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The effects of tree species, shoot age, and sex of larvae on food consumption and utilization were investigated in a factorial experiment. Diets prepared from lyophilized and powdered current-year shoots, from two age classes (sample dates) of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, Picea rubra, Sarg., and Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P., were evaluated for eight performance criteria. All factors had significant effects on all criteria except for tree species on assimilation efficiency, shoot age on development time, and sex on net growth efficiency. Eight of the possible 24 two-factor interactions and one of the possible eight three-factor interactions were significant. Food utilization efficiencies and relative growth rate were in the low and moderate characterization limits for immature arthropods; relative consumption rates were high. The higher performance values on Picea glauca were related to this species greater vulnerability to spruce budworm. Performance criteria of similar larvae on an artificial diet were compared with those on the foliage-diets.
Résumé L'auteur a déterminé la quantité d'aliments utilisées, à 22±0,5 °C, par des larves de Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette parvenues à leur sixième stade de développement qui s'étaient nourries d'un régime artificiel et d'aiguilles de l'année en cours lyophilisées et réduites en poudre, prélevées à deux dates différentes, à 10 jours d'intervalle, et provenant d'épinettes blanchés (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss), d'épinettes rouges (Picea rubra Sarg.) et d'épinettes noires (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.). Les femelles ont invariablement ingéré une quantité significativement plus importante de tous les régimes que les mâles, consommant 24% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette noire et 73% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette blanche.Les femelles prenaient en général plus de temps pour parvenir au stade de chrysalide et avaient un taux d'utilisation des aliments significativement plus élevé. L'efficacité nette de la croissance chez les deux sexes ne présentait toutefois aucune différence significative. La performance des larves ayant ingéré des aiguilles provenant de deux classes d'âge différait de façon significative mais non pas uniforme d'un régime à l'autre: les aiguilles d'épinette blanche plus récentes donnaient une performance généralement plus élevée contrairement aux aiguilles plus jeunes d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire. Les larves ingéraient une quantité significativement plus élevée, avaient un taux de consommation et de croissance supérieur et augmentaient davantage leur biomasse avec des aiguilles d'épinette blanche. L'efficacité d'utilisation des aliments et le taux de croissance relatif étaient de faibles à modérément faibles pour un lépidoptère arboricole phyllophage; la vitesse d'ingestion relative était élevée. La qualité des aiguilles des trois essences d'épinettes était faible. Les aiguilles d'épinette blanche permettaient aux larves d'avoir une performance significativement plus élevée, performance mesurée à partir de plusieurs critères, alors que les aiguilles d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire donnaient une performance égale. La supériorité des performances obtenues avec l'épinette blanche explique la plus grande vulnérabilité de cette essence à la Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette.

Summary Female eastern spruce budworm larvae, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), inoculated with a medium lethal spore dosage of the microsporidium Nosema fumiferanae (Thomson) exhibited significant reductions in consumptive index (CI), nitrogen consumptive index (NCI), relative growth rate (RGR), and gross (ECI) and net (ECD) production effeciencies when compared to microsporidian-free larvae. Diseased larvae also exhibited significant increases in approximate digestibility (AD), N utilization efficiency (NUE), and larval moisture content. Both healthy and diseased insects were reared on 2.5% N and 4.5% N diets. Those on the 2.5% N diet showed significant increases in CI, although NCI was still lower than NCI measured for larvae reared on 4.5% N. NUE was also higher on the 2.5% N diet. Diseased cohorts reared on 2.5% N diet had significantly greater mortality than those reared on 4.5% N diet. Pupal weight and development time of infected individuals did not respond to dietary N concentration. However, healthy insects achieved greater pupal weights in a shorter time on the 4.5% N diet than those on the 2.5% N diet. Mortality of healthy insects was unaffected by dietary N.  相似文献   

Fourth-instar larvae of the eastern spruce bud-worm Choristoneura fumiferanaClem. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were shown in two-choice feeding tests to respond differently to epicuticular waxes from different white spruce and balsam fir trees. Larvae also showed different preferences for various wax fractions obtained by separation on silicic acid.Deceased.  相似文献   

