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Stomach cancer is the second most frequent cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Thus, it is important to elucidate the properties of gastric stem cells, including their regulation and transformation. To date, such stem cells have not been identified in Drosophila. Here, using clonal analysis and molecular marker labeling, we identify a multipotent stem-cell pool at the foregut/midgut junction in the cardia (proventriculus). We found that daughter cells migrate upward either to anterior midgut or downward to esophagus and crop. The cardia functions as a gastric valve and the anterior midgut and crop together function as a stomach in Drosophila; therefore, we named the foregut/midgut stem cells as gastric stem cells (GaSC). We further found that JAK-STAT signaling regulates GaSCs'' proliferation, Wingless signaling regulates GaSCs'' self-renewal, and hedgehog signaling regulates GaSCs'' differentiation. The differentiation pattern and genetic control of the Drosophila GaSCs suggest the possible similarity to mouse gastric stem cells. The identification of the multipotent stem cell pool in the gastric gland in Drosophila will facilitate studies of gastric stem cell regulation and transformation in mammal.Key words: gastric stem cells, foregut/midgut junction, cardia, proventriculus, stomach, Drosophila  相似文献   

Singh SR  Liu W  Hou SX 《Cell Stem Cell》2007,1(2):191-203
All animals must excrete the waste products of metabolism. Excretion is performed by the kidney in vertebrates and by the Malpighian tubules in Drosophila. The mammalian kidney has an inherent ability for recovery and regeneration after ischemic injury. Stem cells and progenitor cells have been proposed to be responsible for repair and regeneration of injured renal tissue. In Drosophila, the Malpighian tubules are thought to be very stable and no stem cells have been identified. We have identified multipotent stem cells in the region of lower tubules and ureters of the Malpighian tubules. Using lineage tracing and molecular marker labeling, we demonstrated that several differentiated cells in the Malpighian tubules arise from the stem cells and an autocrine JAK-STAT signaling regulates the stem cells' self-renewal. Identifying adult kidney stem cells in Drosophila may provide important clues for understanding mammalian kidney repair and regeneration during injury.  相似文献   

Adult tissue homeostasis requires a tight balance between the removal of old or damaged cells and the production of new ones. Such processes are usually driven by dedicated stem cells that reside within specific tissue locations or niches.The intestinal epithelium has a remarkable regenerative capacity, which has made it a prime paradigm for the study of stem cell-driven tissue self-renewal. The discovery of the presence of stem cells in the adult midgut of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has significantly impacted our understanding of the role of stem cells in intestinal homeostasis. Here we will review the current knowledge of the main mechanisms involved in the regulation of tissue homeostasis in the adult Drosophila midgut, with a focus on the role of stem cells in this process. We will also discuss processes involving acute or chronic disruption of normal intestinal homeostasis such as damage-induced regeneration and ageing.  相似文献   

Many adult tissues and organs including the intestine rely on resident stem cells to maintain homeostasis and regeneration. In mammals, the progenies of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) can dedifferentiate to generate ISCs upon ablation of resident stem cells. However, whether and how mature tissue cells generate ISCs under physiological conditions remains unknown. Here, we show that infection of the Drosophila melanogaster intestine with pathogenic bacteria induces entry of enteroblasts (EBs), which are ISC progenies, into the mitotic cycle through upregulation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)‐Ras signaling. We also show that ectopic activation of EGFR‐Ras signaling in EBs is sufficient to drive enteroblast mitosis cell autonomously. Furthermore, we find that the dividing enteroblasts do not gain ISC identity as a prerequisite to divide, and the regenerative ISCs are produced through EB mitosis. Taken together, our work uncovers a new role for EGFR‐Ras signaling in driving EB mitosis and replenishing the ISC pool during fly intestinal regeneration, which may have important implications for tissue homeostasis and tumorigenesis in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Recently, adult stem cells have been isolated from the skin and designated as skin-derived precursors (SKPs). These SKPs, cultured in vitro, can give rise to neurons, glia, smooth muscle cells, and adipocytes. In the current study, we confirmed the clonal expansion of SKPs using a sphere-forming culture system in a medium containing methylcellulose. Among the growth factors, only transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) was revealed to uniquely facilitate the sphere formation and proliferation of the SKPs in combination with EGF and bFGF. In addition, TGF-beta did not alter phenotypical characteristics of the SKPs under sphere-forming conditions. The effect of TGF-beta on sphere formation was not observed in neural stem cells, which expressed a different set of cell surface markers from SKPs, suggesting that SKPs have distinct features. Although the number of SKPs decreased with age, TGF-beta increased the sphere colony formation and proliferation in all ages. These results suggest that SKPs maintained in the presence of TGF-beta during culture are of potential use in cell-replacement therapies employing adult tissue sources.  相似文献   

