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First-generation, E1/E3-deleted adenoviral vectors with diverse transgenes are produced routinely in laboratories worldwide for development of novel prophylactics and therapies for a variety of applications, including candidate vaccines against important infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Here, we show, for two different transgenes (both encoding malarial antigens) inserted at the E1 locus, that rare viruses containing a transgene-inactivating mutation exhibit a selective growth advantage during propagation in E1-complementing HEK293 cells, such that they rapidly become the major or sole species in the viral population. For one of these transgenes, we demonstrate that viral yield and cytopathic effect are enhanced by repression of transgene expression in the producer cell line, using the tetracycline repressor system. In addition to these transgene-inactivating mutations, one of which occurred during propagation of the pre-viral genomic clone in bacteria, and the other after viral reconstitution in HEK293 cells, we describe two other types of mutation, a small deletion and a gross rearranging duplication, in one of the transgenes studied. These were of uncertain origin, and the effects on transgene expression and viral growth were not fully characterized. We demonstrate that, together with minor protocol modifications, repression of transgene expression in HEK293 cells during viral propagation enables production of a genetically stable chimpanzee adenovirus vector expressing a malarial antigen which had previously been impossible to derive. These results have important implications for basic and pre-clinical studies using adenoviral vectors and for derivation of adenoviral vector products destined for large-scale amplification during biomanufacture.  相似文献   

Mutational mapping of a cloned adenovirus origin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have developed a standardized, quantitative assay to study the function of a cloned adenovirus origin. We have shown that the adenovirus origin is located within the first 20 bp of the adenovirus inverted terminal repetition (ITR), a region containing a sequence conserved among human, simian, murine, and avian adenoviruses. Deletions removing or penetrating from either direction into the conserved sequence inactivated the cloned adenovirus origin. A point mutation within the conserved sequence impaired the adenovirus origin, but point mutations outside the conserved sequence had no effect. These results strongly suggest that the conserved sequence within the first 20 bp of the ITR alone constitutes the adenovirus origin (ori) signal.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of a new potato virus X (PVX) strain Tula isolated by us has been determined. Based on comparison of the PVX Tula nucleotide sequence with the sequences of 12 other PVX strains, this strain was assigned to the European cluster of PVX strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the same phylogeny for both full genome sequences and nucleotide sequences of polymerase and coat protein genes, suggesting that the PVX evolution did not involve recombination between different strains. The full-size cDNA copy of the PVX Tula genome was cloned and the accumulation of the viral coat protein in infected Nicotiana benthamiana was shown to be about twofold higher than for the PVX strain UK3. Based on the PVX Tula genome, a new vector which contained the target gene instead of the removed triple transport gene block and the coat protein gene has been constructed for expression of target proteins in plants. The productivity of the new vector was about 1.5-2-fold higher than the productivity of the vector of the same structure based on the standard PVX strain genome. The new viral vector can be used for superproduction of recombinant proteins in plants.  相似文献   

人呼吸道合胞病毒(human respiratory syncytial virus, RSV)基质蛋白(matrix protein,M)在RSV形态发生上具有重要作用,因含有CTL抗原表位,在疫苗研究上具有一定意义。为此,应用RT-PCR 方法从感染RSV的HEp-2 细胞中扩增获得M蛋白基因,构建了含M基因的非复制型重组腺病毒并进行表达和鉴定。基因序列分析显示RSV M基因仅有一处碱基发生错义突变。非复制型重组腺病毒DNA分子FGAd/RSVM转染293细胞,观察到细胞出现CPE,RT-PCR发现M基因有转录,Western blotting及间接免疫荧光分析检测到M蛋白。成功克隆A亚型RSV Long株M基因,并获得一株可表达A亚型RSV M蛋白的非复制型重组腺病毒FGAd/RSVM,可用于体内研究观察其免疫效果及免疫保护作用。  相似文献   