The calling behaviour of 0-day-old and 2-day-old virgin female eastern spruce budworm moths, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) was observed during exposure to different concentrations of the synthetic female sex pheromone. Regardless of whether the females were exposed to pheromone or not, there were two daily peak periods of calling activity, one in the afternoon and the other after dusk. Those moths exposed to pheromone commenced calling at least 2 h earlier during their first peak of calling activity. Also, a greater number of moths engaged in calling when exposed to pheromone than those under control conditions.
Résumé Des expériences ont été menées au laboratoire pour examiner si la phéromone sexuelle synthétique de C. fumiferana pouvait altérer le comportement d'appel de femelles vierges de la même espèce. Un appareil a été conçu pour libérer alternativement — à des intervalles déterminés — un courant d'air portant de la phéromone sexuelle ou un courant d'air pur, dans plusieurs flacons contenant des femelles vierges. Le comportement sexuel de mouches de 0 et 2 jours a ainsi été observé. Indépendamment de l'exposition des femelles à la phéromone, il y avait deux pics quotidiens d'activité d'appel, l'un dans l'après-midi et l'autre après le crépuscule. Des papillons exposés au 1×10–6 mg ou 1×10–3 mg de phéromone avaient un premier pic d'appel au moins antérieur de 2 heures par rapport aux témoins. Ainsiily a vait un plus grand nombre de papillons engagés dans une activité d'appel en présence de la phéromone que chez les témoins.

Picea glauca (white spruce) zygotic embryos and one-week-old-seedling epicotyl explants were placed on either Woody Plant Medium (WPM) or half-strength Schenk & Hildebrandt (1/2S&H) medium supplemented with varying levels of benzyladenine (BA) (0.1, 1.0, 10, 50, 100 M), zeatin (10, 50, 100 M) or thidiazuron (TDZ) (0.01, 0.1 M). In addition to differences in the number of buds induced at three months on the two media, buds induced on WPM were visually more uniform, less vitrified and elongated faster. On 1/2S&H supplemented with BA, maximum bud induction from embryos occurred on 1.0 M BA with 0.01 M TDZ with higher BA concentrations inhibitory to bud induction. In contrast, on WPM there was little difference in the number of buds induced from embryos placed on 10, 50 and 100 M BA with or without TDZ. One-week-old-seedling epicotyl explants required higher BA levels on 1/2S&H, as bud induction at three months was greatest at 10 M BA. On WPM, as with the embryos, there were only minor differences in the number of buds induced from epicotyl explants on the various BA levels. Zeatin was more effective at inducing buds than BA with both media. From embryos, bud induction was greatest on 50 or 100 M zeatin without TDZ and 50 or 100 M zeatin with or without TDZ on 1/2S&H and WPM respectively. From epicotyl explants on 1/2S&H, there was little difference in the number of buds induced with the zeatin concentrations used, while with WPM, 50 and 100 M zeatin induced the greatest number of buds. Interestingly, with BA, the epicotyl explants needed a higher level than the embryos for maximal response, while with zeatin, the level was the same for both embryos and epicotyl explants. Long-term (six month) survival was higher on WPM than with 1/2S&H. Additionally, embryos had a higher percentage of genotypes surviving at six-months when compared with epicotyl explants. For overall survival and development of the buds, 50 M zeatin with 0.01 M TDZ was the best treatment tested.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine, 1/2S&H-half-strength Schenk & Hildebrandt medium - TDZ thidiazuron - WPM woody plant medium  相似文献   

  • 1 The effect of tannins and monoterpenes on the development, mortality and food utilization of spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) was investigated under laboratory conditions using an artificial diet. Tannins were extracted from balsam fir foliage of thinned and unthinned stands to reproduce stand thinning related variations in tannins. A mixture of synthetic monoterpenes was utilized to simulate the concentration found in young and old balsam fir trees.
  • 2 Longer development time and lower pupal weight were observed for insects fed on diets with a lower nitrogen concentration and a higher tannin concentration (unthinned treatment). Tannins induced higher insect mortality at a low nitrogen concentration compared with the diet with a higher nitrogen concentration.
  • 3 Approximate digestibility was higher for larvae fed on diets with high concentrations of nitrogen at both low and high concentrations of tannins. Efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) decreased with an increase in tannin concentration. Tannins reduced both the relative consumption and growth rate (RCR and RGR).
  • 4 Monoterpenes increased spruce budworm mortality and this mortality reached almost 50% under concentrations of monoterpene typical of the young trees compared with 20% under monoterpene concentrations found in old trees.
  • 5 A higher digestibility was observed for larvae fed on diet with a higher concentration of monoterpenes, whereas efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), ECD, RCR, and RGR decreased with an increase in monoterpenes in the diet.
  • 6 The results obtained in the present study are consistent with the defensive role of secondary compounds such as tannins and monoterpenes in the spruce budworm–balsam fir system.

