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Recent studies have shown that the complementary analysis of mercury (Hg) concentrations and stable isotopic ratios of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) can be useful for investigating the trophic influence on the Hg exposure and accumulation in marine top predators. In this study, we propose to evaluate the interspecies variability of Hg concentrations in phocids from polar areas and to compare Hg bioaccumulation between both hemispheres. Mercury concentrations, δ15N and δ13C were measured in fur from 85 individuals representing 7 phocidae species, a Ross seal (Ommatophoca rossii), Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii), crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus), harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), grey seals (Halichoerus grypus), ringed seals (Pusa hispida) and a bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus), from Greenland, Denmark and Antarctica. Our results showed a positive correlation between Hg concentrations and δ15N values among all individuals. Seals from the Northern ecosystems displayed greater Hg concentrations, δ15N and δ13C values than those from the Southern waters. Those geographical differences in Hg and stable isotopes values were likely due to higher environmental Hg concentrations and somewhat greater number of steps in Arctic food webs. Moreover, dissimilarities in feeding habits among species were shown through δ15N and δ13C analysis, resulting in an important interspecific variation in fur Hg concentrations. A trophic segregation was observed between crabeater seals and the other species, resulting from the very specific diet of krill of this species and leading to the lowest observed Hg concentrations.  相似文献   

Feeding habits of ringed (Phoca hispida), bearded (Erignathus barbatus), spotted (Phoca largha) and ribbon (Phoca fasciata) seals and walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) were studied using stomach contents and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Bearded seals fed benthically, primarily crustaceans and mollusks. Both zooplankton and fish were significant prey for ringed seals, while fish was principal spotted seal prey. Few gastric contents were available from ribbon seals. δ15N was positively correlated with age in ribbon seals and δ13C was positively correlated with age in ringed and ribbon seals. δ15N was highest in spotted seals, in agreement with their fish-dominated diet. δ15N was not different between Alaskan-harvested ringed and bearded seals, while δ15N was lowest in ribbon seals and walrus. Carbon-13 was most enriched in bearded seals and walrus reflecting benthic ecosystem use. Canadian ringed seals were depleted in 13C compared to Alaskan pinnipeds, likely because of Beaufort Sea versus Chukchi and Bering seas influence.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of foraging location (nearshore vs offshore) and foraging latitude (high vs middle) on the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope compositions of bone collagen of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus), harbor seals (Phoca vitulina), California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), and northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris). Nearshore-foraging harbor seals from California had δ13C values 2.0‰ higher than female northern elephant seals foraging offshore at similar latitudes. Likewise, nearshore-foraging harbor seals from Alaska had values 1.7‰ higher than male northern fur seals, which forage offshore at high latitudes. Middle-latitude pinnipeds foraging in either the nearshore or offshore were 13C enriched by ∼1.0‰ over similar populations from high latitudes. Male northern elephant seals migrate between middle and high latitudes, but they had δ13C values similar to high-latitude, nearshore foragers. Female northern fur seal δ13C values were intermediate between those of high- and middle-latitude offshore foragers, reflecting their migration between high- and middle-latitude waters. The δ13C values of California sea lions were intermediate between nearshore- and offshore-foraging pinnipeds at middle latitudes, yet there was no observational support for the suggestion that they use offshore food webs. We suggest that their “intermediate” values reflect migration between highly productive and less-productive, nearshore ecosystems on the Pacific coasts of California and Mexico. The relative uniformity among all of these pinnipeds in δ15N values, which are strongly sensitive to trophic level, reveals that the carbon isotope patterns result from differences in the δ13C of organic carbon at the base of the food web, rather than differences in trophic structure, among these regions. Finally, the magnitude and direction of the observed nearshore-offshore and high-to middle-latitude differences in δ13C values suggest that these gradients may chiefly reflect differences in rates and magnitudes of phytoplankton production as well as the δ13C value of inorganic carbon available for photosynthesis, rather than the input of 13C-enriched macroalgal carbon to nearshore food webs. Received: 8 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 February 1999  相似文献   

