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Yang S  Kimmelman AC 《Autophagy》2011,7(8):912-913
Autophagy is a regulated catabolic process that leads to the lysosomal degradation of damaged proteins, organelles and other macromolecules, with subsequent recycling of bioenergetic intermediates. The role of autophagy in cancer is undoubtedly complex and likely dependent on tumor type and on the cellular and developmental context. While it has been well demonstrated that autophagy may function as a tumor suppressor, there is mounting evidence that autophagy may have pro-tumorigenic roles, e.g., promoting therapeutic resistance as well as survival under stresses such as hypoxia and nutrient deprivation. These two, seemingly disparate functions can be reconciled by a possible temporal role of autophagy during tumor development, initially suppressing tumor initiation yet supporting tumor growth at later stages.  相似文献   

Autophagy refers to a ubiquitous set of catabolic pathways required to achieve proper cellular homeostasis. Aberrant autophagy has been implicated in a multitude of diseases including cancer. In this review, we highlight pioneering and groundbreaking research that centers on delineating the role of autophagy in cancer initiation, proliferation and metastasis. First, we discuss the autophagy-related (ATG) proteins and their respective roles in the de novo formation of autophagosomes and the subsequent delivery of cargo to the lysosome for recycling. Next, we touch upon the history of cancer research that centers upon ATG proteins and regulatory mechanisms that control an appropriate autophagic response and how these are altered in the diseased state. Then, we discuss the various discoveries that led to the idea of autophagy as a double-edged sword when it comes to cancer therapy. This review also briefly narrates how different types of autophagy—selective macroautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy, have been linked to different cancers. Overall, these studies build upon a steadfast trajectory that aims to solve the monumentally daunting challenge of finding a cure for many types of cancer by modulating autophagy either through inhibition or induction.  相似文献   

Elevated expression of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) in cancer cells has been implicated in the development of drug resistance and metastatic phenotypes. However, the role and the mechanisms that regulate TG2 expression remain elusive. Here, we provide evidence that protein kinase Cdelta (PKCdelta) regulates TG2 expression, which in turn inhibits autophagy, a type II programmed cell death, in pancreatic cancer cells that are frequently insensitive to standard chemotherapeutic agents. Rottlerin, a PKCdelta-specific inhibitor, and PKCdelta small interfering RNA (siRNA) down-regulated the expression of TG2 mRNA and protein and induced growth inhibition without inducing apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. Inhibition of PKCdelta by rottlerin or knockdown of TG2 protein by a TG2-specific siRNA resulted in a marked increase in autophagy shown by presence of autophagic vacuoles in the cytoplasm, formation of the acidic vesicular organelles, membrane association of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) with autophagosomes, and a marked induction of LC3-II protein, important hallmarks of autophagy, and by electron microscopy. Furthermore, inhibition of TG2 by rottlerin or by the siRNA led to accumulation of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-LC3-II in autophagosomes in pancreatic cancer cells transfected with GFP-LC3 (GFP-ATG8) expression vector. Knockdown of Beclin-1, a specific autophagy-promoting protein and the product of Becn1 (ATG6), inhibited rottlerin-induced and TG2 siRNA-induced autophagy, indicating that Beclin-1 is required for this process. These results revealed that PKCdelta plays a critical role in the expression of TG2, which in turn regulates autophagy. In conclusion, these results suggest a novel mechanism of regulation of TG2 and TG2-mediated autophagy in pancreatic cancer cells.  相似文献   

The therapeutic outcome of pancreatic cancer is generally poor due to the inherent or acquired resistance of cancer cells to treatment. Pancreatic cancer cells have higher basal autophagy levels than other cancer cell types, which may correlate with their nonresponsiveness to the available cancer therapy. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms behind autophagy activation in pancreatic cancer cells may ultimately improve therapeutic outcomes. Here we demonstrated that MIR23B is a potent inhibitor of autophagy. MIR23B targets the 3′UTR of the autophagy-related gene ATG12, thereby decreasing autophagic activity and ultimately promoting radiation-induced pancreatic cancer cell death. Thus, our study clarified some of the underlying molecular mechanisms of activated autophagy in response to cancer therapy in pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies supports the existence of a dynamic interplay between energetic metabolism and autophagy, whose induction represents an adaptive response against several stress conditions. Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved and a highly orchestrated catabolic recycling process that guarantees cellular homeostasis. To date, the exact role of autophagy in vitiligo pathogenesis is still not clear. Here, we provide the first evidence that autophagy occurs in melanocytes and fibroblasts from non-lesional skin of vitiligo patients, as a result of metabolic surveillance response. More precisely, this study is the first to reveal that induction of autophagy exerts a protective role against the intrinsic metabolic stress and attempts to antagonize degenerative processes in normal appearing vitiligo skin, where melanocytes and fibroblasts are already prone to premature senescence.Subject terms: Macroautophagy, Translational research  相似文献   

