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Selective suppression of hyperactive sensory neurons is an attractive strategy for managing pathological pain. Blocking Na(+) channels to eliminate action potentials and desensitizing transduction channels can both reduce sensory neuron excitability. The novel synthetic vanilloid ligand cap-ET preserves agonist activation of intracellular Ca(2+) signals and large organic cation transport but loses effective electric current induction. Cap-ET can therefore be used to deliver the membrane impermeable Na(+) channel blocker QX-314 to substantially inhibit voltage-activated Na(+) currents. We explored, besides facilitating entry of organic cationic therapeutics, whether cap-ET can also produce receptor desensitization similar to the natural agonist capsaicin. Using the YO-PRO-1 based fluorescent dye uptake assay, we found that cap-ET effectively triggered Ca(2+) dependent desensitization of TRPV1 when the receptor was pre-sensitized with the surrogate oxidative chemical phenylarsine oxide (PAO), suggesting an alternative use of permanently charged cationic capsaicinoids in differential neuronal silencing.  相似文献   

The balance of glycosylation and deglycosylation of ion channels can markedly influence their function and regulation. However, the functional importance of glycosylation of the TRPV1 receptor, a key sensor of pain-sensing nerves, is not well understood, and whether TRPV1 is glycosylated in neurons is unclear. We report that TRPV1 is N-glycosylated and that N-glycosylation is a major determinant of capsaicin-evoked desensitization and ionic permeability. Both N-glycosylated and unglycosylated TRPV1 was detected in extracts of peripheral sensory nerves by Western blotting. TRPV1 expressed in HEK-293 cells exhibited various degrees of glycosylation. A mutant of asparagine 604 (N604T) was not glycosylated but did not alter plasma membrane expression of TRPV1. Capsaicin-evoked increases in intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) were sustained in wild-type TRPV1 HEK-293 cells but were rapidly desensitized in N604T TRPV1 cells. There was marked cell-to-cell variability in capsaicin responses and desensitization between individual cells expressing wild-type TRPV1 but highly uniform responses in cells expressing N604T TRPV1, consistent with variable levels of glycosylation of the wild-type channel. These differences were also apparent when wild-type or N604T TRPV1-GFP fusion proteins were expressed in neurons from trpv1(-/-) mice. Capsaicin evoked a marked, concentration-dependent increase in uptake of the large cationic dye YO-PRO-1 in cells expressing wild-type TRPV1, indicative of loss of ion selectivity, that was completely absent in cells expressing N604T TRPV1. Thus, TRPV1 is variably N-glycosylated and glycosylation is a key determinant of capsaicin regulation of TRPV1 desensitization and permeability. Our findings suggest that physiological or pathological alterations in TRPV1 glycosylation would affect TRPV1 function and pain transmission.  相似文献   

Intracellular photolysis of a novel 'caged' capsaicin analogue results in in vitro activation of the capsaicin receptor TRPV1.  相似文献   

Based on the conformationally constrained D-Trp-Phe-D-Trp (wFw) core of the prototype inverse agonist [D-Arg(1),D-Phe(5),D-Trp(7,9),Leu(11)]substance P, a series of novel, small, peptide-mimetic agonists for the ghrelin receptor were generated. By using various simple, ring-constrained spacers connecting the D-Trp-Phe-D-Trp motif with the important C-terminal carboxyamide group, 40 nm agonism potency was obtained and also in one case (wFw-Isn-NH(2), where Isn is isonipecotic acid) ~80% efficacy. However, in contrast to all previously reported ghrelin receptor agonists, the piperidine-constrained wFw-Isn-NH(2) was found to be a functionally biased agonist. Thus, wFw-Isn-NH(2) mediated potent and efficacious signaling through the Gα(q) and ERK1/2 signaling pathways, but in contrast to all previous ghrelin receptor agonists it did not signal through the serum response element, conceivably the Gα(12/13) pathway. The recognition pattern of wFw-Isn-NH(2) with the ghrelin receptor also differed significantly from that of all previously characterized unbiased agonists. Most importantly, wFw-Isn-NH(2) was not dependent on GluIII:09 (Glu3.33), which otherwise is an obligatory TM III anchor point residue for ghrelin agonists. Molecular modeling and docking experiments indicated that wFw-Isn-NH(2) binds in the classical agonist binding site between the extracellular segments of TMs III, VI, and VII, interacting closely with the aromatic cluster between TMs VI and VII, but that it does so in an opposite orientation as compared with, for example, the wFw peptide agonists. It is concluded that the novel peptide-mimetic ligand wFw-Isn-NH(2) is a biased ghrelin receptor agonist and that the selective signaling pattern presumably is due to its unique receptor recognition pattern lacking interaction with key residues especially in TM III.  相似文献   