Aerial surveys were conducted in 1999 and 2000 to estimate the densities of ringed (Phoca hispida) and bearded (Erignathus barbatus) seals in the eastern Chukchi Sea. Survey lines were focused mainly on the coastal zone within 37 km of the shoreline, with additional lines flown 148–185 km offshore to assess how densities of seals changed as a function of distance from shore. Satellite-linked time-depth recorders were attached to ringed seals in both years to evaluate the time spent basking on the ice surface. Haulout patterns indicated that ringed seals transitioned to basking behavior in late May and early June, and that the largest proportion of seals (60–68%) was hauled out between 0830 and 1530 local solar time. Ringed seals were relatively common in nearshore fast ice and pack ice, with lower densities in offshore pack ice. The average density of ringed seals was 1.91 seals km−2 in 1999 (range 0.37–16.32) and 1.62 seals km−2 in 2000 (range 0.42–19.4), with the highest densities of ringed seals found in coastal waters south of Kivalina and near Kotzebue Sound. The estimated abundance of ringed seals for the entire study area was similar in 1999 (252,488 seals, SE=47,204) and 2000 (208,857 seals, SE=25,502). Bearded seals were generally more common in offshore pack ice, with the exception of high bearded seal numbers observed near the shore south of Kivalina. Bearded seal densities were not adjusted for haulout behavior, and therefore, abundance was not estimated. Unadjusted average bearded seal density was 0.07 seals km−2 in 1999 (range 0.011–0.393) and 0.14 seals km−2 in 2000 (range 0.009–0.652). Levels of primary productivity, benthic biomass, and fast ice distribution may influence the distributions of ringed and bearded seals in the Chukchi Sea. Information on movement and haulout behavior of ringed and bearded seals would be very useful for designing future surveys.  相似文献   

Lake Taihu is a large, shallow, and eutrophic lake in China. It has provided local communities with valuable fisheries for centuries, but little is known of the trophodynamics, or of its faunal communities. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition was used to assess its trophic pathways and the food web structure [food sources and trophic levels (TL)]. Basal food sources were distinguishable based on their δ13C values, ranging from −27.2 to −15.2‰. Consumers were also well separated in δ13C (−26.9 to −17.9‰ for invertebrates and −25.7 to −18.1‰ for fishes), which allowed for an effective discrimination of carbon sources between these fauna. An average trophic enrichment factor of 3.4‰ was used to calculate the TLs based on δ15N of zooplankton, with results indicating a food web having four TLs. Although δ15N values overlap and cover a large range within trophic compartments, the isotopic signatures of the species assessed revealed a general trend of 15N enrichment with increasing TL. Stable isotope signatures were also used to establish a general food web scheme in which five main trophic pathways were analyzed.  相似文献   

Diverse populations of invertebrates constitute the food web in detritus layers of a forest floor. Heterogeneity in trophic interactions within such a species-rich community food web may affect the dynamic properties of biological communities such as stability. To examine the vertical heterogeneity in trophic interactions among invertebrates in litter and humus layers, we studied differences in species composition and variations in carbon and nitrogen stable-isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) using community-wide metrics of the forest floors of temperate broadleaf forests in Japan. The species composition differed between the two layers, and the invertebrates in the litter layer were generally larger than those in the humus layer, suggesting that these layers harbored separate food webs based on different basal resources. However, the δ13C of invertebrates, an indicator of differences in the basal resources of community food webs, did not provide evidence for separate food webs between layers even though plant-derived organic matter showed differences in stable-isotope ratios according to decomposition state. The minimum δ15N of invertebrates also did not differ between layers, suggesting sharing of food by detritivores from the two layers at lower trophic levels. The maximum and range of δ15N were greater in the humus layer, suggesting more trophic transfers (probably involving microorganisms) than in the litter layer and providing circumstantial evidence for weak trophic interactions between layers at higher trophic levels. Thus, the invertebrate community food web was not clearly compartmentalized between the detrital layers but still showed a conspicuous spatial (vertical) heterogeneity in trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Regional food web studies that fail to account for small-scale isotopic variability can lead to a mismatch between an organism’s inferred and true trophic position. Misinterpretation of trophic status may result, substantially limiting spatial and temporal comparability of food web studies. We sampled several carbon sources and consumers in a nested design to assess the variability of food web members across small spatial scales (100 s of m to several km) in regions around the Windmill Islands and Vestfold Hills in East Antarctica. For carbon sources, δ13C in sea ice POM was particularly variable between locations (km apart) and between sites (100 s of m apart) with replicate samples varying by up to 16‰. Macroalgae δ13C was less variable (replicate samples ranging up to 6.9‰ for the red alga Iridaea cordata), yet still differed between locations. Sediment POM and pelagic POM were the least variable, displaying minimal differences between locations or sites for δ13C and δ15N. Three out of eight consumers were significantly different between locations for δ13C, and five out of eight for δ15N, with the fish Trematomus bernacchii the most variable for both δ13C and δ15N. At smaller scales, the amphipod Paramorea walkeri showed significant variation between sites in δ13C but not in δ15N. We attribute small-scale variability to the dynamic physical environment for carbon sources in coastal systems and a close coupling of diet to habitat for consumers. We highlight the need to account for small-scale spatial variation in sampling designs for regional food web studies.  相似文献   

