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藻类的光控发育   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
藻类发育的许多方面受光的调控,且多种多样的光受体参与藻类的光形态建成过程。本文就近年来藻类光形态建成领域的研究进展简要综述,内容以海洋藻类为主,主要包括光周期、非光周期控制的藻类发育类型,以及藻类的光受体的种类及分子特性,并兼顾与高等植物的相关特性进行比较。  相似文献   

A study was made of the role of the cotyledons, embryo orientation, surgical treatment, darkness, light, and autoclaved coconut milk on the growth of Pinus lambertiana Dougl. embryos in vitro. The embryos did not require an haustorial function of the cotyledons in vitro. Removal of the shoot meristem drastically altered the developmental physiology of the embryo and the function of the root meristem was severly inhibited. Positional effects on embryo growth were reversed by darkness. In the light vertical-inverted tube cultures displayed better growth than horizontal-inverted tube cultures, whereas in the dark the horizontal-inverted tube cultures displayed better growth than the ver ical-inverted tube cultures. Autoclaved coconut milk had no statistically demonstrable effect on embryo growth as measun d by the analysis of variance and Student-Newman-Keul's range test; however, the graphical analysis suggests that, in conjunction with the presence of the shoot meristem, there may be a slight beneficial response to autoclaved coconut milk.  相似文献   

In an attempt to define a medium and to investigate the effects of glycine, floral buds of Aquilegia were grown in culture on coconut milk and defined media containing either White's minerals or a new mineral formula, with and without glycine. Development obtained on the best defined medium was 66 to 76% of that achieved on the equivalent coconut-milk medium. The inability of buds to achieve development equal to that on the coconut-milk medium may be partially explained by the existence of a barrier to carpel formation and development. The effect of glycine on floral buds grown on a defined medium was dependent not only upon the minerals used but also on the stage of development of the bud. With White's minerals, glycine inhibited the development of buds in early and intermediate stages but was slightly promotive with buds in later stages. With the new minerals, glycine was slightly promotive with early and intermediate stages of development but was inhibitory with later stages. Further work is necessary before development on a defined medium will equal or exceed development on the coconut-milk medium.  相似文献   

山羊早期胚胎发育的超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验以促卵泡刺激素(FSH)进行超排处理所得的胚胎为材料,首次对山羊附植前胚胎发育过程中的超微结构变化进行了系统的研究。结果表明:(1)在桑椹期以前,胚胎中大都为带帽线粒体,从此期开始这种线粒体明显减少;从四细胞期开始,出现基质浅具横嵴的线粒体,且以后各期逐步增多。具横嵴的线粒体可能由带帽线粒体的帽状泡消失后转变而来。(2)核仁从四细胞期开始网状化,以后网状化程度逐步增强,颗粒部明显增加。(3)间隙连结最早形成于4细胞期,紧密连结和桥粒分别从8细胞期开始出现。  相似文献   

Young excised floral buds of Aquilegia were grown on defined medium containing kinetin, indoleacetic acid (IAA), or gibberellic acid (GA3). Only when 10−6 or 10−7 m kinetin was added to the basal medium was there a significant increase in the number of initiated whorls of primordia. Buds on the basal medium or on medium with IAA or GA3 failed to initiate carpels. On medium with 10−6 or 10−7 m kinetin, buds successfully initiated a normal whorl of five carpels. A high level of inorganic nitrogen was also required for the initiation of carpels. With 10−5 m kinetin, individual buds initiated from 6–18 carpels. Staminodial primordia of these buds were replaced with carpels, or the floral apex enlarged to accommodate a single whorl of many carpels. Kinetin did not support the further differentiation of the floral organs. Sepals, petals, and carpels did differentiate on medium with GA3, but stamens aborted. However, on medium with GA3 and kinetin, stamen primordia differentiated into short filaments and anthers. Further unknown growth factors appear to be required for the complete differentiation of floral primordia into mature organs.  相似文献   