Graef M  Nunnari J 《Autophagy》2011,7(10):1245-1246
Understanding the functional relationship between mitochondria and autophagy is critical for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and neurodegeneration. Autophagy functions in both cellular homeostasis and in quality control in the selective removal of dysfunctional mitochondria. A current working model in the field is that impaired autophagy results in a cell-damaging accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria over time. We described our findings that respiratory-deficient mitochondria can inhibit general (macro) autophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by conserved signaling pathways during amino acid starvation. These data point to an interdependence of mitochondrial function and autophagy and raise the possibility that negative regulation of autophagy by dysfunctional mitochondria is a critical contributing factor in many diseases.  相似文献   

Antibacterial autophagy is understood to be a key cellular immune response to invading microbes. However, the mechanism(s) by which bacteria are selected as targets of autophagy remain unclear. We recently identified diacylglycerol as a novel signaling molecule that targets bacteria to the autophagy pathway, and show that it acts via protein kinase C activation. We also found that Pkc1 is required for autophagy in yeast, indicating that this kinase plays a conserved role in autophagy regulation.Key words: bacteria, Salmonella, innate immunity, adaptor, lipid second messenger, diacylglycerol, ubiquitin, NDP52, p62, SQSTM1The mechanism by which bacteria and other subcellular targets are identified and degraded by the autophagy pathway is an area of intense research. Ubiquitin has been recently found to act as an essential signal required for the autophagy of bacteria and proteins. We have previously observed ubiquitin on autophagy-targeted Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) but were surprised to see that only 50% of these bacteria were positive for ubiquitin. This indicated the possibility that an alternate signal was required for efficient autophagic targeting of the nonubiquitinated population of these bacteria.We initially performed a screen quantifying the colocalization of different lipid second messengers (diacylglycerol (DAG), PtdIns(3)P, PtdIns(4,5)P2, PtdIns(3,4) P2, and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3) with autophagytargeted (i.e., LC3+) S. Typhimurium. We observed that DAG preferentially localizes with LC3+ bacteria. A kinetic analysis revealed that maximal DAG colocalization with bacteria (45 min post-infection) precedes maximal autophagy of the bacteria (60 min post-infection). Using pharmacological agents, siRNA and dominant negative constructs we were able to determine that DAG localization to the bacteria requires the action of phospholipase D (PLD; phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidic acid conversion) and phosphatidic acid phosphatase (PAP; phosphatidic acid to DAG conversion). We observed that inhibition of these pathways significantly reduces DAG localization to bacteria as well as concomitant autophagy of the bacteria, indicating a role for this lipid second messenger in the regulation of this process.Having determined that DAG is necessary for autophagy of bacteria we subsequently wanted to identify the effector through which it was signaling. Conventional and novel isoforms of the protein kinase C (PKC) family contain DAG-binding C1 domains. Accordingly, we targeted PKC isoforms using pharmacological agents, siRNA and knockout cell lines and were able to determine that DAG is signaling through the δ isoform of PKC. Inhibition of this serine/threonine kinase results in significant inhibition of antibacterial autophagy. Furthermore, bacterial replication in PKCδ knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts is significantly higher compared to control fibroblasts, consistent with previous