Four species of pagophilic phocid seals in the Western Arctic—bearded (Erignathus barbatus), ringed (Phoca hispida), ribbon (Phoca fasciata), and spotted (Phoca largha)—are particularly vulnerable to arctic warming trends. Documenting diet composition over time is one way in which the flexibility of a species, in the face of broad ecosystem changes, can be measured. Because the fatty acid (FA) composition of depot lipids has long been known to reflect diet, we analysed the FA composition of blubber samples collected from bearded (n = 30), ringed (n = 15), ribbon (n = 32) and spotted seals (n = 24). All animals were taken near Little Diomede Island in May and June 2003, providing a unique opportunity to study interspecies differences with minimal effects of spatial and temporal variation. Bearded seal FA composition was significantly different from all other seals (P < 0.001 in all cases), ringed seal FA composition was significantly different from that of both ribbon and spotted seals (P < 0.001), but ribbon and spotted seal FA compositions could not be distinguished from each other. Overall, the blubber FA compositions of ribbon, ringed and spotted seals implied diets dominated by pelagic prey. Inferences we made about current diets of bearded and ringed seals suggest that certain prey important to them in this area in the 1970s remain important today, despite notable changes in the ecosystem. We believe that blubber FA analysis will be a useful tool in assessing the response of ice-associated pinnipeds and their ecosystem to changes associated with arctic warming.  相似文献   

Domoic acid (DA) and saxitoxin (STX)-producing algae are present in Alaskan seas, presenting exposure risks to marine mammals that may be increasing due to climate change. To investigate potential increases in exposure risks to four pagophilic ice seal species (Erignathus barbatus, bearded seals; Pusa hispida, ringed seals; Phoca largha, spotted seals; and Histriophoca fasciata, ribbon seals), this study analyzed samples from 998 seals harvested for subsistence purposes in western and northern Alaska during 2005–2019 for DA and STX. Both toxins were detected in bearded, ringed, and spotted seals, though no clinical signs of acute neurotoxicity were reported in harvested seals. Bearded seals had the highest prevalence of each toxin, followed by ringed seals. Bearded seal stomach content samples from the Bering Sea showed a significant increase in DA prevalence with time (logistic regression, p = .004). These findings are consistent with predicted northward expansion of DA-producing algae. A comparison of paired samples taken from the stomachs and colons of 15 seals found that colon content consistently had higher concentrations of both toxins. Collectively, these results suggest that ice seals, particularly bearded seals (benthic foraging specialists), are suitable sentinels for monitoring HAB prevalence in the Pacific Arctic and subarctic.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) often have unique values among lake habitats (e.g. benthic, littoral, pelagic), providing a widely used tool for measuring the structure and energy flow in aquatic food webs. However, there has been little recognition of the spatial and temporal variabilities of these isotopes within habitats of aquatic ecosystems. To address this, δ13C and δ15N were measured in seston, zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and young-of-year (YOY) yellow (Perca flavescens), and white perch (Morone americana) collected from four sites across the offshore habitat of the western basin of Lake Erie during June–September 2009. Values of δ13C and δ15N showed significant spatial and temporal variations, with month accounting for >50% of the variation, for both stable isotopes and all the species except seston. Such variation in isotope values has the potential to significantly influence or confound interpretation of stable isotopes in measures, such as trophic position (TP) which use lower trophic level organisms as their baseline. For example, TP was found to vary up to 0.7 for yellow and white perch (TP = δ15Nfish − δ15Nzebra mussel/diet-tissue fractionation factor) depending on the zebra mussel data used (e.g., from a different location or a different collection month). As the use of stable isotopes continues to move from qualitative to more quantitative measures of trophic structure, food web research must recognize the importance of stable isotopes' variability in lower trophic level organisms, especially in large lake systems.  相似文献   