The rationale for the topical application of capsaicin and other vanilloids in the treatment of pain is that such compounds selectively excite and subsequently desensitize nociceptive neurons. This desensitization is triggered by the activation of vanilloid receptors (TRPV1), which leads to an elevation in intracellular free Ca2+ levels. Depending on the vanilloid concentration and duration of exposure, the Ca2+ influx via TRPV1 desensitizes the channels themselves, which may represent not only a feedback mechanism protecting the cell from toxic Ca2+ overload, but also likely contributes to the analgesic effects of capsaicin. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge concerning the mechanisms that underlie the acute capsaicin-induced Ca2+-dependent desensitization of TRPV1 channels and explores to what extent they may contribute to capsaicin-induced analgesia. In view of the polymodal nature of TRPV1, we illustrate how the channels behave in their desensitized state when activated by other stimuli such as noxious heat or depolarizing voltages. We also show that the desensitized channel can be strongly reactivated by capsaicin at concentrations higher than those previously used to desensitize it. We provide a possible explanation for a high incidence of adverse effects of topical capsaicin and point to a need for more accurate clinical criteria for employing it as a reliable remedy.  相似文献   

The vanilloid receptor TRPV1 is a polymodal nonselective cation channel of nociceptive sensory neurons involved in the perception of inflammatory pain. TRPV1 exhibits desensitization in a Ca2+-dependent manner upon repeated activation by capsaicin or protons. The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) decreases desensitization of TRPV1 by directly phosphorylating the channel presumably at sites Ser116 and Thr370. In the present study we investigated the influence of protein phosphatase 2B (calcineurin) on Ca2+-dependent desensitization of capsaicin- and proton-activated currents. By using site-directed mutagenesis, we generated point mutations at PKA and protein kinase C consensus sites and studied wild type (WT) and mutant channels transiently expressed in HEK293t or HeLa cells under whole cell voltage clamp. We found that intracellular application of the cyclosporin A.cyclophilin A complex (CsA.CyP), a specific inhibitor of calcineurin, significantly decreased desensitization of capsaicin- or proton-activated TRPV1-WT currents. This effect was similar to that obtained by extracellular application of forskolin (FSK), an indirect activator of PKA. Simultaneous applications of CsA.CyP and FSK in varying concentrations suggested that these substances acted independently from each other. In mutation T370A, application of CsA.CyP did not reduce desensitization of capsaicin-activated currents as compared with WT and to mutant channels S116A and T144A. In a double mutation at candidate protein kinase C phosphorylation sites, application of CsA.CyP or FSK decreased desensitization of capsaicin-activated currents similar to WT channels. We conclude that Ca2+-dependent desensitization of TRPV1 might be in part regulated through channel dephosphorylation by calcineurin and channel phosphorylation by PKA possibly involving Thr370 as a key amino acid residue.  相似文献   

