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Hematopoiesis is well-conserved between Drosophila and vertebrates. Similar as in vertebrates, the sites of hematopoiesis shift during Drosophila development. Blood cells (hemocytes) originate de novo during hematopoietic waves in the embryo and in the Drosophila lymph gland. In contrast, the hematopoietic wave in the larva is based on the colonization of resident hematopoietic sites by differentiated hemocytes that arise in the embryo, much like in vertebrates the colonization of peripheral tissues by primitive macrophages of the yolk sac, or the seeding of fetal liver, spleen and bone marrow by hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. At the transition to the larval stage, Drosophila embryonic hemocytes retreat to hematopoietic “niches,” i.e., segmentally repeated hematopoietic pockets of the larval body wall that are jointly shared with sensory neurons and other cells of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Hemocytes rely on the PNS for their localization and survival, and are induced to proliferate in these microenvironments, expanding to form the larval hematopoietic system. In this process, differentiated hemocytes from the embryo resume proliferation and self-renew, omitting the need for an undifferentiated prohemocyte progenitor. Larval hematopoiesis is the first Drosophila model for blood cell colonization and niche support by the PNS. It suggests an interface where innocuous or noxious sensory inputs regulate blood cell homeostasis or immune responses. The system adds to the growing concept of nervous system dependence of hematopoietic microenvironments and organ stem cell niches, which is being uncovered across phyla.  相似文献   

Understanding the in vivo regulation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) will be critical to identifying key factors involved in the regulation of HSC self‐renewal and differentiation. The niche (microenvironment) in which HSCs reside has recently regained attention accompanied by a dramatic increase in the understanding of the cellular constituents of the bone marrow HSC niche. The use of sophisticated genetic models allowing modulation of specific lineages has demonstrated roles for mesenchymal‐derived elements such as osteoblasts and adipocytes, vasculature, nerves, and a range of hematopoietic progeny of the HSC as being participants in the regulation of the bone marrow microenvironment. Whilst providing significant insight into the cellular composition of the niche, is it possible to manipulate any given cell lineage in vivo without impacting, knowingly or unknowingly, on those that remain? J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 1486–1490, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

谈娟  周其明  崔红娟 《昆虫学报》2011,54(10):1165-1171
昆虫血细胞(insect hemocyte)在昆虫代谢、 发育变态以及先天免疫等方面承担着重要的作用。昆虫只有先天免疫系统, 血细胞所行使的免疫功能对于昆虫对抗外源病菌尤为重要。本文主要介绍了昆虫血细胞类型、 造血作用、 造血干细胞及造血相关因子的相关研究。通过特殊染色和形态学观察, 果蝇Drosophila血细胞主要由3类细胞组成, 而鳞翅目等大部分昆虫血细胞由5类细胞组成。昆虫血细胞主要存在于循环血液环境及造血器官内, 而在这两个系统中都存在有进行复制的血细胞, 这为研究昆虫造血干细胞特性和其定位提供了一个很好的系统。果蝇血细胞祖细胞来自于胚胎中胚层细胞, 然后再分化为各种血细胞, 这一系列分化过程由造血因子所调控。  相似文献   

In vertebrates, hematopoiesis is regulated by inductive microenvironments (niches). Likewise, in the invertebrate model organism Drosophila melanogaster, inductive microenvironments known as larval Hematopoietic Pockets (HPs) have been identified as anatomical sites for the development and regulation of blood cells (hemocytes), in particular of the self-renewing macrophage lineage. HPs are segmentally repeated pockets between the epidermis and muscle layers of the larva, which also comprise sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system. In the larva, resident (sessile) hemocytes are exposed to anti-apoptotic, adhesive and proliferative cues from these sensory neurons and potentially other components of the HPs, such as the lining muscle and epithelial layers. During normal development, gradual release of resident hemocytes from the HPs fuels the population of circulating hemocytes, which culminates in the release of most of the resident hemocytes at the beginning of metamorphosis. Immune assaults, physical injury or mechanical disturbance trigger the premature release of resident hemocytes into circulation. The switch of larval hemocytes between resident locations and circulation raises the need for a common standard/procedure to selectively isolate and quantify these two populations of blood cells from single Drosophila larvae. Accordingly, this protocol describes an automated method to release and quantify the resident and circulating hemocytes from single larvae. The method facilitates ex vivo approaches, and may be adapted to serve a variety of developmental stages of Drosophila and other invertebrate organisms.  相似文献   