Midgut epithelium in Filientomon takanawanum is composed of epithelial cells and single, sporadic regenerative cells. In 80% of analyzed specimens midgut epithelial cells, as fat body and gonads, are infected with rickettsia-like microorganism. In non-infected specimens young and completely differentiated epithelial cells are distinguished among epithelial cells. Characteristic for midgut epithelial cells regionalization in organelles distribution is not observed. Autophagy is the sporadic process, but if the cytoplasm of epithelium cells possesses numerous spherites and sporadic autophagosomes, the apoptosis begins. Necrosis is observed sporadically.In the midgut epithelium cells of about 80% of analyzed specimens rickettsia-like microorganisms are observed. The more rickettsia-like microorganisms occur in the cytoplasm, the more autophagosomes are formed, and the process of apoptosis proceeds intensively.  相似文献   

S. Kusakabe  K. Harada  T. Mukai 《Genetica》1990,82(2):111-115
We found a rare inversion which is superimposed on the In (2R) NS chromosome. It has been maintained for several years in the Raleigh, N. C., USA population and possibly for more than ten years in the southern populations of the USA. Both the breakpoint of the rare inversion and the corresponding site of the In (2R) NS chromosome have P elements and therefore, the rare inversion might be induced by P element activity in a natural population.  相似文献   

The kinetics, proliferation and differentiation potentials of hemopoietic stem cells (CFUs) of bone marrow and spleen were investigated in CBA-line mice in the early period (1-30 days) of chronic gamma-irradiation at a dose rate of 0.16 Gy/day to attain a cumulative dose of 4.8 Gy. The results of the experimental study showed the prevalent maintenance of productivity of granulocytic and erythrocytic hemopoietic cell series within the range of reference values, persistent inhibition of the megakaryocytic series (in terms of all hemopoiesis parameters of interest), more marked suppression of the population of polypotential CFUs in the bone marrow as compared with that in the spleen. The obtained results indicated that the mechanisms of hemopoiesis compensation at stem cell pool level were as follows: the increase in proliferation potency of erythrocytic and in polypotential precursors, the rise in the proportion of granulocytic precursors in the real differentiation potential of CFUs, and the processes of repopulation manifested with different intensity in all stem cell populations under study. For maintenance of the necessary productivity of CFUs in each of hemopoietic cell series, consecutively or simultaneously, several compensatory-adaptive mechanisms are started, which allows the avoidance of a sharp competition between hemopoietic cell series under the conditions of stem cell pool depopulation, and preservation of the hemopoiesis as a whole.  相似文献   

Lipocortin-I (p35) is a unique calcium- and phospholipid-binding protein of the lipocortin/calpactin family. Although several possibilities have been suggested, functions for the individual proteins of this family are not yet known with certainty. As an initial step in the identification of the biological function(s) of p35, we have used immunohistochemical methods to define precisely many of the cellular phenotypes that contain p35 in vivo. In all organs where p35 is found, we have observed a striking distribution of p35-positive cells. Typically it is highly enriched in a limited range of differentiated cell types while apparently totally absent from most others. Our identification of specific p35-positive cell types in vivo will now set limitations on likely possibilities for functions of this protein and thereby permit a more logical approach to the determination of its true function.  相似文献   

The effect of octopamine on the neuromuscular junction of the mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) was examined. Octopamine potentiated excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) recorded intracellularly and extracellularly from ventral longitudinal muscle fibers. The potentiating action of octopamine was blocked in the presence of the alpha-adrenergic blocking agent, phentolamine, but not in the presence of another alpha-blocker, phenoxybenzamine, or the beta-blockers propranolol and dichloroisoproterenol. The resting membrane potential, membrane input resistance, reversal potential of EJP, glutamate potentials, and spontaneous miniature EJPs were found to be unaffected by octopamine. In contrast, quantal contents estimated by the extracellularly recorded EJP failures were greatly increased by octopamine. These results suggest that octopamine acted on the presynaptic terminals via alpha-adrenoceptor-like receptors (octopamine receptors) at the Tenebrio neuromuscular junctions to enhance the transmitter release associated with the motor nerve impulses.  相似文献   

