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L1 is an insertional mutagen that is capable of mediating permanent gene disruption in mammalian genomes. However, currently available L1 retrotransposition vectors exhibit low or unstable transgene expression when expressed in somatic cells and tissues. This restriction limits their potential utility in long-term screening procedures or somatic mutagenesis applications. In this study, we addressed this problem by developing a minicircle, nonviral L1 retrotransposition vector using a scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR) in the vector backbone and evaluated its utility in human cell lines. The S/MAR-based L1 retrotransposition vector provides stable, elevated levels of L1 expression compared to the currently used EBNA1-based L1 vector. In addition, the S/MAR elements effectively mediate sustained levels of L1 retrotransposition in prolonged cell culturing without suffering from epigenetic silencing by DNA methylation or from vector integration problems even in the absence of selection pressure. These findings indicate that the simple inclusion of S/MAR in the vector backbone increased levels of L1 expression and retrotransposition that can be used as an effective tool to generate insertional mutagenesis in large-scale somatic mutagenesis applications in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

L1 is an insertional mutagen that is capable of mediating permanent gene disruption in mammalian genomes. However, currently available L1 retrotransposition vectors exhibit low or unstable transgene expression when expressed in somatic cells and tissues. This restriction limits their potential utility in long-term screening procedures or somatic mutagenesis applications. In this study, we addressed this problem by developing a minicircle, nonviral L1 retrotransposition vector using a scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR) in the vector backbone and evaluated its utility in human cell lines. The S/MAR-based L1 retrotransposition vector provides stable, elevated levels of L1 expression compared to the currently used EBNA1-based L1 vector. In addition, the S/MAR elements effectively mediate sustained levels of L1 retrotransposition in prolonged cell culturing without suffering from epigenetic silencing by DNA methylation or from vector integration problems even in the absence of selection pressure. These findings indicate that the simple inclusion of S/MAR in the vector backbone increased levels of L1 expression and retrotransposition that can be used as an effective tool to generate insertional mutagenesis in large-scale somatic mutagenesis applications in mammalian cells.

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DOI: 10.4161/epi.6.7.16675

Danny Rangasamy

Volume 6, Issue 7

Page 951  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Metazoan centromeres are generally composed of large repetitive DNA structures packaged in heterochromatin. Similarly, fission yeast centromeres contain large inverted repeats and two distinct silenced domains that are both required for centromere function. The central domain is flanked by outer repetitive elements coated in histone H3 methylated on lysine 9 and bound by conserved heterochromatin proteins. This centromeric heterochromatin is required for cohesion between sister centromeres. Defective heterochromatin causes premature sister chromatid separation and chromosome missegregation. The role of cis-acting DNA sequences in the formation of centromeric heterochromatin has not been established. RESULTS: A deletion strategy was used to identify centromeric sequences that allow heterochromatin formation in fission yeast. Fragments from the outer repeats are sufficient to cause silencing of an adjacent gene when inserted at a euchromatic chromosomal locus. This silencing is accompanied by the local de novo methylation of histone H3 on lysine 9, recruitment of known heterochromatin components, Swi6 and Chp1, and the provision of a new strong cohesin binding site. In addition, we demonstrate that the chromodomain of Chp1 binds to MeK9-H3 and that Chp1 itself is required for methylation of histone H3 on lysine 9. CONCLUSIONS: A short sequence, reiterated at fission yeast centromeres, can direct silent chromatin assembly and cohesin recruitment in a dominant manner. The heterochromatin formed at the euchromatic locus is indistinguishable from that found at endogenous centromeres. Recruitment of Rad21-cohesin underscores the link between heterochromatin and chromatid cohesion and indicates that these centromeric elements act independently of kinetochore activity to recruit cohesin.  相似文献   

