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A cDNA (Cel1) encoding an endo-1,4-β-glucanase (EGase) was isolated from ripe fruit of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa). The deduced protein of 496 amino acids contains a presumptive signal sequence, a common feature of cell wall-localized EGases, and one potential N-glycosylation site. Southern- blot analysis of genomic DNA from F. × ananassa, an octoploid species, and that from the diploid species Fragaria vesca indicated that the Cel1 gene is a member of a divergent multigene family. In fruit, Cel1 mRNA was first detected at the white stage of development, and at the onset of ripening, coincident with anthocyanin accumulation, Cel1 mRNA abundance increased dramatically and remained high throughout ripening and subsequent fruit deterioration. In all other tissues examined, Cel1 expression was invariably absent. Antibodies raised to Cel1 protein detected a protein of 62 kD only in ripening fruit. Upon deachenation of young white fruit to remove the source of endogenous auxins, ripening, as visualized by anthocyanin accumulation, and Cel1 mRNA accumulation were both accelerated. Conversely, auxin treatment of white fruit repressed accumulation of both Cel1 mRNA and ripening. These results indicate that strawberry Cel1 is a ripening-specific and auxin-repressed EGase, which is regulated during ripening by a decline in auxin levels originating from the achenes.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of discs excised from developing tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with 10 millimolar sodium fluoride induced a transient increase in 3-phosphoglycerate content. This was followed by increases in triose-phosphate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and hexose-phosphate (glucose 6-phosphate + fructose 6-phosphate + glucose 1-phosphate). The effect of fluoride is attributed to an inhibition of glycolysis and a stimulation of triose-phosphate recycling (the latter confirmed by the pattern of 13C-labeling [NMR] in sucrose when tissue was supplied with [2-13C]glucose). Fluoride inhibited the incorporation of [U-14C] glucose, [U-14C]sucrose, [U-14C]glucose 1-phosphate, and [U-14C] glycerol into starch. The incorporation of [U-14C]ADPglucose was unaffected. Inhibition of starch biosynthesis was accompanied by an almost proportional increase in the incorporation of 14C into sucrose. The inhibition of starch synthesis was accompanied by a 10-fold increase in tissue pyrophosphate (PPi) content. Although the subcellular localization of PPi was not determined, a hypothesis is presented that argues that the PPi accumulates in the amyloplast due to inhibition of alkaline inorganic pyrophosphatase by fluoride ions.  相似文献   

Extremely hot events (usually involving a few hours at extreme high temperatures in summer) are expected to increase in frequency in temperate regions under global warming. The impact of these events is generally overlooked in insect population prediction, since they are unlikely to cause widespread mortality, however reproduction may be affected by them. In this study, we examined such stress effects in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. We simulated a single extreme hot day (maximum of 40°C lasting for 3, 4 or 5 h) increasingly experienced under field conditions. This event had no detrimental effects on immediate mortality, copulation duration, mating success, longevity or lifetime fecundity, but stressed females produced 21% (after 3 or 4 h) fewer hatched eggs because of a decline in the number and hatching success of eggs laid on the first two days. These negative effects on reproduction were no longer evident in the following days. Male heat exposure led to a similar but smaller effect on fertile egg production, and exposure extended pre-mating period in both sexes. Our results indicate that a single hot day can have detrimental effects on reproduction, particularly through maternal effects on egg hatching, and thereby influence the population dynamics of diamondback moth.  相似文献   

