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An increasing number of synthetic compounds have been shown to facilitate ion and polar molecule transport across bilayer membranes. Most notably, recent advances in anion transport have yielded synthetic chloride channels and phospholipid translocases. Attention has also turned to the ability of short amino acid sequences to transport peptides and proteins across cellular membranes.  相似文献   

The effect of polyamines on the kinetics of Ca2+- and Mg2+-mediated membrane fusion was studied by following the intermixing of the contents of vesicles composed of phosphatidate/phosphatidylserine/ phosphatidylethanolamine/cholesterol (1:2:3:2). Addition of polyamines at specific concentration ranging from 40 to 400 μM promoted aggregation of the vesicles. In addition, low levels of spermine (50–100 μM) enhanced both Ca2+ - and Mg2+-mediated fusion. The initial fusion rate of this membrane system increased more than 200-fold when fusion was initiated by Ca2+ after 5 min pre-incubation of vesicles with 50 μM spermine. These results indicate that in addition to their other known effects on cellular metabolism, polyamines may be involved in modulating intracellular membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Polyamines decrease Escherichia coli outer membrane permeability.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The permeability of the outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria to hydrophilic compounds is mostly due to the presence of porin channels. We tested the effects of four polyamines (putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, and spermine) on two processes known to depend on intact porin function: fluxes of beta-lactam antibiotics in live cells and chemotaxis. In both cases, inhibition was observed. Measurements of the rate of permeation of cephaloridine and of chemotaxis in swarm plates and capillary assays were used to determine the concentration dependence of this modulation. The effective concentration ranges depended on the nature of the polyamine and varied from submillimolar for spermine to tens of millimolar for cadaverine. Both OmpC and OmpF porins were inhibited, although the effects on OmpC appeared to be milder. These results are in agreement with our observations that polyamines inhibit porin-mediated ion fluxes in electrophysiological experiments, and they suggest that a low-affinity polyamine binding site might exist in these porins. These results reveal the potential use of porins as targets for blocking agents and suggest that polyamines may act as endogenous modulators of outer membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Membrane transporters are essential for fundamental cellular functions and normal physiological processes. These molecules influence drug absorption and distribution, and play key roles in drug therapeutic effects. A primary goal of current research in drug discovery and development is to fully understand the interaction between transporters and drugs at both system level and individual level for personalized therapy. Pharmacogenomics studies the genetic basis of the individual variations in response to drug therapy, whereas systems biology provides the understanding of biological processes at the system level. The integration of pharmacogenomics with systems biology in membrane transporter study is necessary to solve complex problems in diseases and drug effects. Such integration provides insight to key issues of pharmacogenomics and systems biology of membrane transporters. These key issues include the correlations between structure and function, genotype and phenotype, and systematic interactions between different transporters, between transporters and other proteins, and between transporters and drugs. The exploration in these key issues may ultimately contribute to the personalized medicine with high efficacy but less toxicity, which is the overall goal of pharmacogenomics and systems biology.  相似文献   

The ability to clone and functionally express genes encoding membrane transporters in Leishmania and related parasitic protozoa has illuminated the processes whereby these parasites acquire nutrients from their hosts. It is now possible to probe the physiological functions of these permeases and investigate their role in drug delivery and resistance.  相似文献   