observations demonstrating that autophagy impairs intracellular replication of S. Typhimurium (Birmingham et al. 2006).We addressed the possibility that DAG and ubiquitin are functioning in a cooperative manner to target Salmonella for degradation by autophagy. We simultaneously inhibited both pathways using siRNA or pharmacological agents and observed additive inhibitory effects on autophagy of the bacteria. While this is indicative of two independent pathways, we cannot discount the possibility that there is still cooperation between the two pathways, especially as we did observe a small population of bacteria that were positive for both DAG and ubiquitin (Fig. 1). There are also a number of technical limitations in the methods we used, such as detection levels of the probes and antibodies that warrant caution in concluding that the two pathways are completely independent. Nonetheless, our studies clearly demonstrate a role for both DAG (Shahnazari et al. 2010) and ubiquitin (Zheng et al. 2009) in autophagy of S. Typhimurium. Future studies are required to further examine how these signals contribute to regulation of antibacterial autophagy.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Autophagic targeting of Salmonella Typhimurium. Invading S. Typhimurium can be targeted to the autophagy pathway by two independent signaling mechanisms. The first requires ubiquitin and the autophagy adaptors p62 and NDP52. The second requires DAG generation and PKCδ function. DAG generation on the SCV may occur through interaction of the SCV with DAG-positive endocytic vesicles (pathway 1) or through direct DAG production on the SCV (pathway 2). SCV, Salmonella-containing vacuole; PA, phosphatidic acid; DAG, diacylglycerol; PAP, phosphatidic acid phosphatase; PKCδ, protein kinase C delta; Ub, ubiquitin.Having characterized this pathway in antibacterial autophagy we were interested in determining whether these components were required for general autophagy. We therefore tested whether DAG localizes with rapamycin-induced autophagosomes. We observed DAG on these compartments and also found a requirement for PAP and PKCδ in this process. Other PKC isoforms are involved in alternate types of autophagy including ER stress-induced autophagy (Sakaki et al. 2008) as well as hypoxia-induced autophagy (Chen et al. 2009). As a result, we were interested in determining whether PKC function in autophagy was evolutionarily conserved. We therefore tested a role for the yeast ortholog, Pkc1, in this process and observed that it is required for starvation-induced autophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Having identified and characterized a novel signal and effector for antibacterial autophagy, further work still remains to be done in order to obtain a complete picture of this process. This includes additional study of the mechanism by which DAG is generated and the subcellular localization of PLD and PAP during this process. It is possible that DAG+ endocytic vesicles fuse with the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV) coating this compartment with DAG (pathway 1, see Fig. 1). It is also possible that both PLD and PAP function directly on the SCV, converting phosphatidylcholine to DAG via the phosphatidic acid intermediate (pathway 2, Fig. 1).More work also needs to be done to dissect DAG and ubiquitin signaling contributions to this pathway. Questions to be answered include the identification of the ubiquitinated protein(s) on the SCV, which may be host or bacterial proteins. Additionally, while we know that DAG is present on the SCV we do not yet know the signal that induces its generation. One intriguing possibility is that DAG generation occurs in response to bacterial-induced damage to the SCV during invasion. To date, PKC has been implicated in at least three different types of autophagy, and the possibility exists that other PKC isoforms (DAG responsive or not) are also involved in this process.  相似文献   

