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Five new species ofQuararibea from costa Rica and Panama are described and illustrated, with notes on their ecology and relationships.Quararibea gomeziana, Q. pendula, andQ. santaritensis are from the Caribbean lowlands of the Provinces of Limón, Costa Rica, and of Bocas del Toro and Colón, Panama.Quararibea aurantiocalyx andQ. costaricensis are from montane habitats of Panama and Costa Rica. The exceptionally long pedicels ofQ. pendula far exceed those of other known members ofQuararibea and may prove to be the most striking example of adaptation to bat pollination and fruit dispersal in the genus.Quararibea costaricensis, a relatively common species, has long been erroneously identified asQ. platyphylla, a much rarer inhabitant of the same region.  相似文献   


The louse genus Quadraceps Clay & Meinertzhagen is represented on New Zealand endemic Charadriinae by Q. dominella Timmermann, Q. novaeseelandiae Timmermann, and Q. cedemajori Timmermann, which are parasitic on Charadrius obscurus (Gmelin), Thinornis novaeseelandiae (Gmelin), and Anarhynchus frontalis Quoy & Gaimard respectively. Charadrius bicinctus Jardine & Selby is parasitised by both Q. novaeseelandiae and Q. cedemajori. This pattern of distribution is unusual, in that two Quadraceps species are sympatric on the same host individuals, and host species that are not closely related have louse species in common. It seems probable that C. bicinctus has been secondarily colonised by two species of Quadraceps. One species appears to have primarily evolved on 7 novaeseelandiae and the other on A. frontalis.  相似文献   

Quercus tuitensis, a deciduous red oak known only from the Sierra El Tuito on the Pacific slopes of western Jalisco, Mexico, is described, illustrated, and compared toQ. praineana Trel. In addition,Q. aequivenulosa andQ. coffeaecolor are reaffirmed as synonyms ofQ. praineana.  相似文献   


The most extensive and magnificent forests of Cedrus libani A. Rich. in the world are on the Taurus Mountains in Turkey. They cover an area of about 400,000 hectares. C. libani forms either pure stands or mixed stands with other tree species, such as Abies cilicica, Pinus nigra, P. brutia, Quercus species (Q. cerris, Q. infectoria, Q. libani etc.), Juniperus excelsa and J. foetidissima. In this work, the floristic composition of the cedar forests in Western Antalya has been investigated and the ecological factors have been measured. The main forest types have been established and correlated with the ecological factors. In total, 201 relevés were analyzed by numerical methods and classified into five groups of C. libani forests and one group of Q. coccifera scrublands. It was observed that the topographical gradient mainly determines the differentiation patterns of cedar forests in Western Antalya.  相似文献   


Six species of the Quercus genus (Quercus ilex L., Q. coccifera L., Q. suber L., Q. trojana Webb, Q. macrolepis Kotschy, Q. cerris L.) have been screened for cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APX) by means of native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). A single isozyme was found in five species (Q. trojana, Q. suber, Q. cerris, Q. macrolepis and Q. coccifera), while Q. ilex shows two different APX proteins. The data showed marked similarities among Q. trojana, Q. suber, Q. cerris and Q. macrolepis with respect to the electrophoretic mobility. The validity of APX electrophoretic patterns in systematic studies is discussed.  相似文献   


Comparisons between different data sets are important in taxonomic studies, particularly for complex taxa such as the genus Quercus. However, there is scarce literature on comparative morphological and molecular analyses in oaks. Here we describe an experimental approach based on the correlation between micromorphological features and molecular data in order to characterize and discriminate among five closely related species: Q. robur, Q. petraea, Q. frainetto, Q. pubescens and Q. virgiliana.  相似文献   


Extensive hybridisation between the two sympatric species Quercus petraea and Q.robur is suggested by the near lack of genetic differentiation between the two species and supported by controlled crosses and mating system analysis in mixed stands. Further ecological and genetic evidence suggest that hybridisation does not impede the ecological specialisation of the two species, raising the issue of its evolutionary significance in oaks. Preferential unidirectional hybridization (pollen Q. petraea to ovule Q. robur) has been shown in various mixed stands and facilitates the introduction of sessile oak in existing pedunculate stands. If this unidirectional trend is reinforced in later backcrosses, then hybridisation leads to the dispersal of Q. petraea in existing stands of Q. robur. Hybridisation can therefore be seen as a ‘pollen-mediated’ dispersal mechanism, and has most likely contributed to the rapid migration of Q. petraea in Europe. Given the extant distribution of the species in Europe, migration through pollen swamping should be seen at the edges of the natural distribution of Q. petraea where the demographic imbalance of the two species will reinforce backcrosses.  相似文献   

