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Key message

A tetraploid potato population was mapped for internal heat necrosis (IHN) using the Infinium ® 8303 potato SNP array, and QTL for IHN were identified on chromosomes 1, 5, 9 and 12 that explained 28.21% of the variation for incidence and 25.3% of the variation for severity. This research represents a significant step forward in our understanding of IHN, and sets the stage for future research focused on testing the utility of these markers in additional breeding populations.


Internal heat necrosis (IHN) is a significant non-pathogenic disorder of potato tubers and previous studies have identified AFLP markers linked to IHN susceptibility in the tetraploid, B2721 potato mapping population. B2721 consists of an IHN susceptible×resistant cross: Atlantic×B1829-5. We developed a next-generation SNP-based linkage map of this cross using the Infinium® 8303 SNP array and conducted additional QTL analyses of IHN susceptibility in the B2721 population. Using SNP dosage sensitive markers, linkage maps for both parents were simultaneously analyzed. The linkage map contained 3427 SNPs and totaled 1397.68 cM. QTL were detected for IHN on chromosomes 1, 5, 9, and 12 using LOD permutation thresholds and colocation of high LOD scores across multiple years. Genetic effects were modeled for each putative QTL. Markers associated with a QTL were regressed in models of effects for IHN incidence and severity for all years. In the full model, the SNP markers were shown to have significant effects for IHN (p < 0.0001), and explained 28.21% of the variation for incidence and 25.3% of the variation for severity. We were able to utilize SNP dosage information to identify and model the effects of putative QTL, and identify SNP loci associated with IHN resistance that need to be confirmed. This research represents a significant step forward in our understanding of IHN, and sets the stage for future research focused on testing the utility of these markers in additional breeding populations.