Promoter hypermethylation and heterochromatinization is a frequent event leading to gene inactivation and tumorigenesis. At the molecular level, inactivation of tumor suppressor genes in cancer has many similarities to the inactive X chromosome in female cells and is defined and maintained by DNA methylation and characteristic histone modifications. In addition, the inactive-X is marked by the histone macroH2A, a variant of H2A with a large non-histone region of unknown function. Studying tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) silenced in cancer cell lines, we find that when active, these promoters are associated with H2A.Z but become enriched for macroH2A1 once silenced. Knockdown of macroH2A1 was not sufficient for reactivation of silenced genes. However, when combined with DNA demethylation, macroH2A1 deficiency significantly enhanced reactivation of the tumor suppressor genes p16, MLH1 and Timp3 and inhibited cell proliferation. Our findings link macroH2A1 to heterochromatin of epigenetically silenced cancer genes and indicate synergism between macroH2A1 and DNA methylation in maintenance of the silenced state.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven nonhemolytic/nonbacteriocinogenic mutations in Enterococcus (Streptococcus) faecalis plasmid pAD1 were generated by Tn917 insertion. All were found to belong to one of two complementation classes. Each class of mutants secreted either hemolysin/bacteriocin (Hly/Bac) component A or L into the culture medium. DNA encoding Hly/Bac was cloned in Escherichia coli in which both components of the hemolysin were expressed individually and collectively. The region encoding components A and L was further defined by deletion analysis and physically mapped. A total of approximately 8.4 kilobases of pAD1 DNA were observed to be required for hemolysin expression. Hly/Bac activity of the wild-type and the inactive L substance was observed to be heat stable. Active Hly/Bac resulting from incubating separately secreted components A and L was also found to be heat stable. The results indicate that component A activates component L and that activated component L possesses the Hly/Bac activity. Component A was also observed to be associated with host immunity to the Hly/Bac.  相似文献   

Abnormal patterns of DNA methylation are observed in many diseases such as tumors and imprinting disorders. Little is known about inter-individual and gender specific variations. Here, we report on accurate and sensitive quantitative measurements of methylation in DNA from total blood in 96 healthy human males and 96 healthy human females. Global methylation was estimated by studying two repetitive DNA elements, namely Line-1 and Alu repeats, while single loci were investigated for three differentially methylated regions (DMRs) at PEG3, NESP55 and H19 imprinted genes and two additional loci at Xq28 (F8 gene) and at 19q13.4 (locus between PEG3 and ubiquitin specific protease 29). We observed inter-individual correlations in the degree of methylation between Alu and Line-1 repeats. Moreover, all studied CpGs showed slightly higher methylation in males (P < 0.0003–0.0381), with the exception of DMRs at imprinted genes (P = 0.0342–0.9616) which were almost equally methylated in both sexes with only a small tendency towards higher methylation in males. This observed difference could be due to the process of X chromosome inactivation or merely to the presence of an additional X chromosome in female cells or could be a result of downstream effects of sex determination. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Anderson CL  Brown CJ 《Human genetics》2002,110(3):271-278
X chromosome inactivation results in dosage equivalency for X-linked gene expression between males and females. However, some X-linked genes show variable X inactivation, being expressed from the inactive X in some females but subject to inactivation in other women. The human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 ( TIMP1) gene falls into this category. As TIMP1 and its target metalloproteinases are involved in many biological processes, women with elevated TIMP1 expression may exhibit different disease susceptibilities. To address the potential impact of variable X inactivation, we analyzed TIMP1 expression levels by using an RNase protection assay. The substantial variation of TIMP1 expression observed in cells with monoallelic TIMP1 expression precluded analysis of the contribution of the inactive X to total TIMP1 RNA levels in females, so we examined expression in rodent/human somatic cell hybrids. TIMP1 expression levels varied more widely in hybrids retaining an inactive X than in those with an active X chromosome, suggesting variable retention of the epigenetic silencing mechanisms associated with X inactivation. Therefore, we investigated the contribution of methylation at the promoter to expression level variation and found that methylation of the TIMP1 promoter correlated with instability and low level expression, whereas stable TIMP1expression from the inactive X equivalent to that seen from the active X chromosome was observed when the promoter was unmethylated. Since all female cell lines examined showed methylation of the TIMP1 promoter, the contribution of expression from the inactive X appears minimal. However, as women age, they may accumulate cells stably expressing TIMP1 from the inactive X, with a resulting increase of TIMP1, which may explain some sex differences in various late-onset disorders.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1984,99(4):1410-1415
Although monoclonal in origin, mammary tumors acquire a marked heterogeneity of cell phenotypes, including a mixture of steroid hormone-sensitive cells and insensitive cells. We describe here long- term studies on the effects of androgen withdrawal on cloned androgen- responsive S115 mouse mammary tumor cells as a model system to investigate mechanisms by which tumor cells lose their steroid sensitivity. In the prolonged absence of androgen, the cells lost hormone-sensitive parameters reproducibly, including loss of proliferative response, saturation density response, cell morphology response, and mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat (MMTV-LTR)- related RNA. These experiments have demonstrated that when deprived of hormone in the long term, a clone of responsive cells gives rise reproducibly to a population of unresponsive cells in an ordered series of phenotypic changes. At the time when the cells lost all androgen response in terms of cell biology and MMTV-LTR-RNA, increased methylation of MMTV-LTR sequences in the DNA was detected. Thereafter recovery of androgen sensitivity has not been achieved in any of these parameters. The possible role of de novo DNA methylation in the progression to androgen autonomy of S115 cells is discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the efficiency of encapsidation of plasmid by papillomavirus virus-like particles (PV VLPs), and the infectivity of the resultant PV pseudovirions, Cos-1 cells were transfected with an 8-kb plasmid incorporating a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene (pGSV), and infected with bovine PV (BPV-1) L1/L2 recombinant vaccinia virus to produce BPV1 pseudovirions. Approximately 1 in 1.5 x 10(4) of dense (1.35 g/ml) PV pseudovirions and 0.3 in 10(4) of less-dense (1.29 g/ml) pseudovirions packaged an intact pGSV plasmid. The majority (>75%) of packaged plasmids contained deletions, and the deletions affected all tested genes. After exposure of Cos-1 cells to BPV-1 pseudovirions at an MOI of 40,000:1, 6% of cells expressed GFP, giving a calculated efficiency of delivery of the pGSV plasmid, by pseudovirions which had packaged an intact plasmid, of approximately 5%. Plasmid delivery was not effected by purified pGSV plasmid, was blocked by antiserum against BPV-1, and was not blocked by DNase treatment of pseudovirions, confirming that delivery was mediated by DNA within the pseudovirion. We conclude that a major limitation to the use of PV pseudovirions as a gene delivery system is that intact plasmid DNA is not efficiently selected for packaging by VLPs in cell-based pseudovirions production systems.  相似文献   



