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1. In order to understand the relative importance of prey quality and mobility in indirect interactions among alternative prey that are mediated by a shared natural enemy, the nutritional quality of two common prey for a generalist insect predator along with the predator's relative preference for these prey was determined. 2. Eggs of the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were nutritionally superior to pea aphids Acyrthosiphum pisum (Homoptera: Aphididae) as prey for big‐eyed bugs Geocoris punctipes (Heteroptera: Geocoridae). Big‐eyed bugs survived four times as long when fed corn earworm eggs than when fed pea aphids. Furthermore, only big‐eyed bugs fed corn earworm eggs completed development and reached adulthood. 3. In two separate choice experiments, however, big‐eyed bugs consistently attacked the nutritionally inferior prey, pea aphids, more frequently than the nutritionally superior prey, corn earworm eggs. 4. Prey mobility, not prey nutritional quality, seems to be the most important criterion used by big‐eyed bugs to select prey. Big‐eyed bugs attacked mobile aphids preferentially when given a choice between mobile and immobilised aphids. 5. Prey behaviour also mediated indirect interactions between these two prey species. The presence of mobile pea aphids as alternative prey benefited corn earworms indirectly by reducing the consumption of corn earworm eggs by big‐eyed bugs. The presence of immobilised pea aphids, however, did not benefit corn earworms indirectly because the consumption of corn earworm eggs by big‐eyed bugs was not reduced when they were present. 6. These results suggest that the prey preferences of generalist insect predators mediate indirect interactions among prey species and ultimately affect the population dynamics of the predator and prey species. Understanding the prey preferences of generalist insect predators is essential to predict accurately the efficacy of these insects as biological control agents.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted with two predatory fishes, Lagodon rhomboides (Linnaeus) and Syngnathus floridae (Jordan & Gilbert), to determine if prey selection was a result of predator preference or prey accessibility. Prey consisted of two species of caridean shrimp, Tozeuma carolinense (Kingsley) and Hippolyte zostericola (Smith), that commonly inhabit seagrass meadows. Natural diets of both predators revealed that selection ofTozeuma and Hippolyte was not related to their field densities. My experiments demonstrated that natural prey selection was a consequence of prey accessibility, not predator preference. Experiments examining the role of prey size in predator preference revealed that large individuals were significantly preferred over small individuals. Observations of prey behavior indicated that prey motion affected predator choice. These results suggest that predator preference was primarily determined by prey visibility and that the combined effects of prey size and motion contributed to the visibility of these prey.  相似文献   

我国匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathula)仔稚鱼培育历史将近20年,目前成活率总体上还不高且有很大的波动性[1-5],与原产地美国本土相比有一定的差距,影响了我国匙吻鲟养殖业的发展.仔稚鱼培育是匙吻鲟养殖过程中非常重要的环节,Tania,et al.  相似文献   

Black seabream, Acanthopagrus schlegeli, and Japanese seaperch, Lateolabrax japonicus, are important commercial species in the coastal waters of western Pacific Ocean, including Japan, Korea and China. In Hong Kong, larvae and juveniles of these two species occur in bays and estuaries during late winter and spring. This study reports on the ontogenetic changes in food habits in larvae and juveniles of these species in an artificial rocky shore area. Copepods and cladocerans were the most numerous food items for black seabream. There was a shift to larger and benthic prey as the fishes grew. Japanese seaperch <2.1cm fed predominantly on copepods and cladocerans, while larger prey were added as fish size increased. Japanese seaperch >6.0cm were piscivorous. Maximum prey width increased with fish standard length and mouth gape width in both species. Overall, black seabream showed greater diet breadth than did Japanese seaperch. In black seabream, diet breadth increased with fish size. In Japanese seaperch, diet breadth increased with size for fishes <4.0cm, then decreased as the fishes became piscivorous. Prey selectivity in black seabream was determined using information on prey availability in plankton samples. In general, preference was stronger for cypris larvae, Penilia avirostris and decapod larvae than for copepods and podonids. In recent years, overfishing and environmental degradation have led to the decline of fish populations in Tolo Harbour. Absence of fishes with empty gut indicates that inner Tolo Harbour is still an important nursery area for these two commercial species.  相似文献   

Although predator avoidance has been proposed as one possible factor influencing the distribution of fish among substrate types, no study has addressed this question directly. Groups of juvenile Atlantic cod were offered a choice between pairs of the following three substrates: sand, gravel-pebble and cobble. Their distribution on these substrates was compared prior to, during and following exposure to a predator (i.e. a larger conspecific). With no apparent risk of predation, juvenile cod preferred sand or gravel-pebble. When cobble was present, juveniles hid in the interstitial spaces of this substrate in the presence of a predator. With no cobble present, juveniles showed no preference between sand and gravel-pebble, and did not seek refuge from predation in association with these substrates. Following exposure to a predator (i.e. 2.5 h later) larger juvenile cod again showed a preference for the finer-grained substrates, but smaller individuals continued to associated with the cobble. The presence of cobble resulted in fewer juveniles being captured and a significant increase in the latency until the first juvenile was captured by the predator. Results are discussed with respect to the effects of predation on the distribution and survival of fishes among substrate types.  相似文献   