Interval mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for 16 yield, agronomic and quality traits in potato was performed on a tetraploid full-sib family comprising 227 clones from a cross between processing clone 12601ab1 and table cultivar Stirling. Thirty-eight AFLP primer combinations and six SSRs provided 514 informative markers which formed a molecular marker map comprising 12 linkage groups (LGs) in 12601ab1 (nine with four homologous chromosomes) which were aligned with 12 in Stirling (11 with four homologous chromosomes), with four partial groups remaining in 12601ab1. Two LGs were identified unequivocally as chromosomes IV and V and eight others were tentatively assigned with chromosomes VII and X unidentified. All of the traits scored had moderately high heritabilities with 54–92% of the variation in clone means over 3 years and two replicates being due to genetic differences. A total of 39 QTLs were identified. A QTL for maturity was identified on chromosome V which explained 56% of the phenotypic variance, whereas the other QTLs individually explained between 5.4 and 16.5%. However, six QTLs were detected for after-cooking blackening and four for each of regularity of tuber shape, fry colour both after storage at 4 and 10°C and sprouting. Just two QTLs were found for each of yield, the two ‘overall’ scores, crop emergence, tuber size and common scab and just one QTL was detected for each of dry matter content, keeping quality, growth cracks and internal condition. The implications for practical potato breeding and for practical linkage and QTL analysis in autotetraploids are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, multiparental populations have become a mainstay of genetics research in diploid species. Our goal was to extend this paradigm to autotetraploids by developing software for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in connected F1 populations derived from a set of shared parents. For QTL discovery, phenotypes are regressed on the dosage of parental haplotypes to estimate additive effects. Statistical properties of the model were explored by simulating half-diallel diploid and tetraploid populations with different population sizes and numbers of parents. Across scenarios, the number of progeny per parental haplotype (pph) largely determined the statistical power for QTL detection and accuracy of the estimated haplotype effects. Multiallelic QTL with heritability 0.2 were detected with 90% probability at 25 pph and genome-wide significance level 0.05, and the additive haplotype effects were estimated with over 90% accuracy. Following QTL discovery, the software enables a comparison of models with multiple QTL and nonadditive effects. To illustrate, we analyzed potato tuber shape in a half-diallel population with three tetraploid parents. A well-known QTL on chromosome 10 was detected, for which the inclusion of digenic dominance lowered the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) by 17 points compared to the additive model. The final model also contained a minor QTL on chromosome 1, but higher-order dominance and epistatic effects were excluded based on the DIC. In terms of practical impacts, the software is already being used to select offspring based on the effect and dosage of particular haplotypes in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a devastating disease of cultivated wheat worldwide. Partial resistance to FHB has been identified in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). However, sources of effective FHB resistance have not been found in durum wheat (T. turgidum L. var. durum). A major FHB resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL), Qfhs.ndsu-3AS, was identified on chromosome 3A of T. dicoccoides, a wild relative of durum wheat. Here, we saturated the genomic region containing the QTL using EST-derived target region amplified polymorphism (TRAP), sequence tagged site (STS), and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A total of 45 new molecular marker loci were detected on chromosome 3A and the resulting linkage map consisted of 55 markers spanning a genetic distance of 277.2 cM. Qfhs.ndsu-3AS was positioned within a chromosomal interval of 11.5 cM and is flanked by the TRAP marker loci, Xfcp401 and Xfcp397.2. The average map distance between the marker loci within this QTL region was reduced from 4.9 cM in the previous study to 3.5 cM in the present study. Comparative mapping indicated that Qfhs.ndsu-3AS is not homoeologous to Qfhs.ndsu-3BS, a major FHB QTL derived from the common wheat cultivar Sumai 3. These results facilitate our efforts toward map-based cloning of Qfhs.ndsu-3AS and utilization of this QTL in durum wheat breeding via marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Stich B  Gebhardt C 《Heredity》2011,107(6):537-547
Epistatic interactions among loci are expected to contribute substantially to variation of quantitative traits. The objectives of our research were to (i) compare a classical mixed-model approach with a combined mixed-model and analysis of variance approach for detecting epistatic interactions; (ii) examine using computer simulations the statistical power to detect additive-additive, additive-dominance and dominance-dominance epistatic interactions and (iii) detect epistatic interactions between candidate genes for resistance to leaf blight in a set of tetraploid potato clones. Our study was based on the genotypic and phenotypic data of 184 tetraploid potato cultivars as well as computer simulations. The number of significant (α* =1 × 10(-6)) epistatic interactions ranged for the three examined traits from 3 to 32. Our findings suggested that the combined mixed-model and analysis of variance approach leads in comparison with the classical mixed-model approach not to an increased rate of false-positives. The results of the computer simulations suggested that, if molecular markers are available that are in high LD (D'>0.9) with the trait-coding loci, the statistical power to detect epistatic interactions, which explain 5-10% of the phenotypic variance, was of a size that seems promising for their detection.  相似文献   

The cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an autotetraploid species. The complexity of tetrasomic inheritance and the lack of pure lines increase the difficulty of genetic analysis of the inherited characteristics. Tuberization is the determinant step for economic yield of potato. To understand the complex genetic basis of tuberization of the cultivated potato, we developed linkage maps for a tetraploid population (F1) of 237 genotypes and mapped QTLs for the percent of in vitro tuberized plantlets (% IVT). The paternal map for E108 (well tuberized) covered 948 cM and included 12 linkage groups, all of which contained all four homologous chromosomes. The maternal map for E20 (nontuberized) covered 1,286 cM and included 14 linkage groups, 12 of which contained all four homologous chromosomes. All 12 chromosomes of potato were tagged using the SSR markers. A major QTL (MT05) with additive effect was detected on chromosome V of E108 which explained 16.23 % of the variation for % IVT, and two minor QTLs (mt05 and mt09) displaying simplex dominant effects were located on chromosome V and chromosome IX of E20 which explained 5.33 and 4.59 % of the variation for % IVT, respectively. Based on the additive model of MT05, the segregation ratio of the gametic genotypes (Q?: qq = 5:1) matched the ratio of the tuberized genotypes to the nontuberized genotypes in the population suggesting that the segregation of in vitro tuberization in this population is controlled by a major-effect gene or genes. The mapping results of three important candidate genes indicated that the QTL causal genes detected in our study are new. In this study, we developed the almost complete linkage maps of a tetraploid population, identified a major QTL on chromosome V affecting in vitro tuberization, suggested a major-effect gene with minor modifiers model controlling this trait and found that the QTLs identified here correspond to new tuberization genes. Our work provides new and useful information about the genetic basis for tuberization of this autotetraploid crop.  相似文献   

