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Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is one of the most common human genetic disorders and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The gene responsible for this disorder, NF1, encodes neurofibromin, which can function to down-regulate ras activity. Mutations that inactivate NF7 result in elevated levels of ras signaling and increased cell proliferation in some tissues. NF7 functions as a tumor suppressor gene; patients inherit one mutated copy and are believed to acquire a "second hit" in tissues that go on to form benign or malignant tumors. NF7 is expressed widely, yet certain tissues are more susceptible to growth dysregulation in NF1 patients. Cardiovascular defects also contribute to NF1, though the cause remains unclear. In a recent study, we used tissue-specific gene inactivation in mice to study the role of neurofibromin in heart development. A further understanding of neurofibromin function will help to elucidate the pathophysiology of NF1 and will also lead to a better understanding of cell cycle regulation and ras pathways in specific cell types. Finally, we comment on how similar genetic strategies can be used in mice to study the role of additional signaling pathways involved in heart development.  相似文献   

Wt1最初被认为是一种抑癌基因,现在发现其在器官形成和病理生理过程中发挥作用,它不仅影响肾脏而且影响心脏的发育。心外膜细胞在经历了上皮-间充质细胞转化后成为心血管前体细胞,之后继续分化为心肌细胞、冠状动脉血管细胞等,该过程在心脏发育中起到重要作用,而Wt1调控了这一重要的转化过程。本综述主要阐述Wt1通过Wnt/β-catenin信号通路和维甲酸信号通路调控EMT,影响心脏发育的机制。充分理解Wt1调控EMT产生心血管前体细胞的过程与分子机制,对于研究正常心脏发育及心脏再生有很大帮助。  相似文献   

哺乳动物的性别发育大致可分为性别决定和性别分化两步,是一个由WT1/Wt1、SRY/Sry和MIS/Mis等多基因参与的级联过程,但目前对于这些基因之间的相互作用尚不清楚。在性别发育过程中持续表达的WT1/Wt1与多种伴有性别发育异常的疾病相关,其重要性表现为对多个性别发育关键基因在转录水平和转录后水平的调控。简要概述了WT1/Wt1的复杂性及其对多基因的调控作用,以期为阐明性别发育机制和基因间的相互关系提供参考。  相似文献   

沉默信息调节因子1(silent information regulator1, SIRT1)是NAD+ 依赖的去乙酰化酶,通过使底物发生去乙酰化而参与细胞众多生理功能的调节,在糖脂代谢、衰老、细胞凋亡、氧化应激等过程中发挥了重要作用。另外,众多研究表明,SIRT1是调控动物卵巢老化、卵泡发育和卵母细胞成熟的重要因子,SIRT1 表达下降或活性改变将导致卵母细胞老化,降低动物的繁殖力。为了充分理解SIRT1功能,并通过调控SIRT1活性而延缓卵巢和卵母细胞老化,从而提高动物繁殖力,简述了SIRT1的激活及其参与细胞内调控的生物过程,并从能量代谢、抗氧化胁迫、染色质重塑的角度讨论了SIRT1的主要功能,重点阐述了SIRT1对动物卵泡发育和卵母细胞成熟的调控作用。  相似文献   

