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Mitotic catastrophe can be defined as a cell death mode that occurs during or shortly after a prolonged/aberrant mitosis, and can show apoptotic or necrotic features. However, conventional procedures for the detection of apoptosis or necrosis, including biochemical bulk assays and cytofluorometric techniques, cannot discriminate among pre-mitotic, mitotic and post-mitotic death, and hence are inappropriate to monitor mitotic catastrophe. To address this issue, we generated isogenic human colon carcinoma cell lines that differ in ploidy and p53 status, yet express similar amounts of fluorescent biosensors that allow for the visualization of chromatin (histone H2B coupled to green fluorescent protein (GFP)) and centrosomes (centrin coupled to the Discosoma striata red fluorescent protein (DsRed)). By combining high-resolution fluorescence videomicroscopy and automated image analysis, we established protocols and settings for the simultaneous assessment of ploidy, mitosis, centrosome number and cell death (which in our model system occurs mainly by apoptosis). Time-lapse videomicroscopy showed that this approach can be used for the high-throughput detection of mitotic catastrophe induced by three mechanistically distinct anti-mitotic agents (dimethylenastron (DIMEN), nocodazole (NDZ) and paclitaxel (PTX)), and – in this context – revealed an important role of p53 in the control of centrosome number.  相似文献   

Efficient and error-free DNA repair is critical for safeguarding genome integrity, yet it is also linked to radio- and chemoresistance of malignant tumors. miR-34a, a potent tumor suppressor, influences a large set of p53-regulated genes and contributes to p53-mediated apoptosis. However, the effects of miR-34a on the processes of DNA damage and repair are not entirely understood. We explored tet-inducible miR-34a-expressing human p53 wild-type and R273H p53 mutant GBM cell lines, and found that miR-34a influences the broad spectrum of 53BP1-mediated DNA damage response. It escalates both post-irradiation and endogenous DNA damage, abrogates radiation-induced G2/M arrest and drastically increases the number of irradiated cells undergoing mitotic catastrophe. Furthermore, miR-34a downregulates 53BP1 and inhibits its recruitment to the sites of DNA double-strand breaks. We conclude that whereas miR-34a counteracts DNA repair, it also contributes to the p53-independent elimination of distressed cells, thus preventing the rise of genomic instability in tumor cell populations. These properties of miR-34a can potentially be exploited for DNA damage-effecting therapies of malignancies.  相似文献   

Prolonged mitosis due to aberrant chromosome segregation permits cells to enter the G1 phase without cytokinesis and subsequently triggers the p53-dependent cell death program, known as mitotic catastrophe. Cells which fail to go through mitotic catastrophe create aneuploidy, posing a risk of oncogenesis. In the present report, we show that p62-mediated non-canonical activation of Nrf2 leads to the persistent expression of Nqo1, which plays a critical role for p53 stabilization during mitotic catastrophe. With prolonged exposure to nocodazole, a microtubule-depolymerizing agent, p62-deficient HCT116 cells exhibited an accumulation of a polyploid population with a limited appearance of apoptotic cells, which was attributable to the attenuated stabilization of p53. Combinatorial gene manipulation analysis verified that the regulatory cascade with a hierarchy of p62–Keap1–Nrf2–Nqo1 is required for p53 stabilization for mitotic catastrophe. This is consistent with the role of Nqo1 as a gatekeeper for proteasomal degradation of p53. Thus, we demonstrate for the first time the functional connection between the non-canonical Nrf2 pathway and p53-dependent cell death program upon prolonged mitosis.  相似文献   

We have found that key mitotic regulators show distinct patterns of degradation during exit from mitosis in human cells. Using a live-cell assay for proteolysis, we show that two of these regulators, polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) and Aurora A, are degraded at different times after the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) switches from binding Cdc20 to Cdh1. Therefore, events in addition to the switch from Cdc20 to Cdh1 control the proteolysis of APC/C(Cdh1) substrates in vivo. We have identified a putative destruction box in Plk1 that is required for degradation of Plk1 in anaphase, and have examined the effect of nondegradable Plk1 on mitotic exit. Our results show that Plk1 proteolysis contributes to the inactivation of Plk1 in anaphase, and that this is required for the proper control of mitotic exit and cytokinesis. Our experiments reveal a role for APC/C-mediated proteolysis in exit from mitosis in human cells.  相似文献   

