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In Drosophila, the secreted signaling molecule Jelly Belly (Jeb) activates anaplastic lymphoma kinase (Alk), a receptor tyrosine kinase, in multiple developmental and adult contexts. We have shown previously that Jeb and Alk are highly enriched at Drosophila synapses within the CNS neuropil and neuromuscular junction (NMJ) and postulated a conserved intercellular signaling function. At the embryonic and larval NMJ, Jeb is localized in the motor neuron presynaptic terminal whereas Alk is concentrated in the muscle postsynaptic domain surrounding boutons, consistent with anterograde trans‐synaptic signaling. Here, we show that neurotransmission is regulated by Jeb secretion by functional inhibition of Jeb–Alk signaling. Jeb is a novel negative regulator of neuromuscular transmission. Reduction or inhibition of Alk function results in enhanced synaptic transmission. Activation of Alk conversely inhibits synaptic transmission. Restoration of wild‐type postsynaptic Alk expression in Alk partial loss‐of‐function mutants rescues NMJ transmission phenotypes and confirms that postsynaptic Alk regulates NMJ transmission. The effects of impaired Alk signaling on neurotransmission are observed in the absence of associated changes in NMJ structure. Complete removal of Jeb in motor neurons, however, disrupts both presynaptic bouton architecture and postsynaptic differentiation. Nonphysiologic activation of Alk signaling also negatively regulates NMJ growth. Activation of Jeb–Alk signaling triggers the Ras‐MAP kinase cascade in both pre‐ and postsynaptic compartments. These novel roles for Jeb–Alk signaling in the modulation of synaptic function and structure have potential implications for recently reported Alk functions in human addiction, retention of spatial memory, cognitive dysfunction in neurofibromatosis, and pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2013  相似文献   

Komissarov  I. V. 《Neurophysiology》2004,36(2):148-159
Modern concepts on the dependence of the efficacy of glutamatergic synaptic transmission on the subunit structure of glutamate (Glu) receptors and their chemical surroundings are described and discussed in the review. The above surroundings can significantly modulate the affinity of these receptors and/or change their number. Peculiarities of the effects exerted by different components of such surroundings (allosteric modulators, redox-active substances, some ions, hormones, etc.) on Glu receptors are analyzed. In the light of the chemical soup concept, the effects of Glu receptor ligands on the cognitive activity of experimental animals and of humans are discussed.  相似文献   

N-Ethylmaleimide sensitive factor (NSF) is an ATPase whose activity is important for intracellular trafficking. Previous genetic analysis of Drosophila NSF2 revealed a potential link between NSF and the actin cytoskeleton. The present study was therefore undertaken to specifically examine genetic interactions between the cytoskeleton and NSF. First, we tested for loss-of-function interaction and, indeed, we found that the combination of flies heterozygous for Act5C and NSF2 alleles led to reduced viability. Second, we expanded our gain-of-function approach to include cytoskeletal genes that were not included in our previous screen. Thirteen of 30 genes tested were found to suppress neuromuscular junction (NMJ) overgrowth. Altogether, these data support the idea that diverse NSF2 developmental and physiological phenotypes are related to disruption of the cytoskeleton and the large number of genes which can partially restore NMJ overgrowth and suggests that NSF may function near the top of the actin regulatory pathway.  相似文献   

At the developing neuromuscular junction the Agrin receptor MuSK is the central organizer of subsynaptic differentiation induced by Agrin from the nerve. The expression of musk itself is also regulated by the nerve, but the mechanisms involved are not known. Here, we analyzed the activation of a musk promoter reporter construct in muscle fibers in vivo and in cultured myotubes, using transfection of multiple combinations of expression vectors for potential signaling components. We show that neuronal Agrin by activating MuSK regulates the expression of musk via two pathways: the Agrin-induced assembly of muscle-derived neuregulin (NRG)-1/ErbB, the pathway thought to regulate acetylcholine receptor (AChR) expression at the synapse, and via a direct shunt involving Agrin-induced activation of Rac. Both pathways converge onto the same regulatory element in the musk promoter that is also thought to confer synapse-specific expression to AChR subunit genes. In this way, a positive feedback signaling loop is established that maintains musk expression at the synapse when impulse transmission becomes functional. The same pathways are used to regulate synaptic expression of AChR epsilon. We propose that the novel pathway stabilizes the synapse early in development, whereas the NRG/ErbB pathway supports maintenance of the mature synapse.  相似文献   