Membrane transporters and receptors often rely on conserved hydrogen bonds to assemble transient paths for ion transfer or long-distance conformational couplings. For transporters and receptors that use proton binding and proton transfer for function, inter-helical hydrogen bonds of titratable protein sidechains that could change protonation are of central interest to formulate hypotheses about reaction mechanisms. Knowledge of hydrogen bonds common at sites of potential interest for proton binding could thus inform and guide studies on functional mechanisms of protonation-coupled membrane proteins. Here we apply graph-theory approaches to identify hydrogen-bond motifs of carboxylate and histidine sidechains in a large data set of static membrane protein structures. We find that carboxylate-hydroxyl hydrogen bonds are present in numerous structures of the dataset, and can be part of more extended H-bond clusters that could be relevant to conformational coupling. Carboxylate-carboxyamide and imidazole-imidazole hydrogen bonds are represented in comparably fewer protein structures of the dataset. Atomistic simulations on two membrane transporters in lipid membranes suggest that many of the hydrogen bond motifs present in static protein structures tend to be robust, and can be part of larger hydrogen-bond clusters that recruit additional hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Interactions of connexins with other membrane channels and transporters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell-to-cell communication through gap junctions exists in most animal cells and is essential for many important biological processes including rapid transmission of electric signals to coordinate contraction of cardiac and smooth muscle, the intercellular propagation of Ca(2+) waves and synchronization of physiological processes between adjacent cells within a tissue. Recent studies have shown that connexins (Cx) can have either direct or indirect interactions with other plasma membrane ion channels or membrane transport proteins with important functional consequences. For example, in tissues most severely affected by cystic fibrosis (CF), activation of the CF Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) has been shown to influence connexin function. Moreover, a direct interaction between Cx45.6 and the Major Intrinsic Protein/AQP0 in lens appears to influence the process of cell differentiation whereas interactions between aquaporin 4 (AQP4) and Cx43 in mouse astrocytes may coordinate the intercellular movement of ions and water between astrocytes. In this review, we discuss evidence supporting interactions between Cx and membrane channels/transporters including CFTR, aquaporins, ionotropic glutamate receptors, and between pannexin1, another class of putative gap-junction-forming proteins, and Kvbeta3, a regulatory beta-subunit of voltage gated potassium channels. Although the precise molecular nature of these interactions has yet to be defined, their consequences may be critical for normal tissue homeostasis.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that transporters integrate into the lipid bilayer using topogenic sequences present throughout the entire polypeptide chain. These topogenic sequences can act in unpredictable ways with new translocation/stop transfer activities. In addition, a new membrane-insertion pathway has been identified in bacteria with homologs in mitochondria and chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Interactions of tight junctions with membrane channels and transporters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tight junctions are unique organelles in epithelial cells. They are localized to the apico-lateral region and essential for the epithelial cell transport functions. The paracellular transport process that occurs via tight junctions is extensively studied and is intricately regulated by various extracellular and intracellular signals. Fine regulation of this transport pathway is crucial for normal epithelial cell functions. Among factors that control tight junction permeability are ions and their transporters. However, this area of research is still in its infancy and much more needs to be learned about how these molecules regulate tight junction structure and functions. In this review we have attempted to compile literature on ion transporters and channels involved in the regulation of tight junctions.  相似文献   

Tight junctions are unique organelles in epithelial cells. They are localized to the apico-lateral region and essential for the epithelial cell transport functions. The paracellular transport process that occurs via tight junctions is extensively studied and is intricately regulated by various extracellular and intracellular signals. Fine regulation of this transport pathway is crucial for normal epithelial cell functions. Among factors that control tight junction permeability are ions and their transporters. However, this area of research is still in its infancy and much more needs to be learned about how these molecules regulate tight junction structure and functions. In this review we have attempted to compile literature on ion transporters and channels involved in the regulation of tight junctions.  相似文献   

le Coutre J  Kaback HK 《Biopolymers》2000,55(4):297-307
Escherichia coli lactose permease, a paradigm for membrane transport proteins, and Streptomyces lividans KcsA, a paradigm for K+ channels, are compared on the level of structure, dynamics, and function. The homotetrameric channel, which allows the downhill movement of K+ with an electrochemical gradient, is relatively rigid and inflexible, as observed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Lactose permease catalyzes transduction of free energy stored in an electrochemical H+ gradient into work in the form of a concentration gradient. In marked contrast to KcsA, the permease exhibits a high degree of H/D exchange, in addition to enhanced sensitivity to lateral lipid packing pressure, thereby indicating that this symport protein is extremely flexible and conformationally active. Finally, the differences between lactose permease and KcsA are discussed in the context of their specific functions with particular emphasis on differences between coupling in symport proteins and gating in channels.  相似文献   

