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A part from considerations as to where it is best wedged into the linear sequence, the brachyptera group is defined in general terms as a compact group of four small or very small species which resemble one another in many important specific characters and the other thirty-six species classified here as Cisticola in so many ways of form, coloration and behaviour as to make them best understood by classifying them also under that generic name.  相似文献   

T he two giants of the genus-that is so far as the cock birds are concerned, but, as with chiniana and a few others, their hens are so much smaller that even when in the field the two sexes are seen in company one may often doubt their being a pair of the same species.  相似文献   

The B. O. C. Ruwenzori expedition of 1906 brought home a single immature female of this species, obtained in a papyrus swamp near Lake George, and to Ogilvie-Grant's discrimination we owe the recognition of its specific distinction from galactotes , the species it so closely resembles in coloration, and which is certainly carruthersi s nearest ally.  相似文献   

Type in the American Museum New York, reg. no. 263393; an adult male collected by Mr. F. P. Mathews and Dr. J. P. Chapin June 1926, in the Kidong Valley, Kenya Colony: wing 65, tail 59.5.  相似文献   


On 23 February 1979 Sir Robert Falla collapsed and died at his home in Eastbourne. He was 77. His sudden death came as a great shock to his multitude of friends and colleagues, many of whom were still sharing with Sir Robert a deep sense of loss at the death on 31 May 1978, shortly after the couple's golden wedding anniversary, of his charming wife Molly.  相似文献   

An easily recognized little bird in both of its very different seasonal dresses: one with no very near relative among the other species, but thoroughly Cirticoline from every point of view, alive or on the table: about the size of the Wood-Warbler (P. sibilatrix) , but with a shorter tail and much shorter wings, (totally different coloration), and in behaviour more like a bush-loving Sylvia , the Whitethroat (S. communis) for instance, only without any of that bird's aerial love-dances.  相似文献   

This third species of Cloud-scraper was first named by Dr. von Heuglin in 1862 from an adult male in Summer dress obtained by himself in Abyssinia. Later (in 1869), not realizing their specific identity, von Heuglin gave examples of the same species in Winter and juvenile dresses with different specific names, viz. iodopyga and habessinica , but did not have to contend with the difficulty of separating ayresii from brunnescens because the former species does not occur in Abyssinia. Elsewhere, from Kenya Colony to South Africa, that has always been the difficulty, and wherever the two species were subsequently found they were more or less indiscriminately related to one another as forms or allies of ayresii (under that bird's wrong name terrestris) , until, in 1913 *, Roberts showed the differences between them in South Africa, and, in 1922†, van Someren the same for Kenya Colony.  相似文献   

Another of the more recently discovered North-east African species: not a very small bird, but about the size of the Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) and of not very different proportions, only the tail noticeably shorter: an inhabitant, for (he most part, of thorn-bush country, with manners, so far as they are known, more or less Sylvia-like.  相似文献   

A smallish, rather slender-built bird; quite a typical Cisticola like subruficapilla , which species despite its different coloration is-one of if not the nearest of its allies, about the same size, build and proportions as the Sardinian Warbler (S. melanocephala) and with much moreover in its behaviour which recalls that and other quite differently coloured bush-loving Sylvia Warblers, such as, for instance, the Whitethroat (S. communis).  相似文献   

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