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Iwona Wojda 《Insect Science》2017,24(3):342-357
Investigation of insect immune mechanisms provides important information concerning innate immunity, which in many aspects is conserved in animals. This is one of the reasons why insects serve as model organisms to study virulence mechanisms of human pathogens. From the evolutionary point of view, we also learn a lot about host–pathogen interaction and adaptation of organisms to conditions of life. Additionally, insect‐derived antibacterial and antifungal peptides and proteins are considered for their potential to be applied as alternatives to antibiotics. While Drosophila melanogaster is used to study the genetic aspect of insect immunity, Galleria mellonella serves as a good model for biochemical research. Given the size of the insect, it is possible to obtain easily hemolymph and other tissues as a source of many immune‐relevant polypeptides. This review article summarizes our knowledge concerning G. mellonella immunity. The best‐characterized immune‐related proteins and peptides are recalled and their short characteristic is given. Some other proteins identified at the mRNA level are also mentioned. The infectious routes used by Galleria natural pathogens such as Bacillus thuringiensis and Beauveria bassiana are also described in the context of host–pathogen interaction. Finally, the plasticity of G. mellonella immune response influenced by abiotic and biotic factors is described.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of apolipophorin-III (apoLp-III), a lipid-binding hemolymph protein from the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella, was determined by protein sequencing. The mature protein consists of 163 amino acid residues forming a protein of 18,075.5 Da. Its sequence is similar to apoLp-III from other Lepidopteran species, but remarkably different from the apoLp-IIIs of insects from other orders. As shown by mass spectrometric analysis, the protein carries no modifications. Thus, all of its known physiological functions, including its recently discovered immune response-stimulating activity, must reside in the protein itself.  相似文献   

【目的】针对大蜡螟Galleria mellonella L.的性选择行为进行系统观察分析,为大蜡螟性信息素全组分的结构鉴定及利用信息素行为调控技术防控该虫提供依据。【方法】分别对不同体重、不同日龄和不同交配经历的大蜡螟成虫进行标记,在红光灯下观察并记录大蜡螟雌雄虫的性选择行为。【结果】在(26±0.5)℃、相对湿度60%、全黑暗条件下,无论雌虫还是雄虫,均倾向于选择与之体重相接近的异性个体进行交配。雌雄成虫均偏向于选择3日龄的异性个体进行交配;雌虫对不同日龄雄虫的选择率大小顺序为3日龄> 5日龄> 1日龄,而雄虫对不同日龄雌虫的选择率大小顺序为3日龄>1日龄> 5日龄。交配经历影响大蜡螟的性选择行为,雌虫优先选择已交配的雄虫进行交配,选择率为74.6%;雄虫也优先选择已交配的雌虫进行交配,选择率为79.4%。【结论】雌雄虫体重、日龄和交配经历能不同程度的影响大蜡螟的性选择行为,这为进一步研究雌雄交配信号奠定基础。  相似文献   

The level of apolipophorin-III reached a maximum in the haemolymph of Galleria mellonella at the end of the feeding phase of the seventh larval instar and declined to a plateau value in the pupal and the adult stages. Apolipophorin-III was detected immunologically in fat body tissue, haemocyte lysates, and plasma. In its native state, apolipophorin-III may be associated with another protein with an apparent molecular mass of 77 kDa, possibly apolipophorin-II. Injections of octopamine did not cause lipid loading of high density lipophorin.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram studies of female Galleria mellonella showed a two-acceptor system for the sex pheromones, n-nonanal and n-undecanal, produced by the male. The nine carbon pheromone reacts with both acceptors, however, n-undecanal only reacts with the acceptor for the eleven carbon pheromone.  相似文献   

大蜡螟作为试验昆虫资源的利用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘奇志  田里  蒲恒浒 《昆虫知识》2009,46(3):485-489
随着对资源昆虫的不断认识,人们的目光开始逐渐转到对大蜡螟Galleria mellonella L.的开发利用方面,而不再仅仅局限于对它的防治方面。近些年来,大蜡螟逐渐被作为试验昆虫用于一些生物的研究。文章主要介绍大蜡螟被用于昆虫病原线虫、寄生蜂、新型隐球菌Cryptococcus neoformans、抗菌肽、抗菌免疫机制等方面的研究。  相似文献   

Greater wax moths (Galleria mellonella L., Pyraloidea) use ultrasound sensitive ears to detect clicking conspecifics and echolocating bats. Pyralid ears have four sensory cells, A1?4. The audiogram of G. mellonella has best frequency at 60 kHz with a threshold around 47 dB sound pressure level. A1 and A2 have almost equal thresholds in contrast to noctuids and geometrids. A3 responds at + 12 to + 16 dB relative to the A1 threshold. The threshold data from the A‐cells give no indication of frequency discrimination in greater wax moths. Tethered greater wax moths respond to ultrasound with short‐latency cessation of flight at + 20 to + 25 dB relative to the A1 threshold. The behavioural threshold curve parallels the audiogram, thus further corroborating the lack of frequency discrimination. Hence, the distinction between bats and conspecifics is probably based on temporal cues. At a constant duty cycle (percentage of time where sound is on) the pulse repetition rate has no effect on the threshold for flight cessation, but stimulus duration affects both sensory and behavioural thresholds. The maximum integration time is essentially the same: 45 ms for the A1‐cell and 50–60 ms for the flight cessation response. However, the slopes of the time‐intensity trade‐off functions are very different: ? 2.1 dB per doubling of sound duration for the A1‐cell threshold, and ? 7.2 dB per doubling of sound duration for the behavioural threshold. The significance of the results for sexual acoustic communication as well as for bat defence is discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying larval diapause in the wax moth (Galleria mellonella) is one of the most throughly studied aspects. At the low temperature of 18 degrees C, the last instar larvae did not pupate but transferred to 30 degrees C they initiated development and pupation in a circadian manner. Different types of surgical manipulations including head-ligation, nerve cord-severance, implantation of the brain, prothoracic glands, accompanied with ecdysteroid titre measurements indicated that diapausing arrest of larval development at 18 degrees C might be due to the nervous inhibition of their prothoracic glands.  相似文献   

