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This study shows an overall analysis of gene expression during the cell cycle in synchronous suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus cells. First, the cellular cytoplasmic proteins were fractionated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and visualized by staining with silver. Seventeen polypeptides showed qualitative or quantitative changes during the cell cycle. Second, the rates of synthesis of cytoplasmic proteins were also investigated by autoradiography by labeling cells with [35S]methionine at each phase of the cell cycle. The rates of synthesis of 13 polypeptides were found to vary during the cell cycle. The silverstained electrophoretic pattern of proteins in the G2 phase in particular showed characteristic changes in levels of polypeptides, while the rates of synthesis of polypeptides synthesized during the G2 phase did not show such phase-specific changes. This result suggests that posttranslational processing of polypeptides occurs during or prior to the G2 phase. In the G1 and S phases and during cytokinesis, several other polypeptides were specifically synthesized. Finally, the variation of mRNAs was analyzed from the autoradiograms of in vitro translation products of poly(A)+ RNA isolated at each phase. Three poly(A)+ RNAs increased in amount from the G1 to the S phase and one poly (A)+ RNA increased preferentially from the G2 phase to cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Two computational methods for estimating the cell cycle phase distribution of a budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cell population are presented. The first one is a nonparametric method that is based on the analysis of DNA content in the individual cells of the population. The DNA content is measured with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). The second method is based on budding index analysis. An automated image analysis method is presented for the task of detecting the cells and buds. The proposed methods can be used to obtain quantitative information on the cell cycle phase distribution of a budding yeast S. cerevisiae population. They therefore provide a solid basis for obtaining the complementary information needed in deconvolution of gene expression data. As a case study, both methods are tested with data that were obtained in a time series experiment with S. cerevisiae. The details of the time series experiment as well as the image and FACS data obtained in the experiment can be found in the online additional material at http://www.cs.tut.fi/sgn/csb/yeastdistrib/.  相似文献   

Many cellular processes are regulated by cell cycle dependent changes in protein dynamics and localization. Studying these changes in vivo requires methods to distinguish the different cell cycle stages. Here we demonstrate the use of DNA Ligase I fused to DsRed1 as an in situ marker to identify S phase and the subsequent transition to G2 in live cells. Using this marker, we observed changes in the nuclear distribution of Dnmt1 during cell cycle progression. Based on the different nuclear distribution of DNA Ligase I and Dnmt1 in G2 and G1, we demonstrate that the combination of both proteins allows the direct discrimination of all cell cycle phases using either immunostainings or fusions with fluorescent proteins. These markers are new tools to directly study cell cycle dependent processes in both, fixed and living cells.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Four methods are commonly used to study cell cycle processes in Paramecium tetraurelia. These include stage frequency analysis in asynchronous cultures, hand selection of synchronous dividing cells, selection of newly divided cells by elutriation centrifugation, and the sister cell method. We have compared the timing and resolution of stages of oral morphogenesis and micronuclear mitosis with each method. The temporal resolution obtainable with the sister cell method was inadequate to position the timing of morphogenesis stages within the cell cycle. Both the asynchronous method and the hand-selected synchronous samples methods are prone to bias. Elutriation centrifuge synchronization provides large samples with resolution comparable to that of hand selected samples. The elutriation method is the least prone to bias when <5% of the parent culture of Paramecium is selected.  相似文献   

The effects of nucleoid proteins Fis and Dps of Escherichia coli on the higher order structure of a giant DNA were studied, in which Fis and Dps are known to be expressed mainly in the exponential growth phase and stationary phase, respectively. Fis causes loose shrinking of the higher order structure of a genome-sized DNA, T4 DNA (166 kbp), in a cooperative manner, that is, the DNA conformational transition proceeds through the appearance of a bimodal size distribution or the coexistence of elongated coil and shrunken globular states. The effective volume of the loosely shrunken state induced by Fis is 30–60 times larger than that of the compact state induced by spermidine, suggesting that cellular enzymes can access for DNA with the shrunken state but cannot for the compact state. Interestingly, Dps tends to inhibit the Fis-induced shrinkage of DNA, but promotes DNA compaction in the presence of spermidine. These characteristic effects of nucleotide proteins on a giant DNA are discussed by adopting a simple theoretical model with a mean-field approximation.  相似文献   

