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A plate agglutination method was developed to test sera from free-ranging snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) captured in Alaska (USA) or Alberta (Canada) for antibody against Actinobacillus capsulatus. Antiserum against A. capsulatus was prepared in a domestic rabbit. A concentrated suspension of formalin-killed A. capsulatus was prepared for use as an antigen. Serum antibody prevalence for hares was 98 of 239 (41%) in Alaska and 51 of 111 (46%) in Alberta. Prevalence in Alaska peaked in 1981 corresponding to a peak in hare population density. Seasonal prevalence peaked in May in Alaska. Prevalence at one capture site in Alaska was significantly higher than at four other sites. There was no difference in sex-specific prevalence for either Alaska or Alberta.  相似文献   

Sera from snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) trapped near Rochester, Alberta, Canada were tested for Powassan virus antibody by the constant virus/serum dilution neutralization test. Of 1264 serum samples tested, 137 had an antibody titer of at least 1:4 for Powassan virus. Ten hares were inoculated with Powassan virus in the laboratory. Viremia lasted 4-5 days and ceased with the appearance of Powassan antibody in the serum. Neutralizing antibody reached a peak titer of 1:119 on day 15 post-inoculation and was still detectable 13 months post-inoculation.  相似文献   

Summary Mature growth-phase internodes of Alaska paper birch (Betula resinifera) are preferred by the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) over juvenile growth-phase internodes due to the low food value of the latter. While the mature over juvenile preferencec cannot be explained by the levels of inorganic nutrients or gross chemical fractions (resins or phenols), it can be explained by the striking differences in secondary metabolites of the two growth phases. The principle compound which renders the juvenile phase internodes unpalatable is papyriferic acid, a triterpene which is a demonstrated feeding deterrent to snowshoe hares and which is present in juvenile internodes at concentrations 25 times greater than those in mature internodes.  相似文献   

Prevalence and intensity of the tick, Haemaphysalis leporispalustris, were monitored during 1963 to 1976 in a cyclic snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) population near Rochester, Alberta, Canada. Prevalence was near zero from December through March, and near 100% among adult hares from May through September. Prevalence among juvenile hares approached 100% by age 2 mo. Intensity peaked for both adults and juveniles during May-June and again in August. Mean intensities were significantly higher among adult males than adult females in 5 of 13 yr, and almost significant in two others. Tick intensities were lowest during 3 yr, 1969 to 1971, when hare densities were highest. Tick intensities in spring were correlated with intensities the previous fall. Survival of marked adult and juvenile hares was unrelated to intensities of infestation. Mean numbers of corpora lutea and embryos tended to be lower among adult females with heavy tick infestations, and intra-uterine losses rose steadily from about 3 to 13% as tick intensities increased from none to heavy. Comparison of average tick intensities on adults 1-, 2-, and greater than or equal to 3-yr-old yielded no evidence of increased immunity with age.  相似文献   

Spatial population structure has important ecological and evolutionary consequences. Little is known about the population structure of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), despite their ecological importance in North American boreal forests. We used seven variable microsatellite DNA loci to determine the spatial genetic structure of snowshoe hares near Kluane Lake, Yukon during a cyclic population peak. We sampled 317 hares at 12 sites separated by distances ranging from 3 to 140 km, and used 46 additional samples from Alaska and Montana. The level of genetic variation was high (13.4 alleles/locus, 0.67 expected heterozygosity) and the distribution of alleles and genotypes was not homogeneous across the sites. The degree of differentiation was low among Yukon sites (FST = 0.015) and between Yukon and Alaska (FST = 0.012), but the Montana site was highly differentiated (FST = 0.20). A weak pattern of isolation by distance was found over the Yukon study area, with an indication that local genetic drift may be important in shaping the regional genetic structure. Landscape barriers expected to influence gene flow did not consistently affect genetic structure, although there was evidence for a partial barrier effect of Kluane Lake. The high level of inferred gene flow confirms that snowshoe hare dispersal is widespread, successful and equal between the sexes. A stepping-stone model of gene flow, potentially influenced by the synchronous density cycle, appears to best explain the observed genetic structure. Our results suggest that despite their dramatic fluctuations in density, snowshoe hares in the northern boreal forest have a large evolutionary effective population size and are not strongly subdivided by either physical or social barriers to gene flow.  相似文献   

