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CaV1 and CaV2 voltage-gated calcium channels evolved from an ancestral CaV1/2 channel via gene duplication somewhere near the stem animal lineage. The divergence of these channel types led to distinguishing functional properties that are conserved among vertebrates and bilaterian invertebrates and contribute to their unique cellular roles. One key difference pertains to their regulation by calmodulin (CaM), wherein bilaterian CaV1 channels are uniquely subject to pronounced, buffer-resistant Ca2+/CaM-dependent inactivation, permitting negative feedback regulation of calcium influx in response to local cytoplasmic Ca2+ rises. Early diverging, nonbilaterian invertebrates also possess CaV1 and CaV2 channels, but it is unclear whether they share these conserved functional features. The most divergent animals to possess both CaV1 and CaV2 channels are placozoans such as Trichoplax adhaerens, which separated from other animals over 600 million years ago shortly after their emergence. Hence, placozoans can provide important insights into the early evolution of CaV1 and CaV2 channels. Here, we build upon previous characterization of Trichoplax CaV channels by determining the cellular expression and ion-conducting properties of the CaV1 channel orthologue, TCaV1. We show that TCaV1 is expressed in neuroendocrine-like gland cells and contractile dorsal epithelial cells. In vitro, this channel conducts dihydropyridine-insensitive, high-voltage–activated Ca2+ currents with kinetics resembling those of rat CaV1.2 but with left-shifted voltage sensitivity for activation and inactivation. Interestingly, TCaV1, but not TCaV2, exhibits buffer-resistant Ca2+/CaM-dependent inactivation, indicating that this functional divergence evolved prior to the emergence of bilaterian animals and may have contributed to their unique adaptation for cytoplasmic Ca2+ signaling within various cellular contexts.  相似文献   

The contraction of adult mammalian ventricular cardiomyocytes is triggered by the influx of Ca2+ ions through sarcolemmal L-type Ca2+ channels (LCCs). However, the gating properties of unitary LCCs under physiologic conditions have remained elusive. Towards this end, we investigated the voltage-dependence of the gating kinetics of unitary LCCs, with a physiologic concentration of Ca2+ ions permeating the channel. Unitary LCC currents were recorded with 2 mM external Ca2+ ions (in the absence of LCC agonists), using cell-attached patches on K-depolarized adult rat ventricular myocytes. The voltage-dependence of the peak probability of channel opening (Po vs. Vm) displayed a maximum value of 0.3, a midpoint of −12 mV, and a slope factor of 8.5. The maximum value for Po of the unitary LCC was significantly higher than previously assumed, under physiologic conditions. We also found that the mean open dwell time of the unitary LCC increased twofold with depolarization, ranging from 0.53 ± 0.02 ms at −30 mV to 1.08 ± 0.03 ms at 0 mV. The increase in mean LCC open time with depolarization counterbalanced the decrease in the single LCC current amplitude; the latter due to the decrease in driving force for Ca2+ ion entry. Thus, the average amount of Ca2+ ions entering through an individual LCC opening (∼300-400 ions) remained relatively constant over this range of potentials. These novel results establish the voltage-dependence of unitary LCC gating kinetics using a physiologic Ca2+ ion concentration. Moreover, they provide insight into local Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release and a more accurate basis for mathematical modeling of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Single channel patch-clamp recordings show that embryonic rat spinal motoneurons express anomalous L-type calcium channels, which reopen upon repolarization to resting potentials, displaying both short and long reopenings. The probability of reopening increases with increasing voltage of the preceding depolarization without any apparent correlation with inactivation during the depolarization. The probability of long with respect to short reopenings increases with increasing length of the depolarization, with little change in the total number of reopenings and in their delay. With less negative repolarization voltages, the delay increases, while the mean duration of both short and long reopenings decreases, remaining longer than that of the openings during the preceding depolarization. Open times decrease with increasing voltage in the range -60 to +40 mV. Closed times tend to increase at V > 20 mV. The open probability is low at all voltages and has an anomalous bell-shaped voltage dependence. We provide evidence that short and long reopenings of anomalous L-type channels correspond to two gating modes, whose relative probability depends on voltage. Positive voltages favor both the transition from a short-opening to a long-opening mode and the occupancy of a closed state outside the activation pathway within each mode from which the channel reopens upon repolarization. The voltage dependence of the probability of reopenings reflects the voltage dependence of the occupancy of these closed states, while the relative probability of long with respect to short reopenings reflects the voltage dependence of the equilibrium between modes. The anomalous gating persists after patch excision, and therefore our data rule out voltage-dependent block by diffusible ions as the basis for the anomalous gating and imply that a diffusible cytosolic factor is not necessary for voltage-dependent potentiation of anomalous L-type channels.  相似文献   