The bone marrow niche maintains hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) homeostasis and declines in function in the physiologically aging population and in patients with hematological malignancies. A fundamental question is now whether and how HSCs are able to renew or repair their niche. Here, we show that disabling HSCs based on disrupting autophagy accelerated niche aging in mice, whereas transplantation of young, but not aged or impaired, donor HSCs normalized niche cell populations and restored niche factors in host mice carrying an artificially harassed niche and in physiologically aged host mice, as well as in leukemia patients. Mechanistically, HSCs, identified using a donor lineage fluorescence-tracing system, transdifferentiate in an autophagy-dependent manner into functional niche cells in the host that include mesenchymal stromal cells and endothelial cells, previously regarded as “nonhematopoietic” sources. Our findings thus identify young donor HSCs as a primary parental source of the niche, thereby suggesting a clinical solution to revitalizing aged or damaged bone marrow hematopoietic niche.  相似文献   

Upon aging, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) undergo changes in function and structure, including skewing to myeloid lineages, lower reconstitution potential and loss of protein polarity. While stem cell intrinsic mechanisms are known to contribute to HSC aging, little is known on whether age-related changes in the bone marrow niche regulate HSC aging. Upon aging, the expression of osteopontin (OPN) in the murine bone marrow stroma is reduced. Exposure of young HSCs to an OPN knockout niche results in a decrease in engraftment, an increase in long-term HSC frequency and loss of stem cell polarity. Exposure of aged HSCs to thrombin-cleaved OPN attenuates aging of old HSCs, resulting in increased engraftment, decreased HSC frequency, increased stem cell polarity and a restored balance of lymphoid and myeloid cells in peripheral blood. Thus, our data suggest a critical role for reduced stroma-derived OPN for HSC aging and identify thrombin-cleaved OPN as a novel niche informed therapeutic approach for ameliorating HSC phenotypes associated with aging.  相似文献   