I examined dietary selection by Yakushima macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui)in relation to food availability and air temperature. Multiple regression analysis indicates that both food availability and temperature influenced the selection of foods. Feeding on young leaves, seeds, and flowers was affected more by availability, while feeding on fruits, mature leaves, and fallen seeds was affected more by temperature. Feeding on insects is strongly correlated with temperature,perhaps because availability of insects increased with temperature. These results suggest that temperature influences dietary selection of Yakushima macaques by changing the energy expenditure required for thermoregulation and through its influence on the accessibility to insects, which are an important protein source for the monkeys.  相似文献   

Vigilance is thought to have evolved as an antipredator defense but, in primates, conspecific threat often better explains this behavior. We examined vigilance in one group of Colobus vellerosus inhabiting the Boabeng‐Fiema Monkey Sanctuary in Ghana. We aimed to (1) describe factors affecting vigilance in this population, and (2) examine the importance of predation avoidance and conspecific threat in explaining vigilance patterns. Because of a male takeover preceding the study, our focal group (B2) consisted of six adult males and three adult females. We collected 490 10‐min focal samples (82 hr) from all adults in the group (N=9) from July to November, 2001. To avoid predators, individuals should be more vigilant (i) with fewer neighbors, and (ii) in areas of the canopy with higher predation risks. Conspecific threats can be divided into extra‐ and intra‐group threats. Extra‐group threats should lead to higher vigilance levels (iii) during intergroup encounters, and (iv) in areas where the home range overlaps with other groups of colobus. Intra‐group threats should lead to greater vigilance (v) in the presence of neighbors and (vi) while feeding or occupying food patches (if resources are limiting). Our results best support the hypothesis that vigilance functions primarily to detect extra‐group, conspecific threats. Individuals were most vigilant during intergroup encounters and in areas of range overlap, and monthly vigilance rates were associated with monthly encounter rates. Individuals tended to scan less in proximity to familiar vs. unfamiliar group mates, suggesting that relationship quality may affect colobus vigilance. Finally, predation pressures or anthropogenic disturbances might have influenced vigilance, as individuals were more vigilant low in the canopy. However, this last result could also be due to the lower visibility because of dense foliage or to the fact that the monkeys have access to fewer escape routes when ranging lower in the canopy. Am. J. Primatol. 71:919–927, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The relative importance of taxa- and size-specific prey selection, and the influence of gape on the prey consumed by the larvae and 0+ year juveniles of four fish species were investigated in 'main river', 'marina' and 'pond' macrohabitats in the lower River Trent, England. A general sequence of ontogenetic shifts in food consumption was reflected in the electivity indices of particular prey taxa, partly due to the restrictions imposed by the gape of 0+ year fishes. Certain taxa, however, were consistently selected over others, irrespective of size, suggesting that taxa-specific, as well as size-specific, prey characteristics may be important in the selection process. There were significant, positive relationships between maximum prey (zooplankton) length and maximum gape height for larvae, but not for 0+ year juveniles. The majority of fishes, however, consumed prey substantially smaller than the maximum theoretically possible inferred from their gape. The greater size ranges of zooplankton in connected waterbodies compared with main river channels provide suitable prey for a range of developmental steps and fish species, and may, thus, enhance recruitment success.  相似文献   

Feeding intensity by whitefish Coregonus sp., in oligotrophic Lake Lucerne in Switzerland was high during dusk when the bulk of potential prey items were in the depth zone occupied by the fish. Diet composition was fairly uniform throughout the day but changed substantially over the seasons. The fish fed opportunistically; differences between seasons reflected changes in prey availability. During the intensive feeding and growing period (May-September), fish were found in the upper 20 m of the lake feeding primarily on cladocerans. Large and non-evasive species, Daphnia spp. and Bythotrephes longimanus , were the most numerous and frequent organisms in the diet during the major part of the growing season. Smaller ( Bosmina spp.) as well as evasive species (cyclopoid copepods) were consumed in large numbers when larger, non-evasive species were rare in the lake. The fish showed strong preference for the least abundant crustacean, B. longimanus , while the most abundant crustaceans, calanoid copepods, were rare in the diet. The fish not only selected particular species but, within each species, selected the larger individuals. Diel vertical migration of the prey items in this lake could be, at least in part, attributed to fish predation pressure. The observed selectivity patterns shown by the fish are explained in terms of prey visibility, escape ability, the overlap in distribution of predators and prey in time and space, the profitability of the prey and the present trophic state of the lake.  相似文献   