Trophic patterns of omnivorous freshwater shrimps, Exopalaemon modestus and Macrobrachium nipponensis, were investigated in two shallow eutrophic lakes by using stable isotope analysis. δ15N and δ13C of M. nipponensis and E. modestus increased with increasing body weight, which might be attributed to larger individuals ingesting organisms that feed higher up the food chain and/or increased assimilation of benthic food items with enriched isotopic signatures. Of the freshwater shrimps occurring in the studied lakes, those from Lake Taihu had significantly elevated δ15N and δ13C values (4.3‰ and 1.8‰, respectively) compared with those from the less eutrophic Lake Chaohu, indicating that the isotopic signature might partially reflect the trophic states of their habitats. Mixing model results suggested that the benthic food web provides the primary carbon source for both shrimp species, and that E. modestus assimilated relatively more pelagic food sources than M. nipponensis in these lakes. Handling editor: S. Wellekens  相似文献   

Little is known about the prevalence of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii in the arctic marine food chain of Svalbard, Norway. In this study, plasma samples were analyzed for T. gondii antibodies using a direct agglutination test. Antibody prevalence was 45.6% among polar bears (Ursus maritimus), 18.7% among ringed seals (Pusa hispida) and 66.7% among adult bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) from Svalbard, but no sign of antibodies were found in bearded seal pups, harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), white whales (Delphinapterus leucas) or narwhals (Monodon monoceros) from the same area. Prevalence was significantly higher in male polar bears (52.3%) compared with females (39.3%), likely due to dietary differences between the sexes. Compared to an earlier study, T. gondii prevalence in polar bears has doubled in the past decade. Consistently, an earlier study on ringed seals did not detect T. gondii. The high recent prevalence in polar bears, ringed seals and bearded seals could be caused by an increase in the number or survivorship of oocysts being transported via the North Atlantic Current to Svalbard from southern latitudes. Warmer water temperatures have led to influxes of temperate marine invertebrate filter-feeders that could be vectors for oocysts and warmer water is also likely to favour higher survivorship of oocycts. However, a more diverse than normal array of migratory birds in the Archipelago recently, as well as a marked increase in cruise-ship and other human traffic are also potential sources of T. gondii.  相似文献   

Arctic ecosystem dynamics are shifting in response to warming temperatures and sea ice loss. Such ecosystems may be monitored by examining the diet of upper trophic level species, which varies with prey availability. To assess interannual variation in the Beaufort Sea ecosystem, we examined spatial and temporal trends in ringed seal (Pusa hispida) δ13C and δ15N in claw growth layers grown from 1964 to 2011. Stable isotopes were correlated with climate indices, environmental conditions, seal population productivity, and geographic location. Sex and age did not influence stable isotopes. Enriched 13C was linked to cyclonic circulation regimes, seal productivity, and westward sampling locations. Higher δ15N was linked to lower sea surface temperatures, a higher percentage of pups in the subsistence harvest, and sample locations that were eastward and further from shore. From the 1960s to 2000s, ringed seal niche width expanded, suggesting a diversification of diet due to expansion of prey and/or seal space use. Overall, trends in ringed seal stable isotopes indicate changes within the Beaufort Sea ecosystem affected by water temperatures and circulation regimes. We suggest that continued monitoring of upper trophic level species will yield insights into changing ecosystem structure with climate change.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) are used to study the trophic structure of food web in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea ecosystem. The trophic continuum of pelagic food web from phytoplankton to top preyer was elementarily established, and a trophic structure diagram in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea was outlined in combination with carbon isotopic data of benthic organisms, which is basically consistent with and makes some improvements on the simplified Yellow Sea food web and the trophic structure diagram drawn based on the biomass of main resource population during 1985–1986. This result indicates that the stable isotope method is a potential useful means for further studying the complete marine food web trophic continuum from viruses to top predators and food web stability.  相似文献   