Gentamicin is the preferred antimicrobial agent used in implant coating for the prevention of implant-related infections (IRI). However, the present heavy local and systemic administration of gentamicin can lead to increased resistance, which has made its future use uncertain, together with related preventive technologies. Fosfomycin is an alternative antimicrobial agent that lacks the cross-resistance presented by other classes of antibiotics. We evaluated the efficacy of prophylaxis of 10% fosfomycin-containing poly(D,L-lactide) (PDL) coated K-wires in a rat IRI model and compared it with uncoated (Control 1), PDL-coated (Control 2), and 10% gentamicin-containing PDL-coated groups with a single layer of coating. Stainless steel K-wires were implanted and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 43300) suspensions (103 CFU/10 μl) were injected into a cavity in the left tibiae. Thereafter, K-wires were removed and cultured in tryptic soy broth and then 5% sheep blood agar mediums. Sliced sections were removed from the tibiae, stained with hematoxylin-eosin, and semi-quantitatively evaluated with X-rays. The addition of fosfomycin into PDL did not affect the X-ray and histopathological evaluation scores; however, the addition of gentamicin lowered them. The addition of gentamicin showed a protective effect after the 28th day of X-ray evaluations. PDL-only coating provided no protection, while adding fosfomycin to PDL offered a 20% level protection and adding gentamicin offered 80%. Furthermore, there were 103 CFU level growths in the gentamicin-added group, while the other groups had 105. Thus, the addition of fosfomycin to PDL does not affect the efficacy of prophylaxis, but the addition of gentamicin does. We therefore do not advise the use of fosfomycin as a single antimicrobial agent in coating for IRI prophylaxis.  相似文献   

The intercellular localization of enzymes involved in starch metabolism and the kinetic properties of ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase were studied in mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath strands separated by cellulase digestion of Zea mays L. leaves. Activities of starch synthase, branching enzyme, and ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase were higher in the bundle sheath, whereas the degradative enzymes, starch phosphorylase, and amylase were more evenly distributed and slightly higher in the mesophyll. ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase partially purified from the mesophyll and bundle sheath showed similar apparent affinities for Mg2+, ATP, and glucose-1-phosphate. The pH optimum of the bundle sheath enzyme (7.0-7.8) was lower than that of the mesophyll enzyme (7.8-8.2). The bundle sheath enzyme showed greater activation by 3-phosphoglycerate than did the mesophyll enzyme, and also showed somewhat higher apparent affinity for 3-phosphoglycerate and lower apparent affinity for the inhibitor, orthophosphate. The observed activities of starch metabolism pathway enzymes and the allosteric properties of the ADPglucose pyrophosphorylases appear to favor the synthesis of starch in the bundle sheath while restricting it in the mesophyll.  相似文献   



Surfactant protein D (SP-D) has important immuno-modulatory properties. The absence of SP-D results in an inducible NO synthase (iNOS, coded by NOS2 gene) related chronic inflammation, development of emphysema-like pathophysiology and alterations of surfactant homeostasis.


In order to test the hypothesis that SP-D deficiency related abnormalities in pulmonary structure and function are a consequence of iNOS induced inflammation, we generated SP-D and iNOS double knockout mice (DiNOS).


Structural data obtained by design-based stereology to quantify the emphysema-like phenotype and disturbances of the intracellular surfactant were correlated to invasive pulmonary function tests and inflammatory markers including activation markers of alveolar macrophages and compared to SP-D (Sftpd−/−) and iNOS single knockout mice (NOS2−/−) as well as wild type (WT) littermates.

Measurements and Results

DiNOS mice had reduced inflammatory cells in BAL and BAL-derived alveolar macrophages showed an increased expression of markers of an alternative activation as well as reduced inflammation. As evidenced by increased alveolar numbers and surface area, emphysematous changes were attenuated in DiNOS while disturbances of the surfactant system remained virtually unchanged. Sftpd−/− demonstrated alterations of intrinsic mechanical properties of lung parenchyma as shown by reduced stiffness and resistance at its static limits, which could be corrected by additional ablation of NOS2 gene in DiNOS.


iNOS related inflammation in the absence of SP-D is involved in the emphysematous remodeling leading to a loss of alveoli and associated alterations of elastic properties of lung parenchyma while disturbances of surfactant homeostasis are mediated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The cytosolic malic enzyme (ME1) has been suggested to augment insulin secretion via the malate-pyruvate and/or citrate-pyruvate shuttles, through the production of NADPH or other metabolites. We used selectable vectors expressing short hairpin RNA (shRNA) to stably decrease Me1 mRNA levels by 80–86% and ME1 enzyme activity by 78–86% with either of two shRNAs in the INS-1 832/13 insulinoma cell line. Contrary to published short term ME1 knockdown experiments, our long term targeted cells showed normal insulin secretion in response to glucose or to glutamine plus 2-aminobicyclo[2,2,1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid. We found no increase in the mRNAs and enzyme activities of the cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which also produce cytosolic NADPH. There was no compensatory induction of the mRNAs for the mitochondrial malic enzymes Me2 or Me3. Interferon pathway genes induced in preliminary small interfering RNA experiments were not induced in the long term shRNA experiments. We repeated our study with an improved vector containing Tol2 transposition sequences to produce a higher rate of stable transferents and shortened time to testing, but this did not alter the results. We similarly used stably expressed shRNA to reduce mitochondrial NAD(P)-malic enzyme (Me2) mRNA by up to 95%, with severely decreased ME2 protein and a 90% decrease in enzyme activity. Insulin release to glucose or glutamine plus 2-aminobicyclo[2,2,1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid remained normal. The maintenance of robust insulin secretion after lowering expression of either one of these malic enzymes is consistent with the redundancy of pathways of pyruvate cycling and/or cytosolic NADPH production in insulinoma cells.  相似文献   

