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Wnt-signalling plays a critical role in animal development, and its misregulation results in serious human diseases, including cancer. While the Wnt pathway is well studied in eumetazoan models, little is known about the evolutionary origin of its components and their functions. Here, we have identified key machinery of the Wnt-β-catenin (canonical)-signalling pathway that is encoded in the Amphimedon queenslandica (Demospongiae; Porifera) genome, namely Wnt, Fzd, SFRP, Lrp5/6, Dvl, Axin, APC, GSK3, β-catenin, Tcf, and Groucho. Most of these genes are not detected in the choanoflagellate and other nonmetazoan eukaryotic genomes. In contrast, orthologues of some of key components of bilaterian Wnt-planar cell polarity and Wnt/Ca(2+) are absent from the Amphimedon genome, suggesting these pathways evolved after demosponge and eumetazoan lineages diverged. Sequence analysis of the identified proteins of the Wnt-β-catenin pathway has revealed the presence of most of the conserved motifs and domains responsible for protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions in vertebrates and insects. However, several protein-protein interaction domains appear to be absent from the Amphimedon Axin and APC proteins. These are also missing from their orthologues in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis, suggesting that they are bilaterian novelties. All of the analyzed Wnt pathway genes are expressed in specific patterns during Amphimedon embryogenesis. Most are expressed in especially striking and highly dynamic patterns during formation of a simple organ-like larval structure, the pigment ring. Overall, our results indicate that the Wnt-β-catenin pathway was used in embryonic patterning in the last common ancestor of living metazoans. Subsequently, gene duplications and a possible increase in complexity of protein interactions have resulted in the precisely regulated Wnt pathway observed in extant bilaterian animals.  相似文献   

Demosponges are a rich natural source of unusual lipids, some of which are of interest as geochemical biomarkers. Although demosponges are animals, they often host dense communities of microbial symbionts, and it is therefore unclear which lipids can be synthesized by the animal de novo, and which require input from the microbial community. To address this uncertainty, we analyzed the lipids of Amphimdeon queenslandica, the only demosponge with a published genome. We correlated the genetic and lipid repertoires of A. queenslandica to identify which biomarkers could potentially be synthesized and/or modified by the sponge. The fatty acid profile of A. queenslandica is dominated by an unusual Δ5,9 fatty acid (cis‐5,9‐hexacosadienoic acid)—similar to what has been found in other members of the Amphimdeon genus—while the sterol profile is dominated by C27‐C29 derivatives of cholesterol. Based on our analysis of the A. queenslandica genome, we predict that this sponge can synthesize sterols de novo, but it lacks critical genes necessary to synthesize basic saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. However, it does appear to have the genes necessary to modify simpler products into a more complex “algal‐like” assemblage of unsaturated fatty acids. Ultimately, our results provide additional support for the poriferan affinity of 24‐isopropylcholestanes in Neoproterozoic‐age rocks (the “sponge biomarker” hypothesis) and suggest that some algal proxies in the geochemical record could also have animal contributions.  相似文献   

《Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)》2009,47(11):spcone-spcone
Opened brood chamber with embryos of different stages from the demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica. This poriferan species has its genome sequenced, assembled, and annotated and serves as a model organism for sponge developmental biology. Image supplied by Bernie Degnan (University of Queensland).  相似文献   