Protostrongylus (Pulmostrongylus) pulmonalis from Lepus europaeus in Italy (Alto Adige) was studied. Most of the parasite population showed the typical morphology described for this species. Variations observed in the morphological features of gubernaculum, antero-lateral ray and telamon are considered to lie within the range of variability of the species. This is the first record of Protostrongylus (Pul.) pulmonalis in hares in Italy.  相似文献   

Allozyme variability of 91 brown hares (Lepus europaeus) from seven regions in Greece was compared to existing data of Bulgarian populations to test the hypothesis of the occurrence of specific alleles in Greece, likely stemming from an isolated Late Pleistocene refugial population in the southern Balkans. This hypothesis is particularly suggested by some subfossil Late Pleistocene hare remains in Greece and the reported high mtDNA diversity in Greek hares. Allozymic diversity could be higher in Greek hares than in hares from neighboring regions as a result of the accumulation of variants in a long-lasting Pleistocene refugium. Conversely, Greek hares could exhibit reduced genetic diversity because of long-lasting low effective population sizes during the Late Glacial Maximum and a lower chance of postglacial gene flow from other populations into this rather marginal part in the southern Balkans. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of proteins from 35~loci revealed three alleles (Es-1 –162, Pep-2 114, Mpi 88) at low frequencies, which were not found in Bulgarian or any other brown hare population. In contrast, some alleles from the populations from Bulgaria and other regions of Europe were absent in the Greek samples. Population genetic statistics indicated only a slight tendency of increased gene pool diversity in Greek hares, little substructuring in Greek and Bulgarian populations, respectively, as well as an only slightly lower level of gene flow between the two neighboring regions, as compared to the gene flow within each region. The results conform to the hypothesis of a Late Pleistocene refugial population in the southern Balkans, with some few specific nuclear gene pool characteristics, but little effect on the overall genetic differentiation between Greek and Bulgarian hares.  相似文献   

The occurrence of tularemia was studied in 1,500 hares submitted to the National Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden for postmortem examination during 1973 through 1985. A total of 109 tularemia cases was recorded based on the fluorescent antibody (FA) test for Francisella tularensis and on the gross and microscopic pathology. Tularemia was diagnosed only in the varying hare (Lepus timidus) and not in the European brown hare (Lepus europaeus). The geographical distribution of the 109 cases indicates that tularemia has not spread in Sweden during the last 45 yr, with the exception of an endemic occurrence of the disease on the island of Stora Karls? in the Baltic sea. The disease was most frequent in the autumn and only a few cases were recorded during winter. Cases were not seen in the spring. The annual prevalence varied, with several cases in 1974 and 1981, but there were no cases in 1976 and 1980. The postmortem findings in hares dying of tularemia in the autumn were characterized by focal coagulative necrosis in liver, spleen and bone marrow, with high numbers of bacteria FA-positive for F. tularensis. In hares dying during winter months, the most characteristic findings were hemorrhagic enteritis and typhlitis, although necrotic lesions could occur in liver, spleen and bone marrow. Diseased hares on the island of Stora Karls? were demonstrated to be infected with ticks, while hares on the mainland of Sweden generally were fed upon by mosquitoes. Twenty-six of the 109 hares with tularemia were examined bacteriologically and F. tularensis biovar palaearctica was isolated from eight. The lung extract antibody test for F. tularensis was performed in 18 of the 109 hares. All were negative. In addition to the field study, an experimental study with F. tularensis biovar palaearctica was performed. Four varying hares and three European brown hares were inoculated. None of the hares died from tularemia, and generalized infection was not demonstrated.  相似文献   