The effect of gibberellin A3 (10−4m) and abscisic acid (10−4m), applied separately and together, on incorporation of 3H-thymidine and 3H-uridine into DNA and RNA of buds from freshly harvested potatoes was investigated. In some treatments apical buds in intact tubers were treated three times daily for 3 days with test solution before the buds were excised and treated an additional 12 hours in Petri dishes. In other treatments, untreated buds were excised and treated 12 hours. Irrespective of length of treatment, gibberellin A3 slightly promoted synthesis of DNA and RNA, and abscisic acid essentially blocked such synthesis, in both the presence and absence of gibberellin A3.  相似文献   

It has long been hypothesized that body tissue uptake of aluminum may have biological implications in breast cancer. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that aluminum may trigger genomic instability by interfering with DNA strands. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between aluminum concentrations in the peripheral and central areas of breast tumors with the instability of three key genes in breast cancer, ERBB2, C-MYC, and CCND1 and aneuploidy of the chromosomes harboring these genes. Tissue samples of 118 women treated for breast cancer were obtained. Evaluation of aluminum content was carried out using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. A tissue microarray slide containing the tumor samples was used in FISH assays to assess ERBB2, C-MYC, and CCND1 expressions as well as the statuses of their respective chromosomes 17, 8, and 11. Clinicopathological data were obtained from patient’s records. Aluminum levels of >2.0 mg/kg were found in 20.3 and 22.1 % of the central and peripheral breast tumor areas, respectively. Amplification and/or aneuploid-positive statuses for ERBB2/CEP17, C-MYC/CEP8, and CCND1/CEP11 were detected in 24, 36.7, and 29.3 % of the tumors, respectively. We found that aluminum concentration was not related to these altered gene statuses. Our findings suggest that aluminum concentration does not affect genomic stability in breast tissues. Tissue microenvironment modifications, due to the presence of aluminum compounds, seem more appealing as a possible target for future studies to determine the implications of aluminum in breast carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Sirtuin 3 (SIRT3), one of the seven mammalian sirtuins, is a mitochondrial NAD+-dependent deacetylase known to control key metabolic pathways. SIRT3 deacetylases and activates a large number of mitochondrial enzymes involved in the respiratory chain, in ATP production, and in both the citric acid and urea cycles. We have previously shown that the regulation of myoblast differentiation is tightly linked to mitochondrial activity. Since SIRT3 modulates mitochondrial activity, we decide to address its role during myoblast differentiation. For this purpose, we first investigated the expression of endogenous SIRT3 during C2C12 myoblast differentiation. We further studied the impact of SIRT3 silencing on both the myogenic potential and the mitochondrial activity of C2C12 cells. We showed that SIRT3 protein expression peaked at the onset of myoblast differentiation. The inhibition of SIRT3 expression mediated by the stable integration of SIRT3 short inhibitory RNA (SIRT3shRNA) in C2C12 myoblasts, resulted in: 1) abrogation of terminal differentiation - as evidenced by a marked decrease in the myoblast fusion index and a significant reduction of Myogenin, MyoD, Sirtuin 1 and Troponin T protein expression - restored upon MyoD overexpression; 2) a decrease in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α) and citrate synthase protein expression reflecting an alteration of mitochondrial density; and 3) an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) mirrored by the decreased activity of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Altogether our data demonstrate that SIRT3 mainly regulates myoblast differentiation via its influence on mitochondrial activity.  相似文献   