Quercus mcvaughii is described as a new species of black oak (subgenus Erythrobalanus) from the Sierra Madre Occidental, in northern Durango and western Chihuahua, Mexico. It is most closely related to the more southern Q. crassifolia. Sessile or subsessile hairs, usually of different sizes, on the abaxial leaf surface distinguish Q. mcvaughii from Q. crassifolia, where hairs are similar in size and conspicuously stipitate. A key is provided for distinguishing similar species in the region. Intergradation of Q. mcvaughii with Q. crassifolia, Q. hypoleucoides, and Q. sideroxyla is reported.  相似文献   


A phytosociological study of the urban woods of Rome is described. Six syntaxonomical types were identified: 1) Orno-Quercetum ilicis, an edaphic-xerophytic variant of the natural potential vegetation of the city (deciduous Quercus sp. pl. woods); 2) Aquifolio-Fagetum carpinetosum betuli, in the northern slopes of alluvial valleys; 3) Q. suber and Q. pubescens wood, ranked in Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae order 4) Quercetum ilicis galloprovinciale suberetosum; 5) coppice of Q. cerris and Q. frainetto, which belongs to the Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis alliance; 6) mixed mesophile wood of Q. cerris and Ostrya carpinifolia which can be considered a transition between the Doronico-Fagion and the Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis alliances. All of these six woody vegetation types are characterised by the large penetration of Mediterranean species belonging to the Quercetea and Quercetalia ilicis and the middle-European ones of the Querco-Fagetea. This mosaic of species exemplifies the bioclimatic characteristics of Rome, which is situated in a Mediterranean transitional region.  相似文献   


In this study, leaf morphology was assessed in a mixed oak stand (western France) using two geometric morphometric (landmark and outline) datasets and one dataset of 19 leaf measures. Adult oaks (817 oaks), comprising four white oak species (Quercus petraea, Q. robur, Q. pubescens and Q. pyrenaica), were sampled for DNA extraction and genetic analysis (nuclear microsatellites). Leaf morphology was assessed on 336 oaks, comprising pure species and hybrids as determined by genetic assignment. This comparative study of oak leaf morphology, based on the use of two free size geometric morphometric methods and a set of leaf measurements, combined with the genetic assignment of individuals to pure species or hybrids, provided information about the differences among species and the intermediate leaf morphology of their hybrids.  相似文献   

Altogether 26 species of phloemophagous and xylophagous insects, 47 species of parasitoids, 14 species of predators and 7 species of inquilines were identified on the branches of Quercus cerris, Q. frainetto, Q. petraea and Q. robur, diameter 3–15 cm, at 24 sites in Serbia over the period 1992–1996. The greatest number of the identified species were taken from Q. petraea branches (66), followed by Q. cerris (49), Q. frainetto (48) and Q. robur (43). Among the identified phloemophagous and xylophagous insects, the most frequent and the most abundant species were Scolytus intricatus, Agrilus angustulus and Xylotrechus antilope. The most frequent and the most abundant parasitoid was Ecphylus silesiacus. In some samples, the species Entedon ergias, Cheiropachus quadrum and Dendrosoter protuberans were also among the more abundant parasitoids. The most significant predator was the species Tilloidea unifasciata, and the most significant inquilines were the species Poecilothrips albopictus and Asynapta pectoralis.  相似文献   

