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Binding characteristics of a new, conformationally constrained, halogenated enkephalin analogue, [3H]-[D-penicillamine2, pCl-Phe4, D-penicillamine5]enkephalin ([3H]pCl-DPDPE), were determined using homogenized rat brain tissue. Saturation binding studies at 25 degrees C determined a dissociation constant (Kd) of 328 +/- 27.pM and a receptor density (Bmax) of 87.2 +/- 4.2 fmol/mg protein. Kinetic studies demonstrated biphasic association for [3H]pCl-DPDPE, with association rate constants of 5.05 x 10(8) +/- 2.5 x 10(8) and 0.147 +/- 10(8) +/- 0.014 x 10(8) M-1 min-1. Dissociation was monophasic with a dissociation rate constant of 2.96 x 10(-3) +/- 0.25 x 10(-3) min-1. The average Kd values determined by these kinetic studies were 8.4 +/- 2.7 pM and 201 +/- 4 pM. Competitive inhibition studies demonstrated that [3H]pCl-DPDPE has excellent selectively for the delta opioid receptor. [3H]pCl-DPDPE binding was inhibited by low concentrations of ligands selective for delta opioid receptor relative to the concentrations required by ligands selective for mu and kappa sites. These data show that [3H]pCl-DPDPE is a highly selective, high affinity ligand which should be useful in characterizing the delta opioid receptor.  相似文献   

A variety of data support the existence of an opioid receptor complex composed of distinct but interacting mu cx and delta cx binding sites, where "cx" indicates "in the complex." The ability of subantinociceptive doses of [Leu5]enkephalin and [Met5]enkephalin to potentiate and attenuate morphine-induced antinociception, respectively, is thought to be mediated via their binding to the delta cx binding site. [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]Enkephalin also modulates morphine-induced antinociception, but has very low affinity for the delta cx binding site in vitro. In the present study, membranes were depleted of their delta ncx binding sites by pretreatment with the site-directed acylating agent, (3S,4S)-(+)-trans-N-[1-[2-(4-isothiocyanato)phenyl)-ethyl]-3-methy l-4- piperidyl]-N-phenylpropaneamide hydrochloride, which permits selective labeling of the delta cx binding site with [3H][D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin. The major findings of this study are that with this preparation of rat brain membranes: a) there are striking differences between the delta cx and mu binding sites; and b) both [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin and [D-Pen2,L-Pen5]enkephalin exhibit high affinity for the delta cx binding site.  相似文献   

A number of DPDPE-dermenkephalin chimeric peptides have been synthesized in which the putative C-terminal delta-address of dermenkephalin has been linked to the highly delta opioid selective cyclic peptide [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE). Asp, Met-Asp and Leu-Met-Asp have been added to the C-terminus of DPDPE and both the carboxyl terminal and the carboxamide terminal series have been prepared. The bioassays using the mouse vas deferens and guinea pig ileum preparations have revealed a steady decrease in potency (compared to DPDPE) at delta and mu receptors as the dermenkephalin sequences were added. Some of the analogues, however, retained high delta selectivity. Similar results were obtained using radioligand binding assays. These findings suggest that the C-terminal amino acid sequence of dermenkephalin plays a role of delta-address which is specific to dermenkephalin itself, and is not additive with another delta selective ligand such as DPDPE.  相似文献   

The range of delta-selectivity of linear and cyclic analogues of enkephalin in rat brain was found to be: [D-Pen2, L-Pen5] enkephalin (DPLPE) greater than [D-Pen2, D-Pen5] enkephalin (DPDPE) greater than [D-Thr2, Leu5] enkephalyl-Thr6 (DTLET) greater than [D-Ser2, Leu5] enkephalyl-Thr6 (DSLET). Saturation experiments performed with [3H]DPDPE and [3H]DTLET in NG108-15 cells and rat brain showed similar binding capacities for both the ligands, but the delta-affinity of [3H]DTLET (KD approximately 1.2 nM) was much better than that of [3H]DPDPE (KD approximately 7.2 nM). The rather low delta-affinity of DPDPE induced high experimental errors cancelling the benefit of its better delta-selectivity. Binding experiments in rat or guinea-pig brains showed, in both cases, the better delta-selectivity of [3H]DTLET compared to [3H]DSLET. The former peptide remains at this time the most appropriate radioactive probe for binding studies of delta-receptor.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of [D -Pen2,D -Pen5] enkephalin (DPDPE), a highly potent δ-selective opioid agonist, was examined by means of NMR, molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics methods. The structural information in the solvent water was obtained employing one- and two-dimensional methods of 1H and 13C-NMR spectroscopy. Based on the distance geometry technique using the ROE data as input, 400 conformers were obtained and considered in the structure analysis. Alternatively, about 2000 conformers were stochastically generated and related to the NMR data after energy minimization. The structure analysis provides one conformer in agreement with all NMR data, which belongs to the lowest energy conformation group. This structure may serve as a reference conformer for DPDPE analogues synthesized with the aim of activity increase.  相似文献   