Piringer , A. A., R. J. Downs , and H. A. Borthwick . (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, ARS, Belts ville, Md.) Photocontrol of growth and flowering of Caryopteris . Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(1): 86–90. Illus. 1963.—Flower buds were initiated on plants of Caryopteris × clandonensis A. Simmonds (C. incana [Houtt.] Miq. × C. mongholica Bunge) on all photopcriods but developed to anthesis only when daily dark periods exceeded 8 hr. Anthesis occurred in not less than 22 days after the beginning of 11 or more short photoperiods. Treatments with short days could be interrupted by as many as 30 non-inductive long days without significant increase in the minimum number of short days required for anthesis. Anthesis, like floral initiation of many plants, was reversibly controlled by red and far-red radiation acting through phytochrome. The inductive effectiveness of long dark periods was nullified by 1 min of red light or about 1 hr of far red. It was modified by night temperature in the range 45–70.F and filament lengths of stamens were shorter at night temperatures of 60 than at 70 F.  相似文献   

The mature seeds of Ilex opaca Ait. contain rudimentary heart-shaped embryos. When excised embryos of cv. Farage were grown in vitro with a 16-hr photoperiod, only 20 % reached germination size after 13-day incubation, while 75% of the embryos reached the same stage when incubated in darkness. This light inhibitory effect increased with the length of daily light exposure as the daily photoperiod reached 4 hr. Nearly 50% growth reduction resulted as the cultures were preincubated in light continuously for 2 days before a 10-day dark incubation. After 4 days of light incubation the inhibitory effect could no longer be reversed by the subsequent dark incubation. Once the heart-shaped embryos started to grow in darkness they become progressively insensitive to subsequent light inhibition. After a 6-day initial dark incubation the embryos become immune from the inhibitory effect of light. This light inhibitory effect on in vitro embryo growth was universal in all 11 tested cultivars.  相似文献   

金黄仓鼠早卵裂期胚胎发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究结果证明:(1)本研究制备和采用的金黄仓鼠(Mesocricetus aurilus)血清是体外培养金黄仓鼠胚胎的有效成分;(2)丙酮酸钠和乳酸钠加入TC-199液中可显著提高金黄仓鼠胚胎的发育率;(3)TC-199(Ⅱ)、台氏液和杜氏液加适量FCS或PHS都是培养金黄仓鼠胚胎的有效培养液;(4)本研究中已观察到4-细胞期胚胎在体外培养时的进一步发育;(5)金黄仓鼠2-细胞期胚胎移植至雌金黄仓鼠受体的输卵管中可继续发育,培养子兔输卵管中可存活44小时以上。  相似文献   

川金丝猴口腔的观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对川金丝猴的口腔进行观察,发现川金丝猴牙齿前后径总的趋向是I1>I2,I1>I2,I1>I1,I2>I2,上犬齿>下犬齿,P4>P3,P4>P3,M2>M3>M1,由于M3多一下次小尖,故M3>M2>M1。I1与I2大小有别,但看不到I2顶端明显变尖的迹象。犬齿的性二型主要表现在上犬齿,且主要表现于与P3、P4前后径的相对大小上。雄性上犬齿与I2的间距明显大。对金丝猴的年龄判断提出以切齿更换,咬合面形态、齿星出现,齿星形态等咬合面磨损规律的口齿鉴定法。对唇游离缘近口角处明显增厚及其性差别,腭扁桃体的大体形态作了描述。此外,对舌、腭、口腔腺也作了叙述和讨论。  相似文献   