The work describes purification and biochemical characterization of two inducible antimicrobial peptides from the hemolymph of Galleria mellonella. The peptides were isolated by a sequence of reversed-phase chromatography steps from the hemolymph of larvae immunized with viable bacteria. The first peptide is a member of the cecropin family while the second one is rich in proline residues and has a unique sequence.  相似文献   

Kim CH  Lee JH  Kim I  Seo SJ  Son SM  Lee KY  Lee IH 《Molecules and cells》2004,17(2):262-266
A cecropin-like antimicrobial peptide, Gm cecropin, was purified from hemolymph of larvae of the wax moth, Galleria mellonella, immunized against E. coli, and its antibacterial activity was examined in a radial diffusion assay. The molecular mass of Gm cecropin was 4,160.69 Da by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis. The full-length cDNA of the Gm cecropin precursor was cloned by a combination of RT-PCR, based on the N-terminal sequence obtained by Edman degradation, and 5'-RACE-PCR. Analysis of the cDNA showed that cecropin is synthesized as a prepropeptide, with a putative 22-residue signal peptide, a 4-residue propeptide and a 39-residue mature peptide with a calculated mass of 4,344.18 Da the difference between the calculated and measured masses suggests that Gm cecropin is a 37-residue peptide generated by removal of the C-terminal residue and amidation.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural organization of ommatidial components of the retina of the moth, Galleria mellonella are described from electron microscopic observations. Each ommatidium is composed of 12 common retinula cells and one basal eccentric cell. The retinula cells are connected together by a desmosomal strip along their length. The rhabdom occupies the basal thirty percent of the ommatidium and can be divided into nine segments of parallel microvilli. Several cells may contribute to an individual rhabdomere. The rhabdomeres are arranged in a cross with single cell rhabdomeres lying between the arms of the cross. Thin sections of ommatidium absorb polarized light differentially. The total amount of plane polarized light absorbed varies with angle of rotation for an entire ommatidium but there are also differences between the amount of absorption of adjacent rhabdomeric segments. Galleria appears to be the only lepidopteran in which the possibility of the polarized light reception has been reported.  相似文献   

The complete antimicrobial peptide repertoire of Galleria mellonella was investigated for the first time by LC/MS. Combining data from separate trypsin, Glu-C and Asp-N digests of immune hemolymph allowed detection of 18 known or putative G. mellonella antimicrobial peptides or proteins, namely lysozyme, moricin-like peptides (5), cecropins (2), gloverin, Gm proline-rich peptide 1, Gm proline-rich peptide 2, Gm anionic peptide 1 (P1-like), Gm anionic peptide 2, galiomicin, gallerimycin, inducible serine protease inhibitor 2, 6tox and heliocin-like peptide. Six of these were previously known only as nucleotide sequences, so this study provides the first evidence for expression of these genes. LC/MS data also provided insight into the expression and processing of the antimicrobial Gm proline-rich peptide 1. The gene for this peptide was isolated and shown to be unique to moths and to have an unusually long precursor region (495 bp). The precursor region contained other proline-rich peptides and LC/MS data suggested that these were being specifically processed and were present in hemolymph at very high levels. This study shows that G. mellonella can concurrently release an impressive array of at least 18 known or putative antimicrobial peptides from 10 families to defend itself against invading microbes.  相似文献   

Although it has been previously found by most authors that only plasmatocytes are involved in phagocytosis of non-self in the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, in the present study we demonstrate that in vitro, both granular cells and plasmatocytes are involved in this reaction, using monolayers of these haemocytes prepared from larval haemolymph by a differential cell fractionation method. The adhesion of granular cells to glassware and phagocytosis by granular cells of FITC-labelled silica beads were both greatly reduced by the presence of p-NPGB, a serine proteinase inhibitor, which is known to inhibit the activation of the prophenoloxidase cascade, but the reactions were only partly influenced by PTU, an inhibitor of phenoloxidase. These results suggest that an enhancing factor for both reactions is phenoloxidase itself or a component induced during the course of activation of the prophenoloxidase cascade, but not the melanised substance produced by the action of this reaction. For plasmatocytes, attachment to non-self was totally blocked by the absence of CaCl(2) or by the presence of EDTA at concentrations greater than 20 mM, and phagocytosis was greatly enhanced by CaCl(2), but suppressed by EDTA. These results suggest that calcium is a factor required for adhesion of plasmatocytes, and that it also functions to enhance their phagocytic action.  相似文献   

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