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Uptake of glycine and release of primary amines by the polychaete Nereis virens (Sars) and the mud snail Hydrobia neglecta Muus was investigated. In a flow system, Nereis virens had a net influx of glycine of 32 to 39 nmol·g?1 fresh wt·h from a 5-μM solution of glycine. Simultaneously, an efflux of primary amines of 14 nmol·g?1·h?1 was measured. The experiments indicated that glycine uptake and release of primary amines are two independent processes. Glycine was absorved by Hydrobia neglecta from 50-μM solutions at an influx of 175 nmol·g?1 organic wt·h?1, and simultaneously, there was an independent efflux of 25 nmol primary amine·g?1·h?1. In the experiments, released primary amines from both species increased the ambient concentration of primary amines, but after various periods of time these concentrations apparently stabilized. Finally, the significance of micro-organisms in amino-acid uptake experiments is considered.  相似文献   

It is crucial to study how food resources are allocated in order to understand how invertebrate species of soft-bottomed benthic communities can live in the same environment, especially when belonging to the same trophic level. On the southern shore of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, the polychaetes Nereis virens (Nereidae) and Nephtys caeca (Nephtyidae) represent the main infaunal predators and are known to regulate (by predation) other populations within their community. For these animal populations, there is a high degree of spatial overlap in the horizontal dimension as well as vertically in the sediment column. The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the feeding activity of N. virens and N. caeca in relation to several environmental factors. The feeding activity of N. caeca was further studied under natural and experimental conditions and a feeding experiment was carried out to evaluate how the food resource is subdivided in conditions of high spatial overlap. Finally, the prospecting activity of N. virens was described under natural conditions. N. virens and N. caeca exhibited a high degree of dietary overlap, particularly at the adult stage. This food resource overlap can easily influence the regulation of these species, even though they display different feeding responses to environmental stimuli. Tides and storm events can also influence the feeding behaviour. We conclude that different behavioural feeding responses likely favour the occurrence of these two species in the same trophic environment.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates include noxious microalgae responsible for the formation of toxic red tides and the poisoning of molluscs and crustaceans, resulting in important economic losses. As a consequence, the life cycle of these algae has been extensively studied, but the dormancy phase (cyst) in the sediment record is little known. In the intertidal zone, bioturbation, an important biological process resulting from the activities of benthic fauna, significantly influences the movement of particles in the sediments. Laboratory experiments have allowed comparing and quantifying the movements of fluorescent microspheres resulting from the activity of two polychaetes annelidae, Nereis virens and Nephtys caeca. The particles, which simulate 45 µm diameter dinoflagellate cysts, are deposited in flat aquaria at the surface or deep in the sediment. Photographs of the aquaria were taken at regular intervals, to observe, in a non-destructive manner, the movement of the particles and to calculate, using adapted software, the optical reworking coefficient (ORC) over time. A difference appears between the movements of the particles generated by both species of polychaetes. Nereis virens create “permanent” galleries that carry the microspheres deeply in the sediment during the digging, bioirrigation and feeding, and Nephtys caeca homogenize the particles in the first centimetres of sediment during its erratic movements. The study shows that the bioturbation generated by these organisms can modify the distribution of the 45 µm diameter dinoflagellate cysts in the sedimentary column, burying them or raising them back to the water-sediment interface.  相似文献   

Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) play a vital role both the carbon and sulphur cycles and thus are extremely important components of the global microbial community. However, it is clear that the ecology, the distribution and activity of different SRB groups is poorly understood. Probing of rRNA suggests that different sediments have distinctly different patterns of SRB with complex factors controlling the activity of these organisms. The linking of community structure and function using sediment slurry microcosms suggests that certain groups of SRB, e.g., Desulfobacter and Desulfobulbus, can be linked to the use of specific substrates in situ. However, it is still unclear what environmental substrates are utilised by the majority of known SRBs. The work to date has greatly enhanced our understanding of the ecology of these organisms and is beginning to suggest patterns in their distribution and activity that may be relevant to understanding microbial ecology in general. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The histological visualization of choline acetyltransferase (CAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) on frozen sections of prostomia of Nereis virens indicate a concentration of cholinergic activity in the anterior brain. Components are probably sensory epithelial cells with cholinergic axons entering the brain in cephalic nerves and efferent cholinergic axons to prostomial muscle leaving the brain in the same nerves. There are also subepidermal cholinergic cells that may be second order motor neurons serving epidermal mucous cells. The smaller, second lobe of the corpora pedunculata and its associated vertical fibre tract are CAT4 and appear continuous, on each side of the cerebral ganglion, with a dorsal and a ventral longitudinal bundle of AChE+ fibers. This system tapers to nothing at the level of the posterior eyes. There is a small AChE+ component to each optic nerve and AChE is present in the nuchal epithelium. These observations are discussed in relation to earlier studies on aminergic and neurosecretory activity in the same ganglion.  相似文献   

Conventional theory postulates that associations between marine macrophytes and animals are generally positive. This paper presents evidence, however, that a common species of green macroalga, Ulva lactuca (L.), is detrimental to estuarine invertebrates due to the production of toxic exudates and low oxygen tensions which occur in the seaweed beds at night. Bioassays of the responses of zoeae of five species of estuarine crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, Carcinus maenas L., Eurypanopeus depressus Smith, Neopanope texana savi Smith and Rhithropanopeus harissii Gould), using water in which Ulva lactuca was cultured for 24 h, produced 100% mortality after 22 days. No crabs survived the molt into megalopa. Hypoxic water, 0.5 ± 0.3 ppm oxygen, caused a decline in larval activity (movement), but there was no mortality over an 8-h period, Ulva-water purged to 0.4 ± 0.1 ppm oxygen caused 100% mortality in 13–40 min. These synergistic effects could be critical in estuaries where dense U. lactuca beds cause periods of low dissolved oxygen. We hypothesize larval recruitment may be limited in such systems, particularly in areas where flushing is poor.  相似文献   

Effect of salinity on fertilization and early development of the polychaeta Nereis virens (Sars) from the White Sea was examined in laboratory experiments. The comparison of salinity resistance of different developmental stages of N. virens showed gradual increase of euryhalinity during ontogenesis—from fertilized eggs to juveniles.Successful fertilization and effective development (≥70-75%) was possible in narrow salinity range 22-34‰. The salinity range of successful development for trochophore and nectochaete larvae reached 14-45‰. This increase of the limits of salinity tolerance in trochophore and nectochaete larvae probably was due to the formation of protonephridium system.Rate of metamorphosis of N. virens was tested under temperature 5, 10, 17 and 23 °C and salinity 22-14‰. The highest rate of metamorphosis was marked at the temperature of 23 °C in salinities higher than 14‰.Our data confirms that N. virens originates from warm seas with oceanic salinity.  相似文献   

Sabellaria alveolata is a tube-building gregarious polychaete that constructs large biogenic reefs. In macrotidal shellfish ecosystems, this species competes for food with cultivated suspension-feeders. The suspension-feeding activity and clearance rate of S. alveolata were investigated in response to changes in seston concentration. A flow-through system was designed to study 225 cm2 reef blocks with more than 500 individuals. The experimental conditions were characterized by increasing concentrations of suspended particulate matter ranging from 6.5 to 153.8 mg L1, while the organic content of the diet (microalgae Skeletonema costatum) decreased inversely from 49 to 9%, to mimic the dilution of organic matter by inorganic particles, characteristic of tidal resuspension. We showed that the clearance rate exponentially decreased in relation to an increase in SPM concentration. Clearance rate was estimated at 5.3 10− 3 L h− 1 or 0.93 L h− 1 g− 1 (dry weight) for the lowest seston concentration (SPM = 6.5 mg L− 1) and reached the asymptote at CR = 1.97 10− 3 L h− 1 or 0.35 L h− 1 g− 1 (dry weight) when SPM exceeded 45 mg L− 1. Using picture analyses of polychaete movements, we showed that, paradoxically, an increase in SPM concentration did not adversely affect the feeding activity of S. alveolata since the number of filtering individuals remained stable from SPM = 6.5 to 55.5 mg L− 1. These values were applied at the scale of the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (France) to demonstrate that the filtration pressure of large populations of wild suspension-feeders should not be underestimated when the carrying capacity has to be assessed in the context of increasing bivalve cultures.  相似文献   

