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FGF signaling inhibits chondrocyte proliferation and requires the function of the p107 and p130 members of the Rb protein family to execute growth arrest. p107 dephosphorylation plays a critical role in the chondrocyte response to FGF, as overexpression of cyclin D1/CDK4 complexes (the major p107 kinase) in rat chondrosarcoma (RCS) cells overcomes FGF-induced p107 dephosphorylation and growth arrest. In cells overexpressing cyclin D1/CDK4, FGF-induced downregulation of cyclin E/CDK2 activity was absent. To examine the role of cyclin E/CDK2 complexes in mediating FGF-induced growth arrest, this kinase was overexpressed in RCS cells. FGF-induced dephosphorylation of either p107 or p130 was not prevented by overexpressing cyclin E/CDK2 complexes. Unexpectedly, however, FGF-treated cells exhibited sustained proliferation even in the presence of hypophosphorylated p107 and p130. Both pocket proteins were able to form repressive complexes with E2F4 and E2F5 but these repressors were not translocated into the nucleus and therefore were unable to occupy their respective target DNA sites. Overexpressed cyclin E/CDK2 molecules were stably associated with p107 and p130 in FGF-treated cells in the context of E2F repressive complexes. Taken together, our data suggest a novel mechanism by which cyclin E/CDK2 complexes can promote cell cycle progression in the presence of dephosphorylated Rb proteins and provide a novel insight into the key Retinoblastoma/E2F/cyclin E pathway. Our data also highlight the importance of E2F4/p130 complexes for FGF-mediated growth arrest in chondrocytes.  相似文献   

FGF signaling inhibits chondrocyte proliferation and requires the function of the p107 and p130 members of the Rb protein family to execute growth arrest. p107 dephosphorylation plays a critical role in the chondrocyte response to FGF, as overexpression of cyclin D1/CDK4 complexes (the major p107 kinase) in rat chondrosarcoma (RCS) cells overcomes FGF-induced p107 dephosphorylation and growth arrest. In cells overexpressing cyclin D1/CDK4, FGF-induced downregulation of cyclin E/CDK2 activity was absent. To examine the role of cyclin E/CDK2 complexes in mediating FGF-induced growth arrest, this kinase was overexpressed in RCS cells. FGF-induced dephosphorylation of either p107 or p130 was not prevented by overexpressing cyclin E/CDK2 complexes. Unexpectedly, however, FGF-treated cells exhibited sustained proliferation even in the presence of hypophosphorylated p107 and p130. Both pocket proteins were able to form repressive complexes with E2F4 and E2F5 but these repressors were not translocated into the nucleus and therefore were unable to occupy their respective target DNA sites. Overexpressed cyclin E/CDK2 molecules were stably associated with p107 and p130 in FGF-treated cells in the context of E2F repressive complexes. Taken together, our data suggest a novel mechanism by which cyclin E/CDK2 complexes can promote cell cycle progression in the presence of dephosphorylated Rb proteins and provide a novel insight into the key Retinoblastoma/E2F/cyclin E pathway. Our data also highlight the importance of E2F4/p130 complexes for FGF-mediated growth arrest in chondrocytes.  相似文献   

Two different inhibitory domains, N-terminus and central domain, keep FOXM1c almost inactive despite its strong transactivation domain. Here, we demonstrate that cyclin E/Cdk2, cyclin A/Cdk2, and cyclin A/Cdk1 activate FOXM1c. Cyclin E/Cdk2 does not target its transactivation domain or its DNA-binding domain. Instead, its activating effect strictly depends on the presence of either the central domain or the N-terminus of FOXM1c and thus is completely lost if both inhibitory domains are deleted. Cyclin E/Cdk2 activates FOXM1c by releasing its transactivation domain from the repression by these two inhibitory domains. However, it does not directly increase the transactivation potential of the TAD. The DNA-binding is not affected by cyclin E/Cdk2, neither directly nor indirectly. These two activating effects of cyclin E/Cdk2 via central domain and N-terminus are additive. Cyclin A/Cdk2 and cyclin A/Cdk1 show similar characteristics. GSK-3alpha, another proliferation-associated kinase, represses FOXM1c.  相似文献   