汉滩病毒膜蛋白重组腺病毒的构建表达及免疫效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨利用腺病毒载体作为汉滩病毒基因工程疫苗载体的可行性。通过PCR扩增,得到完整的汉滩病毒76-118株M片段编码区,将该片段克隆入质粒pAdTrackCMV的CMV启动子下游,得到阳性克隆pAdTrackCMV—M。Pmel线性化的阳性克隆与腺病毒骨架载体pAdEasy—1共转化大肠杆菌BJ5183,经同源重组后得到重组病毒pAdEasy—M。pAdEasy—M经PacI线性化后,脂质体介导转染293细胞,经Western—blot检测表明,G1、G2基因在293细胞中得到表达。重组病毒免疫BALB/c小鼠,产生了具有一定中和活性的抗体。该研究为进一步研制以腺病毒为活载体的工程疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Influenza viruses are an important cause of respiratory infection worldwide. In humans, infection with seasonal influenza A virus (IAV) is generally restricted to the respiratory tract where productive infection of airway epithelial cells promotes viral amplification, dissemination, and disease. Alveolar macrophages (MΦ) are also among the first cells to detect and respond to IAV, where they play a pivotal role in mounting effective innate immune responses. In contrast to epithelial cells, IAV infection of MΦ is a “dead end” for most seasonal strains, where replication is abortive and newly synthesised virions are not released. Although the key replicative stages leading to productive IAV infection in epithelial cells are defined, there is limited knowledge about the abortive IAV life cycle in MΦ. In this review, we will explore host factors and viral elements that support the early stages (entry) through to the late stages (viral egress) of IAV replication in epithelial cells. Similarities, differences, and unknowns for each key stage of the IAV replicative cycle in MΦ will then be highlighted. Herein, we provide mechanistic insights into MΦ‐specific control of seasonal IAV replication through abortive infection, which may in turn, contribute to effective host defence.  相似文献   

In vitro replication directed by a cloned adenovirus origin   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A 5.7-kb recombinant plasmid, called XD-7, contains the terminal XbaI-E fragment from the left end of type 2 adenovirus cloned into the EcoRI site of pBR322. An average of 9% +/- 1% of input supercoiled, protein-free XD-7 DNA replicated as rolling circles with single-stranded tails ranging up to unit length and longer in reaction mixtures containing nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts from adenovirus-infected, but not uninfected, HeLa cells. The adenovirus origin was mapped on XD-7 by electron microscopy at the left boundary of the cloned adenovirus segment. Since replication proceeded rightwards, we conclude that the adenovirus l strand was displaced during replication. No origin was located at or near the EcoRI site on pBR322. Reversing the orientation of the adenovirus origin reversed the direction of replication, and deletion of the adenovirus origin abolished replication.  相似文献   

First-generation AdV enables efficient gene transduction, although its immunogenicity is an important problem in vivo. Helper-dependent AdV (HD-AdV) is one possible solution to this problem. The construction of HD-AdV requires a helper virus, in which the viral packaging domain is flanked by two inserted loxP to hamper its packaging in Cre-expressing 293 cells. Here, we constructed 19L viruses containing loxP at 191 nt from the left end of the genome upstream of the packaging domain, 15L viruses bearing loxP at 143 nt, and a control ΔL virus lacking loxP at these positions. The 19L position is used worldwide, and the 15L position has been reported to result in a lower titer than that of 19L. When the titers were compared for six pairs of 19L and 15L AdV, the 19L AdV produced titers similar to, or sometimes lower than, the 15L and ΔL AdV, unlike the results of previous reports. We next chose one pair of 15L and 19L AdV that produced titers similar to that of ΔL and a competitor AdV lacking loxP for use in a competition assay. When a small amount of the competitor AdV was co-infected, both the 15L and the 19L AdV, but not ΔL, gradually became minority components during subsequent viral passages. Therefore, the loxP insertions at 143 nt and 191 nt decreased the viral packaging efficiency.  相似文献   



The helper‐dependent (HD) adenoviral (Ad) vector relies on a helper virus to provide viral proteins for vector amplification. HD‐Ad vectors can significantly increase therapeutic gene expression and improve safety. However, the yield of an HD‐Ad vector is generally lower than that of an E1‐deleted first‐generation vector, likely due to the alterations in viral E3 or packaging regions of a helper virus that attenuate its replication and complementing for an HD‐Ad vector.


To study this question and improve HD‐Ad vector production, we have generated four different helper viruses with a wild‐type or deleted E3 region, and with a relocated loxP. We have also constructed a first‐generation vector with a wild‐type E3 region and without the loxP site. We compared the replication of these viruses in Cre‐positive and ‐negative cells and studied their complementing for HD‐Ad vector production.


Viruses with deleted E3 formed smaller plaques and produced lower titer compared with viruses containing the E3 region. The site where a loxP is inserted can also affect virus replication. Higher yield of HD‐Ad vector was obtained when a helper virus with wild‐type E3 was used. We also showed that deletion of the packaging signal in a helper virus through loxP/Cre interaction decreased the viral DNA complementing ability.