Understanding the functional relationship between mitochondria and autophagy is critical for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and neurodegeneration. Autophagy functions in both cellular homeostasis and in quality control in the selective removal of dysfunctional mitochondria. A current working model in the field is that impaired autophagy results in a cell-damaging accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria over time. We described our findings that respiratory-deficient mitochondria can inhibit general (macro) autophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by conserved signaling pathways during amino acid starvation. These data point to an interdependence of mitochondrial function and autophagy and raise the possibility that negative regulation of autophagy by dysfunctional mitochondria is a critical contributing factor in many diseases.  相似文献   

We recently showed that Ambra 1, a WD40-containing approximately 130 KDa protein, is a novel activating molecule in Beclin 1-regulated autophagy and plays a role in the development of the nervous system. Ambra 1 binds to Beclin 1 and favors Beclin 1/Vps34 interaction. At variance with these factors, Ambra 1 is highly conserved among vertebrates only, and its expression is mostly confined to the neuroepithelium during early neurogenesis. Ambra 1 functional inactivation in mouse led to lethality in utero (starting from embryonic day 14.5), characterized by severe neural tube defects associated with autophagy impairment, unbalanced cell proliferation, accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins, and excessive apoptosis. We also demonstrated that hyperproliferation was the earliest detectable abnormality in the developing neuroepithelium, followed by a wave of caspase-dependent cell death. These findings provided in vivo evidence supporting the existence of a complex interplay between autophagy, cell proliferation and cell death during neural development in mammals. In this article, we review our findings in the contexts of autophagy and neurodevelopment and consider some of the issues raised.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence points to the existence of pancreatic cancer stem cells (CSC) as the culprit in the initiation, maintenance, metastasis, and treatment resistance of pancreatic cancer. The existence of such a cell population would have an important impact on the design of novel therapies against this devastating disease. However, no in vivo validation or rebuttal of the pancreatic CSC hypothesis exists. Major backlashes in the discussion on CSC are firstly, the confusion between the terms CSC and cell of origin of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), secondly the ambiguity of the cell of origin itself and thirdly, the fact that the CSC hypothesis is based on cell sorting and xenografting experiments; the latter of which often precludes solid conclusions because of the lack of a natural microenvironment and differences in drug delivery. Nonetheless, recent studies in other cancers partially support the CSC hypothesis by demonstrating a link between epithelial-to-mesenchymal transdifferentiation/transition (EMT) and CSC properties. Such a link is again open to dispute as EMT is a reversible process which is highly dependent on major oncogenic pathways in PDAC [e.g. K-Ras, transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)] rather than on presumed cancer stem cell pathways. Hence, the available evidence does not robustly support the CSC concept in PDAC and a thorough validation of this hypothesis in well-defined genetically engineered mouse models of pancreatic cancer is required.  相似文献   

Autophagy, a “self-eating” cellular process, has dual roles in promoting and suppressing tumor growth, depending on cellular context. PTP4A3/PRL-3, a plasma membrane and endosomal phosphatase, promotes multiple oncogenic processes including cell proliferation, invasion, and cancer metastasis. In this study, we demonstrate that PTP4A3 accumulates in autophagosomes upon inhibition of autophagic degradation. Expression of PTP4A3 enhances PIK3C3-BECN1-dependent autophagosome formation and accelerates LC3-I to LC3-II conversion in an ATG5-dependent manner. PTP4A3 overexpression also enhances the degradation of SQSTM1, a key autophagy substrate. These functions of PTP4A3 are dependent on its catalytic activity and prenylation-dependent membrane association. These results suggest that PTP4A3 functions to promote canonical autophagy flux. Unexpectedly, following autophagy activation, PTP4A3 serves as a novel autophagic substrate, thereby establishing a negative feedback-loop that may be required to fine-tune autophagy activity. Functionally, PTP4A3 utilizes the autophagy pathway to promote cell growth, concomitant with the activation of AKT. Clinically, from the largest ovarian cancer data set (GSE 9899, n = 285) available in GEO, high levels of expression of both PTP4A3 and autophagy genes significantly predict poor prognosis of ovarian cancer patients. These studies reveal a critical role of autophagy in PTP4A3-driven cancer progression, suggesting that autophagy could be a potential Achilles heel to block PTP4A3-mediated tumor progression in stratified patients with high expression of both PTP4A3 and autophagy genes.  相似文献   

Autophagy, a “self-eating” cellular process, has dual roles in promoting and suppressing tumor growth, depending on cellular context. PTP4A3/PRL-3, a plasma membrane and endosomal phosphatase, promotes multiple oncogenic processes including cell proliferation, invasion, and cancer metastasis. In this study, we demonstrate that PTP4A3 accumulates in autophagosomes upon inhibition of autophagic degradation. Expression of PTP4A3 enhances PIK3C3-BECN1-dependent autophagosome formation and accelerates LC3-I to LC3-II conversion in an ATG5-dependent manner. PTP4A3 overexpression also enhances the degradation of SQSTM1, a key autophagy substrate. These functions of PTP4A3 are dependent on its catalytic activity and prenylation-dependent membrane association. These results suggest that PTP4A3 functions to promote canonical autophagy flux. Unexpectedly, following autophagy activation, PTP4A3 serves as a novel autophagic substrate, thereby establishing a negative feedback-loop that may be required to fine-tune autophagy activity. Functionally, PTP4A3 utilizes the autophagy pathway to promote cell growth, concomitant with the activation of AKT. Clinically, from the largest ovarian cancer data set (GSE 9899, n = 285) available in GEO, high levels of expression of both PTP4A3 and autophagy genes significantly predict poor prognosis of ovarian cancer patients. These studies reveal a critical role of autophagy in PTP4A3-driven cancer progression, suggesting that autophagy could be a potential Achilles heel to block PTP4A3-mediated tumor progression in stratified patients with high expression of both PTP4A3 and autophagy genes.  相似文献   