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) of Drosophila provides a very well-characterized model system for studying the genes involved in basic processes of neurogenesis. Because of its simplicity and stereotyped pattern, each cell of the PNS can be individually identified and the phenotypic consequences of mutations can be studied in detail. Thus, some of the genetic mechanisms leading to the formation of type I sensory organs, the external, bristle-type sensory organs (es), and the internal, stretch-receptive chordotonal organs (ch) have been elucidated. Each sensory organ seems to be generated by a stereotyped pattern of cell division of individual ectodermal precursor cells. Recent advances in cell lineage analysis of the PNS have provided a detailed picture of almost all the lineages in the PNS, including those giving rise to the type II sensory neurons, also known as multiple dendritic (md) neurons. This knowledge will be instrumental in the precise characterization of the phenotypes associated with mutations in known and new genes and their interactions which determine cell fate decisions during neurogenesis. Here, we describe and compare three recently developed methods by which cell lineages have been assessed: single cell transplantation, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation studies, and the flp/FRT recombinase system from yeast. In the light of a more complete knowledge of the PNS lineages, we will discuss the effects of known mutations that alter neuronal cell fates. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bone marrow is the main site for hematopoiesis in adults. It acts as a niche for hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and contains non‐hematopoietic cells that contribute to stem cell dormancy, quiescence, self‐renewal, and differentiation. HSC also exist in resting spleen of several species, although their contribution to hematopoiesis under steady‐state conditions is unknown. The spleen can however undergo extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) triggered by physiological stress or disease. With the loss of bone marrow niches in aging and disease, the spleen as an alternative tissue site for hematopoiesis is an important consideration for future therapy, particularly during HSC transplantation. In terms of harnessing the spleen as a site for hematopoiesis, here the remarkable regenerative capacity of the spleen is considered with a view to forming additional or ectopic spleen tissue through cell engraftment. Studies in mice indicate the potential for such grafts to support the influx of hematopoietic cells leading to the development of normal spleen architecture. An important goal will be the formation of functional ectopic spleen tissue as an aid to hematopoietic recovery following clinical treatments that impact bone marrow. For example, expansion or replacement of niches could be considered where myeloablation ahead of HSC transplantation compromises treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster lymph gland, the primary site of hematopoiesis, contains myeloid-like progenitor cells that differentiate into functional hemocytes in the circulation of pupae and adults. Fly hemocytes are dynamic and plastic, and they play diverse roles in the innate immune response and wound healing. Various hematopoietic regulators in the lymph gland ensure the developmental and functional balance between progenitors and mature blood cells. In addition, systemic factors, such as nutrient availability and sensory inputs, integrate environmental variabilities to synchronize the blood development in the lymph gland with larval growth, physiology, and immunity. This review examines the intrinsic and extrinsic factors determining the progenitor states during hemocyte development in the lymph gland and provides new insights for further studies that may extend the frontier of our collective knowledge on hematopoiesis and innate immunity.  相似文献   

The development of new, adult-specific axonal pathways in the central nervous system (CNS) of insects during metamorphosis is still largely uncharacterized. Here we used axonal labeling with DiI to describe the timing and pattern of growth of sensory axons originating in the wing of Drosophila as they establish their adult projection pattern in the CNS during pupal life. The wing of Drosophila carries a small number of readily identifiable sensory organs (sensilla) whose neurons are located in the periphery and whose axons travel along specific routes within the adult CNS. The neurons are born and undergo axonogenesis in a characteristic order. The order of axon arrival in the CNS appears to be the same as that of their development in the periphery. Within the CNS, the formation of four prominent axon bundles leading to distant termination sites is followed by the formation of a compact axon termination site near the point of wing nerve entry into the CNS. This sensillum-specific pattern persists into adulthood without discernible modification. We also find a small number of axons filled with DiI prior to the formation of the four permanent bundles. We have only been able to fill them for a few hours in early pupal life and therefore consider them to be transient. The bundles of wing sensory axons travel within tracts that contain other axons as well. Using immunocytochemistry, the tracts start to be histologically identifiable at around 12 h after pupariation (AP), and grow substantially as metamorphosis proceeds. Wing sensory neurons are found in the tracts by 18–20 h AP and the full adult pattern is established by 48 h AP. When sensory axons first enter the CNS, they fan out in the region where their appropriate tracts are located, but they do not wander extensively. They quickly form bundles that become increasingly compact over time. Calculations show that the rate of axon extension within the CNS varies from bundle to bundle and is equal to or greater than that of the same axons growing through wing tissue. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Many reports have revealed the importance of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) in the control of the bone marrow environment. However, the specific role of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in this process has not been systematically studied. Here we show that NPY‐deficient mice have significantly reduced hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) numbers and impaired regeneration in bone marrow due to apoptotic destruction of SNS fibers and/or endothelial cells. Furthermore, pharmacological elevation of NPY prevented bone marrow impairments in a mouse model of chemotherapy‐induced SNS injury, while NPY injection into conditional knockout mice lacking the Y1 receptor in macrophages did not relieve bone marrow dysfunction. These results indicate that NPY promotes neuroprotection and restores bone marrow dysfunction from chemotherapy‐induced SNS injury through the Y1 receptor in macrophages. They also reveal a new role of NPY as a regulator of the bone marrow microenvironment and highlight the potential therapeutic value of this neuropeptide.  相似文献   

