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MOTIVATION: The exponential growth of sequence databases poses a major challenge to bioinformatics tools for querying alignment and annotation databases. There is a pressing need for methods for finding overlapping sequence intervals that are highly scalable to database size, query interval size, result size and construction/updating of the interval database. RESULTS: We have developed a new interval database representation, the Nested Containment List (NCList), whose query time is O(n + log N), where N is the database size and n is the size of the result set. In all cases tested, this query algorithm is 5-500-fold faster than other indexing methods tested in this study, such as MySQL multi-column indexing, MySQL binning and R-Tree indexing. We provide performance comparisons both in simulated datasets and real-world genome alignment databases, across a wide range of database sizes and query interval widths. We also present an in-place NCList construction algorithm that yields database construction times that are approximately 100-fold faster than other methods available. The NCList data structure appears to provide a useful foundation for highly scalable interval database applications. AVAILABILITY: NCList data structure is part of Pygr, a bioinformatics graph database library, available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pygr  相似文献   

Background: In the field of bioinformatics interchangeable data formats based on XML are widely used. XML-type data is also at the core of most web services. With the increasing amount of data stored in XML comes the need for storing and accessing the data. In this paper we analyse the suitability of different database systems for storing and querying large datasets in general and Medline in particular.Results: All reviewed database systems perform well when tested with small to medium sized datasets, however when the full Medline dataset is queried a large variation in query times is observed. Conclusions: There is not one system that is vastly superior to the others in this comparison and, depending on the database size and the query requirements, different systems are most suitable. The best all-round solution is the Oracle 11~g database system using the new binary storage option. Alias-i's Lingpipe is a more lightweight, customizable and sufficiently fast solution. It does however require more initial configuration steps. For data with a changing XML structure Sedna and BaseX as native XML database systems or MySQL with an XML-type column are suitable.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The information model chosen to store biological data affects the types of queries possible, database performance, and difficulty in updating that information model. Genetic sequence data for pharmacogenetics studies can be complex, and the best information model to use may change over time. As experimental and analytical methods change, and as biological knowledge advances, the data storage requirements and types of queries needed may also change. RESULTS: We developed a model for genetic sequence and polymorphism data, and used XML Schema to specify the elements and attributes required for this model. We implemented this model as an ontology in a frame-based representation and as a relational model in a database system. We collected genetic data from two pharmacogenetics resequencing studies, and formulated queries useful for analysing these data. We compared the ontology and relational models in terms of query complexity, performance, and difficulty in changing the information model. Our results demonstrate benefits of evolving the schema for storing pharmacogenetics data: ontologies perform well in early design stages as the information model changes rapidly and simplify query formulation, while relational models offer improved query speed once the information model and types of queries needed stabilize.  相似文献   

The NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) represents the largest public repository of microarray data. However, finding data in GEO can be challenging. We have developed GEOmetadb in an attempt to make querying the GEO metadata both easier and more powerful. All GEO metadata records as well as the relationships between them are parsed and stored in a local MySQL database. A powerful, flexible web search interface with several convenient utilities provides query capabilities not available via NCBI tools. In addition, a Bioconductor package, GEOmetadb that utilizes a SQLite export of the entire GEOmetadb database is also available, rendering the entire GEO database accessible with full power of SQL-based queries from within R. AVAILABILITY: The web interface and SQLite databases available at http://gbnci.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/geo/. The Bioconductor package is available via the Bioconductor project. The corresponding MATLAB implementation is also available at the same website.  相似文献   

MODBASE (http://guitar.rockefeller.edu/modbase) is a relational database of annotated comparative protein structure models for all available protein sequences matched to at least one known protein structure. The models are calculated by MODPIPE, an automated modeling pipeline that relies on PSI-BLAST, IMPALA and MODELLER. MODBASE uses the MySQL relational database management system for flexible and efficient querying, and the MODVIEW Netscape plugin for viewing and manipulating multiple sequences and structures. It is updated regularly to reflect the growth of the protein sequence and structure databases, as well as improvements in the software for calculating the models. For ease of access, MODBASE is organized into different datasets. The largest dataset contains models for domains in 304 517 out of 539 171 unique protein sequences in the complete TrEMBL database (23 March 2001); only models based on significant alignments (PSI-BLAST E-value < 10–4) and models assessed to have the correct fold are included. Other datasets include models for target selection and structure-based annotation by the New York Structural Genomics Research Consortium, models for prediction of genes in the Drosophila melanogaster genome, models for structure determination of several ribosomal particles and models calculated by the MODWEB comparative modeling web server.  相似文献   