Recent unidirectional climatic trends and changes in top predator population ecology suggest that long-term modifications may be happening in Hudson Bay, Canada. Effects of such changes on ice-obligated seal populations are expected but long-term studies are required to differentiate climate-induced changes from natural variation. We conducted strip-transect surveys in late spring in 1995–1997, 1999–2000 and 2007–2008 to estimate distribution, density and abundance of ice-obligated ringed (Phoca hispida) and bearded (Erignathus barbatus) seals in western Hudson Bay. When hauled out, ringed seals preferred land-fast and consolidated pack ice, whereas bearded seals preferred unconsolidated pack ice. Bearded and ringed seal density estimates varied from 0.0036 to 0.0229 seals/km2 of ice and from 0.46 to 1.60 seals/km2 of ice, respectively. Strong inter-annual variations were recorded in the abundance estimates of both species, with the largest abundance estimates in 1995 (104,162 and 1,494 ringed and bearded seals, respectively) and the lowest in 2008 for ringed seals (33,701) and 1997 for bearded seals (278). A sine function best described seal density estimates in western Hudson Bay and suggested a decadal cycle. Previous studies that reported low ringed seal demographic parameters in the 1990s and a recovery in the 2000s supported our interpretation of the survey results. We discuss our results in the context of climate warming and suggest that a long-term decline in ice-obligated seal density estimates may overlay a possible natural decadal cycle.  相似文献   

Food web structure regulates the pathways and flow rates of energy, nutrients, and contaminants to top predators. Ecologically and physiologically meaningful biochemical tracers provide a means to characterize and quantify these transfers within food webs. In this study, changes in the ratios of stable N isotopes (e.g., δ15N), fatty acids (FA), and persistent contaminants were used to trace food web pathways utilized by herring gulls (Larus argentatus) breeding along the shores of the St Lawrence River, Canada. Egg δ15N values varied significantly among years and were used as an indicator of gull trophic position. Temporal trends in egg δ15N values were related to egg FA profiles. In years when egg δ15N values were greater, egg FA patterns reflected the consumption of more aquatic prey. Egg δ15N values were also correlated with annual estimates of prey fish abundance. These results indicated that temporal changes in aquatic prey availability were reflected in the gull diet (as inferred from ecological tracer profiles in gull eggs). Analysis of individual eggs within years confirmed that birds consuming more aquatic prey occupied higher trophic positions. Furthermore, increases in trophic position were associated with increased concentrations of most persistent organic contaminants in eggs. However, levels of highly brominated polybrominated diphenyl ether congeners, e.g, 2,2′,3,3′,4,4′,5,5′,6,6′-decabromoDE (BDE-209), showed a negative relationship with trophic position. These contrasting findings reflected differences among contaminant groups/homologs in terms of their predominant routes of transfer, i.e., aquatic versus terrestrial food webs. High trophic level omnivores, e.g., herring gulls, are common in food webs. By characterizing ecological tracer profiles in such species we can better understand spatial, temporal, and individual differences in pathways of contaminant, energy, and nutrient flow.  相似文献   

The food webs of rocky infra-littoral ecosystems in the Mediterranean have been little studied. In this investigation stable isotopes and dietary data were compared in an attempt to describe features of the food webs concerned. δ13C and δ15N were determined for plants, invertebrates and fishes from the Bay of Calvi, Corsica. Dietary data were derived from the literature. δ13C of plants ranged from –8.59‰ to –33.74‰, of benthic invertebrates from –17.0‰ to –20.52‰, of planktonic invertebrates from –20.08‰ to –22.34‰ and of fishes from –16.27‰ to –19.59‰. δ15N was generally greater at higher trophic levels. δ15N of plants was 0.95–2.92‰, of benthic invertebrates 1.69–6.54‰, of planktonic invertebrates 3.51–6.82‰ and of fishes 4.63–9.77‰. 13C enrichment tended to be associated with benthic food chains and 13C depletion with planktonic chains. Stable-isotope data suggested more varied diets for many species than implied by gut-contents data. Omnivory and trophic plasticity were widespread, and many consumers fed lower down the food chain than previous studies had suggested. Both stable-isotope and gut-contents analysis resolved differences between fishes feeding on planktonic and benthic prey and indicated that the herbivorous fish Sarpa salpa fed on a diet substantially different from that of other fishes. Zooplankton were important in the diets of several consumers (both primary and secondary), as was plankton derived detritus. One species of fish previously identified as planktivorous was shown to feed largely on benthic organisms, whilst several species of benthic invertebrates may feed on plankton-derived detritus. Although herbivores seemed to obtain most of their C from macroalgae, δ15N data suggested that many of these animals supplemented their intake of N, although gut-contents analysis did not provide evidence for such uptake. The isotopic data have elucidated several features of the food web which we would not otherwise have detected. Received: 26 April 1999 / Accepted: 24 September 1999  相似文献   