Cell-cell signaling and adhesion are critical for establishing tissue architecture during development and for maintaining tissue architecture and function in the adult. Defects in adhesion and signaling can result in mislocalization of cells, uncontrolled proliferation and improper differentiation, leading to tissue overgrowth, tumor formation, and cancer metastasis. An important example is found in the germline. Germ cells that are not incorporated into the gonad exhibit a greater propensity for forming germ cell tumors, and defects in germline development can reduce fertility. While much attention is given to germ cells, their development into functional gametes depends upon somatic gonadal cells. The study of model organisms has provided great insights into how somatic gonadal cells are specified, the molecular mechanisms that regulate gonad morphogenesis, and the role of germline-soma communication in the establishment and maintenance of the germline stem cell niche. This work will be discussed in the context of Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

干细胞研究已成为当今生命科学领域中的前沿和热点问题,该研究为探讨胚胎发生、组织细胞分化以及基因表达调控等生物学问题提供了理想的模型,同时也为临床组织缺陷性疾病和遗传性疾病的细胞治疗和基因治疗开辟了新的手段。其中,经血源性子宫内膜干细胞(Menstrual blood-derived stem cells,MenSCs)来源丰富,具有多向分化潜能和较低的免疫排斥的特性,可以实现个体化治疗,是临床最具有应用优势的干细胞。脑与脊髓作为中枢神经系统,其损伤极为常见,致死率和致残率居各类创伤之首。与周围神经系统损伤相比,中枢神经受损后恢复较为困难,其治疗仍缺乏突破。而MenSCs的治疗有希望解决此难题,故结合近年来国内外对MenSCs的生物学特性及其对中枢神经系统疾病治疗的研究作一综述,从而为中枢神经系统疾病的治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

This article provides a review of current views about the role of cell genetic machinery in the control of development of neurons of the autonomous nervous system. Some of the genes defining migration and specification of these neurons are described. We give a schematic presentation of the genetically determined organization of the neuronal networks, which are a basis of the intramural nervous machinery and sympathetic ganglia. We describe the distribution of neurons with different transmitter specificity in the cell populations comprising the neuronal networks. To the memory of my friend Aleksandr Neifakh, an outstanding Russian embryologist  相似文献   

Over the last decades, it has become clear that glia are multifunctional and plastic cells endowed with key regulatory roles. They control the response to developmental and/or pathological signals, thereby affecting neural proliferation, remodeling, survival, and regeneration. It is, therefore, important to understand the biology of these cells and the molecular mechanisms controlling their development/activity. The fly community has made major breakthroughs by characterizing the bases of gliogenesis and function. Here we describe the regulation and the role of the fly glial determinant. Then, we discuss the impact of the determinant in cell plasticity and differentiation. Finally, we address the conservation of this pathway across evolution.  相似文献   

Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells from the peripheral blood   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
Hematopoietic stem cells can be collected from the peripheral blood. These hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), or better progenitor cells, are mostly expressed as the percentage of cells than react with CD34 antibodies or that form colonies in semi-solid medium (CFU-GM). Under steady-state conditions the number of HSC is much lower in peripheral blood than in bone marrow. Mobilization with chemotherapy and/or growth factors may lead to a concentration of HSC in the peripheral blood that equals or exceeds the concentration in bone marrow. Transplantation of HSC from the peripheral blood results in faster hematologic recovery than HSC from bone marrow. This decreases the risk of infection and the need for blood-product support. For autologous stem-cell transplantation (SCT), the use of peripheral blood cells has completely replaced the use of bone marrow. For allogeneic SCT, on the other hand, the situation is more complex. Since peripheral blood contains more T-lymphocytes than bone marow, the use of HSC from the peripheral blood increases the risk of graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic SCT. For patients with goodrisk leukemia, bone marrow is still preferred, but for patients with high-risk disease, peripheral blood SCT has become the therapy of choice.  相似文献   

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