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The regulation of nucleotide excision repair and base excision repair by normal and repair deficient human cells was determined. Synchronous cultures of WI-38 normal diploid fibroblasts and Xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts (complementation group D) (XP-D) were used to investigate whether DNA repair pathways were modulated during the cell cycle. Two criteria were used: (1) unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) in the presence of hydroxyurea (HU) after exposure to UV light or after exposure to N-acetoxy-acetylaminofluorene (N-AcO-AAF) to quantitate nucleotide excision repair or UDS after exposure to methylmethane sulfonate (MMS) to measure base excision repair; (2) repair replication into parental DNA in the absence of HU after exposure to UV light. Nucleotide excision repair after UV irradiation was induced in WI-38 fibroblasts during the cell cycle reaching a maximum in cultures exposed 14–15 h after cell stimulation. Similar results were observed after exposure to N-AcO-AAF. DNA repair was increased 2–4-fold after UV exposure and was increased 3-fold after N-AcO-AAF exposure. In either instance nucleotide excision repair was sequentially stimulated prior to the enhancement of base excision repair which was stimulated prior to the induction of DNA replication. In contrast XP-D failed to induce nucleotide excision repair after UV irradiation at any interval in the cell cycle. However, base excision repair and DNA replication were stimulated comparable to that enhancement observed in WI-38 cells. The distinctive induction of nucleotide excision repair and base excision repair prior to the onset of DNA replication suggests that separate DNA repair complexes may be formed during the eucaryotic cell cycle.  相似文献   

A plethora of clinically distinct human disorders exist whose underlying cause is a defect in the response to or repair of DNA damage. The clinical spectrum of these conditions provides evidence for the role of the DNA damage response (DDR) in mediating diverse processes such as genomic stability, immune system function and normal human development. Cell lines from these disorders provide a valuable resource to help dissect the consequences of compromised DDR at the molecular level. Here we will discuss some well known, less well known and ‘novel’ DDR defective disorders with particular reference to the functional interplay between the DNA damage response and cell cycle checkpoints. We will describe recent advances in further delineating the genetic basis of Seckel syndrome and microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II, which have shed more light on the interplay between the DDR, cycle progression and centrosomes. We will also overview recent developments concerning haploinsufficiency of DDR components and their association with certain genomic disorders such as Miller–Dieker lissencephaly syndrome and Williams–Beuren syndrome. Finally, we will discuss how defects in the DDR result in some unexpected clinical features before describing how the nature of a DDR defect impacts on the management and treatment of individuals with these conditions.  相似文献   