1. Opening in light is a feature common to the majority of functional stomata, but the current argument is against the traditional view that light is the principal environmental promoter of opening, because stomata can open in the dark in response to CO2 removal and/or temperature increase. In this review, evidence is provided that light is more efficient and effective than other physical factors in both producing and maintaining wide opening. However, light acts on stomata both directly and indirectly, in conjunction with changes in, for example, CO2 balance, water regime and temperature of the leaf tissue. 2. Three general categories of light effects on stomata are recognized: (a) photosynthetic effects driven by metabolic processes, induced or enhanced by light, (b) hydrophotic effects mediating through light-induced changes in epidermal turgor, and (c) photothermal effects arising from light-dependent changes in leaf temperature. 3. Photosynthetic effects involve both CO2 depletion, and starch mobilization, malate synthesis, H+ extrusion, and accumulation of K+ and C1- in guard cells; these processes are triggered by light of different qualities: (a) Both blue and red light are involved in photosynthetic CO2 fixation, utilizing energy from photosynthetic light reaction(s), which provides C precursors for synthesis of stornatal starch. (b) Blue light, but not red, enhances starch mobilization, PEP carboxylase activity and respiration. Accordingly, blue light is postulated to enhance hydrolysis of stornatal starch providing C3 precursors for malate synthesis via PEP-fixation of endogenous CO2; the active extrusion of H+, derived from malate, is coupled with K+ influx to guard cells. Malate and C1- are competitive anions, for K+, and one begins to play a progressively more important role as the other becomes limiting; in intact leaves, however, malate plays a more decisive role. These processes are driven by the energy from blue-light-enhanced respiration. (c) Both photosynthetic fixation and PEP carboxylation act as CO2 sensors, but the exact role of CO2 in the stornatal mechanism has yet to be determined. 4. Hydrophotic and photothermal effects facilitate guard cell expansion by releasing epidermal pressure through enhanced evaporative water loss, and are, therefore, indirect effects of light; photothermal effects may also contribute to metabolic processes outlined in paragraph 3. 5. Stomatal closure in the dark accompanies starch synthesis, malate reduction, efflux of K+ and C1- from guard cells, and accumulation of CO2 in substomatal cavities. Malate may be converted to starch via C2 compounds. Guard cells release K+ and C1- into apoplastic space, from which they are removed by neighbouring cells. The entry of K+ into neighbouring cells is supposed to be coupled with H+ extrusion. These processes are dependent on respiratory energy. 6. The differential abaxial and adaxial stomatal light responses are related to inherent metabolic differences between the two epidermes, but the biochemical basis is not known.  相似文献   

Young excised floral buds of Aquilegia were grown on a chemically defined medium containing various concentrations of single amino acids or mixtures of amino acids. γ-Amino butyric acid significantly promoted floral development through the initiation and differentiation of carpels. These floral organs were generally absent on the basal medium. Alanine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid had no effect upon floral development. All other amino acids were either ineffective at lower concentrations and inhibitory at higher concentrations or were inhibitory at all concentrations. Casein hydrolysate and a mixture of amino acids found in coconut milk were ineffective. The addition of both γ-amino butyric acid and alanine to the basal medium promoted development approaching that achieved on the coconut-milk medium. However, further growth factors appear to be required before development on coconut-milk medium is equalled or exceeded.  相似文献   

In E. marginata 12 nonarticulated laticifer initials arise in the cotyledonary node of the young embryo during the early heart stage. The initials arise progressively in the developing embryo, the first laticifers differentiating simultaneously with or shortly before the elements of the pro-cambium. The laticifers occupy a position lateral to the six procambial strands which are formed in the embryo. Upon subsequent growth each laticifer becomes vacuolated and nuclear division unaccompanied by cytokinesis results in the formation of a coenocytic protoplast. The enlarging laticifer produces several branches, one growing into the cotyledon, another growing down along the hypocotyl penetrating toward the root meristem, and one or several growing along intercellular spaces of adjacent cells. No fusion of these branches with one another or adjoining parenchyma cells was observed.  相似文献   

乙醇对着床前小鼠胚胎体外发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用含不同浓度乙醇的Whitten氏培养液对小鼠2细胞、4细胞、8细胞和桑椹期胚胎分别进行体外培养,研究了乙醇对小鼠不同发育时期胚胎体外发育的影响。首先利用含0、0.1%、0.5%、1.0%、1.5%、2.0%、3.0%、5.0%和10.0%乙醇的Whitten氏培养液对2细胞胚胎进行培养,发现小鼠2细胞胚胎对培养液中乙醇浓度的耐受极限在1.5%左右。然后又用含1%和3%乙醇的Whitten氏培养液分别对小鼠2细胞、4细胞、8细胞和桑椹期胚胎进行培养。结果发现:含1%乙醇的培养液对于8细胞胚胎和桑椹胚的囊胚形成有促进作用,而在2细胞和4细胞胚胎中则影响不明显。3%乙醇则对各期胚胎均有不同程度的抑制作用,但随着胚胎发育其对乙醇的耐受力逐渐增强。  相似文献   