斑翅肩花蝽Tetraphleps galchanoides Ghauri是铁杉球蚜Adelges tsugae Annand (hemlock woolly adelgid) 的重要天敌昆虫。在云南省兰坪县天生桥林区通过实验室和林间的饲养观察与测定、林间线路调查等方法, 研究了斑翅肩花蝽的生物学特性、生境及食性选择,并描述各虫态形态特征。斑翅肩花蝽在该林区一年发生2代, 无世代重叠, 寿命长。第1代(5月下旬至10月下旬)卵期13.8±1.6 d,若虫期97.6±7.4 d,成虫期55.2±4.7 d;第2代(11月中旬至翌年4月下旬)卵期11.3±1.1 d,若虫期105.7±8.5 d,成虫期60.4±5.3 d。若虫共5龄,以5龄若虫在云南铁杉Tsuga dumosa枝条树皮裂缝下或枯枝落叶层内越冬。雌雄成虫性比8.5∶1,雌雄成虫飞行缓慢,其飞行活动主要受到交尾、产卵、捕食铁杉球蚜补充营养的影响,多在树冠下层活动。该林区的斑翅肩花蝽最适生境选择: 海拔为2 851~2 980 m,云南铁杉密度为13.3~15.5株/100 m、郁闭度为0.61~0.70。以寄主铁杉球蚜及附近常见的冷杉球蚜Aphrastasia pectinatae (Cholodkovsky)、华山松球蚜Pineus armandicola Zhang和落叶松球蚜Adelges laricis Vall为食物进行选择性试验,结果表明,斑翅肩花蝽对这4种球蚜的选择性存在显著差异,最喜好捕食铁杉球蚜,可成为生物防治铁杉球蚜的主要天敌之一。  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model for juvenile age‐0 year walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma was applied to a spatially distinct grid of samples in the western Gulf of Alaska to investigate the influence of temperature and prey quality on size‐specific growth. Daily growth estimates for 50, 70 and 90 mm standard length (LS) walleye pollock during September 2000 were generated using the bioenergetics model with a fixed ration size. Similarities in independent estimates of prey consumption generated from the bioenergetics model and a gastric evacuation model corroborated the performance of the bioenergetics model, concordance correlation (rc) = 0·945, lower 95% CL (transformed) (L1) = 0·834, upper 95% CL (transformed) (L2) = 0·982, P < 0·001. A mean squared error analysis (MSE) was also used to partition the sources of error between both model estimates of consumption into a mean component (MC), slope component (SC), and random component (RC). Differences between estimates of daily consumption were largely due to differences in the means of estimates (MC= 0·45) and random sources (RC= 0·49) of error, and not differences in slopes (SC= 0·06). Similarly, daily growth estimates of 0·031–0·167 g day?1 generated from the bioenergetics model was within the range of growth estimates of 0·026–0·190 g day?1 obtained from otolith analysis of juvenile walleye pollock. Temperature and prey quality alone accounted for 66% of the observed variation between bioenergetics and otolith growth estimates across all sizes of juvenile walleye pollock. These results suggest that the bioenergetics model for juvenile walleye pollock is a useful tool for evaluating the influence of spatially variable habitat conditions on the growth potential of juvenile walleye pollock.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Radio transmitters were implanted in large perch (27–37 cm) in a shallow lake in Denmark. Between 6 and 13 perch were tracked every 3 h for 24‐h periods twice (summer) or once a month (winter) from August 1997 to July 1998. Activity levels were recorded as minimum distance moved per hour. 2. No significant differences in activity levels of individual fish were observed. 3. Highest activities were observed at daytime with peaks at dawn and dusk or midday. This diel pattern was most pronounced from October to April, whereas diel variations were less in the summer months, with no peaks occurring in midsummer. The general lack of activity at night supports the idea that perch is a visually oriented forager. 4. There was no significant relationship between daytime activity during the year and temperature or day length, but nighttime activity was correlated with temperature. In contrast with previous findings, activity levels varied little seasonally, except for high activity levels that occurred concomitantly with high temperatures in August. Instead, we found a significant relationship between the total distances moved per day and temperature, indicating that perch moved at the same average speed in the wintertime, but did so for shorter periods than in summer because of shorter day lengths. 5. Diet of the tagged perch shifted from fish dominance between August and January to invertebrates from February to June. There was no correlation between the diet shift and activity levels, indicating that feeding on invertebrate requires similar activity levels as predation on fish. 6. The results of this telemetry study throughout a year suggest that perch are more active during the winter than previously inferred from gill‐net catches. This observation underscores the importance of perch as a predator of 0+ planktivorous fish in lakes and has potential implications for pelagic food web structure and lake management by biomanipulation.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of environmental conditions on the sexpheromone and mating behavior of the cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea.Previous research on this species has shown that female behaviorduring courtship reflects female mate choice, male behaviorcorrelates with male social status, and the male sex pheromoneis the character used by females to assess males. In the presentstudy, males and females were allowed to develop from adultemergence to sexual maturity in either a high- or low-qualityenvironment. The environment affected the quantities of sexpheromone components. We found significantly less 3-hydroxy-2-butanoneand 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol, but not 2-methylthiazolidine, inthe pheromone glands of males from a poor environment. Pheromonequality was also affected; the ratios involving 2-methylthiazolidinewere altered, while the ratio 3-hydroxy-2-butanone to 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenoldid not change. Development to sexual maturity under these environmentalconditions also influenced male and female sexual behavior.Male courtship activity reflected environmental influences;males from the low-quality environment took longer to initiatecourtship and spent more time copulating with females from allenvironments. Male quality, as assessed by females, was alsoaffected by their environment. Females were slower to respondto the courtship of males from the poor environment, regardlessof the females' own rearing environments. However, females fromthe low-quality environment also took longer to respond to thecourtship, and required more courtship, regardless of the males'rearing environments. Thus, poor environments also increasefemale choosiness. However, there was only one significant interactionterm, suggesting that the environmental effects are generaland that females do not show adaptive plasticity in mate choice.Studies of sexual selection that consider the effects of variableenvironments on behavior as well as the sexually selected morphologyin other systems are likely to provide new insights into thisevolutionary process  相似文献   