Biochemical databases will be best served by the development of new specialized database management systems whose storage managers are based on metric-space indexing techniques and the development a database query languages that embody semantics derived from biochemical models of similarity and evolution. Important biochemical data types cannot be effectively mapped to low dimensional coordinate systems on which O(log n) indexing methods rely. It is clear from an abundance of bioinformatic discoveries that biochemical data is not random and exhibits interesting structure with respect to clustering. Metric-space indexing exploits a data set's intrinsic clustering to speed the execution of similarity queries, even when the data cannot be mapped to a coordinate system. Database management systems that seamlessly integrate semantically rich query languages with a metric-storage and retrieval mechanism will allow biologists to simply and concisely develop informatic studies that have traditionally been large and labor intensive.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Information about a particular protein or protein family is usually distributed among multiple databases and often in more than one entry in each database. Retrieval and organization of this information can be a laborious task. This task is complicated even further by the existence of alternative terms for the same concept. RESULTS: The PDB, SWISS-PROT, ENZYME, and CATH databases have been imported into a combined relational database, BIOMOLQUEST: A powerful search engine has been built using this database as a back end. The search engine achieves significant improvements in query performance by automatically utilizing cross-references between the legacy databases. The results of the queries are presented in an organized, hierarchical way.  相似文献   



Semantic Web has established itself as a framework for using and sharing data across applications and database boundaries. Here, we present a web-based platform for querying biological Semantic Web databases in a graphical way.


SPARQLGraph offers an intuitive drag & drop query builder, which converts the visual graph into a query and executes it on a public endpoint. The tool integrates several publicly available Semantic Web databases, including the databases of the just recently released EBI RDF platform. Furthermore, it provides several predefined template queries for answering biological questions. Users can easily create and save new query graphs, which can also be shared with other researchers.


This new graphical way of creating queries for biological Semantic Web databases considerably facilitates usability as it removes the requirement of knowing specific query languages and database structures. The system is freely available at http://sparqlgraph.i-med.ac.at.  相似文献   

Dendrochronological data formats in general offer limited space for recording associated metadata. Such information is often recorded separately from the actual time series, and often only on paper. TRiDaBASE has been developed to improve metadata administration. It is a relational Microsoft Access database that allows users to register digital metadata according to TRiDaS, to generate TRiDaS XML for uploading to TRiDaS-based analytical systems and repositories, and to ingest TRiDaS XML created elsewhere for local querying and analyses.  相似文献   

An object-oriented database system has been developed which is being used to store protein structure data. The database can be queried using the logic programming language Prolog or the query language Daplex. Queries retrieve information by navigating through a network of objects which represent the primary, secondary and tertiary structures of proteins. Routines written in both Prolog and Daplex can integrate complex calculations with the retrieval of data from the database, and can also be stored in the database for sharing among users. Thus object-oriented databases are better suited to prototyping applications and answering complex queries about protein structure than relational databases. This system has been used to find loops of varying length and anchor positions when modelling homologous protein structures.  相似文献   

Downloading the information stored in relational databases into XML and other flat formats is a common task in bioinformatics. This periodical dumping of information requires considerable CPU time, disk and memory resources. YAdumper has been developed as a purpose-specific tool to deal with the integral structured information download of relational databases. YAdumper is a Java application that organizes database extraction following an XML template based on an external Document Type Declaration. Compared with other non-native alternatives, YAdumper substantially reduces memory requirements and considerably improves writing performance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Searching for structural motifs across known protein structures can be useful for identifying unrelated proteins with similar function and characterising secondary structures such as beta-sheets. This is infeasible using conventional sequence alignment because linear protein sequences do not contain spatial information. beta-residue motifs are beta-sheet substructures that can be represented as graphs and queried using existing graph indexing methods, however, these approaches are designed for general graphs that do not incorporate the inherent structural constraints of beta-sheets and require computationally-expensive filtering and verification procedures. 3D substructure search methods, on the other hand, allow beta-residue motifs to be queried in a three-dimensional context but at significant computational costs. RESULTS: We developed a new method for querying beta-residue motifs, called BetaSearch, which leverages the natural planar constraints of beta-sheets by indexing them as 2D matrices, thus avoiding much of the computational complexities involved with structural and graph querying. BetaSearch demonstrates faster filtering, verification, and overall query time than existing graph indexing approaches whilst producing comparable index sizes. Compared to 3D substructure search methods, BetaSearch achieves 33 and 240 times speedups over index-based and pairwise alignment-based approaches, respectively. Furthermore, we have presented case-studies to demonstrate its capability of motif matching in sequentially dissimilar proteins and described a method for using BetaSearch to predict beta-strand pairing. CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated that BetaSearch is a fast method for querying substructure motifs. The improvements in speed over existing approaches make it useful for efficiently performing high-volume exploratory querying of possible protein substructural motifs or conformations. BetaSearch was used to identify a nearly identical beta-residue motif between an entirely synthetic (Top7) and a naturally-occurring protein (Charcot-Leyden crystal protein), as well as identifying structural similarities between biotin-binding domains of avidin, streptavidin and the lipocalin gamma subunit of human C8. AVAILABILITY: The web-interface, source code, and datasets for BetaSearch can be accessed from http://www.csse.unimelb.edu.au/~hohkhkh1/betasearch.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of similarity queries in biological network databases. Given a database of networks, similarity query returns all the database networks whose similarity (i.e. alignment score) to a given query network is at least a specified similarity cutoff value. Alignment of two networks is a very costly operation, which makes exhaustive comparison of all the database networks with a query impractical. To tackle this problem, we develop a novel indexing method, named RINQ (Reference-based Indexing for Biological Network Queries). Our method uses a set of reference networks to eliminate a large portion of the database quickly for each query. A reference network is a small biological network. We precompute and store the alignments of all the references with all the database networks. When our database is queried, we align the query network with all the reference networks. Using these alignments, we calculate a lower bound and an approximate upper bound to the alignment score of each database network with the query network. With the help of upper and lower bounds, we eliminate the majority of the database networks without aligning them to the query network. We also quickly identify a small portion of these as guaranteed to be similar to the query. We perform pairwise alignment only for the remaining networks. We also propose a supervised method to pick references that have a large chance of filtering the unpromising database networks. Extensive experimental evaluation suggests that (i) our method reduced the running time of a single query on a database of around 300 networks from over 2 days to only 8 h; (ii) our method outperformed the state of the art method Closure Tree and SAGA by a factor of three or more; and (iii) our method successfully identified statistically and biologically significant relationships across networks and organisms.  相似文献   