The nuclear receptors liver X receptor (LXR) alpha and LXRbeta serve as oxysterol receptors and regulate the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism. LXR activation induces the expression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, such as ABCG5 and ABCG8, which inhibit intestinal absorption of cholesterol and phytosterols. Although several synthetic LXR agonists have been generated, these compounds have limited clinical application, because they cause hypertriglycemia by inducing the expression of lipogenic genes in the liver. We synthesized derivatives of phytosterols and found some of them to act as LXR agonists. Among them, YT-32 [(22E)-ergost-22-ene-1alpha,3beta-diol], which is related to ergosterol and brassicasterol, is the most potent LXR agonist. YT-32 directly bound to LXRalpha and LXRbeta and induced the interaction of LXRalpha with cofactors, such as steroid receptor coactivator-1, as effectively as the natural ligands, 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol and 24(S),25-epoxycholesterol. Although the nonsteroidal synthetic LXR agonist T0901317 induced the expression of intestinal ABC transporters and liver lipogenic genes, oral administration of YT-32 selectively activated intestinal ABC transporters in mice. Unlike T0901317 treatment, YT-32 inhibited intestinal cholesterol absorption without increasing plasma triglyceride levels. The phytosterol-derived LXR agonist YT-32 might selectively modulate intestinal cholesterol metabolism.  相似文献   

A conformationally biased decapeptide agonist of human C5a anaphylatoxin (YSFKPMPLaR) was used as a molecular adjuvant in stimulating an Ag-specific CTL response against murine P815S target cells expressing an Ld-restricted CTL epitope of the hepatitis B surface Ag (HBsAg). Groups of BALB/c mice (H-2d) were immunized with aqueous solutions of the HBsAg CTL epitopes (IPQSLDSWWTSL and IPQSLDSWWTSLRR); the C5a agonist (YSFKPMPLaR); the C5a agonist and HBsAg CTL epitopes admixed (IPQSLDSWWTSL and IPQSLDSWWTSLRR + YSFKPMPLaR); the C5a-active, HBsAg CTL epitope-C5a agonist constructs (IPQSLDSWWTSLYSFKPMPLaR, IPQSLDSWWTSLRRYSFKPMPLaR, and IPQSLDSWWTSLRVRRYSFPMPLaR); a C5a-inactive, reverse-moiety construct (YSFKPMPLaRRRIPQSLDSWWTSL); and a C5a-attenuated, carboxyl-terminal-blocked construct (IPQSLDSWWTSLRRYSFKPMPLaRG). Ag-specific CD8+ CTL responses were observed after the secondary boost in the absence of any added adjuvant only in mice that were immunized with C5a-active contructs, IPQSLDSWWTSLRRYSFKPMPLaR and IPQSLDSWWTSLRVRRYSFKPMPLaR. These two C5a-active immunogens contained potential subtilisin-sensitive linker sequences between the HBsAg CTL epitope and the C5a agonist; i.e., a double-Arg (RR) and a furin protease sensitive sequence (RVRR). The introduction of these potentially cleavable sequences may be a method of increasing the likelihood of liberating the CTL epitope from the C5a agonist by intracellular proteases, thereby facilitating entry of the epitope into Ag-processing pathways via an exogenous route.  相似文献   

TRPV1 receptor agonists such as the vanilloid capsaicin and the potent analog resiniferatoxin are well known potent analgesics. Depending on the vanilloid, dose, and administration site, nociceptor refractoriness may last from minutes up to months, suggesting the contribution of different cellular mechanisms ranging from channel receptor desensitization to Ca(2+) cytotoxicity of TRPV1-expressing neurons. The molecular mechanisms underlying agonist-induced TRPV1 desensitization and/or tachyphylaxis are still incompletely understood. Here, we report that prolonged exposure of TRPV1 to agonists induces rapid receptor endocytosis and lysosomal degradation in both sensory neurons and recombinant systems. Agonist-induced receptor internalization followed a clathrin- and dynamin-independent endocytic route, triggered by TRPV1 channel activation and Ca(2+) influx through the receptor. This process appears strongly modulated by PKA-dependent phosphorylation. Taken together, these findings indicate that TRPV1 agonists induce long-term receptor down-regulation by modulating the expression level of the channel through a mechanism that promotes receptor endocytosis and degradation and lend support to the notion that cAMP signaling sensitizes nociceptors through several mechanisms.  相似文献   

