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Most physiological and biological processes are regulated by endogenous circadian rhythms under the control of both a master clock, which acts systemically and individual cellular clocks, which act at the single cell level. The cellular clock is based on a network of core clock genes, which drive the circadian expression of non-clock genes involved in many cellular processes. Circadian deregulation of gene expression has emerged to be as important as deregulation of estrogen signaling in breast tumorigenesis. Whether there is a mutual deregulation of circadian and hormone signaling is the question that we address in this study. Here we show that, upon entrainment by serum shock, cultured human mammary epithelial cells maintain an inner circadian oscillator, with key clock genes oscillating in a circadian fashion. In the same cells, the expression of the estrogen receptor α (ERA) gene also oscillates in a circadian fashion. In contrast, ERA-positive and -negative breast cancer epithelial cells show disruption of the inner clock. Further, ERA-positive breast cancer cells do not display circadian oscillation of ERA expression. Our findings suggest that estrogen signaling could be affected not only in ERA-negative breast cancer, but also in ERA-positive breast cancer due to lack of circadian availability of ERA. Entrainment of the inner clock of breast epithelial cells, by taking into consideration the biological time component, provides a novel tool to test mechanistically whether defective circadian mechanisms can affect hormone signaling relevant to breast cancer.Key words: circadian rhythm, clock genes, estrogen receptor alpha (ERA), breast cancer cells, entrainment, serum shock  相似文献   

The molecular machinery of the circadian clock regulates the expression of many genes and processes in the organism, allowing the adaptation of cellular activities to the daily light-dark cycles.Disruption of the circadian rhythm can lead to various pathologies, including cancer. Thus, disturbance of the normal circadian clock at both genetic and environmental levels has been described as an independent risk factor for cancer. In addition, researchers have proposed that circadian genes may have a tissue-dependent and/or context-dependent role in tumorigenesis and may function both as tumor suppressors and oncogenes.Finally, circadian clock core genes may trigger or at least be involved in different hallmarks of cancer. Hence, expanding the knowledge of the molecular basis of the circadian clock would be helpful to identify new prognostic markers of tumorigenesis and potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Evaluating individual circadian rhythm traits is crucial for understanding the human biological clock system. The present study reports characterization of physiological and molecular parameters in 13 healthy male subjects under a constant routine condition, where interfering factors were kept to minimum. We measured hormonal secretion levels and examined temporal expression profiles of circadian clock genes in peripheral leukocytes and beard hair follicle cells. All 13 subjects had prominent daily rhythms in melatonin and cortisol secretion. Significant circadian rhythmicity was found for PER1 in 9 subjects, PER2 in 3 subjects, PER3 in all 13 subjects, and BMAL1 in 8 subjects in leukocytes. Additionally, significant circadian rhythmicity was found for PER1 in 5 of 8 subjects tested, PER2 in 2 subjects, PER3 in 6 subjects, and BMAL1 in 3 subjects in beard hair follicle cells. The phase of PER1 and PER3 rhythms in leukocytes correlated significantly with that of physiological rhythms. Our results demonstrate that leukocytes and beard hair follicle cells possess an endogenous circadian clock and suggest that PER1 and PER3 expression would be appropriate biomarkers and hair follicle cells could be a useful tissue source for the evaluation of biological clock traits in individuals.  相似文献   

Circadian oscillations with a period of about 24h are observed in nearly all living organisms as conspicuous biological rhythms. In this paper, we investigate various kinds of bifurcation phenomena produced in a circadian oscillator model of Drosophila. In Drosophila, it is known that circadian oscillations in the levels of two proteins, PER and TIM, result from the negative feedback exerted by a PER-TIM complex on the expression of the per and tim genes that code for the two proteins. For studying circadian oscillations of proteins in Drosophila, a mathematical model has been proposed. The model cannot only account for regular circadian oscillations in environmental conditions such as constant darkness, but also give rise to more complex oscillatory phenomena including chaos and birhythmicity. By calculating bifurcations using Kawakami's method, we obtain detailed bifurcation diagrams related to stable and unstable invariant sets, and identify parameter regions in which the model generates complex oscillations as well as regular circadian oscillations. Moreover, we study bifurcations observed in the model incorporating the effect on a light-dark (LD) cycle and show that the waveform of the periodic variation in the light-induced parameter has a marked influence on the global bifurcation structure or the type of dynamic behavior resulting from the forcing term of the circadian oscillator by the LD cycles.  相似文献   