In canine myocardium, the -subunit of the L-type Ca2+ channel is phosphorylated by cAMP dependent protein kinase in vitro as well as in vivo (Haase et al. FEBS Lett 335: 217–222, 1993). We have assessed the identity of the -subunit as well as its in vivo phosphorylation in representative experimental groups of catecholamine-challenged canine hearts. Adrenergic stimulation by high doses of both noradrenaline and isoprenaline induced rapid (within 20 sec) and nearly complete phosphorylation of the Ca2+ channel -subunit. Phosphorylation in vivo was about 4-fold higher as compared to untreated controls. When related to catecholamine-depleted (reserpine-treated) hearts noradrenaline and isoprenaline increased the in vivo phosphorylation of the -subunit even 8-fold. This phosphorylation correlated positively with tissue levels of cAMP, endogenous particulated cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and the rate of contractile force development dP/dtmax. The results imply the involvement of a PKA-mediated phosphorylation of the Ca2+ channel -subunit in the adrenergic stimulation of intact canine myocardium.  相似文献   

Two classes of small homologous basic proteins, mamba snake dendrotoxins (DTX) and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), block the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BKCa, KCa1.1) by production of discrete subconductance events when added to the intracellular side of the membrane. This toxin-channel interaction is unlikely to be pharmacologically relevant to the action of mamba venom, but as a fortuitous ligand-protein interaction, it has certain biophysical implications for the mechanism of BKCa channel gating. In this work we examined the subconductance behavior of 9 natural dendrotoxin homologs and 6 charge neutralization mutants of δ-dendrotoxin in the context of current structural information on the intracellular gating ring domain of the BKCa channel. Calculation of an electrostatic surface map of the BKCa gating ring based on the Poisson-Boltzmann equation reveals a predominantly electronegative surface due to an abundance of solvent-accessible side chains of negatively charged amino acids. Available structure-activity information suggests that cationic DTX/BPTI molecules bind by electrostatic attraction to site(s) on the gating ring located in or near the cytoplasmic side portals where the inactivation ball peptide of the β2 subunit enters to block the channel. Such an interaction may decrease the apparent unitary conductance by altering the dynamic balance of open versus closed states of BKCa channel activation gating.  相似文献   

Two classes of small homologous basic proteins, mamba snake dendrotoxins (DTX) and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), block the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BKCa, KCa1.1) by production of discrete subconductance events when added to the intracellular side of the membrane. This toxin-channel interaction is unlikely to be pharmacologically relevant to the action of mamba venom, but as a fortuitous ligand-protein interaction, it has certain biophysical implications for the mechanism of BKCa channel gating. In this work we examined the subconductance behavior of 9 natural dendrotoxin homologs and 6 charge neutralization mutants of δ-dendrotoxin in the context of current structural information on the intracellular gating ring domain of the BKCa channel. Calculation of an electrostatic surface map of the BKCa gating ring based on the Poisson-Boltzmann equation reveals a predominantly electronegative surface due to an abundance of solvent-accessible side chains of negatively charged amino acids. Available structure-activity information suggests that cationic DTX/BPTI molecules bind by electrostatic attraction to site(s) on the gating ring located in or near the cytoplasmic side portals where the inactivation ball peptide of the β2 subunit enters to block the channel. Such an interaction may decrease the apparent unitary conductance by altering the dynamic balance of open versus closed states of BKCa channel activation gating.  相似文献   