Mass occurrence of macroalgae is a phenomenon attributed to eutrophication, and can lead to drastic changes in the benthic communities on soft bottoms. While the negative effects of macroalgal blooms on the macrozoobenthos have been studied extensively, the effects of the infauna on the macroalgal material have not previously been studied in the northern Baltic Sea. The impact of the infaunal species Nereis diversicolor and Saduria entomon on the burial and biomass of Enteromorpha spp., Cladophora glomerata and Fucus vesiculosus, was assessed through a series of microcosm experiments. Results show that S. entomon did not significantly affect the biomass of the algae, nor actively relocate them. N. diversicolor redistributed the filamentous green algae into the sediment, down to 4 cm at most, and decreased the biomass of the filamentous algae by 140-360%. Furthermore, the loss of biomass promoted in presence of polychaetes proved to be a density dependent process. The effect on the perennial macroalgal species, F. vesiculosus, was less clear, as no redistribution or significant change in macroalgal biomass was observed. Our findings show that infauna can contribute to a loss in macroalgal biomass through feeding and burrowing activities leading to the redistribution and incorporation of the detritus into bioturbated sediment.  相似文献   

Intensive agriculture leads to increased nitrogen fluxes (mostly as nitrate, NO3 ?) to aquatic ecosystems, which in turn creates ecological problems, including eutrophication and associated harmful algal blooms. These problems have focused scientific attention on understanding the controls on nitrate reduction processes such as denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). Our objective was to determine the effects of nutrient-tolerant bioturbating invertebrates (tubificid oligochaetes) on nitrogen cycling processes, specifically coupled nitrification–denitrification, net denitrification, DNRA, and biogeochemical fluxes (O2, NO3 ?, NH4 +, CO2, N2O, and CH4) in freshwater sediments. A mesocosm experiment determined how tubificid density and increasing NO3 ? concentrations (using N15 isotope tracing) interact to affect N cycling processes. At the lowest NO3 ? concentration and in the absence of bioturbation, the relative importance of denitrification to DNRA was similar (i.e., 49.6 and 50.4 ± 8.1 %, respectively). Increasing NO3 ? concentrations in the control cores (without fauna) stimulated denitrification, but did not enhance DNRA, which significantly altered the relative importance of denitrification compared to DNRA (94.6 vs. 5.4 ± 0.9 %, respectively). The presence of tubificid oligochaetes enhanced O2, NO3 ?, NH4 + fluxes, greenhouse gas production, and N cycling processes. The relative importance of denitrification to DNRA shifted towards favoring denitrification with both the increase in NO3 ? concentrations and the increase of bioturbation activity. Our study highlights that understanding the interactions between nutrient-tolerant bioturbating species and nitrate contamination is important for determining the nitrogen removal capacity of eutrophic freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Constructed and estuarine wetlands, influenced by wastewater treatment plants, were investigated, with respect to microbial activity in terms of functional genes. The density and abundance of three denitrifying genes coding for nitrate (narG), nitrite (nirS), and nitrous oxide (nosZ) reductases, in sediment soil samples from wastewater effluent-fed and estuarine wetlands, were quantified using the SYBR green-based real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). To assess seasonal effects (i.e., winter (average temperature ∼2 °C) versus spring (average temperature ∼20 °C)), the densities of denitrifying genes, with respect to the abundance of functional genes, for the two different wetlands were determined. The three functional genes for all the sampling sites ranged from 1.0 × 106 to 1.0 × 109 copies/g of soil. Without considering seasonal variation, the nitrite-reducing functional genes were dominant over the other two genes in the effluent-fed wetland samples. However, nitrate and nitrite-reducing functional genes were dominant in relatively cold and warm seasons, respectively, in the estuarine wetland samples. Even though robust patterns and conclusions could not be obtained from the limited investigations, patterns with certain trends and needs for potential future research directions were obtained.  相似文献   