Jeggo PA  Löbrich M 《DNA Repair》2006,5(9-10):1192-1198
DNA damage response mechanisms encompass pathways of DNA repair, cell cycle checkpoint arrest and apoptosis. Together, these mechanisms function to maintain genomic stability in the face of exogenous and endogenous DNA damage. ATM is activated in response to double strand breaks and initiates cell cycle checkpoint arrest. Recent studies in human fibroblasts have shown that ATM also regulates a mechanism of end-processing that is required for a component of double strand break repair. Human fibroblasts rarely undergo apoptosis after ionising radiation and, therefore, apoptosis is not considered in our review. The dual function of ATM raises the question as to how the two processes, DNA repair and checkpoint arrest, interplay to maintain genomic stability. In this review, we consider the impact of ATM's repair and checkpoint functions to the maintenance of genomic stability following irradiation in G2. We discuss evidence that ATM's repair function plays little role in the maintenance of genomic stability following exposure to ionising radiation. ATM's checkpoint function has a bigger impact on genomic stability but strikingly the two damage response pathways co-operate in a more than additive manner. In contrast, ATM's repair function is important for survival post irradiation.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet radiation (UVR) component of sunlight is the major environmental risk factor for melanoma, producing DNA lesions that can be mutagenic if not repaired. The high level of mutations in melanomas that have the signature of UVR‐induced damage indicates that the normal mechanisms that detect and repair this damage must be defective in this system. With the exception of melanoma‐prone heritable syndromes which have mutations of repair genes, there is little evidence for somatic mutation of known repair genes. Cell cycle checkpoint controls are tightly associated with repair mechanisms, arresting cells to allow for repair before continuing through the cell cycle. Checkpoint signaling components also regulate the repair mechanisms. Defects in checkpoint mechanisms have been identified in melanomas and are likely to be responsible for increased mutation load in melanoma. Loss of the checkpoint responses may also provide an opportunity to target melanomas using a synthetic lethal approach to identify and inhibit mechanisms that compensate for the defective checkpoints.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation induces genomic instability, transmitted over many generations through the progeny of surviving cells. It is manifested as the expression of delayed effects such as delayed cell death, delayed chromosomal instability and delayed mutagenesis. Induced genomic instability exerts its delayed effects for prolonged periods of time, suggesting the presence of a mechanism by which the initial DNA damage in the surviving cells is memorized. Our recent studies have shown that transmitted memory causes delayed DNA breakage, which in turn activates DNA damage checkpoint, and is involved in delayed manifestation of genomic instability. Although the mechanism(s) involved in DNA damage memory remain to be determined, we suggest that ionizing radiation-induced mega-base deletion destabilizes chromatin structure, which can be transmitted many generations through the progeny, and is involved in initiation and perpetuation of genomic instability. The possible involvement of delayed activation of a DNA damage checkpoint in the delayed induction of genomic instability in bystander cells is also discussed.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) genes are required for heritable silencing of target genes. Many PcG mutants have chromatin bridges and other mitotic defects in early embryos. These phenotypes can arise from defects in S phase or mitosis, so the phenotype does not show when PcG proteins act in cell cycle regulation. We analyzed the cell cycle role of the proximal subunit of Polyhomeotic (PhP) in Drosophila. Time-lapse imaging reveals that chromatin bridges formed during mitosis are able to resolve but sometimes result in chromosome breakage. Chromosome bridging is also observed in canonical cell cycles occurring in larval brains and is therefore not unique to the rapid embryonic cycles. PhP colocalizes with chromatin in S phase but not in mitosis in early embryos, indicating a direct role in DNA synthesis. Time lapse imaging of php mutants reveals an acceleration of S phase, showing that php regulates S phase length. Like php mutations, mutations in DNA damage checkpoints result in S phase acceleration. Consistent with this model, mutations in ph do not affect DNA synthesis rates, but exhibit impaired ability to block cell cycle progression following exposure to gamma-rays. Our data show that the mitotic defects of php are caused by defects in the DNA damage response that occurs after DNA replication in S phase, and we propose that PhP has a direct role in DNA damage repair.  相似文献   

Oxidative DNA damage is likely to be involved in the etiology of cancer and is thought to accelerate tumorigenesis via increased mutation rates. However, the majority of malignant cells acquire a specific type of genomic instability characterized by large-scale genomic rearrangements, referred to as chromosomal instability (CIN). The molecular mechanisms underlying CIN are not entirely understood. We utilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system to delineate the relationship between genotoxic stress and CIN. It was found that elevated levels of chronic, unrepaired oxidative DNA damage caused chromosomal aberrations at remarkably high frequencies under both selective and nonselective growth conditions. In this system, exceeding the cellular capacity to appropriately manage oxidative DNA damage resulted in a “gain-of-CIN” phenotype and led to profound karyotypic instability. These results illustrate a novel mechanism for genome destabilization that is likely to be relevant to human carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair (MMR) is a key antimutagenic process that increases the fidelity of DNA replication and recombination. Yet genetic experiments showed that MMR is required for antibody maturation, a process during which the immunoglobulin loci of antigen-stimulated B cells undergo extensive mutagenesis and rearrangements. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism underlying the latter events, we set out to search for conditions that compromise MMR fidelity. Here, we describe noncanonical MMR (ncMMR), a process in which the MMR pathway is activated by various DNA lesions rather than by mispairs. ncMMR is largely independent of DNA replication, lacks strand directionality, triggers PCNA monoubiquitylation, and promotes recruitment of the error-prone polymerase-η to chromatin. Importantly, ncMMR is not limited to B cells but occurs also in other cell types. Moreover, it contributes to mutagenesis induced by alkylating agents. Activation of ncMMR may therefore play a role in genomic instability and cancer.  相似文献   