Young male rats were castrated at 7 days of age, and treated with testosterone propionate daily from 7 to 34 days of age. At 13 months of age, motor axons and terminals innervating the levator ani (LA) muscle were stained with tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT). The number of separate axons innervating individual muscle fibers was counted, and muscle fiber diameter was measured. Previous studies have shown that this androgen treatment increases muscle fiber diameter and delays synapse elimination, measured as (1) a greater percentage of muscle fibers innervated by multiple axons and (2) larger motor units. The present results indicate that the androgenic effect on synapse elimination is permanent, in that high levels of multiple innervation persisted for 12 months after the end of androgen treatment. In contrast, the effect on muscle fiber diameter was not maintained for this period. This dissociation of androgenic effects on the pattern of innervation from androgenic effects on muscle fiber diameter offers further evidence that the androgenic maintenance of multiple innervation is not dependent on muscle fiber size. In addition, circulating testosterone levels were measured at 50 and 60 days of age in animals similarly treated with androgen or oil from 7 to 34 days of age. By 60 days of age, testosterone levels in hormone-treated animals had dropped below detectability, comparable to levels in oil-treated controls. This provides additional evidence that androgen treatment during juvenile development can have permanent effects on the adult pattern of innervation in the LA muscle.  相似文献   

The coordinated movement of many organisms relies on efficient nerve–muscle communication at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), a peripheral synapse composed of a presynaptic motor axon terminal, a postsynaptic muscle specialization, and non-myelinating terminal Schwann cells. NMJ dysfunctions are caused by traumatic spinal cord or peripheral nerve injuries as well as by severe motor pathologies. Compared to the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system displays remarkable regenerating abilities; however, this capacity is limited by the denervation time frame and depends on the establishment of permissive regenerative niches. At the injury site, detailed information is available regarding the cells, molecules, and mechanisms involved in nerve regeneration and repair. However, a regenerative niche at the final functional step of peripheral motor innervation, i.e. at the mature neuromuscular synapse, has not been deciphered. In this review, we integrate classic and recent evidence describing the cells and molecules that could orchestrate a dynamic ecosystem to accomplish successful NMJ regeneration. We propose that such a regenerative niche must ensure at least two fundamental steps for successful NMJ regeneration: the proper arrival of incoming regenerating axons to denervated postsynaptic muscle domains, and the resilience of those postsynaptic domains, in morphological and functional terms. We here describe and combine the main cellular and molecular responses involved in each of these steps as potential targets to help successful NMJ regeneration.  相似文献   

Agrin released from motor nerve terminals activates a muscle-specific receptor tyrosine kinase (MuSK) in muscle cells to trigger formation of the skeletal neuromuscular junction. A key step in synaptogenesis is the aggregation of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in the postsynaptic membrane, a process that requires the AChR-associated protein, rapsyn. Here, we mapped domains on MuSK necessary for its interactions with agrin and rapsyn. Myotubes from MuSK(-/)- mutant mice form no AChR clusters in response to agrin, but agrin-responsiveness is restored by the introduction of rat MuSK or a Torpedo orthologue. Thus, MuSK(-/)- myotubes provide an assay system for the structure-function analysis of MuSK. Using this system, we found that sequences in or near the first of four extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains in MuSK are required for agrin responsiveness, whereas sequences in or near the fourth immunoglobulin-like domain are required for interaction with rapsyn. Analysis of the cytoplasmic domain revealed that a recognition site for the phosphotyrosine binding domain-containing proteins is essential for MuSK activity, whereas consensus binding sites for the PSD-95/Dlg/ZO-1-like domain-containing proteins and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase are dispensable. Together, our results indicate that the ectodomain of MuSK mediates both agrin- dependent activation of a complex signal transduction pathway and agrin-independent association of the kinase with other postsynaptic components. These interactions allow MuSK not only to induce a multimolecular AChR-containing complex, but also to localize that complex to a primary scaffold in the postsynaptic membrane.  相似文献   