J. Matos  M. Nardi  H. Kumura    V. Monnet 《Applied microbiology》1998,64(11):4591-4595
We sequenced the pepP gene of Lactococcus lactis, which encodes an aminopeptidase P (PepP), and demonstrated that the X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase PepX plays a more important role than PepP in nitrogen nutrition. PepP shares homology with methionine aminopeptidases and could play a role in the maturation of nascent proteins.  相似文献   

We determined that the oxygen isotopic composition of cellulose synthesized by a submerged plant, Egeria densa Planch., is related to the isotopic composition of environmental water by a linear function, δ18O cellulose = 0.48 δ18O water + 24.1%‰. The observation of a slope of less than 1 indicates that a portion of cellulose oxygen is derived from an isotopically constant source other than water. We tested whether this source might be molecular oxygen by growing plants in the presence of high concentrations of 18O in the form of O2 bubbled into the bottom of an aquarium. Cellulose synthesized during this experiment did not have significantly different oxygen isotope ratios than that synthesized by control plants exposed to O2 of normal 18O abundance. We propose that oxygen in organic matter recycled from senescent portions of the plant is incorporated into cellulose. Our findings indicate that paleoclimatic models linking the oxygen isotope composition of environmental water to cellulose from fossil plants will have to be modified to account for contributions of oxygen from this or other sources besides water.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ischemia-induced changes in 31P NMR relaxation were examined in 16 piglets. NMR spectra were acquired under control conditions and during complete cerebral ischemia induced via cardiac arrest. Changes in T 1 were assessed directly in six animals during control conditions and after 30–45 min of complete ischemia when changes in brain P1 levels had reached a plateau. The T 1 for P1 did not change, i.e., 2.3 ± 0.5 s during control conditions versus 2.4 ± 1.0 s during ischemia. To evaluate phosphocreatine and ATP, two types of spectra, with a long (25-s) or short (1-s) interpulse delay time, were collected during the first 10 min of ischemia (n = 10). Both types of spectra showed the same time course of changes in phosphocreatine and ATP levels, implying that the T 1 relaxation times do not change during ischemia. There were no changes in the linewidths of phosphocreatine, ATP, or P1 during ischemia, implying that the T *2 values remain constant. Our results suggest that the 31P T 1 and T *2 for phosphocreatine, Pi, and ATP do not change during ischemia, and therefore changes in 31P NMR peak intensity accurately reflect changes in metabolite concentrations.  相似文献   

Stem cuttings were produced from Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Desiree, plants and their transgenic forms harboring rolB and rolC genes from Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Plants were cultured on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog nutrient medium (MS) and on MS supplemented with IAA or kinetin. In microtubers developed on these cuttings, we estimated the content of starch and the number and size of starch granules. Expression of rol genes changed these indices: in tubers of rolC transformants, a greater number of small granules were produced, whereas in tubers of rolB transformants, a fewer number of large granules were developed as compared with wild-type plants. Expression of rol genes did not affect starch content during the first three weeks of cutting culturing but increased it by 15–30% in five-week-old tubers. IAA addition to MS medium increased starch content and the size of starch granules in control plants and rolB tubers by 10–30%, whereas kinetin did not exert any significant influence. The effects of rol transgenes on the initiation and termination of starch granule development are discussed.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2015,10(10)
The FOXP3 gene encodes for a protein (Foxp3) involved in the development and functional activity of regulatory T cells (CD4+/CD25+/Foxp3+), which exert regulatory and suppressive roles over the immune system. After allogeneic stem cell transplantation, regulatory T cells are known to mitigate graft versus host disease while probably maintaining a graft versus leukemia effect. Short alleles (≤(GT)15) for the (GT)n polymorphism in the promoter/enhancer of FOXP3 are associated with a higher expression of FOXP3, and hypothetically with an increase of regulatory T cell activity. This polymorphism has been related to the development of auto- or alloimmune conditions including type 1 diabetes or graft rejection in renal transplant recipients. However, its impact in the allo-transplant setting has not been analyzed. In the present study, which includes 252 myeloablative HLA-identical allo-transplants, multivariate analysis revealed a lower incidence of grade III-IV acute graft versus host disease (GVHD) in patients transplanted from donors harboring short alleles (OR = 0.26, CI 0.08–0.82, p = 0.021); without affecting chronic GVHD or graft versus leukemia effect, since cumulative incidence of relapse, event free survival and overall survival rates are similar in both groups of patients.  相似文献   