Rb/E2F regulates many genes that encode proteins required for the cell cycle. Using affymetrix microarrays we previously identified genes regulated by the Rb proteins p130 and p107, many of which are involved in the cell cycle. Several genes with unknown functions were also repressed by p130 and p107, of which some have recently been found to have various roles in mitosis, the spindle checkpoint and cytokinesis. This study focuses on the regulation of borealin/dasra/cdca8, which encodes a recently discovered member of the chromosomal passenger complex. It is recorded that borealin is a cell cycle regulator, down-regulated in response to p53/Rb-signaling, and up-regulated in many types of cancerous tissues.  相似文献   

The DNA tumor virus oncogenes (adenovirus E1A, simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen, and papillomavirus E7) have been instrumental in illuminating the molecules and mechanisms of cell cycle progression and carcinogenesis. However, since these multifunctional proteins target so many important cellular regulators, it is sometimes difficult to establish the functional importance of any individual interaction. Perhaps a herpesvirus protein, newly defined as a cell cycle regulator, can help address these issues. Like the DNA tumor virus proteins, the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) pp71 protein contains a retinoblastoma protein (Rb) binding motif (LxCxD), and stimulates DNA synthesis in quiescent cells. Unlike E1A, T antigen, and E7, pp71 expression does not induce apoptosis, nor does it cooperate to transform primary cells. Determining how pp71 induces cell cycle progression without invoking apoptosis or leading to cellular transformation may help in defining the signals that ultimately lead to these processes.  相似文献   

Cdk1 activity drives both mitotic entry and the metaphase-to-anaphase transition in all eukaryotes. The kinase Wee1 and the phosphatase Cdc25 regulate the mitotic activity of Cdk1 by the reversible phosphorylation of a conserved tyrosine residue. Mutation of cdc25 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe blocks Cdk1 dephosphorylation and causes cell cycle arrest. In contrast, deletion of MIH1, the cdc25 homolog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is viable. Although Cdk1-Y19 phosphorylation is elevated during mitosis in mih1∆ cells, Cdk1 is dephosphorylated as cells progress into G1, suggesting that additional phosphatases regulate Cdk1 dephosphorylation. Here we show that the phosphatase Ptp1 also regulates Cdk1 dephosphorylation in vivo and can directly dephosphorylate Cdk1 in vitro. Using a novel in vivo phosphatase assay, we also show that PP2A bound to Rts1, the budding yeast B56-regulatory subunit, regulates dephosphorylation of Cdk1 independently of a function regulating Swe1, Mih1, or Ptp1, suggesting that PP2ARts1 either directly dephosphorylates Cdk1-Y19 or regulates an unidentified phosphatase.  相似文献   

Numerous changes in gene expression are known to occur during replicative senescence, including changes in genes involved in the cell cycle control. In the present study, we have found a severe impairment in the activation of Cdk2 and Cdk4 in response to mitogens in senescent human fibroblasts and determined the molecular basis for this. Although Cdk4 protein was constitutively expressed in senescent cells at the same level as in early-passage young cells, it was found to be complexed with a distinct set of Cdk inhibitors. Cdk4 derived from early passage quiescent cells was effectively activated by incubation with cyclin D1 and Cdk-activating kinase (CAK) in vitro, whereas Cdk4 from senescent cells was not. Cdk2 protein was dramatically decreased in senescent cells and complexed primarily with cyclin D1 and p21. This cyclin D1-bound Cdk2 was not activated by CAK either in vivo or in vitro, implicating cyclin D1 as an inhibitor of Cdk2 activation. Thus, one of the underlying molecular events involved in replicative senescence is the impaired activation of Cdk4 and Cdk2 due to increased binding of p16 to Cdk4 and increased association of Cdk2 with cyclin D1 and p21.  相似文献   

细胞衰老的重要通路:p16INK4a/Rb和p19ARF/p53/p21Cip1信号途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶(cyclin-dependent kinase,CDK)抑制因子p16^INK4a,p21^Cipl等是细胞衰老的关键效应物。本文对涉及这些抑制物的两条衰老诱导途径作一综述,它们是p16^INK4a/Rb和p19^ARF/p53/p21^Cipl信号途径。其中,几个抑癌基因的产物R ,16^INFK4a,p53及p19^ARF处于两条途径的核心位置。  相似文献   