Skeletal abnormalities in neurofibromatosis type 1 syndrome (NF1) are observed in ~50% of patients. Here, we describe the phenotype of Nf1Ocl mouse model with Nf1‐deficient osteoclasts. Nf1Ocl mice with Nf1+/? or Nf1?/? osteoclasts in otherwise Nf1+/+ background were successfully generated by mating parental Nf1flox/flox and TRAP‐Cre mice. Contrary to our original hypothesis, osteoporotic or fragile bone phenotype was not observed. The µCT analysis revealed that tibial bone marrow cavity, trabecular tissue volume, and the perimeter of cortical bone were smaller in Nf1 mice compared to Nf1 control mice. Nf1 mice also a displayed narrowed growth plate in the proximal tibia. In vitro analysis showed increased bone resorption capacity and cytoskeletal changes including irregular cell shape and abnormal actin ring formation in Nf1?/? osteoclasts. Surprisingly, the size of spleen in Nf1 mice was two times larger than in controls and histomorphometric analysis showed splenic megakaryocytosis. In summary, Nf1Ocl mouse model presented with a mild but specific bone phenotype. This study shows that NF1‐deficiency in osteoclasts may have a role in the development of NF1‐related skeletal abnormalities, but Nf1‐deficiency in osteoclasts in Nf1+/+ background is not sufficient to induce skeletal abnormalities analogous to those observed in patients with NF1. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 2136–2146, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent reports of cytosine methylation occurring at CpA and CpT dinucleotides in murine ES cells as well as in Drosophila have renewed interest in methylation at sites other than CpGs. Our examination of the murine neurofibromatosis type 1 gene by sodium bisulfite genomic sequencing has revealed non-CpG methylation primarily in the oocyte and the maternally derived allele of the 2-cell embryo, with markedly lower levels found in sperm. Non-CpG methylation was not found in later stages of embryo development or in adult tissue. Our results suggest that maternal-specific de novo non-CpG methylation has occurred sometime between ovulation and formation of the 2-cell embryo, while during the same period the paternally derived allele has undergone site-specific active demethylation. Our data demonstrate both stage and parent-of-origin specific changes in methylation patterns within the neurofibromatosis type 1 coding region-involving cytosines located at both CpG and non-CpG dinucleotides.  相似文献   

Interactions between tumorigenic cells and their surrounding microenvironment are critical for tumor progression yet remain incompletely understood. Germline mutations in the NF1 tumor suppressor gene cause neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), a common genetic disorder characterized by complex tumors called neurofibromas. Genetic studies indicate that biallelic loss of Nf1 is required in the tumorigenic cell of origin in the embryonic Schwann cell lineage. However, in the physiologic state, Schwann cell loss of heterozygosity is not sufficient for neurofibroma formation and Nf1 haploinsufficiency in at least one additional nonneoplastic lineage is required for tumor progression. Here, we establish that Nf1 heterozygosity of bone marrow-derived cells in the tumor microenvironment is sufficient to allow neurofibroma progression in the context of Schwann cell Nf1 deficiency. Further, genetic or pharmacologic attenuation of c-kit signaling in Nf1+/- hematopoietic cells diminishes neurofibroma initiation and progression. Finally, these studies implicate mast cells as critical mediators of tumor initiation.  相似文献   

铁死亡是一种由脂质过氧化驱动的铁依赖性的新的细胞死亡方式,越来越多的证据表明,铁死亡与各种病理状态有关,如神经退行性疾病、糖尿病肾病、癌症等,脂质过氧化驱动的铁死亡可能促进或抑制这些疾病的发生发展,细胞中抗氧化系统通过抑制脂质过氧化在抵抗铁死亡过程中发挥着重要作用。铁死亡的关键通路有以SLC7A11-GPX4为关键分子的氨基酸代谢通路、以铁蛋白或转铁蛋白为主的铁代谢通路,以及脂质代谢通路。铁死亡的发生受到细胞内蛋白质的调节,这些蛋白质会发生各种翻译后修饰,包括泛素化修饰。泛素-蛋白酶体系统(ubiquitin-proteasome system,UPS)是细胞内主要降解系统之一,通过酶促级联反应催化泛素分子标记待降解蛋白,随后由蛋白酶体识别并降解目标蛋白质。UPS根据其降解底物的不同在调节铁死亡的反应中发挥双重作用。UPS通过促进铁死亡关键分子(如SLC7A11、GPX4、GSH)以及抗氧化系统成分(如NRF2)的泛素化降解从而促进铁死亡,也可以通过促进脂质代谢通路中相关分子(如ACSL4、ALOX15)的泛素化降解从而抑制铁死亡。本综述介绍泛素化修饰在调控铁死亡进程中作用的最新研究进展,总结了已发表的关于E3泛素连接酶和去泛素酶调控铁死亡的研究,归纳了泛素连接酶、去泛素酶调控铁死亡的作用靶点,有助于确定人类疾病中新的预后指标,为这些疾病提供潜在的治疗策略。  相似文献   

