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Invadosomes have two main functions represented by their actin-rich and adhesive components and their polarized secretory pathways controlling the delivery of metalloproteases necessary to degrade extracellular matrix (ECM). Invadosomes include invadopodia and podosomes, which have subtle differences in molecular composition, dynamics, and structure. These differences could reflect different stages of invadosome maturation. This review will outline current knowledge on the coupling between the acto-adhesive machinery and the ECM degradation activity in invadosome diversity. Multiple works support that these two functions are not automatically linked but seem to be finely regulated to allow different functions of invadosomes. We will explore the paradigmatic aspect of invadosomes, which are able to interact with ECM to degrade it so as to better control their own dynamics. Understanding the fine-tuning between these two functions could serve to understand the link between the different types of invadosomes from invadopodia to podosomes.  相似文献   

Cell invasion of the extracellular matrix is prerequisite to cross tissue migration of tumor cells in cancer metastasis, and vascular smooth muscle cells in atherosclerosis. The tumor suppressor p53, better known for its roles in the regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis, has ignited much interest in its function as a suppressor of cell migration and invasion. How p53 and its gain-of-function mutants regulate cell invasion remains a puzzle and a challenge for future studies. In recent years, podosomes and invadopodia have also gained center stage status as veritable apparatus specialized in cell invasion. It is not clear, however, whether p53 regulates cell invasion through podosomes and invadopodia. In this review, evidence supporting a negative role of p53 in podosomes formation in vascular smooth muscle cells will be surveyed, and signaling nodes that may mediate this regulation in other cell types will be explored.  相似文献   

The tumor microenvironment consists of stromal cells, extracellular matrix (ECM), and signaling molecules that communicate with cancer cells. As tumors grow and develop, the tumor microenvironment changes. In addition, the tumor microenvironment is not only influenced by signals from tumor cells, but also stromal components contribute to tumor progression and metastasis by affecting cancer cell function. One of the mechanisms that cancer cells use to invade and metastasize is mediated by actin-rich, proteolytic structures called invadopodia. Here, we discuss how signals from the tumor environment, including growth factors, hypoxia, pH, metabolism, and stromal cell interactions, affect the formation and function of invadopodia to regulate cancer cell invasion and metastasis. Understanding how the tumor microenvironment affects invadopodia biology could aid in the development of effective therapeutics to target cancer cell invasion and metastasis.  相似文献   

Cell invasion of the extracellular matrix is prerequisite to cross tissue migration of tumor cells in cancer metastasis, and vascular smooth muscle cells in atherosclerosis. The tumor suppressor p53, better known for its roles in the regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis, has ignited much interest in its function as a suppressor of cell migration and invasion. How p53 and its gain-of-function mutants regulate cell invasion remains a puzzle and a challenge for future studies. In recent years, podosomes and invadopodia have also gained center stage status as veritable apparatus specialized in cell invasion. It is not clear, however, whether p53 regulates cell invasion through podosomes and invadopodia. In this review, evidence supporting a negative role of p53 in podosomes formation in vascular smooth muscle cells will be surveyed, and signaling nodes that may mediate this regulation in other cell types will be explored.  相似文献   

Invadopodia are actin-based protrusions of the plasma membrane that penetrate into the extracellular matrix (ECM), and enzymatically degrade it. Invadopodia and podosomes, often referred to, collectively, as “invadosomes,” are actin-based membrane protrusions that facilitate matrix remodeling and cell invasion across tissues, processes that occur under specific physiological conditions such as bone remodeling, as well as under pathological states such as bone, immune disorders, and cancer metastasis. In this review, we specifically focus on the functional architecture of invadopodia in cancer cells; we discuss here three functional domains of invadopodia responsible for the metalloproteinase-based degradation of the ECM, the cytoskeleton-based mechanical penetration into the matrix, and the integrin adhesome-based adhesion to the ECM. We will describe the structural and molecular organization of each domain and the cross-talk between them during the invasion process.  相似文献   