The nuclear volumes at several stages of development were measured on Triturus pyrrhogaster embryos and changes in the fine structure and reactivity towards alkaline fast green of the nuclei were also examined. It was shown that the blastula nuclei were reduced about 80% to reach a constant volume of about 1,400 μm3 by the tail bud stage in ectomesodermal parts of the embryos. In the endoderm, the decrease in the nuclear volume was slightly delayed.
Application of the decreasing rate of nuclear volume, from blastula to gastrula, to a simple model suggested that an amount of material, equivalent to that of a full-sized germinal vesicle, is stored in the egg to support the rapid nuclear divisions during the early phase of development.  相似文献   

Excised floral buds of Aquilegia formosa Fisch. were grown on a coconut-milk medium containing the minerals and vitamins of Murashige and Skoog, sucrose, and kinetin. The plant growth regulators indoleacetic acid (IAA, 0.5 mg/liter) and gibberellic acid (GA, 2.0 mg/liter) were added singly and in combinations; both were omitted from the control medium. The addition of GA to the basal medium was required to support sepal development on flowers at all phases of development. The formation of stomatal complexes in the epidermis of the sepals occurred only in the presence of GA. Sepals grown in the presence of GA also contained trichoblasts and developing trichomes, while none were formed in the absence of GA. The role of IAA in the development of these idioblasts was not clear but it appeared to have no effect. The hormones GA and IAA had different effects on the growth of the sepals. In the presence of GA the sepals increase in length until comparable with sepals grown in vivo. However, the sepals remained small when GA was omitted from the medium. Upon closer examination of this effect, it was determined that there was a direct proportionality between an increase in cell number in the epidermis and an increase in sepal length. The role of the two hormones in increasing epidermal cell length in sepals was distinct and separate. Exogenous IAA had no effect upon cell division but was required for cell elongation, while GA was required for cell division and had no effect on cell elongation. The GA effect in promoting cell division in the sepals was substantiated by use of autoradiography. If the buds were grown on media with GA, twice as many epidermal cells along the central file incorporated significant amounts of tritiated thymidine. The cell cycle of the epidermal cells of the GA-treated sepals was ca. 8.7 hr in duration and ca. 13.0 hr if GA was deleted from the medium.  相似文献   

The photorequirement for the germination of Eragrostis seedsdecreases with the progress of their after-ripening, and thegermination occurs whether in continuous light or in darknessat the final stage of after-ripening. The dehydration of seedsor the puncturing of seed coats also results in a decrease ofphotorequirement for germination. The rate of water absorptionof seeds increases with the germination capacity under continuousdark condition. However, there is no correlation between therespiration rate and the germination capacity; respiration isstimulated in the punctured seeds, but not in the after-ripenedseeds. The after-ripened or punctured seeds which no longer have aphotorequirement become light-sensitive again, when they areallowed to germinate in the air of low oxygen concentrations.The assumption is presented that the permeability to oxygenof the seed coat may be a factor controlling the seed germinationof this species. (Received August 21, 1964; )  相似文献   

1. Light is not obligatory for the germination of the seed ofRumex obtusifolius L. subsp.agrestis DANSER, which has beenregarded as being a typical light sensitive seed. Even in continuousdarkness, a short period of high (30°) or low temperature(5°) treatment evokes germination very readily. 2. Germination is markedly promoted by 1 min exposure to a redlight and this red light effect is completely removed by 1-hrexposure to a far-red light. Alternations of the red and far-redradiation bring about an alternate promotion and inhihibitionof germination. 3. When a dark interval is inserted between the red and thefar-red treatments, inhibition of germination becomes less distinctas the duration of darkness increases. When the seeds are irradiatedwith far-red prior to red, with an inserted darkness, germinationpromotion due to the red light also decreases with the durationof inserted darkness. 4. Complicated interdependence between the light and temperatureeffects are demonstrated. This suggests a participation of somereactants besides pigments in the photoreaction. 5. The observed interdependence between the light and temperatureeffects on the germination of Rumex seeds implies that, if,as BORTHWICK has assumed, two forms of pigment, viz., a far-red-absorbingform and a red-absorbing one, are participating in the photoreaction,they should be presumed to coexist from the start of imbibition. (Received September 27, 1960; )  相似文献   

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