Treatment of rat reticulocytes with a phorbol ester, tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA), resulted in the desensitization of adenylate cyclase to the beta-adrenergic agonist stimulation depending on the dose and period of the TPA treatment. Treatment of the reticulocytes with TPA caused approximately 40% reduction in the stimulation by beta-adrenergic agonists of adenylate cyclase activity, whereas the treatment had little effect on the basal activity and the activation by fluoride and guanine nucleotide of the enzyme system. No change in the number of beta-adrenergic receptors was observed after the TPA treatment. Treatment with 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-glycerol (OAG), an activator of protein kinase C, also caused the desensitization of reticulocyte adenylate cyclase to isoproterenol. On the other hand, 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7), a potent inhibitor of protein kinase C, prevented the desensitization induced by TPA. These results suggest the involvement of protein kinase C in a process of desensitization of adenylate cyclase system to beta-adrenergic agonists in rat reticulocytes.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the activity of a new APHC2 polypeptide modulator of TRPV1 receptors, which was isolated from the sea anemone Heteractis crispa. It has been shown that APHC2 has an analgesic activity, does not impair normal motor activity, and does not change body temperature of experimental animals, which has a great practical value for design of potent analgesics of a new generation. Further study of the characteristics of binding of the polypeptide to the TRPV1 receptor may show approaches to the development of other antagonists of this receptor that do not influence the body temperature.  相似文献   

The capsaicin receptor TRPV1 is an emerging target for the treatment of pain with a unique expression profile in peripheral nociceptors and the ability to show polymodal activation, TRPV1 is an important integrator of responses to inflammatory mediators. Sensitization of TRPV1 during chronic pain is believed to contribute to the transduction of noxious signaling for normally innocuous stimuli and consequently the search for novel TRPV1 therapeutics is intense. The current understanding of the physiological role the receptor, as well as the potential therapeutic utility and emerging liabilities of TRPV1 modulators are discussed.  相似文献   

The specific beta-adrenergic agonist radioligand (+/-)-[3H]hydroxybenzylisoproterenol ([3H]HBI) was used to investigate alterations in the beta-adrenergic receptors of frog erythrocytes occurring during the process of agonist-induced, receptor-specific desensitization. There was close agreement between the percentage fall in [3H]HBI binding and that in catecholamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity following periods of preincubation of up to 7 h with 0.1 mM (-)-isoproterenol. Desensitization was maximal by 5 h, resulting in a 69% reduction in [3H]HBI binding and a 67% reduction in isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. In contrast, binding of the beta-adrenergic antagonist (-)-[3H]dihydroalprenolol was significantly less affected by desensitization (p is less than 0.05 at 2 1/2, 5, and 7 h), showing a maximum reduction in binding of only 35% in these experiments. The consistent close agreement of reduction in agonist binding with that in hormone-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity, together with the significant difference observed between agonist and antagonist binding, implies that an alteration occurs during desensitization which preferentially interferes with agonist binding, while antagonist binding is less affected. The locus of this agonist-specific alteration may be the receptor binding site or a site involved in receptor-enzyme coupling. Agonist binding studies may now be used to assess more completely the desensitized state of beta-adrenergic receptors in systems in which marked desensitization of beta-adrenergic responses is associated with little or no reduction in antagonist binding.  相似文献   