Griffin CS 《Mutation research》2002,504(1-2):149-155
Chromosome instability and loss or gain of chromosomes are changes characteristic of many tumour cells and human disorders. However, the mechanism of these changes has not yet been fully determined. We have recently shown that hamster cell lines deficient in homologous recombination repair (HRR) genes XRCC2 and XRCC3 have an elevated frequency of aneuploidy compared with wild-type cells and mutant cells transfected with the appropriate human gene. In addition, XRCC2 and XRCC3 deficient hamster cell lines show a high frequency of multiple centrosomes and abnormal spindle formation. Cells deficient in HRR show a high frequency of both chromosome-type and chromatid-type aberrations, which could potentially lead to mis-segregation. The role of chromosome aberrations and other factors, including chromosome lagging, premature chromatid separation, and centrosome malfunctioning on chromosome mis-segregation in irs1 and irs1SF cells have been investigated. In particular, the linkage of DNA repair proteins with centrosomes suggests a key role for the centrosome in controlling cellular repair processes.  相似文献   

Killer toxins from Kluyveromyces lactis (zymocin) and Pichia acaciae (PaT) were found to disable translation in target cells by virtue of anticodon nuclease (ACNase) activities on tRNAGlu and tRNAGln, respectively. Surprisingly, however, ACNase exposure does not only impair translation, but also affects genome integrity and concomitantly DNA damage occurs. Previously, it was shown that homologous recombination protects cells from ACNase toxicity. Here, we have analyzed whether other DNA repair pathways are functional in conferring ACNase resistance as well. In addition to HR, base excision repair (BER) and postreplication repair (PRR) promote clear resistance to either, PaT and zymocin. Comparative toxin sensitivity analysis of BER mutants revealed that its ACNase protective function is due to the endonucleases acting on apurinic (AP) sites, whereas none of the known DNA glycosylases is involved. Because PaT and zymocin require the presence of the ELP3/TRM9-dependent wobble uridine modification 5-methoxy-carbonyl-methyl (mcm5) for tRNA cleavage, we analyzed toxin response in DNA repair mutants additionally lacking such tRNA modifications. ACNase resistance caused by elp3 or trm9 mutations was found to rescue hypersensitivity of DNA repair defects, consistent with DNA damage to occur as a consequence of tRNA cleavage. The obtained genetic evidence promises to reveal new aspects into the mechanism linking translational fidelity and genome surveillance.  相似文献   