We examined vertical transmission of Nosema fumiferanae in the eastern spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), and how it affects overwintering distribution and survival and spring emergence and dispersal of second-instar larvae in outbreak populations. Females containing 5.0 x 10(5) spores or more consistently produced 100% infected progeny. Transmission efficiency was still 50% at burdens as low as 0.2 x 10(5) spores per moth. Infection intensity in offspring increased with maternal spore load but became highly variable above 25 x 10(5) spores per female. Nosema multiplied in second instars for at least 1 month after they entered dormancy, regardless of temperature (2 degrees C versus 21 degrees C). Infection did not affect the distribution of overwintering larvae in a white spruce canopy. Dormancy survival between late-summer and the following spring was lower in families from infected females and was negatively correlated with larval infection intensity. Infection delayed larval emergence from hibernacula in the spring and resulted in delayed dispersal of emerged larvae, at least when parasite prevalence and infection intensities were high. Infected larvae were less successful in establishing feeding sites after dispersal. Our results underscore the potential of Nosema infection to negatively affect processes early in the budworm life cycle.  相似文献   

In white spruce (Picea glauca), an improvement of somatic embryo yield and quality can be achieved by applications of dl-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoximine (BSO), which inhibits the biosynthesis of reduced glutathione (GSH), thereby switching the total glutathione pool towards its oxidized form (GSSG). Applications of BSO almost tripled the embryogenic output of two cell lines by increasing the number of embryos produced by 100 mg−1 tissue from 65 to 154 in the (E)WS1 line and from 59 to 130 in the (E)WS2 line. This increase in embryo number was ascribed to a higher production of morphologically normal embryos with four or more cotyledons (group A embryos), at the expense of group B embryos, characterized by fewer cotyledons. The quality of the embryos produced, estimated by their post-embryonic performance, was also different between treatments. In both cell lines applications of BSO in the maturation medium increased the conversion frequency, i.e. root and shoot emergence, of group A embryos while it enhanced root emergence in group B embryos. Compared to their control counterparts, BSO-treated embryos had normal shoot apical meristems as in their zygotic counterparts. Such meristems were characterized by large apical cells and vacuolated sub-apical cells. They also lacked intercellular spaces, which were present in the apical poles of control embryos where they contributed to cell–cell separation and meristem degradation. Furthermore, storage product accumulation was also improved in the presence of BSO, with protein bodies prevailing over starch. These data show that an oxidized glutathione environment is beneficial for spruce embryo production in vitro.  相似文献   

We have isolated a microsporidium from a laboratory colony of the eastern spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Light and electron microscopic investigations showed that gross pathology and ultrastructure of our isolate are similar to those described for Cystosporogenes legeri from the European grape vine moth, Lobesia botrana. Comparative phylogenetic analysis of the small subunit rDNA using maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and neighbour joining distance methods revealed perfect homology with the C. legeri sequence. The microsporidian was infectious to other Choristoneura species, as well as Malacosoma disstria, Lymantria dispar, and Lambdina fiscellaria. Incubation of infected egg masses at 41 degrees C for 20 min followed by 30 min in 33% formaldehyde did not reduce disease incidence in larval offspring. Exposure of one or two generations to fumagillin at 6000 ppm or higher eliminated infection in adult moths, but also reduced colony fitness. A clean colony was established by conducting individual matings and selecting disease-free offspring.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The objective of the study was to demonstrate the importance of bark polar fraction from Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] terminal leaders on the feeding activity and oviposition process of the female white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (Peck). The bark polar fraction was extracted with a ternary solvent [chloroform, methanol and water (12 : 5 : 3)]. This extracted fraction was added, at different concentrations, to an artificial diet on which mated female white pine weevils could feed and oviposit. The bark polar fraction of Norway spruce terminal leaders promoted white pine weevil oviposition compared with untreated artificial diet. The results of this study contributed to the development of an efficient artificial rearing substrate required to better understand the interactions between white pine weevil and its host plants. The importance of more specific compounds found in the polar fraction could eventually help produce more resistant trees.  相似文献   