Six analogs of the highly delta opioid receptor selective, conformationally restricted, cyclic peptide [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin, Tyr-D-Pen-Gly-Phe-D-PenOH (DPDPE), were synthesized and evaluated for opioid activity in rat brain receptor binding and mouse vas deferens (MVD) smooth muscle assays. All analogs were single amino acid modifications of DPDPE and employed amino acid substitutions of known effects in linear enkephalin analogs. The effect on binding affinity and MVD potency of each modification within the DPDPE structural framework was consistent with the previous reports on similarly substituted linear analogs. Conformational features of four of the modified DPDPE analogs were examined by 1H NMR spectroscopy and compared with DPDPE. From these studies it was concluded that the observed pharmacological differences with DPDPE displayed by diallyltyrosine1-DPDPE ([DAT1]DPDPE) and phenylglycine4-DPDPE ([Pgl4]DPDPE) are due to structural and/or conformational differences localized near the substituted amino acid. The observed enhanced mu receptor binding affinity of the carboxamide terminal DPDPE-NH2 appears to be founded solely upon electronic differences, the NMR data suggesting indistinguishable conformations. The observation that the alpha-aminoisobutyric acid substituted analog [Aib3]DPDPE displays similar in vitro opioid behavior as DPDPE while apparently assuming a significantly different solution conformation suggests that further detailed conformational analysis of this analog will aid the elucidation of the key structural and conformational features required for action at the delta opioid receptor.  相似文献   

The enkephalin analogs, [D-Pen2,L-Cys5]- and [D-Pen2,D-Cys5]-enkephalin are cyclic compounds, conformationally constrained by virtue of their 14-membered, disulfide containing rings and by the rigidizing effect of the beta, beta dimethyl substituents of the penicillamine side chain. The analogs exhibit profound delta receptor specificity as assessed by their relative potencies in the guinea pig ileum (GPI) and mouse vas deferens (MVD) assays, exhibiting, respectively, 666 and 215 times higher potency in the latter assay system. By contrast, the receptor selectivities measured in rat brain binding assays in the absence of sodium were much more modest, the cyclic analogs being, respectively, 15.2 and 6.0 times more effective at displacing [3H] [D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin than [3H]naloxone. However, for binding assays performed in the presence of a sodium concentration equivalent to that used in the GPI and MVD assays, these binding selectivities increased to 167 and 49, respectively.  相似文献   

Both [Leu]enkephalin and DPen2-[DPen5]enkephalin, a delta opioid receptor selective analog of [Leu]enkephalin, impaired acquisition of an automated shelf-jump response in rats. A similar level of impairment was produced by equimolar doses of the two enkephalins. As is seen for [Leu]enkephalin when tested in a one-way active avoidance task, the dose-response function for the impairment produced by DPen2-[DPen5]enkephalin in the automated shelf-jump task is U-shaped. These results, together with our previous findings that DPen2-[DPen5]enkephalin and [Leu]enkephalin both impair acquisition of a one-way active avoidance response in mice, and that [Leu]enkephalin impairs acquisition of that same response in rats, support our suggestion that delta opioid receptors are implicated in the effects of [Leu]enkephalin on conditioning. In addition, these results indicate that the involvement of delta opioid receptors in acquisition impairment extends to two species of rodents and to two different avoidance conditioning tasks.  相似文献   

We reported previously that D-Pen2-[D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDE), a delta-opioid receptor selective analog of Leu-enkephalin, impairs acquisition of an automated jump-up avoidance response in rats and acquisition of a one-way active avoidance response in mice. In the present study we investigated the effects of DPDPE on one-way avoidance conditioning in rats. The rats received two escape-only trials on day 1 and eight additional training trials on day 2. DPDPE (1.16 micrograms/kg IP) administered prior to training on day 2 impaired acquisition of the avoidance response. On the other hand, DPDPE (0.332 microgram/kg IP) administered following presentation of the two escape-only trials on day 1 significantly enhanced retention, as measured by improved one-way active avoidance performance on day 2. These results indicate that activation of delta-opioid receptors by DPDPE has a modulatory effect on acquisition and retention of aversively motivated performance.  相似文献   