The critical cellular defect(s) and basis for cell killing by ionizing radiation in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) are unknown. We use the topoisomerase I inhibitor camptothecin (CPT), which kills mainly S-phase cells and induces DSBs predominantly in replication forks, to show that A-T cells are defective in the repair of this particular subclass of DSBs. CPT-treated A-T cells reaching G2 have abnormally high levels of chromatid exchanges (viewed as prematurely condensed G2 chromosomes); aberrations in normal cells are mostly chromatid breaks. Transfectants of A-T cells with the wild-type ATM cDNA are corrected for CPT sensitivity, chromatid aberrations, and the DSB repair defect. These data suggest that in normal cells ATM, the A-T protein, probably recognizes DSBs in active replicons and targets the repair machinery to the breaks; in addition, the ATM protein is involved in the suppression of low-fidelity, adventitious rejoining between replication-associated DSBs. The loss of ATM functions therefore leads to genome destabilization, sensitivity to DSB-inducing agents and to the cancer-promoting illegitimate exchange events that follow.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that double-strand breaks (DSBs) in regions near telomeres are much more likely to result in large deletions, gross chromosome rearrangements, and chromosome instability than DSBs at interstitial sites within chromosomes. In the present study, we investigated whether this response of subtelomeric regions to DSBs is a result of a deficiency in DSB repair by comparing the frequency of homologous recombination repair (HRR) and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) at interstitial and telomeric sites following the introduction of DSBs by I-SceI endonuclease. We also monitored the frequency of small deletions, which have been shown to be the most common mutation at I-SceI-induced DSBs at interstitial sites. We observed no difference in the frequency of small deletions or HRR at interstitial and subtelomeric DSBs. However, the frequency of NHEJ was significantly lower at DSBs near telomeres compared to interstitial sites. The frequency of NHEJ was also lower at DSBs occurring at interstitial sites containing telomeric repeat sequences. We propose that regions near telomeres are deficient in classical NHEJ as a result of the presence of cis-acting telomere-binding proteins that cause DSBs to be processed as though they were telomeres, resulting in excessive resection, telomere loss, and eventual chromosome rearrangements by alternative NHEJ.  相似文献   

Increased level of cytogenetic damages was observed in lymphocytes of 10 patients with muscular dystrophy (Duchenne, Erba, Landuzi--Degerin). Analysis of DNA repair synthesis revealed inhibition of this process in lymphocytes of 10 patients observed. On the other hand, decreased reactivation of vaccinia virus and increased level of virus mutagenesis induced by 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide and bleomycin was noted in the experiments with lymphocytes of 3 patients observed.  相似文献   

Using antibodies specific for haemocytes, we have shown that these blood cells penetrate the abdominal nervous connectives of the cockroach following selective disruption of the glia using the DNA-intercalating drug, ethidium bromide, as a glial toxin. Within 4 days post-lesion, the labelled cells formed a mosaic beneath the neural lamella and penetrated deeply among the disrupted subperineurial glia. These observations confirm that exogenous cells are involved in glial repair and support a previous hypothesis that they play critical roles in both structural repair and the recruitment of endogenous reactive cells.  相似文献   

Wu Q  Vasquez KM 《PLoS genetics》2008,4(9):e1000189
DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) are among the most toxic types of damage to a cell. For this reason, many ICL-inducing agents are effective therapeutic agents. For example, cisplatin and nitrogen mustards are used for treating cancer and psoralen plus UVA (PUVA) is useful for treating psoriasis. However, repair mechanisms for ICLs in the human genome are not clearly defined. Previously, we have shown that MSH2, the common subunit of the human MutSα and MutSβ mismatch recognition complexes, plays a role in the error-free repair of psoralen ICLs. We hypothesized that MLH1, the common subunit of human MutL complexes, is also involved in the cellular response to psoralen ICLs. Surprisingly, we instead found that MLH1-deficient human cells are more resistant to psoralen ICLs, in contrast to the sensitivity to these lesions displayed by MSH2-deficient cells. Apoptosis was not as efficiently induced by psoralen ICLs in MLH1-deficient cells as in MLH1-proficient cells as determined by caspase-3/7 activity and binding of annexin V. Strikingly, CHK2 phosphorylation was undetectable in MLH1-deficient cells, and phosphorylation of CHK1 was reduced after PUVA treatment, indicating that MLH1 is involved in signaling psoralen ICL-induced checkpoint activation. Psoralen ICLs can result in mutations near the crosslinked sites; however, MLH1 function was not required for the mutagenic repair of these lesions, and so its signaling function appears to have a role in maintaining genomic stability following exposure to ICL-induced DNA damage. Distinguishing the genetic status of MMR-deficient tumors as MSH2-deficient or MLH1-deficient is thus potentially important in predicting the efficacy of treatment with psoralen and perhaps with other ICL-inducing agents.  相似文献   

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