Questions: The Cross Timbers are a mosaic of savannas, grasslands and upland forests, occupying a significant portion of south‐central North America. Our questions here were (1) how does a severe tornado affect the two most dominant tree species of the area Quercus marilandica and Q. stellata with respect to damage and mortality; (2) how do such patterns vary as a function of tree size? What are the implications of disturbance for codominance in species‐poor systems? Location: The Cross Timbers in Oklahoma, USA. Methods: We established a 14.48‐ha permanent plot following a severe tornado in 2003. We identified, numbered and tagged each tree and recorded its diameter at breast height (DBH), spatial coordinates, status (dead or alive), and damage type. We examined (1) relative abundance before and after the tornado; (2) differences in damage and mortality, and (3) the influence of tree diameter on the probability of damage and mortality for each species. Results: Differences in species identity and tree characteristics were significantly related to tree mortality following the tornado, after accounting for spatial locations. The odds of mortality were 12.0 times greater for Q. marilandica than for Q. stellata. Such greater vulnerability of Q. marilandica versus Q. stellata was also reflected in changes in density and basal area. Tree diameter clearly influenced the damage and mortality pattern in Q. stellata; larger trees sustained more damage and mortality. However, Q. marilandica did not exhibit size‐dependent mortality. Conclusion: The tornado affected the two dominant species differently. The intra‐ and inter‐specific differences in windstorm susceptibility may allow coexistence of the two species and are potentially important in the dynamics of the Cross Timbers. Species more damaged might finally benefit from the wind disturbance due to their resprouting ability.  相似文献   


The xylem conduit dimensions (i.e. their width and length) have been measured in 1-year-old internodes, nodes and node-to-petiole (N-P) junctions of three species with diffuse-porous wood, namely Ceratonia siliqua L., Laurus nobilis L. and Olea europaea L. as well as of three species with ring-porous wood, namely Quercus ilex L., Q. suber L. and Q. pubescens Willd‥ The xylem conduit diameter and length distributions have been related to the drought resistance strategies adopted by the six species. C. siliqua and Q. ilex (drought avoiding water spenders) showed the widest xylem conduits (each species within its characteristic pattern of wood anatomy). This is consistent with their high demand of efficient water transport to leaves. L. nobilis (drought avoiding water saver) showed relatively narrow xylem conduits, efficient enough, however, to assure water supply to leaves at the reduced transpiration rate exhibited by the species. O. europaea, Q. suber and Q. pubescens (drought tolerants) showed the narrowest xylem conduits but also the longest ones. The xylem system of C. siliqua and Q. ilex represented a good compromise between efficiency and safety of the water transport, the former as due to wide xylem conduits, the latter to the reduced xylem conduit length as well as to the strong «hydraulic constrictions» at their nodes and N-P junctions. The ecological interpretation of such hydraulic architecture is discussed.  相似文献   

Adults of the invasive goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), consumed foliar weight in no‐choice feeding tests of, in descending order, California black oak Quercus kelloggii Newb., Engelmann oak, Quercus engelmannii Greene, coast live oak, Quercus agrifolia Née, and canyon live oak, Quercus chrysolepis Liebm. (Fagaceae). Furthermore, significantly more foliar area was consumed of Q. kelloggii than of Q. chrysolepis. In dual‐choice feeding tests with isolated leaf disks, A. auroguttatus consumed significantly more foliar weight and area of Q. kelloggii relative to the other three oak species, and more foliar weight of Q. agrifolia than of Q. chrysolepis. In dual‐choice feeding tests with leaves on small branches, A. auroguttatus consumed more foliar weight of Q. kelloggii than of Q. engelmannii and Q. agrifolia. Thus, multiple experiments suggested that adults of A. auroguttatus preferred the foliage of Q. kelloggii over that of the other three oak species, and among the other three species they did not appear to have a strong feeding preference. Factor analysis reduced the quantities of 13 foliar nutrients into two new variables (factor 1 and factor 2). Factor 1 was weighted heavily on the quantities of nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and copper, whereas factor 2 was weighted heavily on the quantities of zinc, iron, and aluminum. Factor 1 varied by oak species, with Q. kelloggii having a higher factor 1 nutrient content than the other three species. Factor 2 response was higher in Q. kelloggii, Q. agrifolia, and Q. engelmannii than in Q. chrysolepis. The collective effects of four macronutrients (nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and potassium) and two micronutrients (zinc and copper) suggest that these might be the nutrients directing preferential feeding of A. auroguttatus adults on the foliage of Q. kelloggii. Leaf toughness might also play an important role in feeding preference. Female A. auroguttatus did not show an ovipositional preference among the four oak species.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization occurs with high frequency in the genusQuercus, but few studies have analyzed and compared micromorphological characters in putative parental species and their hybrids.Quercus eduardii andQ. conzattii are two Mexican black oak species that, although distantly related, have formed at least one population of hybrid origin, where individuals with intermediate macromorphology are present. The purpose of this investigation was to analyze the degree of differentiation in micromorphological characters between the two species and to assess the expression of these characters in individuals with intermediate macromorphology. Foliar trichomes, epicuticular waxes, stomata, and pollen grains, were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in the three types of individuals (Q. conzatti, Q. eduardii, and intermediates). Trichome density was quantified with light microscopy. Types of trichomes present, length of trichome arms, types of epicuticular wax on the leaf surfaces, and the position of stomata with respect to the foliar surface were characters useful to differentiate betweenQ. conzattii andQ. eduardii. Plants with intermediate macromorphology displayed a pattern of micromorphological characters that were identical to one parental species (Q. conzattii), or extreme or novel relative to both species.  相似文献   