We have used a three compartment tissue culture system that involved two separate populations of cholinergic neurons in the side compartments that converged on a common target population of myotubes in the center compartment. Activation of the axons from one population of neurons produced selective down‐regulation of the synaptic inputs from the other neuronal population (when the two inputs innervated the same myotubes). The decrease in heterosynaptic inputs was mediated by protein kinase C (PKC). An activity‐dependent action of protein kinase A (PKA) was associated with the stimulated input and this served to selectively stabilize this input. These changes associated with PKA and PKC activation were mediated by alterations in the number of acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction. These results suggest that neuromuscular electrical activity produces postsynaptic activation of both PKA and PKC, with the latter producing generalized synapse weakening and the former a selective synapse stabilization. Treatment of the neuronal cell body and axon to increase PKC activity by putting phorbal ester (PMA) in the side chamber did not affect synaptic transmission (with or without stimulation). By contrast, PKA blockade in the side compartment did produce an activity‐dependent decrease in synaptic efficacy, which was due to a decrease in quantal release of neurotransmitter. Thus, when the synapse is activated, it appears that presynaptic PKA action is necessary to maintain transmitter output. Published 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 52: 241–250, 2002  相似文献   

The effect of dipicolinic acid (2,6-pyridine dicarboxylic acid) on the mealworm neuromuscular junction was studied using conventional microelectrode recording techniques. Dipicolinic acid (10?5-10?3 M) added to the bathing solution reversibly blocked neuromuscular transmission. The depolarization in response to iontophoretically applied L-glutamate (glutamate potential) was not affected by dipicolinic acid even when the neurally evoked excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) was totally abolished. Focal extracellular recordings from single synaptic sites revealed that in the presence of 1 x 10?4 M dipicolinic acid the presynaptic spike was unchanged, but the quantal content for evoked transmitter release was reduced. The calcium-dependent action potential elicited by direct stimulation of the muscle fiber was not impaired by dipicolinic acid. These results suggest that dipicolinic acid interferes with the transmitter-releasing mechanism from the presynaptic terminal.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction has identified some of the key molecules that regulate synaptic plasticity. Among these molecules, the expression level of Fasciclin II (FasII), a homophilic cell adhesion molecule, is critically important for determining the final form of the neuromuscular junction. Genetic reduction of FasII expression by 50% yields more elaborate nerve terminals, while a greater reduction in expression, to 10% of wild‐type, yields a substantial reduction in the nerve terminal morphology. Importantly, regulation of FasII expression seems to be the final output for several genetic manipulations that transform NMJ morphology. In an effort to understand the importance of this regulatory pathway in the normal animal, we have undertaken studies to identify environmental cues that might be important for initiating FasII‐dependent changes in synaptic plasticity. Here we report on the relationship between larval population density and synaptic morphology, synaptic strength, and FasII levels. We raised Drosophila larvae under conditions of increasing population density and found an inverse exponential relationship between population density and the number of synaptic boutons, the number of branches, and the length of branches. We also observed population‐dependent alteration in FasII levels, with lower densities having less FasII at the synapse. The correlation between density and morphological change was abrogated in larvae constitutively expressing FasII, and in wild‐type larvae grown on soft culture medium. Together these data show that environmental cues can induce regulation of FasII. Interestingly, however, the quantal content of synaptic transmission was not different among the different population densities, suggesting that other factors contribute to maintaining synaptic strength at a defined level. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2004  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments at neuromuscular junctions in the mouse tibialis anterior muscle show that postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) become more tightly packed during the first month of postnatal development. Here, we report that the packing of AChRs into postsynaptic aggregates was reduced in 4-week postnatal mice that had reduced amounts of the AChR-associated protein, rapsyn, in the postsynaptic membrane (rapsyn(+/-) mice). We hypothesize that nerve-derived agrin increases postsynaptic expression and targeting of rapsyn, which then drives the developmental increase in AChR packing. Neural agrin treatment elevated the expression of rapsyn in C2 myotubes by a mechanism that involved slowing of rapsyn protein degradation. Similarly, exposure of synapses in postnatal muscle to exogenous agrin increased rapsyn protein levels and elevated the intensity of anti-rapsyn immunofluorescence, relative to AChR, in the postsynaptic membrane. This increase in the rapsyn-to-AChR immunofluorescence ratio was associated with tighter postsynaptic AChR packing and slowed AChR turnover. Acute blockade of synaptic AChRs with alpha-bungarotoxin lowered the rapsyn-to-AChR immunofluorescence ratio, suggesting that AChR signaling also helps regulate the assembly of extra rapsyn in the postsynaptic membrane. The results suggest that at the postnatal neuromuscular synapse agrin signaling elevates the expression and targeting of rapsyn to the postsynaptic membrane, thereby packing more AChRs into stable, functionally-important AChR aggregates.  相似文献   