Seasonal acclimatization in varying hare (Lepus americanus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

John P. Bryant 《Oikos》2003,102(1):25-32
In boreal forests, browsing by mammals on winter-dormant twigs increases leaf nitrogen, leaf greenness, and leaf size. This suggests browsing reduces competition among meristems for mineral nutrients, and in particular, competition for nitrogen. Winter browsing also reduces the shoot carbohydrate reserves used by leaves to produce condensed tannin. These effects of winter browsing are predicted to improve the nutritional value of leaves for mammals because they increase the mass of digestible nitrogen in leaves. This hypothesis was tested using Alaska feltleaf willow and the snowshoe hare as the experimental system. Six in vivo indicators of leaf nutritional quality were used to compare leaves from winter-browsed plants with leaves from unbrowsed plants. The indicators used were dry matter intake, nitrogen intake, condensed tannin intake, dry matter digestibility, apparent digestibility of nitrogen and nitrogen retention. The results obtained were in agreement with the above hypothesis. In early summer, at the time snowshoe hares and other northern herbivores reproduce, hares fed leaves from browsed plants consumed more nitrogen, digested more of the nitrogen they consumed, and retained more of the nitrogen they digested than did hares fed leaves from unbrowsed plants. The high nitrogen content and low tannin content of leaves from browsed plants may explain this browsing caused increase in leaf nutritional value. How these positive effects of winter browsing on snowshoe hare nutrition at the time of reproduction might affect hare population dynamics are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a new method for the sex determination of tissue originating from Oryctolagus cuniculus (European rabbit), Lepus europaeus (European brown hare) and Lepus timidus (mountain hare) based on PCR-RFLP analysis of point mutations that differentiate the ZFX and ZFY gene sequences. Among several applications, this PCR-RFLP method could be used to investigate gender ratio and evaluate the population dynamics of these species using samples collected when sex cannot be identified.  相似文献   

Information on reproductive biology of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) in different environmental and landscape conditions comprises part of fundamental knowledge regarding species’ adaptive responses as well as many aspects of its biology. Most of the studies conducted on European hare reproduction are confined to midlatitude and northern populations, whereas no data exist on the indigenous southern populations. Here, we present information on reproductive characteristics of European hares inhabiting Mediterranean ecosystems on the island of Crete, Greece for two successive hunting seasons. Although the annual reproductive cycle of the species is well known, with an autumn sexual inactivity, the duration of this period is subjected to fluctuations in different years and for different areas. According to our data, hare populations of Crete present an autumn–early winter reproductive activity with high proportions of pregnant females observed in all the months of the study. Furthermore, the estimated mean litter size (1.54 SE ± 0.07) while signed to the lowest values ever observed for European hares is similar to values obtained in continuous breeding species of the same genus, Lepus granatensis, Lepus corsicanus, Lepus (capensis) mediterraneus, and Lepus capensis also inhabiting warm climates. In conclusion, our results suggest that Cretan European hare populations exhibit a reproductively active period during autumn–early winter where proportions of pregnant females and litter size give a strong indication of a continuous reproduction throughout the year.  相似文献   

In this study, activity patterns of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) were analyzed during winter using global positioning system (GPS) collars on 24 hares in two study areas located in central Italy. We programmed the collars to collect 12 location points per day, for a duration of three months. Results show two distinct phases of activities related to the day–night cycle. The daytime phase is characterized by inactivity at the form while the second phase is characterized by movements. Males were more active than females, showing a constant locomotor activity during the whole night. Females showed two peaks of activity during the night with a reduction in the middle of this time period. The comparison between females of the two study areas showed difference in interfix distance in particular around sunset and sunrise. In fact the minimum daily movement between the two areas shows that foraging sites of area B are more distant than those of area A. The recent possibility to apply GPS collars on small–medium mammals provides a powerful instrument to study the behavioral ecology of the European hare, and consequently promote an effective population management strategy for the species conservation.  相似文献   

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