The Rx locus in potato confers extreme resistance to PVX. In the F1 progeny of crosses between the PVX-susceptible cultivar Huinkel and the cultivar Cara (Rx genotype) there was a 1?:?1 segregation of PVX resistance, indicating that Rx in Cara is present in the simplex condition. Using potato and tomato RFLP markers, we mapped Rx in Cara to the distal end of chromosome XII at a different position to the previously mapped Rx1 locus. To generate a high-resolution linkage map in the vicinity of Rx a total 728 AFLP primer combinations were screened using DNA of bulked resistant and susceptible segregants. We also screened segregating populations for chromosomal recombination events linked to the Rx locus and identified 82 plants with recombination events close to Rx. Using these recombinant plants we have identified AFLPs that flank Rx and span an interval of 0.23 cM in a region of the genome where 1 cM corresponds to approximately 400?kb.  相似文献   

Genetic resistance to Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Say]) from Solanum chacoense has been incorporated in the tetraploid potato selection, ND4382-19, which is highly resistant and contains moderate level of foliar leptines. We recently reported using ND4382-19 progeny, population ND5873 (ND4382-19 × Chipeta), to map two genes that segregated as complementary epistatic genes that allow accumulation of leptinidine (Lep) and acetyl-leptinidine (AL) on chromosomes 2 and 8, respectively. We describe here the characterization of a second half-sib population NDG116 (ND4382-19 × N142-72). In this population, solasodine from parent N142-72, which has Solanum berthaultii in its background, was predominant over solanidine-based alkaloids. Concentrations of solanidine, leptinidine, and acetyl-leptinidine were 15-, 5-, and 14-fold lower than in the ND5873 population. Nevertheless, Lep and AL mapped to the same locations on chromosomes 2 and 8 of parent ND4382-19, respectively. The two populations were evaluated for resistance to Leptinotarsa in field assays, and by detached leaf assay for population NDG116. In both families, QTL analysis identified a major QTL from ND4382-19 on the distal end of chromosome 2, close to the Lep locus. The contribution of this QTL to resistance ranged from 11 to 34% for ND5873 at four field sites. Contribution to resistance from the linkage group that contains the gene AL for the accumulation of leptine was not detected. In family NDG116, the same chromosome 2 QTL was detected for field and detached leaf assays, explaining 26 and 12% of the variance for defoliation and larval development, respectively. These data may indicate another resistance mechanism besides leptine in the Leptinotarsa resistance observed in these populations.  相似文献   

Cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a highly heterozygous autotetraploid crop species, and this creates challenges for traditional line development and molecular breeding. Recent availability of a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array with 8303 features and software packages for linkage and association mapping in autotetraploid species present new opportunities for the identification of genomic regions that contribute to high-value traits in cultivated potato. A biparental tetraploid potato population was evaluated across three field seasons and storage trials in order to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for multiple tuber traits including fried chip color after 5.5–7.2 °C storage. Tetra-allelic dosage information was used to construct a genetic linkage map that covered 1041 cM and contained 2095 SNP markers with a median marker interval of 0.4 cM. A total of 41 QTL were identified for flower color, tuber yield, tuber number per plant, tuber weight, tuber size, and chip color after various storage regimes. Moderate effect QTL for chip color at 3 months were identified that co-localized with candidate genes vacuolar invertase (VInv), invertase inhibitor (INH2), and apoplastic invertase (Inv ap -b). A separate QTL for chip color after 6 months of storage was identified in the short arm of chromosome 2, and this locus may contribute to variation in senescent sweetening resistance. QTL for tuber weight, length, and width co-localized with a known QTL for plant maturity on chromosome 5. Genome-wide association mapping using a polyploid model detected the tuber size QTL and identified a number of candidate SNPs, but was unable to detect markers significantly associated with chip color.  相似文献   