In recent years, understanding of the role of aldosterone has expanded beyond the known classic effects of promoting renal sodium retention and potassium and magnesium loss. It is now well documented that aldosterone causes myocardial and perivascular fibrosis, blocks the myocardial uptake of norepinephrine, and increases plasminogen activator inhibitor levels. In conjunction with angiotensin II, aldosterone causes vascular damage, endothelial dysfunction, and decreased vascular compliance. Thus, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) plays a major role in the development of both hypertension and heart failure and is, therefore, a key target for therapeutic interventions. Commonly prescribed medications for control of hypertension and congestive heart failure are inhibitors of the RAAS, including angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-Is) and angiotensin II (A-II) receptor antagonists. A well-documented increase in aldosterone levels occurs over several months during chronic treatment with an ACE-I or an A-II receptor antagonist. Such suppression of circulating aldosterone, however, is transient, as exemplified by the term “escape” used to describe the phenomenon. This rebound of aldosterone even occurs when patients receive both an ACE-I and an A-II receptor antagonist. In addition, ACE-Is and A-II receptor antagonists are less effective in controlling blood pressure in the estimated 60% of hypertensive patients who are salt- (volume-) sensitive and more prone to hypertension-associated morbidity, such as black patients and type 2 diabetics. Thus, chronic and complete blockade of aldosterone action requires an aldosterone receptor antagonist. The Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES) trial results in patients with severe heart failure (New York Heart Association class III or IV) and a left ventricular ejection fraction of no more than 35% showed that administration of a subhemodynamic dose of spironolactone (25 mg/day) as an add-on therapy to ACE-Is plus standard treatment resulted in a significant mortality reduction due to decreases in both death from progressive heart failure and sudden cardiac death. These findings support the pivotal role of aldosterone in the pathophysiology of progressive heart failure. Although it is an effective antialdosterone agent, widespread use of spironolactone in humans is limited by its tendency to produce undesirable sexual side effects. At standard doses, impotence and gynecomastia can be induced in men, whereas premenopausal women may experience menstrual disturbances. Data on a selective aldosterone receptor antagonist, eplerenone, show that it appears promising for the effective blockade of aldosterone and its harmful effects without the sexual disturbances of spironolactone. Recently, eplerenone was successfully introduced for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure. A growing number of experimental studies are finding a broader role for aldosterone in driving the pathophysiology of both heart failure and hypertension. When added to conventional therapy, aldosterone receptor blockers show benefits in addition to those conferred by ACE-Is and/or A-II receptor blockers.  相似文献   

The NF1 tumor suppressor gene encodes neurofibromin, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for p21ras (Ras). Children with NF1 are predisposed to juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML). Some heterozygous Nf1 mutant mice develop a similar myeloproliferative disorder (MPD), and adoptive transfer of Nf1-deficient fetal liver cells consistently induces this MPD. Human JMML and murine Nf1-deficient cells are hypersensitive to granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in methylcellulose cultures. We generated hematopoietic cells deficient in both Nf1 and Gmcsf to test whether GM-CSF is required to drive excessive proliferation of Nf1-/- cells in vivo. Here we show that GM-CSF play a central role in establishing and maintaining the MPD and that recipients engrafted with Nf1-/- Gmcsf-/- hematopoietic cells are hypersensitive to exogenous GM-CSF.  相似文献   

Reed  David E.  Chen  Jiquan  Abraha  Michael  Robertson  G. Philip  Dahlin  Kyla M. 《Ecosystems》2020,23(2):359-369
Ecosystems - To create a comprehensive view of ecosystem resource use, we integrated parallel resource use efficiency observations into a multiple-resource use efficiency (mRUE) framework using a...  相似文献   

Human Physiology - Part II of the review considers the literature data that pronounced cardioprotective activity is possessed by sigma-1 receptors (σ1Rs) and is associated with both...  相似文献   