桥山栎林群落结构特征与物种多样性相关关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张维伟  薛文艳  杨斌  赵忠 《生态学报》2019,39(11):3991-4001
为了解森林群落结构特征与物种多样性之间的相关关系,以黄土高原桥山林区典型麻栎纯林、麻栎阔叶混交林和麻栎油松混交林为研究对象,调查分析了群落结构特征,计算物种重要值及物种多样性,并进行了冗余分析,结果表明:(1)麻栎油松混交林主要以乔木层胸径、树高、枝下高等最高;麻栎阔叶混交林以灌木层盖度、地径、冠幅、高度等最高;麻栎纯林以草本地径、草本盖度及草本冠幅最高。(2) 3种类型林分乔木层重要值最高的均为麻栎(Quercus acutissima),灌木层为狼牙刺(Sophora viciifolia)、南蛇藤(Celastrus orbiculatus)、胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor),草本层为苔草(Carex tristachya)。(3)麻栎油松混交林乔、灌层物种多样性较高,麻栎阔叶混交林以草本层物种多样性最高。(4)不同类型麻栎林群落结构特征与物种多样性关系有差异。松栎混交林中,对物种多样性影响最大的为乔木胸径、新稍长及灌木高度;麻栎阔叶混交林对物种多样性影响最大的为灌木层高度及冠幅;麻栎纯林中,对物种多样性影响最大的为乔木胸径。(5)麻栎油松混交林、麻栎阔叶混交林的胸径、树高、物种多样较麻栎纯林高,具有较高木材生产能力和生态防护功能,是未来森林经营培育的方向。  相似文献   

Allozyme variation at 14 loci was studied electrophoretically in 19 population samples of Quercus cerris, Q. pubescens, Q. petraea, and Q. robur. Genetic variation, measured as mean heterozygosity, was found to be high within populations but low among populations. A significant deficit of heterozygotes was observed in most of the populations of Q. pubescens, Q. petraea, and Q. robur. At the species level, Q. cerris (sect. Cerris) appears to be clearly separated from the rest (sect. Quercus). Q. pubescens, Q. petraea, and Q. robur form a cluster of closely-related species. The degree of genetic differentiation among these species is low, i.e. in the range normally found among con-specific populations. Nevertheless, allozyme data allow the elaboration of a dendrogram which is in reasonable accordance with the taxonomic classification, but also supports the importance of hybridization and introgression. This is also underlined by the fact that the allelic differentiation at the Got-2 locus corresponds with the phenotypic classification (petraea-like, hybrids, and robur-like) in samples from mixed populations.  相似文献   


Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) markers were employed to examine samples from Quercus cerris, Q. suber and Q. crenata in order to test the hypothesis of the hybrid origin of Q. crenata from Q. cerris and Q. suber in a part of its distribution area where the two putative parents do not overlap at present. Leaves from 21 Q. crenata and 37 Q. cerris individual trees were collected at natural sites in northern Italy, where Q. suber is currently lacking; 21 Q. suber and six Q. crenata plants from central Italy were also analysed. Results from Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA) analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) implied that exchange of neutral markers has been considerable between the three species, while differences in morphological characters have remained comparatively stable. The Mantel test indicated low correlation between RAPD- and ISSR-based similarity matrices, showing that the two screening techniques reveal unrelated estimates of genetic relationships. Hybrid indices computed for both markers displayed an intermediate position of Q. crenata individuals between the two putative parents shifted toward Q. cerris. Results from the present study corroborate the hypothesis of a hybrid origin for Q. crenata occurring in northern Italy, and suggest asymmetrical backcrossing with Q. cerris acting as the recurrent parent.  相似文献   

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