Although the E3 region is not essential for adenovirus replication in vivo, deletion of this region attenuates virus replication. Production of HD‐Ad vector can be further improved by modifications in helper virus structure. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

One of the most convenient methods for the fast and efficient production of target proteins in plants involves self-replicating recombinant viral vectors. We have constructed a plant viral vector based on the genome of the potato X virus. This vector contains the sequence of the 5′-untranslated region of RNA 4 of the alfalfa mosaic virus immediately upstream of the target gene. The incorporation of this sequence into the viral vector increases the production of the target protein by the recipient plant three- to fourfold owing to the increased efficiency of translation of viral subgenomic RNA comprising the target gene. The new vector can be used for the production of recombinant proteins in plants. Original Russian Text ? E.S. Mardanova, R.Yu. Kotlyarov, N.V. Ravin, 2009, published in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2009, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 568–571.  相似文献   

本实验室先前分别将构建的猪瘟病毒E2基因重组腺病毒疫苗(rAdV-E2)和猪瘟甲病毒复制子载体DNA疫苗(pSFV1CS-E2)在猪体上进行了免疫效力评价,结果显示,rAdV-E2免疫组所有猪虽然在加强免疫后产生了比较高的猪瘟特异性中和抗体,但攻毒后个别猪表现短期体温升高和轻微病变;而pSFV1CS-E2免疫组猪只虽然在攻毒后得到了保护,但产生的抗体水平较低。为了增强猪瘟甲病毒复制子载体疫苗和猪瘟重组腺病毒活载体疫苗的免疫效果,本研究应用了复制子载体DNA疫苗初免和重组腺病毒疫苗加强免疫的初免-加强(Prime-boost)免疫策略,并在猪体上进行了评价。结果显示,所有免疫猪均产生了高水平的猪瘟特异性的中和抗体,用猪瘟强毒攻击后,pSFV1CS-E2初免组所有猪(n=5)均没有出现任何猪瘟的临床症状和病理变化,攻毒后在猪血液中也没有检测到猪瘟病毒RNA,而重组腺病毒初免组(n=5)有一头猪出现短期发热和病毒血症及轻微病理变化。这表明初免-加强免疫策略能显著提高重组疫苗的免疫效力。  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection causes chronic liver diseases and is a global public health problem. Detailed analyses of HCV have been hampered by the lack of viral culture systems. Subgenomic replicons of the JFH1 genotype 2a strain cloned from an individual with fulminant hepatitis replicate efficiently in cell culture. Here we show that the JFH1 genome replicates efficiently and supports secretion of viral particles after transfection into a human hepatoma cell line (Huh7). Particles have a density of about 1.15-1.17 g/ml and a spherical morphology with an average diameter of about 55 nm. Secreted virus is infectious for Huh7 cells and infectivity can be neutralized by CD81-specific antibodies and by immunoglobulins from chronically infected individuals. The cell culture-generated HCV is infectious for chimpanzee. This system provides a powerful tool for studying the viral life cycle and developing antiviral strategies.  相似文献   

Formation of progeny viruses in the nuclei of HeLa cells infected with adenovirus type 5 was studied at the ultrastructural level by in situ hybridization techniques allowing specific detection of either viral double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) or single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Prior to the initiation of replication of viral genomes, infective DNA molecules which entered the nucleus of the target cell were randomly distributed among host chromatin fibers including nucleolus-associated chromatin. They were double-stranded, that is, without single-strand breaks. Such association of viral DNA with host condensed chromatin also occurred in mitosis. The initiation of viral genome replication occurred simultaneously with the appearance in the nucleoplasm of small fibrillar regions containing intermingled viral dsDNA and ssDNA. Later, at the intermediate stage of nuclear transformation, viral dsDNA and ssDNA molecules were almost entirely separated into two contiguous substructures. At this stage, viruses were observed occasionally in the vicinity of viral ssDNA accumulation sites. Still later, an additional substructure developed in the centre of the nucleus which consisted of large quantities of viral dsDNA, traces of viral ssDNA and abundant viruses. Portions of viral ssDNA were attached to some viruses even at late stage of nuclear transformation, an association which strongly suggests the occurrence of encapsidation of at least some of the viral genomes while they are still engaged in replication.  相似文献   

A new potato virus X (PVX)-based viral vector for superproduction of target proteins in plants has been constructed. The triple gene block and coat protein gene of PVX were substituted by green fluorescent protein. This reduced viral vector was delivered into plant cells by agroinjection (injection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells, carrying viral vector cDNA within T-DNA, into plant leaves), and this approach allowed to dramatically reduce the size of the vector genome. The novel vector can be used for production of different proteins including pharmaceuticals in plants.  相似文献   

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