Exogenous polyamines [cadaverine (Cad), putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm)] elicit the production of volatiles in Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus). Among the tested PAs, Spm induces the production of some volatile terpenoids that are known to be induced by the spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Spm treatment elicits the biosynthesis of Jasmonic acid (JA), a phytohormone known to regulate the production of the volatile terpenoids. The treatment with JA together with Spm resulted in the increased volatile emission, and predatory mites Phytoseiulus persimilis preferred JA and Spm-treated leaves over those treated with JA alone.5 JA and Spm treatment has no effects on polyamine oxidase (PAO) and Cu-amine oxidase (CuAO) but has a significant induction of calcium influx, ROS production, enzyme activities for NADPH-oxidase complex, superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase, and gene expressions except for NADPH-oxidase complex.5 Here, we report that a plasma membrane potential (Vm) depolarization was observed after polyamine perfusion with an increasing trend: Spm, Cad, Put and Spd. JA perfusion did not alter Vm but the perfusion of JA and the polyamines significantly increased Cad and Put Vm depolarization. When JA was perfused with polyamines, a negative correlation was found between Vm depolarization and the number of amino group of the polyamines tested.Key words: polyamines, lima bean, herbivore-induced volatile organic compounds, calcium and ROS signalling, jasmonic acid, quantitative gene expression, transmembrane potentialPolyamines are involved in plants’ stress responses and growth. By activating biosynthesis of nucleic acids, polyamines concern the plant growth and differentiation.13 Furthermore, it has been reported that polyamines are involved in the response against environmental stress and plant disease.14 We recently reported that exogenously applied polyamines ∼diamines [cadaverine (Cad), putrescine (Put)], triamine [spermidine (Spd)] and tetraamine ]spermine (Spm)]∽ induce volatile emission in Lima bean leaves.5 Membrane potentials (Vm) and intracellular calcium variations were also studied in Lima bean leaves after perfusion with the polyamines and with these addition of JA and here we report on these additional results.The primary candidate for intercellular signaling in higher plants is the stimulus-induced change in Vm.6 The plasma membrane potential (Vm), which lies in the range of −50 to −200 mV in Lima bean leaves,7 may be shifted either to more negative (hyperpolarization) or to more positive values (depolarization) in response to various biotic or abiotic stresses.Measurement of Vm were performed and data statistically treated as previously described (ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer’s HSD test).7 Perfusion with the polyamines (Fig. 1 single arrow) shows a specific response of the leaf tissues with a different Vm depolarization, depending on the polyamine. In general, a Vm depolarization was observed after polyamine perfusion with an increasing trend: Spm, Cad, Put and Spd (Fig. 1). Spm and Spd Vm depolarization values were significantly different (p < 0.05) from all other polyamines, whereas no significant difference was found between Put and Cad Vm depolarization (p = 0.435). In all cases, Vm depolarization was reversed by washing polyamine-treated leaves with a fresh buffer solution (Fig. 1 double arrow); however, a full recovery of the Vm was observed only for Put (Fig. 1). The linearization of the data from Figure 1 allowed to calculate the rate of Vm depolarization after perfusion of the polyamines which was higher for Spd (6.0 mV min−1; R = 0.96), equal for Put and Cad (4.8 mV min−1; Put R = 0.95; Cad R = 0.97) and lower for Spm (3.0 mV min−1; R = 0.96).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Effect of 1 mM polyamines (arrow) on the Vm of Lima bean palisade cells. Spermine (Spm) caused the lowest Vm depolarization, whereas spermidine (Spd) showed the highest values of Vm depolarization. intermediate values were found when putrescine (Put) and cadaverine (cad) were perfused. after washing the tissues with fresh buffer (double arrow) Vm was always hyperpolarized, however the initial potential was recovered only for Put, while for all other polyamines the Vm never reached the initial values. Metric bars indicate standard deviation.Perfusion with JA caused a slight and not significant (p = 0.332) Vm depolarization (Fig. 2) with respect to control. The addition of JA caused a significant increase (p < 0.01) in Vm depolarization when perfused with Cad, with respect to the