Neem, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Meliaceae), seed oil (NSO) added to meridic diet at concentrations as low as 0.016% reduced pupation and prevented adult eclosion of obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). At a rate of 0.0016%, NSO reduced the fitness of C. rosaceana, resulting in longer developmental times, lower adult eclosion rates, and reduced egg production compared with controls. The neem insecticide Margosan-O TM produced comparable results based on concentrations of the most biologically active constituent, azadirachtin. Pupation was completely inhibited at concentrations of 0.25% and 1.0% for larvae exposed at 5th or 6th instar, respectively; rates as low as 0.016% reduced pupal weights and adult eclosion rates. For larvae transferred to treated diet at 5th instar, physical abnormalities in the wings of adults occurred at a rate of 0.004% NSO and increased with increasing treatment rates. NSO at concentrations as high as 2.0% was not antifeedant to neonate larvae, based on 24 and 48 h choice test bioassays, when incorporated into a meridic diet.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of tropospheric ozone and their effects on plants have been studied for a great number of years. Ozone is a gaseous pollutant and acts as a phytotoxin. Even though ozone is known to change the physiology of plants, little attention has been given to the indirect effects of ozone on plant-insect interactions. This paper addresses this question by investigating the interactive effects of ozone and plant genotype on insects. Lines of rapid-cycling Brassica rapa (L.) selected for their contrasting sensitivity to ozone and Pieris brassicae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) were used as a model system. The effect of differences in ozone sensitivity and ozone fumigation on the plant's carbon and nitrogen pools, the feeding preference, and behaviour of P. brassicae larvae were investigated. The results show that the plant's susceptibility to ozone interacts in a complex way with ozone induced alterations in the suitability of the plant for the insect. Only the larval performance on the sensitive line was affected by ozone exposure. Biochemical changes in the resistant B. rapa line made the plant a better food source for the insects, since the digestibility of this plant was significantly higher than that of the sensitive line, and the larvae pupated more quickly and were heavier.  相似文献   

温度对波纹龙虾存活、摄食、蜕壳和生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄东科  梁华芳  张志  温崇庆 《生态学报》2017,37(18):5973-5980
波纹龙虾是热带和亚热带重要经济虾类,养殖潜力巨大。本文进行温度渐变和骤变对波纹龙虾存活、摄食影响试验,以确定存活和摄食的水温范围;进行了波纹龙虾在不同温度条件下(22、25、28、31、34℃)对其存活率、饵料用效率、蜕壳和生长情况的影响试验,以确定最适养殖水温,试验时间90 d。结果表明:波纹龙虾的生存温度范围为13—36℃,适宜温度为20—30℃。在温度22—31℃范围内,波纹龙虾的存活率和特定生长率随着温度的升高表现为先升后降,在28℃达到最大值,各组之间差异显著(P0.05);温度显著影响波纹龙虾对鲜活饵料的利用效率,饵料系数最高的是31℃组,为6.43±0.28;28℃组的波纹龙虾饵料系数最低,为5.75±0.70,与其它各组有显著差异(P0.05)。波纹龙虾的蜕壳周期随着温度的升高逐渐缩短,31℃组周期最短(16.7 d),22℃蜕壳周期最长(18.8 d),但各组之间差异不显著(P0.05)。综合以上因素考虑,波纹龙虾养殖水温宜控制在28℃。  相似文献   

Feeding experiments were carried out on the benthic harpacticoid copepod Tisbe cucumariae Humes, using seven different diets of various dried and ground macroalgae and marsh grass, algal Aufwuchs, diatoms, polychaete meat, and cereal. In short-term experiments (1 h), 14C-labelled foods were used to measure ingestion rate of non-ovigerous adult females (individual dry wt = 5.57 ± 2.49 μg). No significant difference was found among the rates at which all foods, except polychaete meat, were ingested (12.7 to 17.3 × 10?2μg dry wt· ind?1· h?1). Polychaete meat was consumed faster (23.9 × 10?2μg dry wt·ind ?1· h?1). The nutritional value of the foods was estimated in long-term experiments (22 days) by measuring development time and survival of T. cucumariae. Both these variables were significantly correlated with the nitrogen, protein content, and C:N ratio of the foods. No relation was found, however, with the amount of carbon, calories and available calories in the diets. Thus, nitrogen (protein) content of the food was the factor limiting secondary production of the copepods.  相似文献   