All animals form memories to adapt their behavior in a context-dependent manner. With increasing age, however, forming new memories becomes less efficient. While synaptic plasticity promotes memory formation, the etiology of age-induced memory formation remained enigmatic. Previous work showed that simple feeding of polyamine spermidine protects from age-induced memory impairment in Drosophila. Most recent work now shows that spermidine operates directly at synapses, allowing for an autophagy-dependent homeostatic regulation of presynaptic specializations. How exactly autophagic regulations intersect with synaptic plasticity should be an interesting subject for future research.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(17):3810-3819.e4
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Bonafide claudin proteins are functional and structural components of tight junctions and are largely responsible for barrier formation across epithelial and endothelial membranes. However, current advances in the understanding of claudin biology have revealed their unexpected functions in the brain. Apart from maintaining blood‐brain barriers in the brain, other functions of claudins in neurons and at synapses have been largely elusive and are just coming to light. In this review, we summarize the functions of claudins in the brain and their association in neuronal diseases. Further, we go on to cover some recent studies that show that claudins play signaling functions in neurons by regulating trafficking of postsynaptic receptors and controlling dendritic morphogenesis in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans.  相似文献   

As the mammalian neuromuscular junction matures, its acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-rich postsynaptic apparatus is transformed from an oval plaque into a pretzel-shaped array of branches that precisely mirrors the branching pattern of the motor nerve terminal. Although the nerve has been believed to direct postsynaptic maturation, we report here that myotubes cultured aneurally on matrix-coated substrates form elaborately branched AChR-rich domains remarkably similar to those seen in vivo. These domains share several characteristics with the mature postsynaptic apparatus, including colocalization of multiple postsynaptic markers, clustering of subjacent myonuclei, and dependence on the muscle-specific kinase and rapsyn for their formation. Time-lapse imaging showed that branched structures arise from plaques by formation and fusion of AChR-poor perforations through a series of steps mirroring that seen in vivo. Multiple fluorophore imaging showed that growth occurs by circumferential, asymmetric addition of AChRs. Analysis in vivo revealed similar patterns of AChR addition during normal development. These results reveal the sequence of steps by which a topologically complex domain forms on a cell and suggest an unexpected nerve-independent role for the postsynaptic cell in generating this topological complexity.  相似文献   