Neuronal migration is, along with axon guidance, one of the fundamental mechanisms underlying the wiring of the brain. As other organs, the nervous system has acquired the ability to grow both in size and complexity by using migration as a strategy to position cell types from different origins into specific coordinates, allowing for the generation of brain circuitries. Guidance of migrating neurons shares many features with axon guidance, from the use of substrates to the specific cues regulating chemotaxis. There are, however, important differences in the cell biology of these two processes. The most evident case is nucleokinesis, which is an essential component of migration that needs to be integrated within the guidance of the cell. Perhaps more surprisingly, the cellular mechanisms underlying the response of the leading process of migrating cells to guidance cues might be different to those involved in growth cone steering, at least for some neuronal populations.The migration of newly born neurons is a precisely regulated process that is critical for the development of brain architecture. Neurons arise from the proliferative epithelium that covers the ventricular space throughout the neural tube, an area named the ventricular zone (VZ). From there, newly born neurons adopt two main strategies to disperse throughout the central nervous system (CNS), designated as radial and tangential migration (Hatten 1999; Marín and Rubenstein 2003). During radial migration, neurons follow a trajectory that is perpendicular to the ventricular surface, moving alongside radial glial fibers expanding the thickness of the neural tube. In contrast, tangentially migrating neurons move in trajectories that are parallel to the ventricular surface and orthogonal to the radial glia palisade (Fig. 1). Besides their relative orientation, some of the basic mechanisms underlying the movement of cells using each of these two modes of migration are also different. For example, radially migrating neurons often use radial glial fibers as substrate, whereas tangentially migrating neurons do not seem to require their support to migrate. Even so, neurons may alternate from radial to tangential movement and vice versa during the course of their migration. This suggests that both types of migrations share common principles, in particular those directly related to the cell biology of movement (Marín et al. 2006).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Representative migrations in the developing CNS. Multiple migrations coexist during embryonic development at different areas of the central nervous system. This schema summarizes some of these migrations during the second week of the embryonic period in the mouse. Neurons use tangential and radial migration to reach their final destination; both strategies are used by the same neurons at different stages of development (i.e., cortical interneurons in the forebrain and precerebellar neurons in the hindbrain). (IML) intermediolateral region of the spinal cord; (IO) inferior olive nucleus; (LGE) lateral ganglionic eminence; (LRN) lateral reticular nucleus; (MGE) medial ganglionic eminence; (NCx) neocortex; (OB) olfactory bulb.One of the structures that better illustrates how both types of migrations are integrated during brain development is the cerebral cortex, and so we will primarily refer to studies performed on cortical neurons for this review. The adult cerebral cortex contains two main classes of neurons: glutamatergic cortical projection neurons (also known as pyramidal cells) and GABAergic interneurons. Pyramidal cells are generated in the ventricular zone (VZ) of the embryonic pallium—the roof of the telencephalon—and reach their final position by radial migration (Rakic 2007). In contrast, cortical interneurons are born in the subpallium—the base of telencephalon—and reach the cerebral cortex through a long tangential migration (Corbin et al. 2001; Marín and Rubenstein 2001).The earliest cortical neurons form a transient structure known as the preplate, around embryonic day 10 (E10) of gestation age in the mouse. This primordial layer consists of Cajal-Retzius cells and the first cohort of pyramidal neurons, which will eventually populate the subplate. Cajal-Retzius cells, which play important roles during neuronal migration, arise from discrete pallial sources and colonize the entire surface of the cortex through tangential migration (Bielle et al. 2005; Takiguchi-Hayashi et al. 2004; Yoshida et al. 2006). The next cohort of pyramidal cells forms the cortical plate (CP) by intercalating in the preplate and splitting this primitive structure in a superficial layer, the marginal zone (MZ or layer I), and a deep layer, the subplate. The development of the neocortex progresses with new waves of neurons that occupy progressively more superficial positions within the CP (Gupta et al. 2002; Marín and Rubenstein 2003). Birth dating studies have shown that layers II–VI of the cerebral cortex are generated in an “inside-out” sequence. Neurons generated earlier reside in deeper layers, whereas later-born neurons migrate past existing layers to form superficial layers (Angevine and Sidman 1961; Rakic 1974). In parallel to this process, GABAergic interneurons migrate to the cortex, where they disperse tangentially via highly stereotyped routes in the MZ, SP, and lower intermediate zone/subventricular zone (IZ/SVZ) (Lavdas et al. 1999). Interneurons then switch from tangential to radial migration to adopt their final laminar position in the cerebral cortex (Ang et al. 2003; Polleux et al. 2002; Tanaka et al. 2003).  相似文献   

The effects of nucleoid proteins Fis and Dps of Escherichia coli on the higher order structure of a giant DNA were studied, in which Fis and Dps are known to be expressed mainly in the exponential growth phase and stationary phase, respectively. Fis causes loose shrinking of the higher order structure of a genome-sized DNA, T4 DNA (166 kbp), in a cooperative manner, that is, the DNA conformational transition proceeds through the appearance of a bimodal size distribution or the coexistence of elongated coil and shrunken globular states. The effective volume of the loosely shrunken state induced by Fis is 30–60 times larger than that of the compact state induced by spermidine, suggesting that cellular enzymes can access for DNA with the shrunken state but cannot for the compact state. Interestingly, Dps tends to inhibit the Fis-induced shrinkage of DNA, but promotes DNA compaction in the presence of spermidine. These characteristic effects of nucleotide proteins on a giant DNA are discussed by adopting a simple theoretical model with a mean-field approximation.  相似文献   

Phase-Specific Genes for Macroconidiation in NEUROSPORA CRASSA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Two new mutant genes in Neurospora crassa prevent the formation of free macroconidia from proconidial chains. These genes, called conidial separation-1 and conidial separation-2, are phase-specific, playing no role in either the sexual life cycle or other aspects of the asexual life cycle. A cell-wall-associated autolytic activity was found to increase in wild-type cultures at the time of active formation of free conidia from proconidial chains; no such increase was detected in mutant cultures. It appears that the products of these genes are both essential for and unique to macroconidiation.  相似文献   