The circadian clock controls most of the physiological processes in the body throughout days and nights’ alternation. Its dysregulation has a negative impact on many aspects of human health, such as obesity, lipid disorders, diabetes, skin regeneration, hematopoiesis and cancer. To date, poor is known on the molecular mechanisms that links mammary gland homeostasis to the circadian clock but recent reports highlight the importance of loss of circadian genes for mammary gland development and during tumour progression in breast cancer. Gene expression studies are then required to clarify how the circadian clock can modulates the human mammary gland development during ontology and its behaviour in physiological and oncogenic context. For this, in addition to genome-wide studies, real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR) is a powerful and pertinent technique to quantify the expression of a reduced set of genes of interest in many different samples. Relative quantification of qPCR data requires the use of reference genes for normalisation. For circadian studies, reference genes expression must not oscillate in mirror of the circadian clock and must not be affected by the synchronisation protocols required in vitro to reset the circadian clock. Inappropriate selection of reference genes can consequently affect the amplitude of gene expression oscillation and bias data interpretation. Currently, no standard reference genes have been validated regarding these criteria for human mammary epithelial cells and the purpose of this study was to fill this gap. For this, we used the RefFinder tool, which combines four different algorithms, on 9 candidate reference genes. We compared reference genes stability using three different synchronisation protocols applied on four different mammary epithelial cell lines. This allowed us to define a set of reference genes in human mammary epithelial cells whose expression remains stable despite synchronisation protocols. We observed that the synchronisation of cells by serum shock was the most suitable procedure for maintaining the amplitude of oscillation of clock genes over time and we identified RPL4, RPLP0, HSPCB and TBP as an optimal combination of reference genes for the normalisation of the oscillatory expression of clock genes in human mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   



Spontaneous immortalisation of cultured mammary epithelial cells (MECs) is an extremely rare event, and the molecular mechanism behind spontaneous immortalisation of MECs is unclear. Here, we report the establishment of a spontaneously immortalised bovine mammary epithelial cell line (BME65Cs) and the changes in gene expression associated with BME65Cs cells.  相似文献   

Several studies suggest a link between circadian rhythm disturbances and tumorigenesis. However, the association between circadian clock genes and prognosis in breast cancer has not been systematically studied. Therefore, we examined the expression of 17 clock components in tumors from 766 node-negative breast cancer patients that were untreated in both neoadjuvant and adjuvant settings. In addition, their association with metastasis-free survival (MFS) and correlation to clinicopathological parameters were investigated. Aiming to estimate functionality of the clockwork, we studied clock gene expression relationships by correlation analysis. Higher expression of several clock genes (e.g., CLOCK, PER1, PER2, PER3, CRY2, NPAS2 and RORC) was found to be associated with longer MFS in univariate Cox regression analyses (HR<1 and FDR-adjusted P < 0.05). Stratification according to molecular subtype revealed prognostic relevance for PER1, PER3, CRY2 and NFIL3 in the ER+/HER2- subgroup, CLOCK and NPAS2 in the ER-/HER2- subtype, and ARNTL2 in HER2+ breast cancer. In the multivariate Cox model, only PER3 (HR = 0.66; P = 0.016) and RORC (HR = 0.42; P = 0.003) were found to be associated with survival outcome independent of established clinicopathological parameters. Pairwise correlations between functionally-related clock genes (e.g., PER2-PER3 and CRY2-PER3) were stronger in ER+, HER2- and low-grade carcinomas; whereas, weaker correlation coefficients were observed in ER- and HER2+ tumors, high-grade tumors and tumors that progressed to metastatic disease. In conclusion, loss of clock genes is associated with worse prognosis in breast cancer. Coordinated co-expression of clock genes, indicative of a functional circadian clock, is maintained in ER+, HER2-, low grade and non-metastasizing tumors but is compromised in more aggressive carcinomas.  相似文献   

"Receptogram Analysis" has been developed as a pattern-oriented approach for predicting endocrine response in breast cancer based upon quantification of the estrogen receptor immunocytochemical assay (ERICA), using a Quantimet Imaging System. Response prediction was evaluated in 58 stage III and IV patients receiving endocrine therapy (primarily Tamoxifen). The Receptogram is a composite of the univariate distributions of nuclear receptor content, IOD(S), and concentration (MOD), and their bivariate contour plot; where (S) is the calculated nuclear radius in section. MOD distributions were classified into four types based upon peak modality and kurtosis (I-IV), and contour plots were classified into four subtypes (A-D) based upon contour slope. Patients failing therapy were ERICA--or their receptogram revealed co-existent ER+ and ER- tumor cells (type II), highly skewed MOD distributions lacking defined peaks (type IV), or contours with nearly horizontal slope (type C). Response was realized in 9/16 type I patients, with a single positive MOD peak, and in 9/15 type III patients, with discrete, multimodal MOD peaks. In contrast, 0/8 type II, 0/12 type IV, and 0/10 type C patients were responders. Receptogram analysis was superior to cytosol assay (DCC) as a response discriminant: positive predictive value, 53% vs. 33%; negative predictive value, 100% vs. 75%; sensitivity, 100% vs. 83%; specificity, 68% vs. 23%; and accuracy, 78% vs. 41%, respectively. Alternately, patients were assigned to potentially responsive or non-responsive groups based upon thresholded mean receptor parameters: field MOD, mean nuclear MOD (NMOD), and mean NMOD(PF) where PF is the ER+ nuclear fraction. While these parameters correlated with DCC (r = .72, 0.69, and 0.69), they were only marginally better in predictive value.  相似文献   