The single channel gating properties of human CaV2.1 (P/Q-type) calcium channels and their modulation by the auxiliary beta1b, beta2e, beta3a, and beta4a subunits were investigated with cell-attached patch-clamp recordings on HEK293 cells stably expressing human CaV2.1 channels. These calcium channels showed a complex modal gating, which is described in this and the following paper (Fellin, T., S. Luvisetto, M. Spagnolo, and D. Pietrobon. 2004. J. Gen. Physiol. 124:463-474). Here, we report the characterization of two modes of gating of human CaV2.1 channels, the slow mode and the fast mode. A channel in the two gating modes differs in mean closed times and latency to first opening (both longer in the slow mode), in voltage dependence of the open probability (larger depolarizations are necessary to open the channel in the slow mode), in kinetics of inactivation (slower in the slow mode), and voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation (occurring at less negative voltages in the slow mode). CaV2.1 channels containing any of the four beta subtypes can gate in either the slow or the fast mode, with only minor differences in the rate constants of the transitions between closed and open states within each mode. In both modes, CaV2.1 channels display different rates of inactivation and different steady-state inactivation depending on the beta subtype. The type of beta subunit also modulates the relative occurrence of the slow and the fast gating mode of CaV2.1 channels; beta3a promotes the fast mode, whereas beta4a promotes the slow mode. The prevailing mode of gating of CaV2.1 channels lacking a beta subunit is a gating mode in which the channel shows shorter mean open times, longer mean closed times, longer first latency, a much larger fraction of nulls, and activates at more positive voltages than in either the fast or slow mode.  相似文献   

Both opioids and calcium channel blockers could affect hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function. Nifedipine, as a calcium channel blocker, can attenuate the development of morphine dependence; however, the role of the HPA axis in this effect has not been elucidated. We examined the effect of nifedipine on the induction of morphine dependency in intact and adrenalectomized (ADX) male rats, as assessed by the naloxone precipitation test. We also evaluated the effect of this drug on HPA activity induced by naloxone. Our results showed that despite the demonstration of dependence in both groups of rats, nifedipine is more effective in preventing of withdrawal signs in ADX rats than in sham-operated rats. In groups that received morphine and nifedipine concomitantly, naloxone-induced corticosterone secretion was attenuated. Thus, we have shown the involvement of the HPA axis in the effect of nifedipine on the development of morphine dependency and additionally demonstrated an in vivo interaction between the L-type Ca2+ channels and corticosterone.  相似文献   

The single channel gating properties of human CaV2.1 (P/Q-type) calcium channels were investigated with cell-attached patch-clamp recordings on HEK293 cells stably expressing these calcium channels. Human CaV2.1 channels showed a complex modal gating, which is described in this and the preceding paper (Luvisetto, S., T. Fellin, M. Spagnolo, B. Hivert, P.F. Brust, M.M. Harpold, K.A. Stauderman, M.E. Williams, and D. Pietrobon. 2004. J. Gen. Physiol. 124:445-461). Here, we report the characterization of the so-called b gating mode. A CaV2.1 channel in the b gating mode shows a bell-shaped voltage dependence of the open probability, and a characteristic low open probability at high positive voltages, that decreases with increasing voltage, as a consequence of both shorter mean open time and longer mean closed time. Reversible transitions of single human CaV2.1 channels between the b gating mode and the mode of gating in which the channel shows the usual voltage dependence of the open probability (nb gating mode) were much more frequent (time scale of seconds) than those between the slow and fast gating modes (time scale of minutes; Luvisetto et al., 2004), and occurred independently of whether the channel was in the fast or slow mode. We show that the b gating mode produces reversible uncoupling of inactivation in human CaV2.1 channels. In fact, a CaV2.1 channel in the b gating mode does not inactivate during long pulses at high positive voltages, where the same channel in both fast-nb and slow-nb gating modes inactivates relatively rapidly. Moreover, a CaV2.1 channel in the b gating mode shows a larger availability to open than in the nb gating modes. Regulation of the complex modal gating of human CaV2.1 channels could be a potent and versatile mechanism for the modulation of synaptic strength and plasticity as well as of neuronal excitability and other postsynaptic Ca2+-dependent processes.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels play important roles in cerebellar functions including motor coordination and learning. Since abundant expression of Ca(V)2.3 Ca(2+) channel gene in the cerebellum was detected, we searched for possible deficits in the cerebellar functions in the Ca(V)2.3 mutant mice. Behavioral analysis detected in delayed motor learning in rotarod tests in mice heterozygous and homozygous for the Ca(V)2.3 gene disruption (Ca(V)2.3+/- and Ca(V)2.3-/-, respectively). Electrophysiological analysis of mutant mice revealed perplexing results: deficit in long-term depression (LTD) at the parallel fiber Purkinje cell synapse in Ca(V)2.3+/- mice but apparently normal LTD in Ca(V)2.3-/- mice. On the other hand, the number of spikes evoked by current injection in Purkinje cells under the current-clamp mode decreased in Ca(V)2.3 mutant mice in a gene dosage-dependent manner, suggesting that Ca(V)2.3 channel contributed to spike generation in Purkinje cells. Thus, Ca(V)2.3 channel seems to play some roles in cerebellar functions.  相似文献   