Interaction of oncogenic papillomavirus E6 proteins with fibulin-1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the primary risk factor for the development of cervical cancer. The papillomavirus E6 gene is essential for virus-induced cellular transformation and the viral life cycle. Important insight into the mechanism of E6 function came from the discovery that cancer-related HPV E6 proteins promote the degradation of the tumor suppressor p53. However, mounting evidence indicates that interaction with p53 does not mediate all E6 activities. To explore the p53-independent functions of E6, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen and identified fibulin-1 as an E6 binding protein. Fibulin-1 is a calcium-binding plasma and extracellular matrix protein that has been implicated in cellular transformation and tumor invasion. The interaction between E6 and fibulin-1 was demonstrated by both in vitro and in vivo assays. Fibulin-1 is associated specifically with cancer-related HPV E6s and the transforming bovine papillomavirus type 1 E6. Significantly, overexpression of fibulin-1 specifically inhibited E6-mediated transformation. These results suggest that fibulin-1 plays an important role in the biological activities of E6.  相似文献   

The wild-type human MDM2 protooncogene was tested for its ability to modulate apoptotic activity of the de novo expressed p53 tumor suppressor gene in K562 cells. We also studied the role of some cytokines in this phenomenon. K562, a human myeloid leukemia cell line, does not express p53 at the mRNA or protein level. In this study, we stably transfected K562 with eukaryotic vectors containing either normal p53 cDNA (pC53-SN3) or mutated p53 (143Val-->Ala) cDNA (pC53-SCX3). Transfectants expressing WT p53 or those expressing mutant p53 are called K562 SN and K562 SM respectively. Many leukemic cell lines undergo apoptosis when de novo WT p53 is expressed alone. In contrast, while the resulting clones (K562 SN and K562 SM) expressed p53, they did not undergo apoptosis. However, when treated with MDM2 mRNA antisense (MDM2 AS) oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), K562 SN demonstrated apoptotic features at both molecular and morphological levels. No change was observed when the other clones (K562 and K562 SM) were treated with MDM2 AS. Apoptosis induced in this manner was associated with a relatively small increase in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i. Cells cultured in medium previously supplemented with recombinant human (rh) interleukin (IL)-3 and rh-erythropoietin (Epo) did not undergo apoptosis. Moreover, K562 SN cells were induced to differentiate. This differentiation was evaluated by measuring hemoglobin (Hb) level in cellular extracted proteins and by analyzing erythroid colony number and morphology. High Hb synthesis was obtained when K562 SN cells were cultured with cytokines (IL-3 + Epo) combined with MDM2 AS. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the function of the proto-oncogene MDM2 is to provide a 'feedback' mechanism for the p53-dependent pathway of apoptosis that could be shunted toward differentiation.  相似文献   