sole perfusion with Cad (Fig. 1). The same was observed when JA was perfused with Put, whereas not significant differences were observed when Spm (p = 0.513) and Spd (p = 0.107) were perfused with JA (Fig. 2), with respect to the sole perfusion with Spm and Spd (Fig. 1). The linearization of the data from Figure 2 allowed to calculate the rate of Vm depolarization after perfusion of the polyamines + JA, which was higher for Cad (24.40 mV min−1; R = 0.99), almost equal for Put and Spd (Put: 14.21 mV min−1, R = 0.99; Spd: 13.49 mV min−1, R = 0.99) and lower for Spm (1.34 mV min−1; R = 0.93). For JA the rate of Vm depolarization was 0.19 mV min−1 (R = 0.96). With the addition of JA, a negative correlation was found between Vm depolarization and the number of amino group of the polyamines tested.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Effect of 1 mM polyamines + 0.1 mMJA (arrow) on the Vm of Lima bean palisade cells. the perfusion with Ja did not cause any variation in the Vm. addition of JA to Spm and Spd caused the same Vm depolarization observed in the absence of JA, whereas when JA was added to Put and Cad a stronger and significantly different Vm depolarization was observed. even in this case washing the tissues with fresh buffer (double arrow) caused a Vm hyperpolarized, however in this case Spd reached Vm values significantly more negative that the initial Vm. Metric bars indicate standard deviation. For abbreviations see Figure 1.Since ion fluxes through channels directly influence Vm, it seems reasonable to assume that molecules able to act on channel activity might be considered as important factors inducing electrical signals. Among the various channels, calcium and potassium channels are predominantly involved in cell signaling.8 In the present study, rapid and reversible Vm depolarization observed upon perfusion of Lima bean mesophyll cells with polyamines was found to be significantly increased when JA was added to Cad and Put. The reversibility of the Vm may be linked to the overall physico-chemical amphiphilic properties of polyamines, probably depending on non covalent interaction with plasma membrane molecules, as polyamines occur in plants in free form, bound electrostatically to negatively charged molecules, and conjugated to small molecules and proteins.9 Liu et al.10 showed that Spm, Spd, Cad and Put strongly inhibited opening and closing of stomata in Vicia faba, suggesting that polyamines target inward potassium channels in guard cells and modulate stomatal movements, so providing a link between abiotic stress, polyamine levels and stomatal regulation. Moreover, the transport of polyamines across the plasma membrane of plant cells is energy-dependent and calcium is involved in the uptake mechanism.1,11 Both mechanisms can be correlated to the observed Vm depolarization, and the positive correlation between intracellular Ca2+ concentration5 and Vm depolarizing activity of polyamines confirms the involvement of Ca2+ during polyamine uptake.11  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of the polyamines (spermine, spermidine, and putrescine) on the aggregation and fusion of large (approximately 100 nm in diameter) unilamellar liposomes in the presence of 100 mM NaCl, pH 7.4. Liposome fusion was monitored by the Tb/dipicolinic acid fluorescence assay for the intermixing of internal aqueous contents, and the release of contents was followed by carboxyfluorescein fluorescence. Spermine and spermidine at physiological concentrations aggregated liposomes composed of pure phosphatidylserine (PS) or phosphatidate (PA) and mixtures of PA with phosphatidylcholine (PC) but did not induce any fusion. However, liposomes composed of mixtures of acidic phospholipids, cholesterol, and a high mole fraction of phosphatidylethanolamine could be induced to fuse by spermine and spermidine in the absence of divalent cations. Putrescine alone in the physiological concentration range was ineffective for both aggregation and fusion of these liposomes. Liposomes made of pure PC did not aggregate in the presence of polyamines. Addition of aggregating concentrations of spermine caused a drastic increase in the rate of Ca(2+)-induced fusion of PA liposomes and a large decrease in the threshold Ca(2+) concentration required for fusion. This effect was less pronounced in the case of PS or PA/PC vesicles. Preincubation of PA vesicles with spermine before the addition of Ca(2+) resulted in a 30-fold increase in the initial rate of fusion. We propose that polyamines may be involved in the regulation of membrane fusion phenomena accompanying cell growth, cell division, exocytosis, and fertilization.  相似文献   