Overexpression of human cardiac L-type Ca(2+) channel pores (hCa(v)1.2) in mice causes heart failure. Earlier studies showed Ca(v)1.2-mRNA increase by 2.8-fold, but whole-cell current density enhancement by 相似文献   

Active Ca2+ absorption through epithelial Ca2+ channels TRPV5/6 in duodenum is activated by hyperpolarisation. However, when diet and Ca2+ are plentiful, digestion products cause depolarisation. We therefore used homology-based PCR from a rat jejunal mucosal cDNA preparation to reveal the presence of the neuroendocrine L-type isoform Cav1.3α1. Immunocytochemical labelling and immunoblotting localised Cav1.3α1 protein in apical membrane from proximal jejunum to mid ileum. Perfusion studies in vivo with 1.25 mM luminal Ca2+ revealed L-type channel activity. Inhibition of glucose absorption with phloridzin strongly inhibited 45Ca2+ absorption; absorption was inhibited by nifedipine and Mg2+ and activated by Bay K 8644, none of which affect TRPV5/6. At 10 mM Ca2+, nifedipine inhibited 45Ca2+ absorption with a time course similar to that at 1.25 mM Ca2+: absorption was therefore channel-mediated rather than paracellular. We suggest that in times of dietary sufficiency, Cav1.3 may mediate a significant route of Ca2+ absorption into the body.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated cation (HCN) channels regulate pacemaking activity in cardiac cells and neurons. Our previous work using the specific HCN channel blocker ZD7288 provided evidence for an intracellular activation gate for these channels because it appears that ZD7288, applied from the intracellular side, can enter and leave HCN channels only at voltages where the activation gate is opened (Shin, K.S., B.S. Rothberg, and G. Yellen. 2001. J. Gen. Physiol. 117:91-101). However, the ZD7288 molecule is larger than the Na(+) or K(+) ions that flow through the open channel. In the present study, we sought to resolve whether the voltage gate at the intracellular entrance to the pore for ZD7288 also can be a gate for permeant ions in HCN channels. Single residues in the putative pore-lining S6 region of an HCN channel (cloned from sea urchin; spHCN) were substituted with cysteines, and the mutants were probed with Cd(2+) applied to the intracellular side of the channel. One mutant, T464C, displayed rapid irreversible block when Cd(2+) was applied to opened channels, with an apparent blocking rate of approximately 3 x 10(5) M(-1)s(-1). The blocking rate was decreased for channels held at more depolarized voltages that close the channels, which is consistent with the Cd(2+) access to this residue being gated from the intracellular side of the channel. 464C channels could be recovered from Cd(2+) inhibition in the presence of a dithiol applied to the intracellular side. The rate of this recovery also was reduced when channels were held at depolarized voltages. Finally, Cd(2+) could be trapped inside channels that were composed of WT/464C tandem-linked subunits, which could otherwise recover spontaneously from Cd(2+) inhibition. Thus, Cd(2+) escape is also gated at the intracellular side of the channel. Together, these results are consistent with a voltage-controlled structure at the intracellular side of the spHCN channel that can gate the flow of cations through the pore.  相似文献   

