus. Physical properties of DNA such as bending flexibility and curvature are expected to affect DNA packaging and partially determine the nucleosome positioning patterns inside a cell. DNA CpG methylation, the most common epigenetic modification found in DNA, is known to affect the physical properties of DNA. However, its detailed role in nucleosome formation is less well‐established. In this study, we evaluated the effect of defined CpG patterns (unmethylated and methylated) on DNA structure and their respective nucleosome‐forming ability. Our results suggest that the addition of CpG dinucleotides, either as a (CG)n stretch or (CGX8)n repeats at 10 bp intervals, lead to reduced hydrodynamic radius and decreased nucleosome‐forming ability of DNA. This effect is more predominant for a DNA stretch ((CG)5) located in the middle of a DNA fragment. Methylation of CpG sites, surprisingly, seems to reduce the difference in DNA structure and nucleosome‐forming ability among DNA constructs with different CpG patterns. Our results suggest that unmethylated and methylated CpG patterns can play very different roles in regulating the physical properties of DNA. CpG methylation seems to reduce the DNA conformational variations affiliated with defined CpG patterns. Our results can have significant bearings in understanding the nucleosome positioning pattern in living organisms modulated by DNA sequences and epigenetic features. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 517–524, 2014.  相似文献   

Because of the low amount of DNA in single hairs, it may be difficult to obtain reliable genotypes for forensic and conservation genetics studies. We therefore compared different methods for reliably genotyping single hair samples. Our results indicate that preliminary whole genome amplification can increase the likelihood of successfully genotyping a single hair compared to other commonly used protocols. The difference between the methods is small for single locus comparisons, but it becomes more important in multi-locus comparisons. The economic and time costs of the whole genome amplification may prevent its large-scale use in non-invasive monitoring programs. Nevertheless, it may be a very useful approach for the analysis of especially valuable samples.  相似文献   

We developed a PCR-based high-throughput genome-walking protocol. The novelty of this protocol is in the random introduction of unique walker primer binding sites into different regions of the genome efficiently by taking advantage of the rolling circle mode of DNA synthesis by Phi29 DNA polymerase after annealing the partially degenerate primers to the denatured genomic DNA. The inherent strand-displacement activity of the Phi29 DNA polymerase displaces the 5′ ends of downstream strands and DNA synthesis continues, resulting in a large number of overlapping fragments that cover the whole genome with the unique walker adapter attached to the 5′ end of all the genomic DNA fragments. The directional genome walking can be performed using a locus-specific primer and the walker primer and Phi29 DNA polymerase-amplified genomic DNA fragments as template. The locus-specific primer will determine the position and direction of the genome walk. Two rounds of successive PCR amplifications by locus-specific and walker primers and their corresponding nested primers effectively amplify the flanking DNA fragments. The desired PCR fragment can be either cloned or sequenced directly using another nested, locus-specific primer. We successfully used this protocol to isolate and sequence 5′ flanking regions/promoters of selected plant genes.  相似文献   



Previously a variety of environmental toxicants were found to promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease through differential DNA methylation regions (DMRs), termed epimutations, present in sperm. The transgenerational epimutations in sperm and somatic cells identified in a number of previous studies were further investigated.


The epimutations from six different environmental exposures were found to be predominantly exposure specific with negligible overlap. The current report describes a major genomic feature of all the unique epimutations identified (535) as a very low (<10 CpG/100 bp) CpG density in sperm and somatic cells associated with transgenerational disease. The genomic locations of these epimutations were found to contain DMRs with small clusters of CpG within a general region of very low density CpG. The potential role of these epimutations on gene expression is suggested to be important.


Observations suggest a potential regulatory role for lower density CpG regions termed “CpG deserts”. The potential evolutionary origins of these regions is also discussed.  相似文献   

Optimization of highly sensitive methods to detect methylation of CpG islands in gene promoter regions requires adequate methylated and unmethylated control DNA. Whereas universal methylated control DNA is available, universal unmethylated control (UUC) DNA has not been made because demethylase is not available to remove methyl groups from all methylated cytosines. On the basis that DNA synthesized by DNA polymerase does not contain methylated cytosines, we developed a method to create UUC DNA by nested whole genome amplification (WGA) with phi29 DNA polymerase. Contamination of the template genomic DNA in UUC was only 3.1 x 10(-7), below the detection limit of sensitive methods used for methylation studies such as methylation-specific PCR. Assessment of microsatellite markers demonstrated that even nested phi29 WGA achieves highly accurate and homogeneous amplification with very low amounts of genomic DNA as an initial template. The UUC DNA created by nested phi29 WGA is practically very useful for methylation analysis.  相似文献   

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