心脏发育及心脏疾病干细胞的治疗要求对心脏发育过程中的控制细胞增殖及分化的相关基因的作用机制进行深入了解.Islet1基因(Isl1基因)含有6个外显子和5个内含子,定位于人类5号染色体5q11.2.该基因在基因组内约占12kb,目前所知其最长可读框(ORF)至少由5个外显子组成,编码一个由384个氨基酸组成的转录因子蛋白.最近研究发现,不同的心脏细胞可能源于同一种多能心脏祖细胞—Isl1+细胞,心脏的这一发育模式与血液细胞的形成模式非常相像.另外有研究结果显示,Isl1是与心脏发育密切相关的转录因子之一,其表达随着心脏发育成熟而逐渐下调.虽然针对Isl1基因做了较多的研究工作,但是它表达调控的具体模式及发挥功能的详细作用机制目前仍未完全清楚,本文对最近几年Isl1基因的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein A12B (HSPA12B) is the newest member of a recently defined subfamily of proteins distantly related to the 70-kDa family of heat shock proteins (HSP70) family. HSP70s play a crucial role in protecting cells, tissues, organs and animals from various noxious conditions. Here we studied the dynamic expression changes and localization of HSPA12B after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) with reperfusion induced ischemic insult processes in adult rats. Apoptosis, as indicated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining, was also increased in the peri-ischemic cortex compared to non-ischemic hemisphere. The expression of HSPA12B was strongly induced in the ischemic hemisphere of MCAO reperfusion rats in vivo. In vitro studies indicated that the up-regulation of HSPA12B may be involved in oxygen-glucose deprivation-induced PC12 cell death. And knockdown of HSPA12B in cultured differentiated PC12 cells by siRNA showed that HSPA12B inhibited the expression of active caspase-3. Collectively, these results suggested that HSPA12B may be required for protecting neurons from ischemic insults.  相似文献   

Almost all real-life decisions entail attribute conflict; every serious choice alternative is better than its competitors on some attribute dimensions but worse on others. In pre-decisional “coherence shifting,” the decision maker gradually softens that conflict psychologically to the point where one alternative is seen as dominant over its competitors, or nearly so. Specifically, weaknesses of the eventually chosen alternative come to be perceived as less severe and less important while its strengths seem more desirable and significant. The research described here demonstrates that difficult multiattribute decision problems are aversive and that pre-decisional coherence shifting aids individuals in regulating that emotional discomfort. Across three studies, attribute conflict was confirmed to be aversive (Study 1), and skin conductance responses and ratings of decision difficulty both decreased in participants who coherence shifted (Study 2). Coherence shifting was also diminished among decision makers who were depleted of regulatory resources, known to be required for common emotion regulation mechanisms. Further, coherence shifting was shown to be relatively common among people who reported strong suppression tendencies in everyday emotion regulation (Study 3). Overall, the data suggest that, at least in part, coherence shifting serves as a tool that helps decision makers manage the pre-decisional discomfort generated by attribute conflict. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

T-cell subsets in the mammalian immune system use varied mechanisms for survival, a demand imposed by the diverse and dynamic niches that they function in. In a recent study, we showed that survival of natural T-regulatory cells (Tregs) was determined by spatially regulated NOTCH1 activity signaling leading to the activation of macroautophagy/autophagy. While this interaction was revealed in experimental conditions of limited nutrient availability in vitro, the consequences of this interaction were confirmed in the context of immune physiology. Consistently, disrupting NOTCH signaling or the autophagy cascade was deleterious to Tregs. At the molecular level, ligand-activated NOTCH1, which is enriched outside the nucleus in Tregs, was detected in complexes that included specific molecular intermediates controlling the progression of autophagy. Mitochondria were a prominent cellular target, with organelle remodeling and function dependent on NOTCH1 signaling to autophagy. It is tempting to speculate that the link between autophagy and the developmental regulator NOTCH1 identified in this work may be conserved in other biological contexts.  相似文献   

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