QTL mapping in rice   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
In the past 10 years, interest in applying the tools of molecular genetics to the problem of increasing world rice production has resulted in the generation of two highly saturated, molecular linkage maps of rice, and the localization of numerous genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Primary studies have identified QTLs associated with disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance and yield potential of rice in a range of ecosystems. The ability to identify, manipulate and potentially clone individual genes involved in quantitatively inherited characters, combined with the demonstrated conservation of numerous linkage blocks among members of the grass family, emphasizes the contribution of map-based genetic analyses both to applied and to basic crop research.  相似文献   

Asiatic cotton(Gossypium arboreum L.) is an Old World cultivated cotton species.The sinense race was planted extensively in China.Due to the advances in spinning technology during the last century,the species was replaced by the New World allotetraploid cotton G.hirsutum L.Gossypium arboreum is still grown in India and Pakistan and also used as an elite in current cotton breeding programs.In addition,G.arboreum serves as a model for genomic research in Gossypium.In the present study,we generated an A-genome...  相似文献   


Key message

We achieved improved mapping resolution of the major wart resistance locus Xla-TNL containing also Sen1 in a dihaploid population using SNP data and developed additional markers with diagnostic value in tetraploid varieties.


We analyzed a segregating monoparental dihaploid potato population comprising 215 genotypes derived from a tetraploid variety that is highly resistant to Synchytrium endobioticum pathotypes 18 and 6. The clear bimodal segregation for both pathotypes indicated that a major dominant resistance factor in a simplex allele configuration was present in the tetraploid donor genotype. Compared to that in previous analyses of the same tetraploid donor in conventional crosses with susceptible tetraploid genotypes, a segregation pattern with a reduced genetic complexity of resistance in dihaploids was observed here. Using the 12.8 k SolCAP SNP array, we mapped a resistance locus to the Xla-TNL region containing also Sen1 on potato chromosome 11. The improved mapping resolution provided by the monoparental dihaploids allowed for the localization of the genes responsible for the resistance to both pathotypes in an interval spanning less than 800 kbp on the reference genome. Furthermore, we identified eight molecular markers segregating without recombination to pathotype 18 and pathotype 6 resistance. Also, two developed markers display improved diagnostic properties in an independent panel of tetraploid varieties. Overall, our data provide the highest resolution mapping of wart resistance genes at the Xla-TNL locus thus far.

Asiatic cotton(Gossypium arboreum L.) is an Old World cultivated cotton species.The sinense race was planted extensively in China.Due to the advances in spinning technology during the last century,the species was replaced by the New World allotetraploid cotton G.hirsutum L.Gossypium arboreum is still grown in India and Pakistan and also used as an elite in current cotton breeding programs.In addition,G.arboreum serves as a model for genomic research in Gossypium.In the present study,we generated an A-genome diploid cotton intraspecific genetic map including 264 SSR loci with three morphological markers mapped to 1 3 linkage groups.The map spans 2,508.71 cM with an average distance of 9.4 cM between adjacent loci.A population containing 1 76 F2:3 families was used to perform quantitative trait loci(QTL)mapping for 17 phenotypes using Multiple QTL Model(MQM)of MapQTL ver 5.0.Overall,108 QTLs were detected on 13 chromosomes.Thirty-one QTLs for yield and its components were detected in the F2 population.Forty-one QTLs for yield and its components were detected in the F2:3 families with a total of 43 QTLs for fiber qualities.Two QTLs for seed cotton weight/plant and lint index and three QTLs for seed index were consistently detected both in F2 and F2:3.Most QTLs for fiber qualities and yields were located at the same interval or neighboring intervals.These results indicated that the negative correlation between fiber qualities and yield traits may result from either pleiotropic effect of one gene or linkage effects of multiple closely linked genes.  相似文献   