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is caused by a severe genetic deficiency of hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) and is characterized by central nervous system disorders, gout, and in some cases, macrocytic anemia. Women heterozygous for HPRT deficiency are healthy but their somatic cells are mosaic for enzyme deficiency owing to random inactivation of the X chromosome. Frequencies of red blood cells and T cells deficient in HPRT are significantly lower than the expected 50% in heterozygotes, suggesting that HPRT-negative blood cells are selected against in heterozygotes. To determine at which stage of hematopoiesis such selection occurs, we determined the frequencies of HPRT-negative T, B and erythroid precursor cells in three heterozygotes. Since the cloning efficiencies of T and B cells and colony forming efficiency of burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E) for sample from Lesch-Nyhan patients were similar to those of normal cells, HPRT deficiency does not seem to render the differentiated cells less efficient for proliferation. However, the frequencies of HPRT-negative T and B cells, and BFU-E were all less than 10% in each of the three heterozygotes. Although the frequencies of HPRT-negative cells showed tenfold variations between the heterozygotes, each heterozygote had similar frequencies of HPRT-negative cells in the three cell types. These results suggest that HPRT is important at early stages of hematopoiesis, but less so after the cells have differentiated into T cells, B cells and erythroid precursor cells.  相似文献   

Although experimental data clearly confirm the existence of self-renewing mammary stem cells, the characteristics of such progenitor cells have never been satisfactorily defined. Using a double immunofluorescence technique for simultaneous detection of the basal cytokeratin 5, the glandular cytokeratins 8/18 and the myoepithelial differentiation marker smooth muscle actin (SMA), we were able to demonstrate the presence of CK5+ cells in human adult breast epithelium. These cells have the potential to differentiate to either glandular (CK8/18+) or myoepithelial cells (SMA+) through intermediary cells (CK5+ and CK8/18+ or SMA+). We therefore proceeded on the assumption that the CK5+ cells are phenotypically and behaviourally progenitor (committed adult stem) cells of human breast epithelium. Furthermore, we furnish evidence that most of these progenitor cells are located in the luminal epithelium of the ductal lobular tree. Based on data obtained in extensive analyses of proliferative breast disease lesions, we have come to regard usual ductal hyperplasia as a progenitor cell-derived lesion, whereas most breast cancers seem to evolve from differentiated glandular cells. Double immunofluorescence experiments provide a new tool to characterize phenotypically progenitor (adult stem) cells and their progenies. This model has been shown to be of great value for a better understanding not only of normal tissue regeneration but also of proliferative breast disease. Furthermore, this model provides a new tool for unravelling further the regulatory mechanisms that govern normal and pathological cell growth.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Although experimental data clearly confirm the existence of self-renewing mammary stem cells, the characteristics of such progenitor cells have never been satisfactorily defined. Using a double immunofluorescence technique for simultaneous detection of the basal cytokeratin 5, the glandular cytokeratins 8/18 and the myoepithelial differentiation marker smooth muscle actin (SMA), we were able to demonstrate the presence of CK5+ cells in human adult breast epithelium. These cells have the potential to differentiate to either glandular (CK8/18+) or myoepithelial cells (SMA+) through intermediary cells (CK5+ and CK8/18+ or SMA+). We therefore proceeded on the assumption that the CK5+ cells are phenotypically and behaviourally progenitor (committed adult stem) cells of human breast epithelium. Furthermore, we furnish evidence that most of these progenitor cells are located in the luminal epithelium of the ductal lobular tree. Based on data obtained in extensive analyses of proliferative breast disease lesions, we have come to regard usual ductal hyperplasia as a progenitor cell-derived lesion, whereas most breast cancers seem to evolve from differentiated glandular cells. Double immunofluorescence experiments provide a new tool to characterize phenotypically progenitor (adult stem) cells and their progenies. This model has been shown to be of great value for a better understanding not only of normal tissue regeneration but also of proliferative breast disease. Furthermore, this model provides a new tool for unravelling further the regulatory mechanisms that govern normal and pathological cell growth.  相似文献   

Raes H  Verbeke M 《Tissue & cell》1994,26(2):223-230
The occurrence, development and ultrastructure of two types of gut endocrine cell have been studied in the midgut of adult honeybees. These cells, one of a basal granular type and one of a vesicular type, are evenly distributed throughout the posterior three-quarters of the midgut. Each crypt complex contains one of each cell type, both of which may be derived from the same stem cells as the enterocytes. They already contain their respective secretory product while still in the nidus. Both reach the midgut lumen by a narrow apex and are therefore of the open type. The granular cells release their secretory granules at the cell base in a typical endocrine way. In young vesicular cells the secretory vesicles are released at the cell base and in the intercellular spaces. Old cells are still filled with vesicles when they are shed in the midgut lumen. This seems to indicate that these cells have both an endocrine (or paracrine) and an exocrine function, the latter apparently by holocrinc release.  相似文献   