Many cancer cells are unable to maintain a numerically stable chromosome complement. It is well established that aberrant cell division can generate progeny with increased ploidy, but the genetic factors required for maintenance of diploidy are not well understood. Using an isogenic model system derived by gene targeting, we examined the role of Chk1 in p53-proficient and -deficient cancer cells. Targeted inactivation of a single CHK1 allele in stably diploid cells caused an elevated frequency of mitotic bypass if p53 was naturally mutated or experimentally disrupted by homologous recombination. CHK1-haploinsufficient, p53-deficient cells frequently underwent sequential rounds of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis. These aberrant cell cycles resulted in whole-genome endoreduplication and tetraploidization. The unscheduled bypass of mitosis could be suppressed by targeted reversion of a p53 mutation or by exogenous expression of Cdk1. In contrast, the number of tetraploid cells was not increased in isogenic cell populations that harbor hypomorphic ATR mutations, suggesting that suppression of unscheduled mitotic bypass is a distinct function of Chk1. These results are consistent with a recently described role for Chk1 in promoting the expression of genes that promote cell cycle transitions and demonstrate how Chk1 might prevent tetraploidization during the cancer cell cycle.  相似文献   

Many cancer cells are unable to maintain a numerically stable chromosome complement. It is well established that aberrant cell division can generate progeny with increased ploidy, but the genetic factors required for maintenance of diploidy are not well understood. Using an isogenic model system derived by gene targeting, we examined the role of Chk1 in p53-proficient and -deficient cancer cells. Targeted inactivation of a single CHK1 allele in stably diploid cells caused an elevated frequency of mitotic bypass if p53 was naturally mutated or experimentally disrupted by homologous recombination. CHK1-haploinsufficient, p53-deficient cells frequently underwent sequential rounds of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis. These aberrant cell cycles resulted in whole-genome endoreduplication and tetraploidization. The unscheduled bypass of mitosis could be suppressed by targeted reversion of a p53 mutation or by exogenous expression of Cdk1. In contrast, the number of tetraploid cells was not increased in isogenic cell populations that harbor hypomorphic ATR mutations, suggesting that suppression of unscheduled mitotic bypass is a distinct function of Chk1. These results are consistent with a recently described role for Chk1 in promoting the expression of genes that promote cell cycle transitions and demonstrate how Chk1 might prevent tetraploidization during the cancer cell cycle.  相似文献   