Members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) and the interleukin 1 receptor (IL1R) superfamilies activate various signaling cascades that are evolutionarily conserved in eumetazoans. In this study, we have searched the genome and expressed sequence tags of the demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica for molecules involved in TLR and IL1R signaling. Although we did not identify a conventional TLR or ILR, the Amphimedon genome encodes two related receptors, AmqIgTIRs, which are comprised of at least three extracellular IL1R-like immunoglobulins (Ig) and an intracellular TLR-like Toll/interleukin1 receptor/resistance (TIR) domain. The remainder of the TLR/IL1R pathway is mostly conserved in Amphimedon and includes genes known to interact with TLRs and IL1Rs in bilaterians, such as Toll-interacting protein (Tollip) and myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88). By comparing the sponge genome to that of nonmetazoan eukaryotes and other basal animal phyla (i.e., placozoan and cnidarian representatives) we can infer that most components of the signaling cascade, including the receptors, evolved after the divergence of metazoan, and choanoflagellate lineages. In most cases, these proteins are composed of metazoan-specific domains (e.g., Pellino) or architectures (e.g., the association of a death domain with a TIR domain in the MyD88). The dynamic expression of the two AmqIgTIRs, AmqMyD88, AmqTollip, and AmqPellino during Amphimedon embryogenesis and larval development is consistent with the TLR/IL1R pathway having a role in both development and immunity in the last common metazoan ancestor.  相似文献   

Marla S  Singh VK 《In silico biology》2007,7(4-5):543-545
Recent sequencing of genomes of several microorganisms provides an opportunity to have access to huge volumes of data stored in various databases. This has resulted in the development of various computational and visualization tools to aid in retrieval and analysis of data. Development of user friendly genome data mapping and visualization tools facilitates researchers to closely examine various features of genes and make inferences from the displayed data efficiently. PGV - Prokaryotic Genome Viewer is a Java based web application tool capable of generating high quality interactive circular chromosome maps. With simple mouse roll over tasks on the interested region on the displayed map, the user is provided with features such as feature labeling, multi-fold zooming, image rotation and hyperlinking to different information resources. The tool is capable of instantaneously generating maps using user-supplied sequence data.  相似文献   

Many bacteria carry two or more chromosome-like replicons. This occurs in pathogens such as Vibrio cholerea and Brucella abortis as well as in many N2-fixing plant symbionts including all isolates of the alfalfa root-nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti. Understanding the evolution and role of this multipartite genome organization will provide significant insight into these important organisms; yet this knowledge remains incomplete, in part, because technical challenges of large-scale genome manipulations have limited experimental analyses. The distinct evolutionary histories and characteristics of the three replicons that constitute the S. meliloti genome (the chromosome (3.65 Mb), pSymA megaplasmid (1.35 Mb), and pSymB chromid (1.68 Mb)) makes this a good model to examine this topic. We transferred essential genes from pSymB into the chromosome, and constructed strains that lack pSymB as well as both pSymA and pSymB. This is the largest reduction (45.4%, 3.04 megabases, 2866 genes) of a prokaryotic genome to date and the first removal of an essential chromid. Strikingly, strains lacking pSymA and pSymB (ΔpSymAB) lost the ability to utilize 55 of 74 carbon sources and various sources of nitrogen, phosphorous and sulfur, yet the ΔpSymAB strain grew well in minimal salts media and in sterile soil. This suggests that the core chromosome is sufficient for growth in a bulk soil environment and that the pSymA and pSymB replicons carry genes with more specialized functions such as growth in the rhizosphere and interaction with the plant. These experimental data support a generalized evolutionary model, in which non-chromosomal replicons primarily carry genes with more specialized functions. These large secondary replicons increase the organism''s niche range, which offsets their metabolic burden on the cell (e.g. pSymA). Subsequent co-evolution with the chromosome then leads to the formation of a chromid through the acquisition of functions core to all niches (e.g. pSymB).  相似文献   

迄今,已有60多个原核生物的基因组全序列被发表。我们因此有可能对它们基因组的构成有更深入的认识。绝大多数生物基因组DNA的G与C和A与T的含量相等^[1]。但是,在许多原核生物基因组的先导链和后随链内存在G与C或A与T分布的不对称(Gc shew或AT shew)、原核生物DNA链的非对称性表现在碱基、密码子和基因水平。  相似文献   