The date of spawning of the first of the two batches of oocytes produced by Harmothoe imbricata each year is known to be influenced by both temperature and day length conditions during the preceeding period of vitellogenesis, acting directly on the rate of oocyte growth. The influence of day length is shown to be in the form of a critical day length effect, with days of 11 h of daylight or more acting as long days and advancing the date of spawning. It is suggested that this critical day length effect serves to synchronize the spawning of the first cohort of oocytes, and it may also entrain an endogenous time sense underlying the reproductive cycle of this species.  相似文献   

The introduction and establishment of the predatory asteroid Asterias amurensis in coastal waters of southern Australia is considered a major threat to benthic marine assemblages and commercial bivalve species. We compare the impact of the seastar in experiments on three soft-sediment assemblages. The experiments were carried out immediately beyond the current range of the seastar in southeast Tasmania. This allows us to assess the repeatability, and hence predictability, of the type and magnitude of the impact of A. amurensis on soft-sediment assemblages. Responses to manipulations at the species level were dissimilar across the three experiments, reflecting marked initial differences in the three assemblages at both the species and functional group levels. However, at the functional group level, there were notable similarities in the impact of the seastar on the different assemblages. When potential prey taxa were separated into functional groups reflecting ecological availability (e.g. surface dwelling vs. deep burrowing bivalves), seastar effects were largely restricted to the surface bivalves. While the effect of seastar predation on surface bivalves was common in all three assemblages, the magnitude of the impact varied both among and within assemblages. Variability in the impact of A. amurensis at both levels appeared to be largely due to differences in relative availability of prey species. Overall, the results of these experiments indicate that while the impact of the seastar is broadly predictable at the functional group level, the exact nature of seastar effects is likely to be site- and time-specific given the inherent natural variability in soft-sediment assemblages and the seastar's responses to them.  相似文献   

The lipid class composition of three krill species, Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars), Thysanoessa raschii (M. Sars), and T. inermis (Krøyer), was determined throughout the year in Balsfjorden, Northern Norway. Meganyctiphanes norvegica had triglycerides as its major neutral lipid, Thysanoessa raschii had mainly triglycerides with small amounts of wax esters, whereas T. inermis had mainly wax esters with lesser amounts of triglycerides. Neutral lipids were generally accumulated by the krill during spring-early summer, maintained at high levels through to mid-winter and then declined to minimal levels during early spring. Differences in rates of deposition and mobilization of neutral lipid between males and females occurred in Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Thysanoessa raschii but not in T. inermis. T. raschii accumulated lipid somewhat later in the year than T. inermis but earlier than Meganyctiphanes norvegica. A major rôle for lipid in the elaboration of gonads is indicated. The accumulation of either wax esters or triglycerides by euphausiids is considered in terms of the feeding habits and ecological niche differentiation of the species.  相似文献   

Egg production of a population of Upogebia africana (Ortmann) in a pond containing water heated by a thermal power station at Knysna, South Africa was compared with that of the population in the adjacent estuary and in two other estuaries. The breeding cycle, proportions of ovigerous females, incubation time for eggs at different temperatures, number of eggs produced, sex ratios, and size-frequency of males and females were all investigated. The number of eggs produced/100 prawns was found to be nearly twice as high in the population exposed to heated effluent as compared with the population in the adjacent estuary. The increase was due to a combination of a change in sex ratio resulting in more females in the population and a greater proportion of larger females in the pond. Since the number of eggs produced/female is positively related to the size of the prawn, large females in warmer water produced more eggs than smaller females in the adjacent estuary. Exposure to heated effluent did not alter the initiation or duration of the breeding season, nor cause precocious maturity; nor did it alter the number of eggs carried per female at various sizes.  相似文献   