[目的]外来入侵物种作为猎物可能影响本土广谱捕食者的搜寻和捕食行为.本研究旨在揭示异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis对与本土豌豆修尾蚜Megoura japonica混合发生的外来入侵扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis的搜寻和捕食行为.[方法]试验前对异色瓢虫设两个饲喂猎物种类处理:用扶桑绵...  相似文献   

Prey for predators can fluctuate in abundance and in quality over time requiring predator strategies to cope with food shortage. Coccinellinae are often associated with sap-sucking pests that exhibit high population unpredictability such as aphids and psyllids. Eriopis connexa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is a predator with potential for biological control, especially a well-studied population which is resistant to pyrethroids used to control insect defoliators. Both larvae and adult E. connexa were provided ad libitum prey and non-prey foods (pollen and honey water solution) at increasing intervals from 1 to 10 days. Neonate larvae of E. connexa required eating prey daily to develop into adults. However, non-prey food such as honey water solution did prolong larval and adult survival but neither fulfilled larval development nor adult reproduction. Honey water solution promoted 100% adult survival up to 25 days in the adult stage without prey with oviposition returning after daily feeding on prey. Females subjected to increased feeding intervals over four days reduced oviposition and lived longer, but 10-day feeding intervals correlated with risk to adult survival. These results indicate the importance of non-food sources in E. connexa maintenance and the ability of larvae and adult females to compensate for prey scarcity.  相似文献   

Herein I compare the relative importance of preference for structurally complex habitat against avoidance of competitors and predators in two benthic fishes common in the Gulf of Mexico. The code goby Gobiosoma robustum Ginsburg and clown goby Microgobius gulosus (Girard) are common, ecologically similar fishes found throughout the Gulf of Mexico and in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean. In Florida Bay, these fishes exhibit habitat partitioning: G. robustum is most abundant in seagrass-dominated areas while M. gulosus is most abundant in sparsely vegetated habitats. In a small-scale field survey, I documented the microhabitat use of these species where their distributions overlap. In a series of laboratory experiments, I presented each species with structured (artificial seagrass) versus nonstructured (bare sand) habitats and measured their frequency of choosing either habitat type. I then examined the use of structured versus nonstructured habitats when the two species were placed together in a mixed group. Finally, I placed a predator (Opsanus beta) in the experimental aquaria to determine how its presence influenced habitat selection. In the field, G. robustum was more abundant in seagrass and M. gulosus was more abundant in bare mud. In the laboratory, both species selected grass over sand in allopatry. However, in sympatry, M. gulosus occupied sand more often when paired with G. robustum than when alone. G. robustum appears to directly influence the habitat choice of M. gulosus: It seems that M. gulosus is pushed out of the structured habitat that is the preferred habitat of G. robustum. Thus, competition appears to modify the habitat selection of these species when they occur in sympatry. Additionally, the presence of the toadfish was a sufficient stimulus to provoke both M. gulosus and G. robustum to increase their selection for sand (compared to single-species treatments). Distribution patterns of M. gulosus and G. robustum likely result from a synthesis of various biotic and abiotic filters, including physiological tolerances to environmental factors, dispersal ability of larvae, and availability of food. Selection for structural complexity, competition, and presence of predators may further define the resulting pattern of distribution observed in the field.  相似文献   

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