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The ubiquitin-mediated degradation of hypoxia-inducible factor-α (HIF-α) by a von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein (pVHL) is mechanistically responsible for controlling gene expression due to oxygen availability. Germline mutations in the VHL gene cause dysregulation of HIF and induce an autosomal dominant cancer syndrome referred to as VHL disease. However, it is unclear whether HIF accumulation caused by VHL mutations is sufficient for tumorigenesis. Recently, we found that pVHL directly associates and positively regulates the tumor suppressor p53 by inhibiting Mdm2-mediated ubiquitination, and by subsequently recruiting p53-modifying enzymes. Moreover, VHL-deleted RCC cells showed attenuated apoptosis or abnormal cell-cycle arrest upon DNA damage, but became normal when pVHL was restored. Thus, pVHL appears to play a pivotal role in tumor suppression by participating actively as a component of p53 transactivation complex during DNA damage response.  相似文献   

p53是细胞内最重要的抑癌蛋白质之一;细胞对p53分子功能的调控主要通过一系列翻译后修饰(PTMs)完成。其中,乙酰化修饰既可在总体水平调控p53的转录活性,又可位点特异性地调控p53依赖的转录选择性,进而精确控制p53在细胞周期阻滞、凋亡、衰老、自噬和代谢等关键生物学过程中的作用。本综述以p53乙酰化修饰研究的时间脉络为轴,首先总结了发生在p53各结构域内乙酰化修饰的建立机制,包括催化p53位点特异性乙酰化发生的乙酰基转移酶,以及各位点乙酰化修饰对p53分子功能调节的机制。其次,本综述总结了参与去除p53乙酰化修饰的关键去乙酰基酶家族,以及这些因子参与调控p53分子功能的生物学意义。同时,本文综述了能够特异性读取p53乙酰化修饰状态的识别蛋白质,以及这些识别蛋白质与p53互作,进而协同调控下游靶基因转录的分子调控网络。此外,本文概述了p53乙酰化修饰与其它类型翻译后修饰之间的“交谈”,以及这些修饰之间通过时空特异互作方式影响p53功能的分子机制。最后,本文基于p53乙酰化修饰,对肿瘤分子医学的研究前景进行讨论与展望。  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are predicted to regulate approximately 30% of all human genes; however, only a few miRNAs have been assigned their targets and specific functions. Here we demonstrate that miR-24, a ubiquitously expressed miRNA, has an anti-proliferative effect independent of p53 function. Cell lines with differential p53 status were used as a model to study the effects of miR-24 on cell proliferation, cell cycle control, gene regulation and cellular transformation. Overexpression of miR-24 in six different cell lines, independent of p53 function, inhibited cell proliferation and resulted in G2/S cell cycle arrest. MiR-24 over expression in cells with wt-p53 upregulated TP53 and p21 protein; however, in p53-null cells miR-24 still induced cell cycle arrest without the involvement of p21. We show that miR-24 regulates p53-independent cellular proliferation by regulating an S-phase enzyme, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) a target of the chemotherapeutic drug methotrexate (MTX). Of interest, we found that a miR-24 target site polymorphism in DHFR 3′ UTR that results in loss of miR-24-function and high DHFR levels in the cell imparts a growth advantage to immortalized cells and induces neoplastic transformation. Of clinical significance, we found that miR-24 is deregulated in human colorectal cancer tumors and a subset of tumors has reduced levels of miR-24. A novel function for miR-24 as a p53-independent cell cycle inhibitory miRNA is proposed.  相似文献   

Human glioma causes substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying glioma progression are still largely unknown. COP1 (constitutively photomorphogenic 1), an E3 ubiquitin ligase, is important in cell survival, development, cell growth, and cancer biology by regulating different substrates. As is well known, both tumor suppressor p53 and oncogenic protein c-JUN could be ubiquitinated and degraded by ubiquitin ligase COP1, which may be the reason that COP1 serves as an oncogene or a tumor suppressor in different cancer types. Up to now, the possible role of COP1 in human glioma is still unclear. In the present study, we found that the expression of COP1 was upregulated in human glioma tissues. The role of COP1 in glioma cell proliferation was investigated using COP1 loss- and gain-of-function. The results showed that downregulation of COP1 by short hairpin RNA (shRNA) inhibited glioma cell proliferation, while overexpression of COP1 significantly promoted it. Furthermore, we demonstrated that COP1 only interacted with and regulated p53, but not c-JUN. Taken together, these results indicate that COP1 may play a role in promoting glioma cell proliferation by interacting with and downregulating tumor suppressor p53 rather than oncogenic protein c-JUN.  相似文献   

Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant pediatric brain tumor which is thought to originate from cerebellar granule cell precursors (CGNPs) that fail to properly exit the cell cycle and differentiate. Although mutations in the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway occur in ~30% of cases, genetic alterations that account for MB formation in most patients have not yet been identified. We recently determined that the cyclin D-dependent kinase inhibitor, p18Ink4c, is expressed as CGNPs exit the cell cycle, suggesting that this protein might play a central role in arresting the proliferation of these cells and in timing their subsequent migration and differentiation. In mice, disruption of Ink4c collaborates independently with loss of p53 or with inactivation of the gene (Ptc1) encoding the Shh receptor, Patched, to induce MB formation. Whereas loss of both Ink4c alleles is required for MB formation in a p53-null background, Ink4c is haplo-insufficient for tumor suppression in a Ptc1+/- background. Moreover, MBs derived from Ptc1+/- mice that lack one or two Ink4c alleles retain wild-type p53. Methylation of the INK4C (CDKN2C) promoter and complete loss of p18INK4C protein expression were detected in a significant fraction of human MBs again pointing toward a role for INK4C in suppression of MB formation.  相似文献   

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