When centrosomes are destroyed during prophase by laser microsurgery, vertebrate somatic cells form bipolar acentrosomal mitotic spindles (Khodjakov, A., R.W. Cole, B.R. Oakley, and C.L. Rieder. 2000. Curr. Biol. 10:59-67), but the fate of these cells is unknown. Here, we show that, although these cells lack the radial arrays of astral microtubules normally associated with each spindle pole, they undergo a normal anaphase and usually produce two acentrosomal daughter cells. Relative to controls, however, these cells exhibit a significantly higher (30-50%) failure rate in cytokinesis. This failure correlates with the inability of the spindle to properly reposition itself as the cell changes shape. Also, we destroyed just one centrosome during metaphase and followed the fate of the resultant acentrosomal and centrosomal daughter cells. Within 72 h, 100% of the centrosome-containing cells had either entered DNA synthesis or divided. By contrast, during this period, none of the acentrosomal cells had entered S phase. These data reveal that the primary role of the centrosome in somatic cells is not to form the spindle but instead to ensure cytokinesis and subsequent cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Chen J  Dai G  Wang YQ  Wang S  Pan FY  Xue B  Zhao DH  Li CJ 《FEBS letters》2006,580(15):3624-3630
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation can result in cell cycle arrest. The reactivation of Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) is necessary for cell cycle reentry. But the mechanism of how Plk1 regulates p53 in UV-induced mitotic arrest cells remained elusive. Here we find that UV treatment leads HEK293 cells to inverse changes of Plk1 and p53. Over-expression of Plk1 rescue UV-induced mitotic arrest cells by inhibiting p53 activation. Plk1 could also inhibit p53 phosphorylation at Ser15, thus facilitates its nuclear export and degradation. Further examination shows that Plk1, p53 and Cdc25C can form a large complex. Plk1 could bind to the sequence-specific DNA-binding domain of p53 and active Cdc25C by hyperphosphorylation. These results hypothesize that Plk1 and Cdc25C participate in recovery the mitotic arrest through binding to the different domain of p53. Cdc25C may first be actived by Plk1, and then its phosphatase activity makes p53 dephosphorylated at Ser15.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cell nucleus is a membrane-enclosed compartment containing the genome and associated molecules supported by a highly insoluble filamentous network known as the nucleoskeleton or nuclear matrix. The nuclear matrix is believed to play roles in maintaining nuclear architecture and organizing nuclear metabolism. Recently, advances in microscopic techniques and the availability of new molecular probes have made it possible to localize functional domains within the nuclear matrix and demonstrate dynamic interactions between both soluble and insoluble components involved in the control of multiple nuclear transactions. Like the cytoplasm and its skeleton, the nucleoplasm is highly structured and very crowded with an equally complex skeletal framework. In fact, there is growing evidence that the two skeletal systems are functionally contiguous, providing a dynamic cellular matrix connecting the cell surface with the genome. If we impose cell cycle dynamics upon this skeletal organization, it is obvious that the genome and associated nuclear matrix must undergo a major structural transition during mitosis, being disassembled and/or reorganized in late G2 and reassembled again in daughter nuclei. However, recent evidence from our laboratory and elsewhere suggests that much of the nuclear matrix is used to form the mitotic apparatus (MA). Indeed, both facultative and constitutive matrix-associated proteins such as NuMA, CENP-B, CENP-F, and the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) associate within and around the MA. During mitosis, the nuclear matrix proteins may either become inert “passengers” or assume critical functions in partitioning the genome into newly formed G1 nuclei. Therefore, we support the view that the nuclear matrix exists as a dynamic architectural continuum, embracing the genome and maintaining cellular regulation throughout the cell cycle. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Midzone microtubules of mammalian cells play an essential role in the induction of cell cleavage, serving as a platform for a number of proteins that play a part in cytokinesis. We demonstrate that PRC1, a mitotic spindle-associated Cdk substrate that is essential to cell cleavage, is a microtubule binding and bundling protein both in vivo and in vitro. Overexpression of PRC1 extensively bundles interphase microtubules, but does not affect early mitotic spindle organization. PRC1 contains two Cdk phosphorylation motifs, and phosphorylation is possibly important to mitotic suppression of bundling, as a Cdk phosphorylation-null mutant causes extensive bundling of the prometaphase spindle. Complete suppression of PRC1 by siRNA causes failure of microtubule interdigitation between half spindles and the absence of a spindle midzone. Truncation mutants demonstrate that the NH2-terminal region of PRC1, rich in alpha-helical sequence, is important for localization to the cleavage furrow and to the center of the midbody, whereas the central region, with the highest sequence homology between species, is required for microtubule binding and bundling activity. We conclude that PRC1 is a microtubule-associated protein required to maintain the spindle midzone, and that distinct functions are associated with modular elements of the primary sequence.  相似文献   

Regulation of centrosome structure, duplication and segregation is integrated into cellular pathways that control cell cycle progression and growth. As part of these pathways, numerous proteins with well‐established non‐centrosomal localization and function associate with the centrosome to fulfill regulatory functions. In turn, classical centrosomal components take up functional and structural roles as part of other cellular organelles and compartments. Thus, although a comprehensive inventory of centrosome components is missing, emerging evidence indicates that its molecular composition reflects the complexity of its functions. We analysed the Drosophila embryonic centrosomal proteome using immunoisolation in combination with mass spectrometry. The 251 identified components were functionally characterized by RNA interference. Among those, a core group of 11 proteins was critical for centrosome structure maintenance. Depletion of any of these proteins in Drosophila SL2 cells resulted in centrosome disintegration, revealing a molecular dependency of centrosome structure on components of the protein translation machinery, actin‐ and RNA‐binding proteins. In total, we assigned novel centrosome‐related functions to 24 proteins and confirmed 13 of these in human cells.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope (NE) is a highly active structure with a specific set of nuclear envelope proteins acting in diverse cellular events. SUN proteins are conserved NE proteins among eukaryotes. Although they form nucleocytoplasmic linkage complexes in metazoan cells, their functions in the plant kingdom are unknown. To understand the function of plant SUN proteins, in this study we first investigated the dynamics of Arabidopsis SUN proteins during mitosis in Arabidopsis roots and cultured cells. For this purpose, we performed dual and triple visualization of these proteins, microtubules, chromosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in cultured cells, and observed their dynamics during mitosis using a high-speed spinning disk confocal microscope. The localizations of SUN proteins changed dynamically during mitosis, tightly coupled with NE dynamics. Moreover, NE re-formation marked with SUN proteins is temporally and spatially coordinated with plant-specific microtubule structures such as phragmoplasts. Finally, the analysis with gene knockdowns of AtSUN1 and AtSUN2 indicated that they are necessary for the maintenance and/or formation of polarized nuclear shape in root hairs. These results suggest that Arabidopsis SUN proteins function in the maintenance or formation of nuclear shape as components of the nucleocytoskeletal complex.  相似文献   