In human myometrial cells, the promiscuous coupling of the oxytocin receptors (OTRs) to G(q) and G(i) leads to contraction. However, the activation of OTRs coupled to different G protein pathways can also trigger opposite cellular responses, e.g. OTR coupling to G(i) inhibits, whereas its coupling to G(q) stimulates, cell proliferation. Drug analogues capable of promoting a selective receptor-G protein coupling may be of great pharmacological and clinical importance because they may target only one specific signal transduction pathway. Here, we report that atosiban, an oxytocin derivative that acts as a competitive antagonist on OTR/G(q) coupling, displays agonistic properties on OTR/G(i) coupling, as shown by specific (35)S-labeled guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio) trisphosphate ([(35)S]GTPgammaS) binding. Moreover, atosiban, by acting on a G(i)-mediated pathway(,) inhibits cell growth of HEK293 and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells stably transfected with OTRs and of DU145 prostate cancer cells expressing endogenous OTRs. Notably, atosiban leads to persistent ERK1/2 activation and p21(WAF1/CIP1) induction, the same signaling events leading to oxytocin-mediated cell growth inhibition via a G(i) pathway. Finally, atosiban exposure did not cause OTR internalization and led to only a modest decrease (20%) in the number of high affinity cell membrane OTRs, two observations consistent with the finding that atosiban did not lead to any desensitization of the oxytocin-induced activation of the G(q)-phospholipase C pathway. Taken together, these observations indicate that atosiban acts as a "biased agonist" of the human OTRs and thus belongs to the class of compounds capable of selectively discriminating only one among the multiple possible active conformations of a single G protein-coupled receptor, thereby leading to the selective activation of a unique intracellular signal cascade.  相似文献   

A major challenge in understanding nuclear hormone receptor function is to determine how the same ligand can cause very different tissue-specific responses. Tissue specificity may result from the presence of more than one receptor subtype arising from multiple receptor genes or alternative splicing. Recently, high affinity analogs of nuclear receptor ligands have been synthesized that show subtype selectivity. These analogs can greatly facilitate the study of receptor subtype-specific functions in organisms where mutational analysis is problematic or where it is desirable for receptors to be expressed in their normal physiological contexts. We describe here the effects of the synthetic thyroid hormone analog GC-1 on the metamorphosis of the frog Xenopus laevis. The most potent natural thyroid hormone, 3,5,3'-triidothyronine or T3, shows similar binding affinity and transactivation dose-response curves for both thyroid hormone receptor isotypes, designated TRalpha and TRbeta. GC-1, however, binds to and activates TRbeta at least an order of magnitude better than it does TRalpha. GC-1 efficiently induces death and resorption of premetamorphic tadpole tissues such as the gills and the tail, two tissues that strongly induce thyroid hormone receptor beta during metamorphosis. GC-1 has less effect on the growth of adult tissues such as the hindlimbs, which express high TRalpha levels. The effectiveness of GC-1 in inducing tail resorption and tail gene expression correlates with increasing TRbeta levels. These results illustrate the utility of subtype selective ligands as probes of nuclear receptor function in vivo.  相似文献   

Treatment of malignant glioma with chemotherapy is limited mostly because of delivery impediment related to the blood-brain tumor barrier (BTB). B1 receptors (B1R), inducible prototypical G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) can regulate permeability of vessels including possibly that of brain tumors. Here, we determine the extent of BTB permeability induced by the natural and synthetic peptide B1R agonists, LysdesArg(9)BK (LDBK) and SarLys[dPhe(8)]desArg(9)BK (NG29), in syngeneic F98 glioma-implanted Fischer rats. Ten days after tumor inoculation, we detected the presence of B1R on tumor cells and associated vasculature. NG29 infusion increased brain distribution volume and uptake profiles of paramagnetic probes (Magnevist and Gadomer) at tumoral sites (T(1)-weighted imaging). These effects were blocked by B1R antagonist and non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors, but not by B2R antagonist and non-selective nitric oxide synthase inhibitors. Consistent with MRI data, systemic co-administration of NG29 improved brain tumor delivery of Carboplatin chemotherapy (ICP-Mass spectrometry). We also detected elevated B1R expression in clinical samples of high-grade glioma. Our results documented a novel GPCR-signaling mechanism for promoting transient BTB disruption, involving activation of B1R and ensuing production of COX metabolites. They also underlined the potential value of synthetic biostable B1R agonists as selective BTB modulators for local delivery of different sized-therapeutics at (peri)tumoral sites.  相似文献   