Invadopodia are actin-based protrusions of the plasma membrane that penetrate into the extracellular matrix (ECM), and enzymatically degrade it. Invadopodia and podosomes, often referred to, collectively, as “invadosomes,” are actin-based membrane protrusions that facilitate matrix remodeling and cell invasion across tissues, processes that occur under specific physiological conditions such as bone remodeling, as well as under pathological states such as bone, immune disorders, and cancer metastasis. In this review, we specifically focus on the functional architecture of invadopodia in cancer cells; we discuss here three functional domains of invadopodia responsible for the metalloproteinase-based degradation of the ECM, the cytoskeleton-based mechanical penetration into the matrix, and the integrin adhesome-based adhesion to the ECM. We will describe the structural and molecular organization of each domain and the cross-talk between them during the invasion process.  相似文献   

Almost all tissues in our body contain specific cells associated with the tissue itself, and an extracellular matrix (ECM) that consists of a variety of proteins of which the bulk is formed by different types of collagens, glycoproteins and proteoglycans. The ECM plays a pivotal role in numerous processes not only related to the mechanical properties of a tissue, but also in modulating cellular activity. For a proper functioning of a tissue remodeling of the ECM is essential. Some connective tissues are characterized by a very rapid turnover (e.g. periodontal ligament) whereas others hardly show signs of turnover (e.g. cartilage). In all situations degradation of the ECM constituents occur. Under certain conditions, especially during a pathological situation, a high level of degradation may take place. In other situations matrix synthesis and deposition outstrips breakdown, leading to a fibrosis. In order to obtain information on the level of degradation of the different ECM components, various methods have been employed. A number of these methods will be discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Epidermal and hepatocyte growth factors can stimulate invasive abilities of melanoma cells, while treatment with combination of their receptors' (EGFR and MET, respectively) inhibitors reduces viability of these cells, as we have previously shown. Proposed therapy has potential; however, used drugs block more than one goal effectively, what raises the question about the real target of analysed inhibitors. For this reason, we analysed direct involvement of these receptors in the invasion of melanoma cells inducing EGFR and MET up‐ and down‐regulations in examined cells. Results were acquired with assays evaluating cell migration and invasion (scratch wound assay, Transwell filter‐based method and single‐cell tracking). We revealed that cells' motile abilities are increased after EGFR overexpression and decreased following EGFR and MET silencing. This outcome correlates with elevated (EGFR up‐regulation) or reduced (EGFR/MET down‐regulation) number of formed invadopodia, visualized with immunofluorescence, and their rate of proteolytic abilities, evaluated by fluorescent gelatin degradation assay, and gelatin zymography, compared to control cells. Above‐mentioned data indicate that both—EGFR and MET signalling is directly connected with melanoma cells invasion, what establishes these receptors as promising targets for anti‐cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are thin sheets of self-assembled extracellular matrices that are essential for embryonic development and for the homeostasis of adult tissues. They play a role in structuring, protecting, polarizing, and compartmentalizing cells, as well as in supplying them with growth factors. All basement membranes are built from laminin and collagen IV networks stabilized by nidogen/perlecan bridges. The precise composition of basement membranes, however, varies between different tissues. Even though basement membranes represent physical barriers that delimit different tissues, they are breached in many physiological or pathological processes, including development, the immune response, and tumor invasion. Here, we provide a brief overview of the molecular composition of basement membranes and the process of their assembly. We will then illustrate the heterogeneity of basement membranes using two examples, the epithelial basement membrane in the gut and the vascular basement membrane. Finally, we examine the different strategies cells use to breach the basement membrane.  相似文献   

Invadosomes are actin-based structures involved in extracellular-matrix degradation. Invadosomes, either known as podosomes or invadopodia, are found in an increasing number of cell types. Moreover, their overall organization and molecular composition may vary from one cell type to the other. Some are constitutive such as podosomes in hematopoietic cells whereas others are inducible. However, they share the same feature, their ability to interact and to degrade the extracellular matrix. Based on the literature and our own experiments, the aim of this study was to establish a minimal molecular definition of active invadosomes. We first highlighted that Cdc42 is the key RhoGTPase involved in invadosome formation in all described models. Using different cellular models, such as NIH-3T3, HeLa, and endothelial cells, we demonstrated that overexpression of an active form of Cdc42 is sufficient to form invadosome actin cores. Therefore, active Cdc42 must be considered not only as an inducer of filopodia, but also as an inducer of invadosomes. Depending on the expression level of Tks5, these Cdc42-dependent actin cores were endowed or not with a proteolytic activity. In fact, Tks5 overexpression rescued this activity in Tks5 low expressing cells. We thus described the adaptor protein Tks5 as a major actor of the invadosome degradation function. Surprisingly, we found that Src kinases are not always required for invadosome formation and function. These data suggest that even if Src family members are the principal kinases involved in the majority of invadosomes, it cannot be considered as a common element for all invadosome structures. We thus define a minimal and universal molecular signature of invadosome that includes Cdc42 activity and Tks5 presence in order to drive the actin machinery and the proteolytic activity of these invasive structures.  相似文献   