Infection with human papillomaviruses (HPV) is strongly associated with the development of cervical cancer. The HPV E6 gene is essential for the oncogenic potential of HPV. E6 induces cell proliferation and apoptosis in cervical cancer precursor lesions and in cultured cells. Although induction of telomerase and inactivation of the tumor suppressor p53 play important roles for E6 to promote cell growth, the molecular basis of E6-induced apoptosis is poorly understood. While it is expected that inactivation of p53 by E6 should lead to a reduction in cellular apoptosis, numerous studies demonstrated that E6 could in fact sensitize cells to apoptosis. Understanding the mechanism of p53-independent apoptosis is of clinical significance. In the present study, we investigated the mechanism of apoptosis during E6-mediated immortalization of primary human mammary epithelial cell (HMEC). E6 by itself is sufficient to immortalize HMECs and is believed to do so at least in part by activation of telomerase. During the process of E6-mediated HMEC immortalization, an increased apoptosis was observed. Mutational analysis demonstrated that E6-induced apoptosis was distinct from its ability to promote cell proliferation, activate telomerase, or degrade p53. While the known pro-apoptotic E6 target proteins such as Bak or c-Myc did not appear to play an important role, down-regulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21Waf1/Cip1 (p21) by E6 correlated with its ability to induce apoptosis. Ectopic expression of p21 inhibited E6-induced apoptosis. Moreover, a p53 degradation defective E6 mutant was competent for p21 down-regulation and apoptosis induction. The anti-apoptotic function of p21 may not simply be the result of p21-induced growth arrest. These studies demonstrate an E6 activity to down-regulate p21 that is important for induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The Rb2/p130 protein has been shown to have a high sequence homology with the retinoblastoma gene product (pRb), one of the most well-characterized tumor suppressor genes, and with pRb-related p107, especially in their conserved pocket domains, which display a primary role in the function of these proteins. In this study, we report on the biochemical and immunocytochemical characterization of the Rb2/p130 protein, using a polyclonal antibody developed against its “spacer” region included in the pocket domain of the whole protein. We show that pRb/p130 is a phosphoprotein located at the nuclear level and that its phosphorylation pathway can be dramatically reduced by phosphatase treatment. Moreover pRb/p130, with p107, with p107, is one of the major targets of the E1A viral oncoprotein-associated kinase activity, showing a phosphorylation pattern which is modulated during the cell cycle, reaching a peak of activation at the onset of S-phase. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Apoptosis or programmed cell death is an important physiologic event crucial for the selective removal of damaged or unwanted cells from body tissues. In the cardiovascular system, apoptosis has been observed in the vasculature and myocardium. Untimely or inappropriate myocardial cell loss through an apoptotic process may contribute to ventricular remodeling and the ultimate demise of ventricular function following injury. Therapeutic interventions designed to modulate or prevent myocardial apoptotic cell loss may therefore prove beneficial in maintaining cardiac function. Incite into the molecular mechanisms that govern apoptosis in mammalian cells has led to the identification of several key factors that promote or prevent the apoptotic process. In this report, we discuss putative regulators of cardiac cell apoptosis with specific reference to the tumor suppressor proteins, p53 and Rb. The interplay between these factors, as well as the anti-apoptotic molecules related to the Bcl-2 the family are discussed in the context of the heart under normal and disease conditions.  相似文献   

In their active hypophosphorylated state, members of the retinoblastoma family of pocket proteins negatively regulate cell cycle progression at least in part by repressing expression of E2F-dependent genes. Mitogen-dependent activation of G1 and G1/S Cyclin Dependent Kinases (CDKs) results in coordinated hyperphosphorylation and inactivation of these proteins, which no longer bind and repress E2Fs. S and G2/M CDKs maintain pocket protein hyperphosphorylated through the end of mitosis. The inactivating action of inducible CDKs is opposed by the Ser/Thr protein phosphatases PP2A and PP1. Various trimeric PP2A holoenzymes have been implicated in dephosphorylation of pocket proteins in response to specific cellular signals and stresses or as part of an equilibrium with CDKs throughout the cell cycle. PP1 has specifically been implicated in dephosphorylation of pRB in late mitosis and early G1. This review is particularly focused on the emerging role of PP2A as a major hub for integration of growth suppressor signals that require rapid inactivation of pocket proteins. Of note, activation of particular PP2A holoenzymes triggers differential activation of pocket proteins in the presence of active CDKs.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells Cdk2 activity during the G(1)-S transition is mainly controlled by p27(KIP1). Although the amount and subcellular localization of p27 influence Cdk2 activity, how Cdk2 activity is regulated during this phase transition still remains virtually unknown. Here we report an entirely new mechanism for this regulation. Cdc6 the AAA+ ATPase, known to assemble prereplicative complexes on chromosomal replication origins and activate p21(CIP1)-bound Cdk2, also activated p27-bound Cdk2 in its ATPase and cyclin binding motif-dependent manner but only after the p27 bound to the Cdk2 was phosphorylated at the C terminus. ROCK, which mediates a signal for cell anchorage to the extracellular matrix and activates the mTORC1 cascade as well as controls cytoskeleton assembly, was partly responsible for C-terminal phosphorylation of the p27. In vitro reconstitution demonstrated ROCK (Rho-associated kinase)-mediated phosphorylation of Cdk2-bound p27 at the C terminus and subsequent activation of the Cdk2 by Cdc6.  相似文献   

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