The extent to which development- and age-associated epigenetic changes are influenced by genetic, environmental and stochastic factors remains to be discovered. Twins provide an ideal model with which to investigate these influences but previous cross-sectional twin studies provide contradictory evidence of within-pair epigenetic drift over time. Longitudinal twin studies can potentially address this discrepancy.


In a pilot, genome-scale study of DNA from buccal epithelium, a relatively homogeneous tissue, we show that one-third of the CpGs assayed show dynamic methylation between birth and 18 months. Although all classes of annotated genomic regions assessed show an increase in DNA methylation over time, probes located in intragenic regions, enhancers and low-density CpG promoters are significantly over-represented, while CpG islands and high-CpG density promoters are depleted among the most dynamic probes. Comparison of co-twins demonstrated that within-pair drift in DNA methylation in our cohort is specific to a subset of pairs, who show more differences at 18 months. The rest of the pairs show either minimal change in methylation discordance, or more similar, converging methylation profiles at 18 months. As with age-associated regions, sites that change in their level of within-pair discordance between birth and 18 months are enriched in genes involved in development, but the average magnitude of change is smaller than for longitudinal change.


Our findings suggest that DNA methylation in buccal epithelium is influenced by non-shared stochastic and environmental factors that could reflect a degree of epigenetic plasticity within an otherwise constrained developmental program.  相似文献   



The genetics of spikelet formation, a feature unique to grasses such as rice and maize, is yet to be fully understood, although a number of meristem and organ identity mutants have been isolated and investigated in Arabidopsis and maize. Using a two-element Ac/Ds transposon tagging system we have isolated a rice mutant, designated branched floretless 1 (bfl1) which is defective in the transition from spikelet meristem to floret meristem.  相似文献   

An insertional mutagen was developed which consists of the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli under the control of the regulatory elements of the large subunit of ribonucleotide reductase (ICP6). This ICP6::lacZ cassette was used to create a mutation in a gene designated UL52 (D. J. McGeoch, M. A. Dalrymple, A. Dolan, D. McNab, L. J. Perry, P. Taylor, and M. D. Challberg, J. Virol. 62:444-453, 1988), which is predicted to encode a 114,000-molecular-weight protein. To isolate and propagate this mutant, we generated a cell line, BL-1, by cotransfection of Vero cells with pSV2neo and a plasmid containing the herpes simplex virus type 1 KOS strain BamHI L fragment (coordinates 0.708 to 0.745). An ICP6::lacZ insertion mutant, hr114, was capable of growing in BL-1 cells but not in normal Vero cells. In addition, hr114 was defective in the synthesis of viral DNA and late proteins; however, this mutant appeared to exhibit normal early gene expression. Thus, the results presented in this report show that the UL52 gene product is required for viral DNA synthesis. Furthermore, our studies indicate that the ICP6::lacZ cassette will provide a useful tool for obtaining mutants of other herpes simplex virus genes.  相似文献   

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