CC2D1A and CC2D1B belong to the evolutionary conserved Lgd protein family with members in all multi-cellular animals. Several functions such as centrosomal cleavage, involvement in signalling pathways, immune response and synapse maturation have been described for CC2D1A. Moreover, the Drosophila melanogaster ortholog Lgd was shown to be involved in the endosomal trafficking of the Notch receptor and other transmembrane receptors and physically interacts with the ESCRT-III component Shrub/CHMP4. To determine if this function is conserved in mammals we generated and characterized Cc2d1a and Cc2d1b conditional knockout mice. While Cc2d1b deficient mice displayed no obvious phenotype, we found that Cc2d1a deficient mice as well as conditional mutants that lack CC2D1A only in the nervous system die shortly after birth due to respiratory distress. This finding confirms the suspicion that the breathing defect is caused by the central nervous system. However, an involvement in centrosomal function could not be confirmed in Cc2d1a deficient MEF cells. To analyse an influence on Notch signalling, we generated intestine specific Cc2d1a mutant mice. These mice did not display any alterations in goblet cell number, proliferating cell number or expression of the Notch reporter Hes1-emGFP, suggesting that CC2D1A is not required for Notch signalling. However, our EM analysis revealed that the average size of endosomes of Cc2d1a mutant cells, but not Cc2d1b mutant cells, is increased, indicating a defect in endosomal morphogenesis. We could show that CC2D1A and its interaction partner CHMP4B are localised on endosomes in MEF cells, when the activity of the endosomal protein VPS4 is reduced. This indicates that CC2D1A cycles between the cytosol and the endosomal membrane. Additionally, in rescue experiments in D. melanogaster, CC2D1A and CC2D1B were able to functionally replace Lgd. Altogether our data suggest a functional conservation of the Lgd protein family in the ESCRT-III mediated process in metazoans.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus SIVMne, like human immunodeficiency virus, evolves from a macrophage-tropic, non-syncytium-inducing virus at early times in infection to a T-cell-tropic, syncytium-inducing, cytopathic virus population over the course of progression to AIDS. Because the viruses isolated late in SIVMne infection of macaques include a complex mixture of variants, the viral determinants of such phenotypic changes have not been defined. To identify genetic changes that are important to virus evolution in the host, we constructed chimeric viruses by introducing variant envelope genes representative of proviruses throughout the course of infection and disease into the SIVMne parental clone (SIVMneCL8) that infected the macaque. The chimeric viruses expressed sequences encoding the surface unit of the envelope glycoprotein (Env-SU) of variants cloned between 35 and 170 weeks postinfection. The chimera with Env-SU from 35 weeks postinfection encoded only four changes in V1 compared to SIVMneCL8, whereas the chimeras encoding Env-SU from variants isolated later in infection encoded progressively more mutations both in V1 and elsewhere. Like SIVMneCL8, the chimeras were infectious for CEMx174 cells and macaque peripheral blood mononuclear cells. However, in contrast to SIVMneCL8, the chimeric viruses did not infect macaque macrophages, although each retained the ability to recognize the CCR-5 coreceptor. Thus, these data provide direct evidence that changes which evolve in Env-SU during the course of SIVMne infection do not alter CCR-5 interactions. Viruses encoding Env-SU from the latest times in infection (121 to 170 weeks postinfection), after disease was apparent, were syncytium inducing. However, these viruses were not highly cytopathic, suggesting that additional viral determinants may be required for the rapidly replicating, cytopathic phenotype of the uncloned mixed variant population. Changes in Env-SU did allow the virus to escape serum neutralizing antibodies that recognized the SIVMneCL8 parent. Moreover, the chimera encoding the Env-SU of a virus from 35 weeks postinfection, which differed from SIVMneCL8 only in V1, was not sensitive to neutralization by infected macaque sera, suggesting that V1 may define a portion of the principal neutralizing determinant for SIVMne. Together, these data suggest that SIV variants with changes in the Env-SU may be selected primarily by virtue of their ability to escape neutralizing antibody recognition.  相似文献   

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