Omeprazole has recently been described as a modulator of tumour chemoresistance, although its underlying molecular mechanisms remain controversial. Since pancreatic tumours are highly chemoresistant, a logical step would be to investigate the pharmacodynamic, morphological and biochemical effects of omeprazole on pancreatic cancer cell lines.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Dose-effect curves of omeprazole, pantoprazole, gemcitabine, 5-fluorouracil and the combinations of omeprazole and 5-fluorouracil or gemcitabine were generated for the pancreatic cancer cell lines MiaPaCa-2, ASPC-1, Colo357, PancTu-1, Panc1 and Panc89. They revealed that omeprazole inhibited proliferation at probably non-toxic concentrations and reversed the hormesis phenomena of 5-fluorouracil. Electron microscopy showed that omeprazole led to accumulation of phagophores and early autophagosomes in ASPC-1 and MiaPaCa-2 cells. Signal changes indicating inhibited proliferation and programmed cell death were found by proton NMR spectroscopy of both cell lines when treated with omeprazole which was identified intracellularly. Omeprazole modulates the lysosomal transport pathway as shown by Western blot analysis of the expression of LAMP-1, Cathepsin-D and β-COP in lysosome- and Golgi complex containing cell fractions. Acridine orange staining revealed that the pump function of the vATPase was not specifically inhibited by omeprazole. Gene expression of the autophagy-related LC3 gene as well as of Bad, Mdr-1, Atg12 and the vATPase was analysed after treatment of cells with 5-fluorouracil and omeprazole and confirmed the above mentioned results.


We hypothesise that omeprazole interacts with the regulatory functions of the vATPase without inhibiting its pump function. A modulation of the lysosomal transport pathway and autophagy is caused in pancreatic cancer cells leading to programmed cell death. This may circumvent common resistance mechanisms of pancreatic cancer. Since omeprazole use has already been established in clinical practice these results could lead to new clinical applications.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of the subunit α of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α), a critical regulatory event in controlling protein translation, has recently been found to mediate the induction of autophagy. However, the mediators of autophagy downstream of eIF2α remain unknown. Here, we provide evidence that eIF2α phosphorylation is required for phosphorylation of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF-2) during nutrient starvation. In addition, we show that eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase (eEF-2K) is also required for autophagy signaling during ER stress, suggesting that phosphorylation

of eEF-2 may serve as an integrator of various cell stresses for autophagy signaling. On the other hand, although the activation of eEF-2K in response to starvation requires the phosphorylation of eIF2α, additional pathways relying partly on Ca2+ flux may control eEF-2K activity during ER stress, as eIF2α phosphorylation is dispensable for both eEF-2 phosphorylation and autophagy in this context.  相似文献   

The macroautophagy (autophagy) pathway is thought to be involved in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer disease (AD). It is not clear however, if autophagy plays a causative role, a protective role or is a consequence of the disease process itself. Using a Drosophila model of neuron-limited expression of AD-associated amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides, we have demonstrated an autophagy-mediated neurodegenerative cascade that is initiated by Aβ1-42 and enhanced by aging. Our results suggest a central role for the autophagy pathway in AD type neurodegeneration and a new framework to understand seemingly unrelated AD phenotypes.  相似文献   

Nedjic J  Aichinger M  Klein L 《Autophagy》2008,4(8):1090-1092
During T cell development in the thymus, scanning of peptide/major histocompatibility (MHC) molecule complexes on the surface of thymic epithelial cells ensures that only useful (self-MHC restricted) and harmless (self-tolerant) thymocytes survive. In recent years, a number of distinct cell-biological features of thymic epithelial cells have been unraveled that may have evolved to render these cells particularly suited for T cell selection, e.g., cortical epithelial cells use unique proteolytic enzymes for the generation of MHC/peptide complexes, whereas medullary epithelial cells "promiscuously" express otherwise tissue-restricted self-antigens. We recently showed that macroautophagy in thymic epithelial cells contributes to CD4 T cell selection and is essential for the generation of a self-tolerant T cell repertoire. We propose that the unusually high constitutive levels of autophagy in thymic epithelial cells deliver endogenous proteins to MHC class II molecules for both positive and negative selection of developing thymocytes.  相似文献   

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