To understand the physiological and ecological responses of marine fishes to the change of water temperature, newly-hatched larvae of Yellowtail clownfish Amphiprion clarkii were reared in captivity at water temperatures of 23, 26 and 29 °C till they completed the metamorphosis to juvenile phase, and larval survival, development, growth and feeding were evaluated during the experimental period. The results showed that water temperature influenced the physiological performance of larvae of A. clarkii significantly. The survival and growth rates of larvae of A. clarkii increased significantly with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). Water temperature also influenced larval development of A. clarkii significantly and larvae reared at 23 °C took longer time for post-larval development and metamorphosis compared to 26 and 29 °C (P < 0.05). Total length and body weight for post-larval development and metamorphosis decreased with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). Q10 in developmental rate was higher than in daily growth rate at the same rearing temperature, indicating that at water temperature had greater influence on larval development than on growth. Water temperature also influenced larval feeding of A. clarkii significantly with feed ration (FR) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) increased with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between FR and specific growth rate (SGR) (P < 0.05) but not between FCE and SGR (P > 0.05), indicating that FR influenced growth rate significantly in larvae of A. clarkii. This study demonstrated that the physiological responses of larvae of A. clarkii to the change of water temperature and confirmed that water temperature influenced larval survival, development, growth and feeding significantly. This study suggests that the decline of larval survival and growth rates, extension of pelagic larval duration and reduction of larval feeding at lower temperature have ecological impacts on larval dispersal and metamorphosis, juvenile settlement and population replenishment in A. clarkii in the wild.  相似文献   

Summary Mortality of neonatal pine beauty moth larvae varied from 0% to 100% depending on the duration of food deprivation and temperature. At 20°C and 100% RH all larvae had died by the fourth day of food deprivation, whereas at 10°C and 100% RH larvae survived for twelve days without food. Although larvae were able to survive at 15°C for up to seven days without food, establishment on thier host at this temperature was seriously affected by three days of starvation. No establishment took place after four days of starvation at 15°C. At 10°C establishment was significantly affected by starvation but not to such a marked degree. Establishment at both 15°C and 10°C was enhanced if the larvae were presented with a highly suitable host. The mean relative growth rate of those larvae reaching fifth instar was unaffected by the duration of their prefeeding starvation period. However, overall mean relative growth rates of the larvae were significantly affected by the duration of the starvation period. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to the population dynamics of this insect.  相似文献   

The rate of development and degree of survival of Asellus aquaticus eggs outside the marsupium of ovigerous females are affected by water quality and temperature. Eggs were maintained in polluted river water and relatively clean canal water. Developmental rates increase with increased temperature, but survival decreases. Eggs from polluted site ovigerous females survive better in clean water than in polluted water. Eggs from clean site ovigerous females maintained in polluted water have significantly lower survival rates than eggs from the polluted site at all temperatures tested. The developmental rate of clean site eggs is increased significantly in polluted water at 10–25 °C, possibly as a response to the stress imposed upon them.It is suggested that the method outlined might form the basis of a useful bioassay technique for measuring water quality.  相似文献   

One approach that can be employed in integrated pest management is the use of proteins with antinutritional effects on insect metabolism and development. The antimetabolic properties of soybean proteinase inhibitor (SPI) on growth of neonate larvae of the sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) have been evaluated. When incorporated into an artificial diet at 0.5% (w/w), SPI retarded growth rate and development of larvae when compared with larvae fed on artificial diet alone. However, larval survival was not significantly affected. The purpose of our research was to calculate demographic statistics for the sugarcane borer reared on diet either with or without semi-purified extract of SPI. Net reproductive rate (R 0), instantaneous rate of increase (r m), combined age-specific survivorship (l x) and age specific fecundity (m x) provide information about population growth potential. These parameters were measured in order to determine the effects of the proteinase inhibitor on the insect's population dynamics. The observed differences would potentially translate into large reductions in population growth, indicating a potential value of using SPI for protecting sugarcane plants against damage by the sugarcane borer.  相似文献   

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