Wetlands, especially in the Mediterranean area, are subject to severe eutrophication. This may upset the equilibrium between phytoplankton production in undesirable quantities and a quantitatively desirable macrophyte production. In order to manage this equilibrium, a quantitative knowledge of nutrient input and fluxes is essential and the role of sediments in these processes must be understood. This knowledge can be useful even for agriculture, e.g. rice cultivation, where optimal utilization of fertilizers can lead to an economic benefit.In this article different aspects of nutrient cycles are discussed in view of approaching a sufficiently precise quantification. The nutrient input balance of the Camargue was therefore measured which showed that the input of nutrients with the irrigation water, taken from the river Rhone, roughly equals the quantity of fertilizers added.Phytoplankton growth can be approached reasonably with the Monod model, although there are still many practical problems, such as the influence of the pH on P uptake and the problem of measuring P uptake in the field. The situation is worse for macrophyte growth; quantitative data are scarce and studies have often been carried out with unrealistic nutrient concentrations or without addressing the influence of the sediment. This influence can also include negative factors, such as high concentrations of Fe2+, H2S or FeS, but cannot yet be quantified.The nitrogen cycle in wetlands is dominated by denitrification. Most wetlands have sediments with high concentrations of organic matter, therefore with a large reducing capacity. Besides this process, we have shown that denitrification can also be controlled by FeS. In the Camargue sediments this denitrification is mediated by bacteria from the sulfur cycle; this appeared to be the major pathway. It was shown that a stoicheiometric relation exists between nitrate reduced and sulphate produced. The influence of the temperature was quantified and appeared to be stronger at high organic matter concentrations than at lower ones. Denitrification with FeS means that the bacteria use nitrate also for their N demands, while this is not necessarily the case during denitrification with organic matter.Mineralization of macrophytes is a much slower process than that of phytoplankton, probably because of their high C/N ratio. We could, however, not confirm the general assumption that the addition of nitrogen stimulates this mineralization. On the contrary, we found that two amino acids both with a C/N ratio of 6 had different mineralization rates. The amino acid composition of dead macrophytes and the C/N ratio may be of equal importance.Unlike nitrogen, phosphate is always strongly adsorbed onto sediments. The two mechanisms of the adsorption of inorganic phosphate onto sediments, i.e. the adsorption onto Fe(OOH) and the precipitation of apatite, have been quantified. The adsorption of phosphate onto Fe(OOH) can be satisfactory described with the Freundlich adsorption isotherm: Pads = A* (o-P)B. The adsorption coefficient A depends on the pH of the system and the Ca2+ concentration of the overlying water and can be quantified preliminarily by A = a.10(–0.416*pH).(2.86 – (1.86.e–Ca2+)). B can be approached by 0.333, which means the cube root of the phosphate concentration. The second mechanism is the solubility of apatite. We found a solubility product of 10–50 for hard waters. The two mechanisms are combined in solubility diagrams which describe equilibrium situations for specific lakes.The conversion of Fe(OOH) to FeS has a strong influence on phosphate adsorption, although the partial reduction of Fe(OOH) P by H2S does not release significant quantities of phosphate. Even after complete conversion to FeS only a small part of the bound phosphate was released.Besides the two inorganic phosphate compounds, we established the existence of two organic pools, one soluble after extraction with strong acid (ASOP), the other one with strong alkali. The first pool is probably humic bound phosphate, while the larger part of the second pool was phytate. The ASOP was remineralized during the desiccation of a Camargue marsh; this drying up oxidized FeS, thus improving the phosphate adsorption and decreasing the denitrification capacity. It can, therefore, be an important tool for management. The phytate was strongly adsorbed onto Fe(OOH), which explains the non-bioavailability towards bacteria.The fact that the sediment phosphate concentration can be approached by multiplying the relevant sediment adsorption constant with % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGak0Jf9crFfpeea0xh9v8qiW7rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaaOqaaeaaca% WGVbGaeyOeI0IaamiuaaWcbaGaaG4maaaaaaa!3B8D!\[\sqrt[3]{{o - P}}\] concentration has the consequence that much larger quantities of phosphate accumulate in the sediments than in the overlying water. This means that even if the phosphate input is stopped, the eutrophication will only be reversed very slowly, and not at all, if the shallow waters in wetlands have no through flow — as is often the case in many marshes in Mediterranean wetlands.Abbreviations used o-P = dissolved ortho phosphate (or its concentration) - Npart, Ppart = particulate N or P - Tot-Ninorg = Total inorganic nitrogen (= NH3 + NO 2 + NO 3 ) This paper, giving an overview of the research in the sediments of the Camargue, was read during the symposium Nutrient Cycles — A Joy Forever, on the occasion of my retirement, 19th of May 1993 at the I.H.E. in Delft (Netherlands).  相似文献   