During spermatogenesis, cell-cell actin-based adherens junctions (AJs), such as ectoplasmic specializations (ESs), between Sertoli and germ cells undergo extensive restructuring in the seminiferous epithelium to facilitate germ cell movement across the epithelium. Although the mechanism(s) that regulates AJ dynamics in the testis is virtually unknown, Rho GTPases have been implicated in the regulation of these events in other epithelia. Studies have shown that the in vitro assembly of the Sertoli-germ cell AJs but not of the Sertoli cell tight junctions (TJs) is associated with a transient but significant induction of RhoB. Immunohistochemistry has shown that the localization of RhoB in the seminiferous epithelium is stage specific, being lowest in stages VII-VIII prior to spermiation, and displays cell-specific association during the epithelial cycle. Throughout the cycle, RhoB was localized near the site of basal and apical ESs but was restricted to the periphery of the nuclei in elongating (but not elongated) spermatids, spermatocytes, and Sertoli cells. However, RhoB was not detected near the site of apical ESs at stages VII-VIII. Furthermore, disruption of AJs in Sertoli-germ cell cocultures either by hypotonic treatment or by treatment with 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-indazole-3-carbohydrazide (AF-2364) also induced RhoB expression. When adult rats were treated with AF-2364 to perturb Sertoli-germ cell AJs in vivo, a approximately 4-fold induction in RhoB in the testis, but not in kidney and brain, was detected within 1 h, at least approximately 1-4 days before germ cell loss from the epithelium could be detected by histological analysis. The signaling pathway(s) by which AF-2364 perturbed the Sertoli-germ cell AJs apparently began with an initial activation of integrin, which in turn activated RhoB, ROCK1, (Rho-associated protein kinase 1, also called ROKbeta), LIMK1 (LIM kinase 1, also called lin-11 isl-1 mec3 kinase 1), and cofilin but not p140mDia and profilin via phosphorylation. Immunoprecipitation and immunoblots revealed that the induction of LIMK1 was mediated via an increase in its phospho-Ser but not phospho-Tyr content. Furthermore, Y-27632 ([(R)-(+)-trans-N-(4-pyridyl)-4-(1-aminoethyl)-cyclohexane-carboxamide, 2HCl]), a specific ROCK inhibitor, could effectively delay the AF-2364-induced germ cell loss from the seminiferous epithelium in vivo, illustrating that the integrin/RhoB/ROCK/LIMK pathway indeed plays a crucial role in the regulation of Sertoli-germ cell AJ dynamics. The fact that the RhoB pathway in the kidney and brain was not activated suggests that AF-2364 exerts its effects primarily at the testis-specific ES multiprotein complex structures between Sertoli cells and spermatids. In summary, this report illustrates that Sertoli germ cell AJ dynamics are regulated, at least in part, via the integrin/ROCK/LIMK/cofilin signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The regular array of distally pointing hairs on the mature Drosophila wing is evidence for the fine control of Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) during wing development. Normal wing PCP requires both the Frizzled (Fz) PCP pathway and the Fat/Dachsous (Ft/Ds) pathway, although the functional relationship between these pathways remains under debate. There is strong evidence that the Fz PCP pathway signals twice during wing development, and we have previously presented a Bidirectional-Biphasic Fz PCP signaling model which proposes that the Early and Late Fz PCP signals are in different directions and employ different isoforms of the Prickle protein. The goal of this study was to investigate the role of the Ft/Ds pathway in the context of our Fz PCP signaling model. Our results allow us to draw the following conclusions: (1) The Early Fz PCP signals are in opposing directions in the anterior and posterior wing and converge precisely at the site of the L3 wing vein. (2) Increased or decreased expression of Ft/Ds pathway genes can alter the direction of the Early Fz PCP signal without affecting the Late Fz PCP signal. (3) Lowfat, a Ft/Ds pathway regulator, is required for the normal orientation of the Early Fz PCP signal but not the Late Fz PCP signal. (4) At the time of the Early Fz PCP signal there are symmetric gradients of dachsous (ds) expression centered on the L3 wing vein, suggesting Ds activity gradients may orient the Fz signal. (5) Localized knockdown or over-expression of Ft/Ds pathway genes shows that boundaries/gradients of Ft/Ds pathway gene expression can redirect the Early Fz PCP signal specifically. (6) Altering the timing of ds knockdown during wing development can separate the role of the Ft/Ds pathway in wing morphogenesis from its role in Early Fz PCP signaling.  相似文献   

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