QTL analysis of potato tuberization   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting tuberization were detected in reciprocal backcrosses between Solanum tuberosum and S. berthaultii. Linkage analyses were performed between traits and RFLP alleles segregating from both the hybrid and the recurrent parent using a set of framework markers from the potato map. Eleven distinct loci on seven chromosomes were associated with variation in tuberization. Most of the loci had small effects, but a QTL explaining 27% of the variance was found on chromosome 5. More QTLs were detected while following alleles segregating from the recurrent S. tuberosum parent used to make the backcross than were detected by following alleles segregating from the hybrid parent. More than half of the alleles favoring tuberization were at least partly dominant. Tuberization was favored by an allele from S. berthaultii at 3 of the 5 QTLs detected by segregation from the hybrid parent. The additive effects of the QTLs for tuberization explained up to 53% of the phenotypic variance, and inclusion of epistatic effects increased this figure to 60%. The most common form of epistasis was that in which presence of an allele at each of 2 loci favoring tuberization was no more effective than the presence of a favorable allele at 1 of the 2 loci. The QTLs detected for tuberization traits are discussed in relationship to those previously detected for trichome-mediated insect resistance derived from the unadapted wild species.Paper number 54 of the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Science, Cornell University  相似文献   

Association mapping using DNA-based markers is a novel tool in plant genetics for the analysis of complex traits. Potato tuber yield, starch content, starch yield and chip color are complex traits of agronomic relevance, for which carbohydrate metabolism plays an important role. At the functional level, the genes and biochemical pathways involved in carbohydrate metabolism are among the best studied in plants. Quantitative traits such as tuber starch and sugar content are therefore models for association genetics in potato based on candidate genes. In an association mapping experiment conducted with a population of 243 tetraploid potato varieties and breeding clones, we previously identified associations between individual candidate gene alleles and tuber starch content, starch yield and chip quality. In the present paper, we tested 190 DNA markers at 36 loci scored in the same association mapping population for pairwise statistical epistatic interactions. Fifty marker pairs were associated mainly with tuber starch content and/or starch yield, at a cut-off value of q ≤ 0.20 for the experiment-wide false discovery rate (FDR). Thirteen marker pairs had an FDR of q ≤ 0.10. Alleles at loci encoding ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase (Rca), sucrose phosphate synthase (Sps) and vacuolar invertase (Pain1) were most frequently involved in statistical epistatic interactions. The largest effect on tuber starch content and starch yield was observed for the paired alleles Pain1-8c and Rca-1a, explaining 9 and 10% of the total variance, respectively. The combination of these two alleles increased the means of tuber starch content and starch yield. Biological models to explain the observed statistical epistatic interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Tetraploid somatic hybrids, derived from ten different fusion combinations, were grown in the field to study the inheritance of quantitatively-controlled agronomic traits. The data from two seasons showed that the heterosis in yield varied between 70% and 230% compared to the mid-parent value of the dihaploid fusion clones. The relative yield of the hybrids compared to two standard varieties (= 100%) ranged from 47% to 106%. Despite large differences in yield between the single hybrids of the same fusion combination, no significant differences could be detected between the hybrids. The analysis of the yield components revealed that the heterosis was mainly due to a highly increased tuber weight, whereas the tuber number was in general intermediate to that of the parent clones. In three combinations, the starch content of the hybrids was 15–20% higher than the midparent value and in the others it was intermediate. Fusion of clones with long oval tubers and with round or round-oval ones showed the round/round-oval form was dominant. Fusion combinations of tuber flesh colour indicated that in most cases yellow was dominant to white, while red skin colour was dominant over yellow.  相似文献   

Almasy L  Blangero J 《Genetica》2009,136(2):333-340
Human quantitative trait locus (QTL) linkage mapping, although based on classical statistical genetic methods that have been around for many years, has been employed for genome-wide screening for only the last 10–15 years. In this time, there have been many success stories, ranging from QTLs that have been replicated in independent studies to those for which one or more genes underlying the linkage peak have been identified to a few with specific functional variants that have been confirmed in in vitro laboratory assays. Despite these successes, there is a general perception that linkage approaches do not work for complex traits, possibly because many human QTL linkage studies have been limited in sample size and have not employed the family configurations that maximize the power to detect linkage. We predict that human QTL linkage studies will continue to be productive for the next several years, particularly in combination with RNA expression level traits that are showing evidence of regulatory QTLs of large effect sizes and in combination with high-density genome-wide SNP panels. These SNP panels are being used to identify QTLs previously localized by linkage and linkage results are being used to place informative priors on genome-wide association studies.  相似文献   