In adult skeletal muscles, exogenous ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) induces axons and their nerve terminals to sprout. CNTF also regulates the amount of multiple innervation in developing skeletal muscles during synapse elimination, maintaining multiple innervation of muscle fibers. While CNTF may maintain multiple innervation by regulating developmental synapse elimination, it is also possible that CNTF induces the formation of new multiple innervation through a sprouting response. In this study I examined morphologically the effects of CNTF during synapse elimination in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle. Rat pups received injections of CNTF in one leg and vehicle in the other either early [postnatal day 7 (P7)-P13] or late (P14–P20) in development. The early treatment period corresponds to that time when the pattern of innervation in the EDL is converted from predominantly multiple to single innervation. The late treatment period is at the end of synapse elimination for the EDL but corresponds to the major period of synapse elimination in the levator ani (LA), allowing a comparison of effects on these two muscles from the same animals. On the day after the final injection, EDL muscles were dissected and stained with tetranitroblue tetrazolium and the resulting pattern of innervation was assessed. The present findings indicate that only the early CNTF treatment regulates the level of multiple innervation in the EDL. Moreover, the effect of early CNTF treatment was local, affecting multiple innervation only in the EDL from the CNTF-treated leg. CNTF injected during the late treatment period had no apparent effects on the EDL but had a potent effect on the pattern of innervation in the LA, significantly increasing the level of multiple innervation in this muscle. Thus, CNTF affected multiple innervation in these two muscles only if provided during the period when single innervation normally develops. There was no evidence to indicate that CNTF induced axons or their terminals to sprout during either treatment period. In conclusion, CNTF increases the level of multiple innervation, probably by regulating synapse elimination, and skeletal muscles themselves may be an important target site for CNTF action. Presumably, the sprouting response to CNTF found in adult muscle develops sometime after P21. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The neural cell recognition molecule NB‐3, also referred to as contactin‐6, is expressed prominently in the developing nervous system after birth and its deficiency has been shown to cause impairment in motor coordination. Here, we investigated the contribution of NB‐3 to cerebellar development, focusing on lobule 3 where NB‐3 was expressed in granule cells but not in Purkinje cells. In the developing molecular layer, the neural cell recognition molecules TAG‐1, L1, and NB‐3 formed distinct expression zones from the external granule cell layer to the internal granule cell layer (IGL), respectively. The NB‐3‐immunoreactive zone did not overlap with TAG‐1‐immunoreactive zone. By contrast, the L1‐immunoreactive zone overlapped with both the TAG‐1‐ and NB‐3‐immunoreactive zones. NB‐3‐positive puncta overlapped with vesicular glutamate transporter 1, a presynaptic marker and were apposed close to metabotropic glutamate receptor 1A, a postsynaptic marker, indicating that NB‐3 is localized presynaptically at glutamatergic synapses between parallel fibers and Purkinje cells. In NB‐3 knockout mice, L1 immunoreactive signals were increased in the IGL at postnatal day (P) 5, suggesting the increase in the number of immature granule cells of the IGL. In addition, the density of parallel fiber synaptic terminals was reduced in NB‐3 knockout mice relative to wild‐type mice at P5 to P10. In parallel with these findings, caspase‐dependent cell death was significantly increased in the NB‐ 3‐deficient cerebellum at P15. Collectively, our results indicate that NB‐3 deficiency affects synapse formation during postnatal cerebellar development. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009  相似文献   

-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) and L-glutamic acid (L-Glu) are transmitters of GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons in the enteric interneurons, targeting excitatory or inhibitory GABA receptors or glutamate receptors that modulate gastric motility and mucosal function. GABAergic and glutamatergic neuron immunoreactivity have been found in cholinergic enteric neurons in the stomach. GABA and L-Glu may also subserve hormonal and paracrine signaling. Disruption in gastrointestinal function following perturbation of enteric GABA receptors and glutamate receptors presents potential new target sites for drug development.  相似文献   

Balezina  O. P.  Bukiya  A. N. 《Neurophysiology》2003,35(2):75-81
In our experiments on mice, end-plate currents (EPC) evoked by stimulation of the phrenic nerve were intracellularly recorded in neuromuscular synaptic junctions of the phrenic muscle. We studied the effects of a specific blocker of ryanodine receptors, ryanodine (10 to 20 M), on the amplitude and time parameters of EPC under conditions of tetanic facilitation and depression of synaptic transmission at frequencies of stimulation of 4 to 200 sec-1. Ryanodine inhibited facilitation at stimulation frequencies of 7 to 70 sec-1 (with maximum effect at 20 sec-1) and accelerated depression. In the presence of ryanodine, an initial rundown of the EPC amplitude in the course of depression of transmission increased at high frequencies of stimulation (50 to 100 sec-1), whereas the EPC amplitude at the plateau level decreased already at low frequencies (4 to 7 sec-1). We concluded that the changes in facilitation and depression resulted from blocking of the presynaptic ryanodine receptors by ryanodine. It seems probable that calcium release from the calcium stores in murine motor terminals is a factor involved in the control of processes of transmitter secretion during short-term rhythmic activation of the junction.  相似文献   

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