Cell migration and invasion involve the formation of cell adhesion structures as well as the dynamic and spatial regulation of the cytoskeleton. The adhesive structures known as podosomes and invadopodia share a common role in cell motility, adhesion, and invasion, and form when the plasma membrane of motile cells undergoes highly regulated protrusions. Palladin, a molecular scaffold, co-localizes with actin-rich structures where it plays a role in their assembly and maintenance in a wide variety of cell lines. Palladin regulates actin cytoskeleton organization as well as cell adhesion formation. Moreover, palladin contributes to the invasive nature of cancer metastatic cells by regulating invadopodia formation. Palladin seems to regulate podosome and invodopodia formation through Rho GTPases, which are known as key players in coordinating the cellular responses required for cell migration and metastasis.  相似文献   

Cell migration and invasion involve the formation of cell adhesion structures as well as the dynamic and spatial regulation of the cytoskeleton. The adhesive structures known as podosomes and invadopodia share a common role in cell motility, adhesion, and invasion, and form when the plasma membrane of motile cells undergoes highly regulated protrusions. Palladin, a molecular scaffold, co-localizes with actin-rich structures where it plays a role in their assembly and maintenance in a wide variety of cell lines. Palladin regulates actin cytoskeleton organization as well as cell adhesion formation. Moreover, palladin contributes to the invasive nature of cancer metastatic cells by regulating invadopodia formation. Palladin seems to regulate podosome and invodopodia formation through Rho GTPases, which are known as key players in coordinating the cellular responses required for cell migration and metastasis.  相似文献   

Over 20 years ago, protrusive, F-actin-based membrane structures, termed invadopodia, were identified in highly metastatic cancer cell lines. Invadopodia penetrate artificial or explanted extracellular matrices in 2D culture conditions and have been hypothesized to facilitate the migration of cancer cells through basement membrane, a thin, dense, barrier-like matrix surrounding most tissues. Despite intensive study, the identification of invadopodia in vivo has remained elusive and until now their possible roles during invasion or even existence have remained unclear. Studies in remarkably different cellular contexts—mouse tumor models, zebrafish intestinal epithelia, and C. elegans organogenesis—have recently identified invadopodia structures associated with basement membrane invasion. These studies are providing the first in vivo insight into the regulation, function, and role of these fascinating subcellular devices with critical importance to both development and human disease.  相似文献   

Migration of macrophages is a key process for a variety of physiological functions, such as pathogen clearance or tissue homeostasis. However, it can also be part of pathological scenarios, as in the case of tumor-associated macrophages. This review presents an overview of the different migration modes macrophages can adopt, depending on the physical and chemical properties of specific environments, and the constraints they impose upon cells. We discuss the importance of these environmental and also of cellular parameters, as well as their relative impact on macrophage migration and on the formation of matrix-lytic podosomes in 2D and 3D. Moreover, we present an overview of routinely used and also newly developed assays for the study of macrophage migration in both 2D and 3D contexts, their respective advantages and limitations, and also their potential to reliably mimic in vivo situations.  相似文献   