Delta opioid peptide [D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin promotes cell survival   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
By studying the hibernation in ground squirrels, a protein factor termed hibernation induction trigger (HIT) was found to induce hibernation in summer-active ground squirrels. Further purification of HIT yielded an 88-kD peptide that is enriched in winter hibernator. Partial sequence of the 88-kD protein indicates that it may be related to the inhibitor of metalloproteinase. Delta opioid [D-Ala(2),D-Leu(5)]enkephalin (DADLE) also induced hibernation. HIT and DADLE were found to prolong survival of peripheral organs preserved en bloc or as a single preparation. These organs include the lung, the heart, liver and kidney. DADLE also promotes survival of neurons in the central nervous system. Methamphetamine (METH) is known to cause destruction of dopaminergic (DA) terminals in the brain. DADLE blocked and reversed the DA terminal damage induced by METH. DADLE acted against this effect of METH at least in part by attenuating the mRNA expressions of a tumor necrosis factor p53 and an immediate early gene c-fos. DADLE also blocked the neuronal damage induced by ischemia-reperfusion following a transient middle cerebral artery occlusion. In PC12 cells, DADLE blocked the cell death caused by serum deprivation in a naltrexone-sensitive manner. Thus, DADLE, and by extension the endogenous delta opioid peptides and delta opioid receptors, may play an important role in organ and neuronal survival. Here, critical developments concerning these fascinating cell protective properties of DADLE are reviewed.  相似文献   

Solution conformations of β-methyl-para-nitrophenylalanine4 analogues of the potent δ-opioid peptide cyclo[D-Pen2, D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE) were studied by combined use of nmr and conformational energy calculations. Nuclear Overhauser effect connectivities and 3JHNCαH coupling constants measured for the (2S, 3S)-, (2S, 3R)-, and (2R, 3R)-stereoisomers of[β-Me-p-NO2Phe4]DPDPE in DMSO were compared with low energy conformers obtained by energy minimization in the Empirical Conformational Energy Program for Peptides #2 force field. The conformers that satisfied all available nmr data were selected as probable solution conformations of these peptides. Side-chain rotamer populations, established using homonuclear (3JHαHβ) and heteronuclear (3JHαCγ) coupling constants and 13C chemical shifts, show that the β-methyl substituent eliminates one of the three staggered rotamers of the torsion angle x1 for each stereoisomer of the β-Me-p-NO2Phe4. Similar solution conformations were suggested for the L-Phe4-containing (2S, 3S)- and (2S, 3R)-stereoisomers. Despite some local differences, solution conformations of L- and D-Phe4-containing analogues have a common shape of the peptide backbone and allow similar orientations of the main δ-opioid pharmacophores. This type of structure differs from several models of the solution conformations of DPDPE, and from the model of biologically active conformations of DPDPE suggested earlier. The latter model is allowed for the potent (2S, 3S)- and (2S, 3R)-stereoisomers of [β-Me-p-NO2Phe4] DPDPE, but it is forbidden for the less active (2R, 3R)- and (2R, 3S)-stereoisomers. It was concluded that the biologically active stereoisomers of [β-Me-p-No2Phe4] DPDPE in the δ-receptor-bound state may assume a conformation different from their favorable conformations in DMSO. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Analogs of opioid pentapeptide [D-Ala2,Leu5]enkephalin were prepared using two kinds of N-methylation reactions, namely quaternization and amide-methylation. Quaternization reaction with CH3I-KHCO3 in methanol was applied to the deprotected N-terminal group of the pentapeptide derivatives affording trimethylammonium group-containing analogs. [Me3+Tyr1,D-Ala2,Leu5]enkephalin and its amide were found to show opioid activity on guinea pig ileium assay only slightly lower than the parent unmethylated peptides. Application of amide-methylation reaction using CH3I-Ag2O in DMF to the protected pentapeptide yielded a pentamethyl derivative in which all of the five N atoms were methylated. Deprotection of the derivative gave pentamethyl analogs of [D-Ala2,Leu5]enkephalin, which showed no significant activity on the guinea pig ileum assay and opiate-receptor binding assay.  相似文献   