Both the in vivo (+ nitrate) nitrate reductase (NR) activity (leaf disks incubated in the presence of KNO3) and the in vivo (? nitrate) NR activity (leaf disks incubated without KNO3) in leaves of eggplant (Solanum melongena L. cv. Bonica) were affected by rapidly growing fruits. Plants with a fruit load showed more pronounced diurnal variation in (+ nitrate) NR activity and higher (? nitrate) NR activity than plants without fruit. The higher (? nitrate) NR activity was accompanied by higher nitrate and lower sucrose and starch contents of leaves. The more pronounced diurnal changes in (+ nitrate) NR activity were paralleled by more pronounced diurnal variation in carbohydrate content of leaves. Fruit removal led to a decrease in both (? nitrate) NR activity and nitrate concentration in leaves, while the carbohydrate content increased. Plants supplied with ammonium instead of nitrate showed only slightly lower (+ nitrate) but no (? nitrate) NR activity. As for plants treated with nitrate, diurnal changes in (+ nitrate) NR activity were most pronounced in leaves of plants with fruit and this again was paralleled by a more pronounced diurnal variation in the carbohydrate concentration in the leaves. Increasing the oxygen level of the atmosphere to 50% led to a dramatic decrease in the (+ nitrate) NR activity and to an increase in both (? nitrate) NR activity and nitrate concentration, which was accompanied by decreasing carbohydrate contents of the leaves. Low light intensities and extended dark periods caused similar changes in NR activity and nitrate and carbohydrate concentrations in leaves. Increasing the nitrate concentration in the nutrient solution led to a rise in (+ nitrate) and (? nitrate) NR activity, but only the (? nitrate) NR activity paralleled the nitrate concentration in the leaves. This increase in the nitrate concentration was accompanied by a decrease in the carbohydrate content of the leaves. It is concluded that the level of and the diurnal changes in both (+ nitrate) and (? nitrate) NR activity and the concentration of nitrate in the leaves are dependent upon their carbohydrate status.  相似文献   

The physiological expression of a short-day-induced dormancy (Oligopause) of 4th-instar Chironomus plumosus larvae was investigated by measuring the oxygen consumption. By means of a polarographic continuous-flow respirometer the oxygen consumption of single larvae or groups of larvae (up to 5) could be measured continuously over a period of several hours. The oxygen consumption of dormant larvae is lower than in non-dormant larvae: in relation to the individual it is reduced by about 13, in relation to 1 g of dry weight by about 12. Dormant larvae are heavier than non-dormant larvae. In the dormant larvae, the proportion of dry weight to total weight is higher than in the non-dormant larvae. The increased proportion of dry weight is composed of a size-specific (dormancy-independent) and a dormancy-specific component. Independent of the sex and dormancy state, the larger larvae have a lower oxygen consumption per weight unit than the smaller larvae. A sex-specific difference can be observed: when animals with identical oxygen consumption per weight unit are compared, the females are considerably heavier than the males.  相似文献   

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