Advances in QTL mapping in pigs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Over the past 15 years advances in the porcine genetic linkage map and discovery of useful candidate genes have led to valuable gene and trait information being discovered. Early use of exotic breed crosses and now commercial breed crosses for quantitative trait loci (QTL) scans and candidate gene analyses have led to 110 publications which have identified 1,675 QTL. Additionally, these studies continue to identify genes associated with economically important traits such as growth rate, leanness, feed intake, meat quality, litter size, and disease resistance. A well developed QTL database called PigQTLdb is now as a valuable tool for summarizing and pinpointing in silico regions of interest to researchers. The commercial pig industry is actively incorporating these markers in marker-assisted selection along with traditional performance information to improve traits of economic performance. The long awaited sequencing efforts are also now beginning to provide sequence available for both comparative genomics and large scale single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) association studies. While these advances are all positive, development of useful new trait families and measurement of new or underlying traits still limits future discoveries. A review of these developments is presented.  相似文献   

QTL analysis of potato tuber dormancy   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The potential loss of chemical sprout inhibitors because of public concern over the use of pesticides underscores the desirability of breeding for long dormancy of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses were performed in reciprocal backcrosses between S. tuberosum and S. berthaultii toward defining the complexity of dormancy. S. berthaultii is a wild Bolivian species characterized by a short-day requirement for tuberization, long tuber dormancy, and resistance to several insect pests. RFLP alleles segregating from the recurrent parents as well as from the interspecific hybrid were monitored in two segregating progenies. We detected QTLs on nine chromosomes that affected tuber dormancy, either alone or through epistatic interactions. Alleles from the wild parent promoted dormancy, with the largest effect at a QTL on chromosome 2. Long dormancy appeared to be recessive in the backcross to S. berthaultii (BCB). In BCB the additive effects of dormancy QTLs accounted for 48% of the measured phenotypic variance, and adding epistatic effects to the model explained only 4% more. In contrast, additive effects explained only 16% of the variance in the backcross to S. tuberosum (BCT), and an additional 24% was explained by the inclusion of epistatic effects. In BCB variation at all QTLs detected was associated with RFLP alleles segregating from the hybrid parent; in BCT all QTLs except for two found through epistasis were detected through RFLP alleles segregating from the recurrent parent. At least three dormancy QTLs mapped to markers previously found to be associated with tuberization in these crosses.Paper number 55 of the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Science, Cornell University  相似文献   

High temperature (>30 °C) at the time of grain filling is one of the major causes of yield reduction in wheat in many parts of the world, especially in tropical countries. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for heat tolerance under terminal heat stress, a set of 148 recombinant inbred lines was developed by crossing a heat-tolerant hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar (NW1014) and a heat-susceptible (HUW468) cultivar. The F(5), F(6), and F(7) generations were evaluated in two different sowing dates under field conditions for 2 years. Using the trait values from controlled and stressed trials, four different traits (1) heat susceptibility index (HSI) of thousand grain weight (HSITGW); (2) HSI of grain fill duration (HSIGFD); (3) HSI of grain yield (HSIYLD); and (4) canopy temperature depression (CTD) were used to determine heat tolerance. Days to maturity was also investigated. A linkage map comprising 160 simple sequence repeat markers was prepared covering the whole genome of wheat. Using composite interval mapping, significant genomic regions on 2B, 7B and 7D were found to be associated with heat tolerance. Of these, two (2B and 7B) were co-localized QTL and explained more than 15 % phenotypic variation for HSITGW, HSIGFD and CTD. In pooled analysis over three trials, QTL explained phenotypic variation ranging from 9.78 to 20.34 %. No QTL × trial interaction was detected for the identified QTL. The three major QTL obtained can be used in marker-assisted selection for heat stress in wheat.  相似文献   

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