K Gulya  G L Kovács  P Kása 《Life sciences》1991,48(12):PL57-PL62
The effects of the potent delta opioid agonist (D-Pen2, D-Pen5)enkephalin (DPDPE) were studied on the endogenous levels and regional distribution of Zn2+ in rat central nervous system by means of flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The olfactory bulb exhibited the highest Zn2+ level, followed by the frontal and parietal cortices, striatum and hippocampus; the lowest ion levels were found in the medulla and thoracic spinal cord. Intracerebroventricular administration of DPDPE resulted in significant, time- and dose-dependent decreases in endogenous Zn2+ contents in the parietal cortex, hippocampus and striatum. The action of DPDPE was antagonized by a 30 min naloxone pretreatment. Naloxone alone was without effect in eliciting these responses. Thus, delta opioid receptors may regulate or modulate endogenous Zn2+ levels in the rat brain.  相似文献   

The delta opioid receptor, a member of the G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily, was used as a model system to characterize opioid receptor downregulation. Metabolic labeling followed by immunoprecipitation resulted in the isolation of the epitope-tagged mouse delta opioid receptor as a approximately 60-kDa protein. Prolonged agonist treatment with 100 nM d-Ala2, d-Leu5-enkephalin (DADLE) caused significant (approximately 60%) reduction in the level of receptor. The delta opioid receptor contains a number of phosphorylatable residues in the C tail. Point mutations of the majority of Ser/Thr sequences did not affect the level of downregulation, whereas mutation of Thr353 to Ala did. In order to test if phosphorylation at this site is involved in receptor downregulation, we generated a Thr353Glu mutant that would mimic the phosphorylated Thr at this site. This mutant exhibited a significantly higher extent of downregulation than the Thr353Ala mutant. In order to critically evaluate the requirement of Thr353 in receptor downregulation, we examined the downregulation of wildtype rat delta receptor (which does not contain Ala353) and an Ala353Thr point-mutant rat delta receptor. The wild-type receptor exhibited poor agonist-mediated downregulation, whereas Ala353Thr mutant exhibited increased downregulation. These results and results from additional studies with rat/mouse chimeric receptors support a role for phosphorylation of sites within the C tail in efficient downregulation of delta opioid receptors.  相似文献   

Several lines of data support the existence of two classes of delta receptors: the delta cx binding site, which is the delta binding site of the mu-delta opioid receptor complex, and the delta ncx, which is the noncomplexed delta receptor. [D-Ala2,Leu5,Cys6]Enkephalin (DALCE) is an extended analog of [Leu5]enkephalin, which has been shown to bind irreversibly to delta receptors via the terminal cysteine by formation of a disulfide bond with the receptor. In vivo studies have shown that DALCE produces short-lived antinociceptive actions, followed by long-term antagonism of delta receptor-mediated antinociception. The major goal of the present study was to examine the effect of DALCE on the delta cx and delta ncx binding sites in vitro and in vivo. Intracerebroventricular administration of 40 micrograms DALCE failed to decrease [3H][D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin binding to the delta cx and delta ncx binding sites. Pretreatment of membranes with DALCE in vitro greatly reduced the Bmax of the delta ncx binding site, without significantly altering the Bmax of the delta cx binding site. These findings suggest that when administered in vivo, DALCE fails to distribute uniformly throughout the brain, and that it therefore binds covalently to opioid receptors mostly in the periventricular regions. Viewed collectively, these data support the hypothesis that DALCE acts as a selective delta ncx antagonist, and that the delta ncx binding site, which is sensitive to DALCE, is most likely synonymous with the recently described delta 1 receptor.  相似文献   

The structure of enkephalin, a small neuropeptide with five amino acids, has been simulated on computers using molecular dynamics. Such simulations exhibit a few stable conformations, which also have been identified experimentally. The simulations provide the possibility to perform cluster analysis in the space defined by potentially pharmacophoric measures such as dihedral angles, side-chain orientation, etc. By analyzing the statistics of the resulting clusters, the probability distribution of the side-chain conformations may be determined. These probabilities allow us to predict the selectivity of [Leu]enkephalin and [Met]enkephalin to the known mu- and delta-type opiate receptors to which they bind as agonists. Other plausible consequences of these probability distributions are discussed in relation to the way in which they may influence the dynamics of the synapse.  相似文献   