Ca2+ selective ion channels of vanilloid receptor subtype-1 (TRPV1) in capsaicin-sensitive dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and TRPV1 transfected Chinese hamster ovarian (CHO) cells are desensitized following calcium-dependent tachyphylaxis induced by successive applications of 100 nM capsaicin. Tachyphylaxis of TRPV1 to 100 nM capsaicin stimuli was not observed in the absence of extracellular calcium. Capsaicin sensitivity of desensitized TRPV1 ion channels recovered on application of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA). PMA-induced recovery of desensitized TRPV1 was primarily due to influx of extracellular calcium observed during re-application of capsaicin following desensitization. Capsazepine blocked the re-sensitization to capsaicin by PMA. Protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitory peptide PKC fragment 19-36 also inhibited re-sensitization to capsaicin by PMA. Reversal of capsaicin-induced desensitization by PMA was prevented by a mutation of TRPV1 where phosphorylation sites serine502 and serine800 were replaced with alanine. This study provides evidence for a role of PKC in reversing capsaicin-induced calcium-dependent desensitization of TRPV1 ion channels.  相似文献   

Activation of protein kinases and phosphatases at the plasma membrane often initiates agonist-dependent signalling events. In sensory neurons, AKAP150 (A-kinase-anchoring protein 150) orientates PKA (protein kinase A), PKC (protein kinase C) and the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent PP2B (protein phosphatase 2B, also known as calcineurin) towards membrane-associated substrates. Recent evidence indicates that AKAP150-anchored PKA and PKC phosphorylate and sensitize the TRPV1 (transient receptor potential subfamily V type 1 channel, also known as the capsaicin receptor). In the present study, we explore the hypothesis that an AKAP150-associated pool of PP2B catalyses the dephosphorylation and desensitization of TRPV1. Biochemical, electrophysiological and cell-based experiments indicate that PP2B associates with AKAP150 and TRPV1 in cultured TG (trigeminal ganglia) neurons. Gene silencing of AKAP150 reduces basal phosphorylation of TRPV1. However, functional studies in neurons isolated from AKAP150-/- mice indicate that the anchoring protein is not required for pharmacological desensitization of TRPV1. Behavioural analysis of AKAP150-/- mice further support this notion, demonstrating that agonist-stimulated desensitization of TRPV1 is sensitive to PP2B inhibition and does not rely on AKAP150. These findings allow us to conclude that pharmacological desensitization of TRPV1 by PP2B may involve additional regulatory components.  相似文献   

TRPV1 receptors are polymodal cation channels that open in response to diverse stimuli including noxious heat, capsaicin, and protons. Because Ca2+ is vital for TRPV1 signaling, we sought to precisely measure its contribution to TRPV1 responses and discovered that the Ca2+ current was tuned by the mode of activation. Using patch clamp photometry, we found that the fraction of the total current carried by Ca2+ (called the Pf%) was significantly smaller for TRPV1 currents evoked by protons than for those evoked by capsaicin. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we discovered that the smaller Pf% was due to protonation of three acidic amino acids (Asp646, Glu648, and Glu651) that are located in the mouth of the pore. Thus, in keeping with recent reports of time-dependent changes in the ionic permeability of some ligand-gated ion channels, we now show for the first time that the physiologically important Ca2+ current of the TRPV1 receptor is also dynamic and depends on the mode of activation. This current is significantly smaller when the receptor is activated by a change in pH, owing to atomic scale interactions of H+ and Ca2+ with the fixed negative charge of side chains in the pore.  相似文献   

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