Although CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 are two subtypes of L-type Ca2+ channels expressed in the CNS, functions of CaV1.3 have not been well elucidated compared to CaV1.2. Here, we found that CaV1.3-NT associates with GABABR2-CT using yeast two-hybrid, GST pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays. We also demonstrated co-localization of CaV1.3 and GABABR2 in HEK293 cells and cultured hippocampal neurons. Whole-cell patch-clamp and Ca2+-imaging experiments revealed that activation of GABABR increases CaV1.3 currents and intracellular Ca2+ via CaV1.3, but not CaV1.2. These results show a physical and functional interaction between CaV1.3 and GABABR, suggesting the potential pivotal roles of CaV1.3 in the CNS.

Structured summary

MINT-7975667: Cav1.3 (uniprotkb:P27732) physically interacts (MI:0915) with GABABR2 (uniprotkb:O88871) by two hybrid (MI:0018)MINT-7975740: Cav1.3 (uniprotkb:P27732) and GABABR2 (uniprotkb:O75899) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416)MINT-7966007, MINT-7966016: Cav1.3 (uniprotkb:P27732) physically interacts (MI:0915) with GABABR2 (uniprotkb:O88871) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)MINT-7975712, MINT-7975691: Cav1.3 (uniprotkb:P27732) physically interacts (MI:0915) with GABABR2 (uniprotkb:O88871) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7966026: GABABR2 (uniprotkb:O88871) and Cav1.3 (uniprotkb:P27732) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416)  相似文献   

L-type Ca(v)1.3 channels control the autonomous pacemaking of the substantia nigra (SN) dopamine (DA) neurons, which maintains the sustained release of DA in the striatum, its target structure. The persistent engagement of L-type channels during pacemaking might lead to increased vulnerability to environmental stressors or degenerative processes, providing a mechanism for the development of Parkinson's disease (PD). Interestingly, L-type channels are not necessary for pacemaking, opening the possible use of calcium channel antagonists as neuroprotective agents for PD without disturbing normal DA function. In this study we aimed to evaluate the consequences of Ca(v)1.3 channels deletion at the neurochemical level. For this purpose, tissue concentrations of DA and their respective metabolites were measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in the striatum and the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) of mice lacking the gene for the Ca(v)1.3 channel subunit (CACNA1D) and compared to those in wild-type mice. Striatal DA level did not differ between the two groups. In contrast, the level of serotonin, glutamate, GABA, and taurine were increased by more than 50% in the striatum of Ca(v)1.3 null mice. Neurotransmitters levels in the NAcc did not differ between the different groups. In conclusion, our results neurochemically corroborate the robustness of the nigrostriatal DA neurons in the absence of Ca(v)1.3 channels, but suggest that complete deletion of this channel affected a variety of other transmitter systems.  相似文献   

The auxiliary CaVα2δ-1 subunit is an important component of voltage-gated Ca2+ (CaV) channel complexes in many tissues and of great interest as a drug target. Nevertheless, its exact role in specific cell functions is still unknown. This is particularly important in the case of the neuronal L-type CaV channels where these proteins play a key role in the secretion of neurotransmitters and hormones, gene expression, and the activation of other ion channels. Therefore, using a combined approach of patch-clamp recordings and molecular biology, we studied the role of the CaVα2δ-1 subunit on the functional expression and the pharmacology of recombinant L-type CaV1.3 channels in HEK-293 cells. Co-expression of CaVα2δ-1 significantly increased macroscopic currents and conferred the CaV1.3α1/CaVβ3 channels sensitivity to the antiepileptic/analgesic drugs gabapentin and AdGABA. In contrast, CaVα2δ-1 subunits harboring point mutations in N-glycosylation consensus sequences or the proteolytic site as well as in conserved cysteines in the transmembrane δ domain of the protein, reduced functionality in terms of enhancement of CaV1.3α1/CaVβ3 currents. In addition, co-expression of the δ domain drastically inhibited macroscopic currents through recombinant CaV1.3 channels possibly by affecting channel synthesis. Together these results provide several lines of evidence that the CaVα2δ-1 auxiliary subunit may interact with CaV1.3 channels and regulate their functional expression.  相似文献   

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