Bhargava, H. N. and Y. J. Cao. Effect of chronic administration of morphine, U-50,488H and [ -Pen2, -Pen5]enkephalin on the concentration of cGMP in brain regions and spinal cord of the mouse. Peptides 18(10) 1629–1634, 1997.—The effects of chronic administration and subsequent withdrawal of μ-, κ- and δ-opioid receptor agonists on the levels of cyclic GMP in several brain regions and spinal cord of mice were determined in an attempt to further study the role of NO cascade in opioid actions. The agonists at μ-, κ- and δ-opioid receptor included morphine, U-50,488H and DPDPE, respectively. Tolerance to morphine was associated with highly significant increases in cGMP levels in corpus striatum (41%), cortex (36%), midbrain (73%) and cerebellum (51%) relative to controls. Abstinence caused increases in cGMP levels in corpus striatum (61%) and pons and medulla (45%). Tolerance to U-50,488H resulted in increases in cGMP levels in midbrain (52%) whereas abstinence from U-50,488H increased the cGMP levels in pons and medulla(76%). Tolerance to DPDPE was associated with increases in cGMP levels in hypothalamus (12%) and pons and medulla (33%) but decreases in cerebellum (66%) and spinal cord (58%). Abstinence from DPDPE produced increases in cGMP levels in pons and medulla (14%) but decreases in cerebellum (67%) and spinal cord (50%). Overall treatment with morphine and U-50,488H produced increases in cGMP levels in brain regions whereas DPDPE produced decreases in brain regions and spinal cord. Previous studies have shown that chronic administration of μ- and κ- opioid receptor agonists induce NO synthase (NOS) in certain brain regions and that the inhibitors of NO synthase attenuate tolerance to μ- and κ- but not to δ-opioid receptors agonists. Since activation of NO increases the production of cGMP, the present results demonstrating alterations of cGMP levels by μ-, κ- and δ-opioid receptor agonists are consistent with the behavioral results with NOS inhibitors on tolerance to μ-, κ- and δ-opioid receptor agonists.  相似文献   

Tetrapeptides of primary sequence Tyr-X-Phe-YNH2, where X is D-Cys or D-Pen (penicillamine) and where Y is D-Pen or L-Pen, were prepared and were cyclized via the side chain sulfurs of residues 2 and 4 to disulfide or dithioether-containing analogs. These peptides are related to previously reported penicillamine-containing pentapeptide enkephalin analogs but lack the central glycine residue of the latter and were designed to assess the effect of decreased ring size on opioid activity. Binding affinities of the tetrapeptides were determined to both mu and delta opioid receptors. Binding affinity and selectivity in the tetrapeptide series were observed to be highly dependent on primary sequence. For example, L-Pen4 analogs displayed low affinity and were nonselective, while the corresponding D-Pen4 diastereomers were of variable affinity and higher selectivity. Among the latter compounds were examples of potent analogs in which selectivity shifted from delta selective to mu selective as the ring size was increased. The relatively high binding affinity and delta receptor selectivity observed with one of the carboxamide terminal disulfide analogs led to the synthesis of the corresponding carboxylic acid terminal, Tyr-D-Cys-Phe-D-PenOH. This analog displayed delta receptor binding selectivity similar to that of the standard delta ligand, [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE), and was found to have a 3.5-fold higher binding affinity than DPDPE. All the tetrapeptides were further evaluated in the isolated mouse vas deferens (mvd) assay and all displayed opioid agonist activity. In general, tetrapeptide potencies in the mouse vas deferens correlated well with binding affinities but were somewhat lower. Receptor selectivity in the mvd, assessed by examining the effect of opioid antagonists on the tetrapeptide concentration-effect curves, was similar to that determined in the binding studies.  相似文献   

The binding characteristics of the delta opioid receptor ligand, 3HDAla2DLeu5 enkephalin, were markedly altered in brains obtained from mice fed an ethanol-containing diet for five days. Control mice exhibited both a high and low affinity site for 3HDAla2DLeu5 enkephalin, whereas those consuming the ethanol diet were found to possess only one binding site. This singular site has an intermediate KD value with an increase in receptor number when compared to the high and low affinity sites observed in control mice. The invitro addition of ethanol to a brain membrane preparation obtained from untreated mice, at a concentration equivalent to that found in the blood of the ethanol-treated mice, did not markedly affect DAla2DLeu5 enkephalin binding characteristics. No alteration in the binding characteristics of 3H-naloxone, a mu receptor ligand, was noted following five days of ethanol consumption. Mice maintained on the ethanol-containing diet were tolerant to the activity-stimulating effects of acute ethanol administration. These results suggest that mice consuming an ethanol diet in sufficient quantities to render them tolerant exhibit a specific loss of a 3HDAla2DLeu5 enkephalin binding site, while the binding of 3H-naloxone was unchanged.  相似文献   

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