SAGA: a subgraph matching tool for biological graphs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MOTIVATION: With the rapid increase in the availability of biological graph datasets, there is a growing need for effective and efficient graph querying methods. Due to the noisy and incomplete characteristics of these datasets, exact graph matching methods have limited use and approximate graph matching methods are required. Unfortunately, existing graph matching methods are too restrictive as they only allow exact or near exact graph matching. This paper presents a novel approximate graph matching technique called SAGA. This technique employs a flexible model for computing graph similarity, which allows for node gaps, node mismatches and graph structural differences. SAGA employs an indexing technique that allows it to efficiently evaluate queries even against large graph datasets. RESULTS: SAGA has been used to query biological pathways and literature datasets, which has revealed interesting similarities between distinct pathways that cannot be found by existing methods. These matches associate seemingly unrelated biological processes, connect studies in different sub-areas of biomedical research and thus pose hypotheses for new discoveries. SAGA is also orders of magnitude faster than existing methods. AVAILABILITY: SAGA can be accessed freely via the web at http://www.eecs.umich.edu/saga. Binaries are also freely available at this website.  相似文献   

In recent years we have witnessed a growth in sequencing yield, the number of samples sequenced, and as a result–the growth of publicly maintained sequence databases. The increase of data present all around has put high requirements on protein similarity search algorithms with two ever-opposite goals: how to keep the running times acceptable while maintaining a high-enough level of sensitivity. The most time consuming step of similarity search are the local alignments between query and database sequences. This step is usually performed using exact local alignment algorithms such as Smith-Waterman. Due to its quadratic time complexity, alignments of a query to the whole database are usually too slow. Therefore, the majority of the protein similarity search methods prior to doing the exact local alignment apply heuristics to reduce the number of possible candidate sequences in the database. However, there is still a need for the alignment of a query sequence to a reduced database. In this paper we present the SW#db tool and a library for fast exact similarity search. Although its running times, as a standalone tool, are comparable to the running times of BLAST, it is primarily intended to be used for exact local alignment phase in which the database of sequences has already been reduced. It uses both GPU and CPU parallelization and was 4–5 times faster than SSEARCH, 6–25 times faster than CUDASW++ and more than 20 times faster than SSW at the time of writing, using multiple queries on Swiss-prot and Uniref90 databases  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: We consider the problem of finding similarities in protein structure databases. Current techniques sequentially compare the given query protein to all of the proteins in the database to find similarities. Therefore, the cost of similarity queries increases linearly as the volume of the protein databases increase. As the sizes of experimentally determined and theoretically estimated protein structure databases grow, there is a need for scalable searching techniques. RESULTS: Our techniques extract feature vectors on triplets of SSEs (Secondary Structure Elements). Later, these feature vectors are indexed using a multidimensional index structure. For a given query protein, this index structure is used to quickly prune away unpromising proteins in the database. The remaining proteins are then aligned using a popular alignment tool such as VAST. We also develop a novel statistical model to estimate the goodness of a match using the SSEs. Experimental results show that our techniques improve the pruning time of VAST 3 to 3.5 times while maintaining similar sensitivity.  相似文献   

pProRep is a web application integrating electrophoretic and mass spectral data from proteome analyses into a relational database. The graphical web-interface allows users to upload, analyse and share experimental proteome data. It offers researchers the possibility to query all previously analysed datasets and can visualize selected features, such as the presence of a certain set of ions in a peptide mass spectrum, on the level of the two-dimensional gel. AVAILABILITY: The pProRep package and instructions for its use can be downloaded from http://www.ptools.ua.ac.be/pProRep. The application requires a web server that runs PHP 5 (http://www.php.net) and MySQL. Some (non-essential) extensions need additional freely available libraries: details are described in the installation instructions.  相似文献   

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