Gap junctions serve for direct intercellular communication by docking of two hemichannels in adjacent cells thereby forming conduits between the cytoplasmic compartments of adjacent cells. Connexin genes code for subunit proteins of gap junction channels and are members of large gene families in mammals. So far, 17 connexin (Cx) genes have been described and characterized in the murine genome. For most of them, orthologues in the human genome have been found (see White and Paul 1999; Manthey et al. 1999; Teubner et al. 2001; Söhl et al. 2001). We have recently performed searches for connexin genes in murine and human gene libraries available at EMBL/Heidelberg, NCBI and the Celera company that have increased the number of identified connexins to 19 in mouse and 20 in humans. For one mouse connexin gene and two human connexin genes we did not find orthologues in the other genome. Here we present a short overview on distinct connexin genes which we found in the mouse and human genome and which may include all members of this gene family, if no further connexin gene will be discovered in the remaining non-sequenced parts (about 1-5%) of the genomes.  相似文献   

草菇(V olvariella volvacea),又名中国蘑菇,是一种生长于中国和东南亚的重要经济食用菌。本文基于本实验室的草菇基因组测序结果,分析了草菇基因组中的tRNA情况。草菇基因组的302个框架中,共发现了177个tRNA基因,其中有7个可能的假基因,有2个携带硒代半胱氨酸,一个抑制性tRNA基因和一个未知的异型结构tRNA。除了上述11个特殊的tRNA基因外,166个tRNA可按反密码子类型分成47类。与其它5种担子菌的基因组tRNA比较,草菇的tRNA数量处于第4位,少于鬼伞、裂褶菌、灵芝,多于双孢蘑菇和平菇。通过比较分析草菇及这5种大型真菌的基因组tRNA编码情况,首次报道了几种食用菌tRNA遵守修正的摆动假说的情况。另外,草菇的同功受体tRNA非编码子序列也具有差异性,对tRNA的分析将有助于进一步研究草菇的进化。  相似文献   

Geminiviruses are known to exhibit both prokaryotic and eukaryotic features in their genomes, with the ability to express their genes and even replicate in bacterial cells. We have demonstrated previously the existence of unit-length single-stranded circular DNAs of Ageratum yellow vein virus (AYVV, a species in the genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae) in Escherichia coli cells, which prompted our search for unknown prokaryotic functions in the begomovirus genomes. By using a promoter trapping strategy, we identified a novel prokaryotic promoter, designated AV3 promoter, in nts 762-831 of the AYVV genome. Activity assays revealed that the AV3 promoter is strong, unidirectional, and constitutive, with an endogenous downstream ribosome binding site and a translatable short open reading frame of eight amino acids. Sequence analyses suggested that the AV3 promoter might be a remnant of prokaryotic ancestors that could be related to certain promoters of bacteria from marine or freshwater environments. The discovery of the prokaryotic AV3 promoter provided further evidence for the prokaryotic origin in the evolutionary history of geminiviruses.  相似文献   

在最近完成测序的水稻籼稻和粳稻两个亚种基因组中,各找到564和519个较为可靠的tRNA基因,进一步证实了于2002年发表的基于基因组序列草图的分析结果。修正的摆动假设,即至少需要46种tRNA基因才能译出61种可能的反密码子,在这两个亚种中均准确成立。在这46种tRNA中,有些在籼稻和粳稻中的序列均全同。有18种水稻tRNA与拟南芥中的相应序列全同。在籼稻基因组序列中还发现了384个5S rRNA基因,一批17S和5.8S rRNA基因以及一个25S rRNA基因。这些rRNA基因的不完备是由于它们通常以串接阵列形式存在于异染色质区域,而后者在全基因组霰弹法测序中不易完整测出。在tRNA和rRNA基因序列之间发现了多处互补片段,这将有助于研究它们的进化和相互作用。  相似文献   