Drosophila researchers met in sunny San Diego for the 49th annual meeting of The Genetics Society of America. It was cold outside and even colder inside. Like last year, ‘Mitosis, Meiosis and Cell Division’ was no longer a session. Instead, we searched out and covered talks and posters in ‘Cell Division and Growth Control’, ‘Gametogenesis’, ‘Cytoskeleton and Cell Biology’ and ‘Genome and Chromosome Structure’. We split up for maximal coverage and re-grouped later for the Workshop on Cell Cycle and Checkpoints. We apologize in advance for the brevity or omission of some reports.  相似文献   

细胞周期是高度有组织的时序调控过程,受到DNA损伤检控点、DNA复制检控点和纺锤体检控点等细胞周期检控点的精确调控。细胞周期检控点的作用主要是调节细胞周期的时序转换,以确保DNA复制、染色体分离等细胞重要生命活动的高度精确性,并对DNA损伤、DNA复制受阻、纺锤体组装和染色体分离异常等细胞损伤及时做出反应,以防止突变和遗传不稳定的发生。细胞周期检控点的功能缺陷,将导致细胞基因组的不稳定,与细胞癌变密切相关。因此细胞周期检控点对于维持细胞遗传信息的稳定性和完整性以及防止细胞癌变和遗传疾病的发生起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   


The significance of divalent calcium ions (Ca2+) to cell cycle progression has been a subject of study for several decades, with a regulatory role for Ca2+ suggested in distinct cell types and multiple organisms. Our interest in proliferative vascular diseases led us to focus on mammalian vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) in particular, in which we and others had shown that a coordinate elevation in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration is required for G1 to S phase cell cycle progression. However, the molecular basis for this Ca2+-sensitive cell cycle transition was not known.Our recent discovery of a functional protein-protein interaction between the late G1-active cyclin E1 and the major calcium signal-transducing factor Calmodulin (CaM) sheds new light on the mechanism(s) through which Ca2+ concentrations regulate cell cycle. Having identified a CaM-binding site on cyclin E1, our studies support a direct role for CaM in mediating Ca2+-sensitive cyclin E/cdk2 activity and G1 to S phase transitions in VSMC. The CaM binding site identified on cyclin E1 has a Kd for CaM consistent with that of known CaM-binding proteins, and is composed of a 22 amino acids N-terminal sequence that is highly conserved across several mammalian species. Deletion of this binding site abolished CaM binding and Ca2+-sensitive cyclin E/cdk2 activity.Here we provide our perspectives on the literature supporting a role for Ca2+ in cell cycle regulation, focusing on the evidence implicating CaM in this functionality, and discuss the potential for therapeutic modulation of CaM-dependent cell cycle machinery.  相似文献   

The fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator, also known as FUCCI, allows the visualization of the G1 and S/G2/M cell cycle phases of individual cells. FUCCI consists of two fluorescent probes, so that cells in the G1 phase fluoresce red and cells in the S/G2/M phase fluoresce green. FUCCI reveals real-time information about cell cycle dynamics of individual cells, and can be used to explore how the cell cycle relates to the location of individual cells, local cell density, and different cellular microenvironments. In particular, FUCCI is used in experimental studies examining cell migration, such as malignant invasion and wound healing. Here we present, to our knowledge, new mathematical models that can describe cell migration and cell cycle dynamics as indicated by FUCCI. The fundamental model describes the two cell cycle phases, G1 and S/G2/M, which FUCCI directly labels. The extended model includes a third phase, early S, which FUCCI indirectly labels. We present experimental data from scratch assays using FUCCI-transduced melanoma cells, and show that the predictions of spatial and temporal patterns of cell density in the experiments can be described by the fundamental model. We obtain numerical solutions of both the fundamental and extended models, which can take the form of traveling waves. These solutions are mathematically interesting because they are a combination of moving wavefronts and moving pulses. We derive and confirm a simple analytical expression for the minimum wave speed, as well as exploring how the wave speed depends on the spatial decay rate of the initial condition.  相似文献   

This study shows that double thymidine block treatment efficiently arrests the EO771 cells in the S-phase without altering cell growth or survival. A long-term analysis of cell behavior, using 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate N-succinimidyl ester (CFSE) staining, show synchronization to be stable and consistent over time. The EO771 cell line is a medullary breast-adenocarcinoma cell line isolated from a spontaneous murine mammary tumor, and can be used to generate murine tumor implantation models. Different biological (serum or amino acid deprivation), physical (elutriation, mitotic shake-off), or chemical (colchicine, nocodazole, thymidine) treatments are widely used for cell synchronization. Of the different methods tested, the double thymidine block is the most efficient for synchronization of murine EO771 cells if a large quantity of highly synchronized cells is recommended to study functional and biochemical events occurring in specific points of cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

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