The identification of functional polymorphisms in genes that underlie behavioural trait variation is a challenging but intriguing task in evolutionary biology. Given the wealth of genomic data and the increasing number of genotype–phenotype association studies in model organisms, one can ask whether and how this information can be used for non-model organisms. Here we describe two strategies to search for likely functional polymorphisms in candidate genes in a bird species that has been intensively studied by behavioural and population ecologists, the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus. In the first approach we searched for repeating elements in coding regions of the genome using information about repeats in Gallus gallus genes. The rationale is that tandem-repeat elements have a high potential to be polymorphic and functional. The second strategy aimed to replicate reported genotype–phenotype association studies by extrapolating results from model organisms to our study species. Both strategies showed high success rates with respect to finding homologous gene regions and potentially informative genetic variants in the genes AANAT, ADCYAP1, CKIε, CLOCK, CREB1, NPAS2 and PERIOD2. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Entrainment to light of circadian activity rhythms in tench (Tinca tinca)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present article analyzes locomotor activity rhythms in Tinca tinca. To that end, three different experiments were conducted on 24 animals (20 g body weight) kept in pairs in 60-liter aquaria fitted with infrared sensors connected to a computer to continuously record fish movements. The first experiment was designed to study the endogenous circadian clock under free-running conditions [ultradian 40:40 min LD pulses and constant dark (DD)] and after shifting the LD cycle. Our results demonstrate that tench has a strictly nocturnal activity pattern, an endogenous rhythm being evident in 45.8% of the fish analyzed. The second experiment was conducted to test the influence of different photoperiods (LD 6:18, 12:12, 18:6, and 22:2) on locomotor activity, the results showing that even under an extremely long photoperiod, tench activity is restricted to dark hours. The third experiment examined the effect of light intensity on locomotor activity rhythms. When fish were exposed to decreasing light intensities (from 300:0 lux to 30:0, 3:0, and 0.3:0 lux) while maintaining a constant photoperiod (LD 12:12), the highest percentage of locomotor activity was in all cases associated with the hours of complete darkness (0 lux). In short, our results clearly show that (a) tench is a species with a strictly nocturnal behavior, and (b) daily activity rhythms gradually entrain after shifting the LD cycle and persist under free-running conditions, pointing to their circadian nature. However, light strongly influences activity rhythms, since (c) the length of the active phase is directly controlled by the photophase, and (d) strictly nocturnal behavior persists even under very dim light conditions (0.3 lux). The above findings deepen our knowledge of tench behavior, which may help to optimize the aquacultural management of this species, for example, by adjusting feeding strategies to their nocturnal behavior.  相似文献   

Aging alters numerous aspects of circadian biology, including the amplitude of rhythms generated by the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus, the site of the central circadian pacemaker in mammals, and the response of the pacemaker to environmental stimuli such as light. Although previous studies have described molecular correlates of these behavioral changes, to date only 1 study in rats has attempted to determine if there are age-related changes in the expression of genes that comprise the circadian clock itself. We used in situ hybridization to examine the effects of age on the circadian pattern of expression of a subset of the genes that comprise the molecular machinery of the circadian clock in golden hamsters. Here we report that age alters the 24-h expression profile of Clock and its binding partner Bmal1 in the hamster SCN. There is no effect of age on the 24-h profile of either Per1 or Per2 when hamsters are housed in constant darkness. We also found that light pulses, which induce smaller phase shifts in old animals than in young, lead to decreased induction of Per1, but not of Per2, in the SCN of old hamsters.  相似文献   


The circadian timing system of mammals is synchronized in concert with a central clock, but is also influenced by additional stimuli, including nutrients. However, little research has been done on polyphenols other than resveratrol and there seem to be no studies on their influence on young and old cells. The purpose of this study was to analyse the potential effects of quercetin, caffeic acid, and resveratrol on young and old fibroblast cells in the expressions of different clock genes and aging-related genes, and further investigate the mechanism. The mRNA expression of different clock genes and aging-related genes was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR. The protein levels of clock genes (BMAL1, PER1 and SIRT1) and glucocorticoid receptor α (GRα) were assessed by ELISA. Quercetin and caffeic acid in old fibroblast cells showed higher clock gene expression than resveratrol, quercetin increased Sirt1 expression, and caffeic acid increased Sirt6 expression indicating the possibility of an anti-aging effect. Also, quercetin and caffeic acid showed higher clock-controlled gene (Sirt1 and NR1D1) expression than resveratrol in young fibroblast cells. It appears that caffeic acid acts on NRF2 expression, and in turn to the actions of GRα, GDF11, Sirt1, and Sirt6. Regarding the increased expression of Per1, the activation effect on NR1D1 was confirmed only for caffeic acid in young fibroblast cells. Our results have confirmed the interplay of the circadian clock genes and cellular aging.


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