In genetic language a peculiar arrangement of biological information is provided by overlapping genes in which the same region of DNA can code for functionally unrelated messages. In this work, the informational content of overlapping genes belonging to prokaryotic and eukaryotic viruses was analyzed. Using information theory indices, we identified in the regions of overlap a first pattern, exhibiting a more uniform base composition and more severe constraints in base ordering with respect to the nonoverlapping regions. This pattern was found to be peculiar to coliphage, avian hepatitis B virus, human lentivirus, and plant luteovirus families. A second pattern, characterized by the occurrence of similar compositional constraints in both types of coding regions, was found to be limited to plant tymoviruses. At the level of codon usage, a low degree of correlation between overlapping and nonoverlapping coding regions characterized the first pattern, whereas a close link was found in tymoviruses, indicating a fine adaptation of the overlapping frame to the original codon choice of the virus. As a result of codon usage correlation analysis, deductions concerning the origin and evolution of several overlapping frames were also proposed. Comparison of amino acid composition revealed an increased frequency of amino acid residues with a high level of degeneracy (arginine, leucine, and serine) in the proteins encoded by overlapping genes; this peculiar feature of overlapping genes can be viewed as a way with which they may expand their coding ability and gain new, specialized functions. Received: 28 October 1996 / Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

We have elaborated a method which has allowed us to estimate the direction of translocation of orthologs which have changed, during the phylogeny, their positions on chromosome in respect to the leading or lagging role of DNA strands. We have shown that the relative number of translocations which have switched positions of genes from the leading to the lagging DNA strand is lower than the number of translocations which have transferred genes from the lagging strand to the leading strand of prokaryotic genomes. This paradox could be explained by assuming that the stronger mutation pressure and selection after inversion preferentially eliminate genes transferred from the leading to the lagging DNA strand. Received: 12 December 2000 / Accepted: 20 April 2001  相似文献   

De novo origin of coding sequence remains an obscure issue in molecular evolution. One of the possible paths for addition (subtraction) of DNA segments to (from) a gene is stop codon shift. Single nucleotide substitutions can destroy the existing stop codon, leading to uninterrupted translation up to the next stop codon in the gene’s reading frame, or create a premature stop codon via a nonsense mutation. Furthermore, short indels-caused frameshifts near gene’s end may lead to premature stop codons or to translation past the existing stop codon. Here, we describe the evolution of the length of coding sequence of prokaryotic genes by change of positions of stop codons. We observed cases of addition of regions of 3′UTR to genes due to mutations at the existing stop codon, and cases of subtraction of C-terminal coding segments due to nonsense mutations upstream of the stop codon. Many of the observed stop codon shifts cannot be attributed to sequencing errors or rare deleterious variants segregating within bacterial populations. The additions of regions of 3′UTR tend to occur in those genes in which they are facilitated by nearby downstream in-frame triplets which may serve as new stop codons. Conversely, subtractions of coding sequence often give rise to in-frame stop codons located nearby. The amino acid composition of the added region is significantly biased, compared to the overall amino acid composition of the genes. Our results show that in prokaryotes, shift of stop codon is an underappreciated contributor to functional evolution of gene length.  相似文献   

If lateral gene transfer (LGT) has affected all genes over the course of prokaryotic evolution, reconstruction of organismal phylogeny is compromised. However, if a core of genes is immune to transfer, then the evolutionary history of that core might be our most reliable guide to the evolution of organisms. Such a core should be preferentially included in the subset of genes shared by all organisms, but where universally conserved genes have been analyzed, there is too little phylogenetic signal to allow determination of whether or not they indeed have the same history (Hansmann and Martin 2000; Teichmann and Mitchison 1999). Here we look at a more restricted set, 521 homologous genes (COGs) simultaneously present in four sequenced euryarchaeal genomes. Although there is overall little robust phylogenetic signal in this data set, there is, among well-supported trees, strong representation of all three possible four-taxon topologies. ``Informational' genes seem no less subject to LGT than are ``operational genes,' within the euryarchaeotes. We conclude that (i) even in this collection of conserved genes there has been extensive LGT (orthologous gene replacement) and (ii) the notion that there is a core of nontransferable genes (the ``core hypothesis') has not been proven and may be unprovable. Received: 7 November 2000 / Accepted: 20 February 2001  相似文献   

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