Size-related diet shifts are important characteristics of fish trophodynamics. Here, body size–related changes in muscle δ15N and δ13C of four coral reef fishes, Acanthurus nigrofuscus (herbivore), Chaetodon lunulatus (corallivore), Chromis xanthura (planktivore) and Plectropomus leopardus (piscivore) were investigated at two locations in the Solomon Islands. All four species occupied distinct isotopic niches and the concurrent δ13C′ values of C. xanthura and P. leopardus suggested a common planktonic production source. Size-related shifts in δ15N, and thus trophic level, were observed in C. xanthura, C. lunulatus and P. leopardus, and these trends varied between location, indicating spatial differences in trophic ecology. A literature review of tropical fishes revealed that positive δ15N-size trends are common while negative δ15N-size trends are rare. Size-δ15N trends fall into approximately equal groups representing size-based feeding within a food chain, and that associated with a basal resource shift and occurs in conjunction with changes in production source, indicated by δ13C. The review also revealed large scale differences in isotope-size trends and this, combined with small scale location differences noted earlier, highlights a high degree of plasticity in the reef fishes studied. This suggests that trophic size analysis of reef fishes would provide a productive avenue to identify species potentially vulnerable to reef impacts as a result of constrained trophic behaviour.  相似文献   

Sympatric harbour (Phoca vitulina) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) are increasingly considered potential competitors, especially since recent local declines in harbour seal numbers while grey seal numbers remained stable or increased at their European core distributions. A better understanding of the interactions between these species is critical for conservation efforts. This study aimed to identify the trophic niche overlap between harbour and grey seals at the southern limit of their European range, in the Baie de Somme (BDS, Eastern English Channel, France), where numbers of resident harbour seals and visiting grey seals are increasing exponentially. Dietary overlap was identified from scat contents using hierarchical clustering. Isotopic niche overlap was quantified using δ13C and δ15N isotopic values from whiskers of 18 individuals, by estimating isotopic standard ellipses with a novel hierarchical model developed in a Bayesian framework to consider both intraindividual variability and interindividual variability. Foraging areas of these individuals were identified from telemetry data. The three independent approaches provided converging results, revealing a high trophic niche overlap due to consumption of benthic flatfish. Two diet clusters were dominated by either small or large benthic flatfish; these comprised 85.5% [CI95%: 80.3%–90.2%] of harbour seal scats and 46.8% [35.1%–58.4%] of grey seal scats. The narrower isotopic niche of harbour seals was nested within that of grey seals (58.2% [22.7%–100%] overlap). Grey seals with isotopic values similar to harbour seals foraged in coastal waters close to the BDS alike harbour seals did, suggesting the niche overlap may be due to individual grey seal strategies. Our findings therefore provide the basis for potential competition between both species (foraging on benthic flatfish close to the BDS). We suggest that a continued increase in seal numbers and/or a decrease in flatfish supply in this area could cause/amplify competitive interactions and have deleterious effects on harbour seal colonies.  相似文献   

The diets and trophic interactions among Weddell, crabeater, Ross, and leopard seals in the eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica, were investigated by the use of stable isotope techniques during the 1999–2000 summer seasons. The 13C and 15N values in seal serum clearly distinguished the three Antarctic pack-ice seal species at different trophic positions (Weddell>Ross>crabeater). These patterns appeared to reflect a close linkage to their known foraging ecology and diving behaviors, and agreed well with their presumed dietary diversity. The more enriched 13C and 15N values in male Weddell seals than those in females suggested differences in foraging preferences between them. Significant differences in 15N were also found among different age groups of Weddell seals. A strong correlation between the C:N ratios and serum cholesterol was probably due to extremely high cholesterol levels in phocids. Comparisons of isotope data with harbor seals revealed distinct differences between Antarctic phocids and the northern seal species.  相似文献   

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