Over 20 years ago, protrusive, F-actin-based membrane structures, termed invadopodia, were identified in highly metastatic cancer cell lines. Invadopodia penetrate artificial or explanted extracellular matrices in 2D culture conditions and have been hypothesized to facilitate the migration of cancer cells through basement membrane, a thin, dense, barrier-like matrix surrounding most tissues. Despite intensive study, the identification of invadopodia in vivo has remained elusive and until now their possible roles during invasion or even existence have remained unclear. Studies in remarkably different cellular contexts—mouse tumor models, zebrafish intestinal epithelia, and C. elegans organogenesis—have recently identified invadopodia structures associated with basement membrane invasion. These studies are providing the first in vivo insight into the regulation, function, and role of these fascinating subcellular devices with critical importance to both development and human disease.  相似文献   

Overexpression of transmembrane 4 L six family member 5 (TM4SF5), a four‐transmembrane L6 family member, causes aberrant cell proliferation and angiogenesis, but the roles of TM4SF5 in migration, invasion, and tumor metastasis remain unknown. Using in vitro hepatocarcinoma cells that ectopically or endogenously express TM4SF5 and in vivo mouse systems, roles of TM4SF5 in metastatic potentials were examined. We found that TM4SF5 expression facilitated migration, invadopodia formation, MMP activation, invasion, and eventually lung metastasis in nude mice, but suppression of TM4SF5 with its shRNA blocked the effects. Altogether, TM4SF5‐mediated migration and invasion suggest that TM4SF5 may be therapeutically targeted to deal with TM4SF5‐mediated hepatocellular cancers. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 59–66, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD), a common global health issue, is a major cause for low back pain (LBP). Given the complex etiology of IDD, micro RNA (miRNA) recently has been demonstrated to play essential roles in the progression of IDD. Therefore, this study aims to investigate functions of the miR-154, which is well-documented in a series of cell activities, IDD, and other relevant mechanisms. Lumbar nucleus pulposus (NP) samples were collected from patients with IDD and the control group. After solexa sequencing and bioinformatical analysis, the results showed that miR-154 was increased in NP cells of patients with IDD. Inhibition of miR-154 increased type II collagen and aggrecan and decreased mRNA expressions of collagenase-3 (MMP13) and aggrecanase-1 (ADAMTS4), whereas overexpression of miR-154 reversed such effects in NP cells. In addition, the luciferase reporter assay revealed that fibroblast growth factor 14 (FGF14) is a direct target of miR-154 and that the overexpression of FGF14 leads to similar effects as inhibition of miR-154 did. In conclusion, the results suggested that miR-154 participates in the development of IDD and its effects are mediated via targeting FGF14. Thus, miR-154 may be thought as a potential etiological factor for IDD and may provide insights into a therapeutic target to treat IDD.  相似文献   

In the ageing skeleton, the balance of bone reconstruction could commonly be broken by the increasing of bone resorption and decreasing of bone formation. Consequently, the bone resorption gradually occupies a dominant status. During this imbalance process, osteoclast is unique cell linage act the bone resorptive biological activity, which is a highly differentiated ultimate cell derived from monocyte/macrophage. The erosive function of osteoclasts is that they have to adhere the bone matrix and migrate along it, in which adhesive cytoskeleton recombination of osteoclast is essential. In that, the podosome is a membrane binding microdomain organelle, based on dynamic actin, which forms a cytoskeleton superstructure connected with the plasma membrane. Otherwise, as the main adhesive protein, integrin regulates the formation of podosome and cytoskeleton, which collaborates with the various molecules including: c-Cbl, p130Cas, c-Src and Pyk2, through several signalling cascades cross talking, including: M-CSF and RANKL. In our current study, we discuss the role of integrin and associated molecules in osteoclastogenesis cytoskeletal, especially podosomes, regulation and relevant signalling cascades cross talking.  相似文献   

Two key questions in the autophagy field are the mechanisms that underlie the signals for autophagy initiation and the source of membrane for expansion of the nascent membrane, the phagophore. In this review, we discuss recent findings highlighting the role of the classical endosomal pathway, from plasma membrane to lysosome, in the formation and expansion of the phagophore and subsequent degradation of the autophagosome contents. We also highlight the striking conservation of regulatory factors between the two pathways, including those regulating membrane budding and fusion, and the role of the lysosome in sensing the nutrient status of the cell, regulating mTORC1 activity, and ultimately the initiation of autophagy. Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssays The evolution of dynamin to regulate clathrin‐mediated endocytosis Abstract  相似文献   

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