CD-1 (cytoplasmic dynein-1) is a multisubunit motor protein complex involved in intracellular trafficking and mitosis. The dynein LIC (light intermediate chain) subunits, LIC1 (DLIC-1, gene symbol DYNC1LI1) and LIC2 (DLIC-2, gene symbol DYNC1LI2), associate with the dynein HC (heavy chain) in a mutually exclusive manner and thus define distinct functional CD-1 complexes. Here, we analysed the mitotic distribution of LIC1 and LIC2. We found that from metaphase through anaphase, LIC1 localizes to the mitotic spindle and concentrates within the midbody during the abscission step of cytokinesis. Conversely, LIC2 strongly localizes to the spindle poles from prophase through telophase. These data suggest distinct functions for LIC1 and LIC2-containing CD-1 complexes during cell division.  相似文献   

Reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton during mitosis is crucial for regulating cell division. A functional role for γ-actin in mitotic arrest induced by the microtubule-targeted agent, paclitaxel, has recently been demonstrated. We hypothesized that γ-actin plays a role in mitosis. Herein, we investigated the effect of γ-actin in mitosis and demonstrated that γ-actin is important in the distribution of β-actin and formation of actin-rich retraction fibers during mitosis. The reduced ability of paclitaxel to induce mitotic arrest as a result of γ-actin depletion was replicated with a range of mitotic inhibitors, suggesting that γ-actin loss reduces the ability of broad classes of anti-mitotic agents to induce mitotic arrest. In addition, partial depletion of γ-actin enhanced centrosome amplification in cancer cells and caused a significant delay in prometaphase/metaphase. This prolonged prometaphase/metaphase arrest was due to mitotic defects such as uncongressed and missegregated chromosomes, and correlated with an increased presence of mitotic spindle abnormalities in the γ-actin depleted cells. Collectively, these results demonstrate a previously unknown role for γ-actin in regulating centrosome function, chromosome alignment and maintenance of mitotic spindle integrity.  相似文献   

Large tumor suppressor 1 and 2 (Lats1/2) regulate centrosomal integrity, chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. As components of the centralspindlin complex, the kinesin-like protein CHO1 and its splicing variant MKLP1 colocalize with chromosome passenger proteins and GTPases and regulate the formation of the contractile ring and cytokinesis; however, the regulatory mechanisms of CHO1/MKLP1 remain elusive. Here, we show that Lats1/2 phosphorylate Ser716 in the F-actin-interacting region of CHO1, which is absent in MKLP1. Phosphorylated CHO1 localized to the centrosomes and midbody, and the actin polymerization factor LIM-kinase 1 (LIMK1) was identified as its binding partner. Overexpression of constitutively phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated CHO1 altered the mitotic localization and activation of LIMK1 at the centrosomes in HeLa cells, leading to the inhibition of cytokinesis through excessive phosphorylation of Cofilin and mislocalization of Ect2. These results suggest that Lats1/2 stringently control cytokinesis by regulating CHO1 phosphorylation and the mitotic activation of LIMK1 on centrosomes.  相似文献   

The general architecture of the mitotic apparatus was studied at the ultrastructural level in Drosophila cultured cells. Its two main characteristics are a very polarized spindle and a strong compartmentalization, ensured by large remnants of the nuclear envelope. Such compartmentalization has previously been reported for the rapid syncytial divisions of the early embryo; a similar finding in these cells with a long cycle strongly suggests that this organization constitutes a general mechanism for mitosis in Drosophila. We followed the modifications of these structures after a heat shock of 20, 50 or 120 min at 37°C. Contrary to interphase cells, mitotic cells appear very sensitive to hyperthermia. This stress treatment induced a disruption of the mitotic spindle, a reappearance and an extension of the Golgi apparatus, an inactivation of microtubule nucleation and a disorganization of the centrosome. This organelle seems the first to be affected by the heat shock response. The centrosome is not only inactivated, but also is structurally affected. During the recovery phase after heat stress, the mitotic cells presented a remarkable ring-shaped accumulation of electrondense material around the centrioles. We conclude that in Drosophila cells the mitotic phase, and more specifically the centrosome, are targets of the stress response.  相似文献   

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