A genomic view of yeast membrane transporters.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The yeast membrane transporters play crucial roles in functions as diverse as nutrient uptake, drug resistance, salt tolerance, control of cell volume, efflux of undesirable metabolites and sensing of extracellular nutrients. A significant fraction of the many transporters inventoried after sequencing of the yeast genome has been characterised by classical experimental approaches. Post-genomic analysis has allowed a more extensive characterisation of transporter categories less tractable by genetics, for instance of transporters of intracellular membranes or transporters encoded by multigene families and displaying overlapping substrate specificities. A complete view of the role of membrane transporters in the metabolism of yeast may not be far off.  相似文献   

Trypanosomes contain unique peroxisome-like organelles designated glycosomes which sequester enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic processes including glycolysis. We identified three ABC transporters associated with the glycosomal membrane of Trypanosoma brucei. They were designated GAT1-3 for Glycosomal ABC Transporters. These polypeptides are so-called half-ABC transporters containing only one transmembrane domain and a single nucleotide-binding domain, like their homologues of mammalian and yeast peroxisomes. The glycosomal localization was shown by immunofluorescence microscopy of trypanosomes expressing fusion constructs of the transporters with Green Fluorescent Protein. By expression of fluorescent deletion constructs, the glycosome-targeting determinant of two transporters was mapped to different fragments of their respective primary structures. Interestingly, these fragments share a short sequence motif and contain adjacent to it one--but not the same--of the predicted six transmembrane segments of the transmembrane domain. We also identified the T. brucei homologue of peroxin PEX19, which is considered to act as a chaperonin and/or receptor for cytosolically synthesized proteins destined for insertion into the peroxisomal membrane. By using a bacterial two-hybrid system, it was shown that glycosomal ABC transporter fragments containing an organelle-targeting determinant can interact with both the trypanosomatid and human PEX19, despite their low overall sequence identity. Mutated forms of human PEX19 that lost interaction with human peroxisomal membrane proteins also did not bind anymore to the T. brucei glycosomal transporter. Moreover, fragments of the glycosomal transporter were targeted to the peroxisomal membrane when expressed in mammalian cells. Together these results indicate evolutionary conservation of the glycosomal/peroxisomal membrane protein import mechanism.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins span a large variety of different functions such as cell-surface receptors, redox proteins, ion channels, and transporters. Proteins with functional pores show different characteristics of helix-helix packing as other helical membrane proteins. We found that the helix-helix contacts of 13 nonhomologous high-resolution structures of membrane channels and transporters are mainly accomplished by weakly polar amino acids (G > S > T > F) that preferably create contacts every fourth residue, typical for right-handed helix crossings. There is a strong correlation between the now available biological hydrophobicity scale and the propensities of the weakly polar and hydrophobic residues to be buried at helix-helix interfaces or to be exposed to the lipids in membrane channels and transporters. The polar residues, however, make no major contribution towards the packing of their transmembrane helices, and are therefore subsumed to be primarily exposed to the polar milieu during the folding process. The contact formation of membrane channels and transporters is therefore ruled by the solubility of the residues, which we suppose to be the driving force for the assembly of their transmembrane helices. By contrast, in 14 nonhomologous high-resolution structures of other membrane protein coils, also large and polar amino acids (D > S > M > Q) create characteristic contacts every 3.5th residues, which is a signature for left-handed helix crossings. Accordingly, it seems that dependent on the function, different concepts of folding and stabilization are realized for helical membrane proteins. Using a sequence-based matrix prediction method these differences are exploited to improve the prediction of buried and exposed residues of transmembrane helices significantly. When the sequence motifs typical for membrane channels and transporters were applied for the prediction of helix-helix contacts the quality of prediction rises by 16% to an average value of 76%, compared to the same approach when only single amino acid positions are taken into account.  相似文献   

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