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A recent study in the rat has shown that hippocampal place cells and entorhinal grid cells exhibit vertically-elongated firing fields, indicating that the rat's brain may encode the animal's elevation less accurately than its horizontal position.  相似文献   

A major gap in our knowledge of plant communities is how much of their volume is occupied by plant material (stem, leaf or reproductive structure). This is basic knowledge and may be crucial for the concept of competition for space. We sampled two grassland communities and two shrublands in both Italy and New Zealand. The height of the canopy was measured by a point quadrat method, and the volume of plant material, after cutting, by displacement of water. From 0.5% to 2.9% of the canopy was occupied by plant material. Occupancy was lower in the Italian communities, which we tentatively attribute to the climate. It did not differ significantly between grasslands and shrublands. Our data suggest that physical space is probably never limiting by itself in terrestrial higher-plant communities, so that competition for space, distinct from competition for resources such as light, water and nutrients, is not likely to exist.  相似文献   

A highly variable rate of recruitment from pelagic larval to demersal or sessile juvenile and adult stage is characteristic of marine organisms. At present it is a major subject of attention by ecologists interested in population or community processes. Several factors conspire to ensure this variability, but in studying them it will be important to focus on the behavioral capabilities of marine larvae, and on the very small proportion of (perhaps lucky) larvae destined to be successful.  相似文献   

Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a serious pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., in the North Central United States. Current management recommendations rely on the application of insecticides based on an economic threshold (ET) of 250 aphids per plant. Natural enemies are important in slowing the increase of aphid populations and can prevent them from reaching levels that can cause economic losses. However, biological control of A. glycines is inconsistent and can be affected negatively by the intensity of agricultural activity. We measured the impact of a natural-enemy-free environment on the capacity of the current ET to limit yield loss. In 2008 and 2009, caged microplots were assigned to one of three treatments: plants kept aphid-free (referred to as the control), plants that experienced a population of 250 aphids per plant (integrated pest management [IPM]), and plants that experienced unlimited aphid population growth (unlimited). The population growth rate of aphids in the unlimited treatment for the 10 d after the application of insecticides to the IPM treatment was calculated using linear regression. The linear equation was solved to determine the mean number of days between the ET and the EIL for an aphid population in absence of predators. The number of days was determined to be 6.97 +/- 1.11 d. The 2-yr average yield for the IPM treatment was 99.93% of the control treatment. Our study suggests the current soybean aphid ET of 250 aphids per plant can effectively protect yield even if the impact of natural enemies is reduced.  相似文献   

Eurasian badgers, Meles meles, in Mediterranean cork‐oak woodlands live in small groups within territories that embrace a mosaic of habitats where several setts (dens) are scattered. Assuming that their population density was related to home range sizes and that this in turn was influenced by food and water availability and the existence of substrate suitable for sett construction, we explored the relationship between these parameters. Two biotopes were predominantly important in providing food security to badgers in the ‘Grândola’ mountain study area: olive groves and orchards or vegetable gardens. Analysis of the mean total area of these two habitats in the ranges of radio‐tracked badgers permitted us to extrapolate to an estimate that the 66 km2 encompassed eleven areas with the capacity to support badger groups each composed by 6–8 individuals. Since only three groups populated the area we concluded that food availability was not limiting badger density. Sites with surface water in summer (the dry season) seem sufficient to support more badger groups than existed, leading us to believe that this factor was also not limiting badger density. Simultaneously, using a logistic regression model and the biophysical characteristics of sett sites as explanatory variables, four predictor variables determined sett location: the existence of a geological fault/discontinuity, ridges, valleys and the distance to abandoned farm houses, of which the former had the higher odds ratio, being thus the best sett location predictor. Indeed, 56% of the areas predicted with >80% confidence to contain a badger sett were encompassed within a known home range. Therefore, our results suggest that, in Mediterranean cork oak woodlands in SW Portugal, the main factor limiting badger's density is the availability of suitable sites for setts. However, in areas where suitable sites for burrows existed, but food patches were absent, badgers were not found. This could indicate that the presence of both factors was necessary for badgers, although in this area sites suitable for digging setts appeared to be the primary limiting factor.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Maximizing photosynthesis at the canopy level is important for enhancing crop yield, and this requires insights into the limiting factors of photosynthesis. Using greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus) as an example, this study provides a novel approach to quantify different components of photosynthetic limitations at the leaf level and to upscale these limitations to different canopy layers and the whole plant.


A static virtual three-dimensional canopy structure was constructed using digitized plant data in GroIMP. Light interception of the leaves was simulated by a ray-tracer and used to compute leaf photosynthesis. Different components of photosynthetic limitations, namely stomatal (SL), mesophyll (ML), biochemical (BL) and light (LL) limitations, were calculated by a quantitative limitation analysis of photosynthesis under different light regimes.

Key Results

In the virtual cucumber canopy, BL and LL were the most prominent factors limiting whole-plant photosynthesis. Diffusional limitations (SL + ML) contributed <15 % to total limitation. Photosynthesis in the lower canopy was more limited by the biochemical capacity, and the upper canopy was more sensitive to light than other canopy parts. Although leaves in the upper canopy received more light, their photosynthesis was more light restricted than in the leaves of the lower canopy, especially when the light condition above the canopy was poor. An increase in whole-plant photosynthesis under diffuse light did not result from an improvement of light use efficiency but from an increase in light interception. Diffuse light increased the photosynthesis of leaves that were directly shaded by other leaves in the canopy by up to 55 %.


Based on the results, maintaining biochemical capacity of the middle–lower canopy and increasing the leaf area of the upper canopy would be promising strategies to improve canopy photosynthesis in a high-wire cucumber cropping system. Further analyses using the approach described in this study can be expected to provide insights into the influences of horticultural practices on canopy photosynthesis and the design of optimal crop canopies.  相似文献   

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inborn error of amino acid metabolism caused by severe deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity, leading to the accumulation of phenylalanine and its metabolites in blood and tissues of affected patients. Phenylketonuric patients present as the major clinical feature mental retardation, whose pathomechanisms are poorly understood. In recent years, mounting evidence has emerged indicating that oxidative stress is possibly involved in the pathology of PKU. This article addresses some of the recent developments obtained from animal studies and from phenylketonuric patients indicating that oxidative stress may represent an important element in the pathophysiology of PKU. Several studies have shown that enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defenses are decreased in plasma and erythrocytes of PKU patients, which may be due to an increased free radical generation or secondary to the deprivation of micronutrients which are essential for these defenses. Indeed, markers of lipid, protein, and DNA oxidative damage have been reported in PKU patients, implying that reactive species production is increased in this disorder. A considerable set of data from in vitro and in vivo animal studies have shown that phenylalanine and/or its metabolites elicit reactive species in brain rodent. These findings point to a disruption of pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance in PKU. Considering that the brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative attack, it is presumed that the administration of appropriate antioxidants as adjuvant agents, in addition to the usual treatment based on restricted diets or supplementation of tetrahydrobiopterin, may represent another step in the prevention of the neurological damage in PKU.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed significant progress in revealing an important role for IL-17 in the pathogenesis of several immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Recent studies have provided new insights into the cellular source of IL-17, originally identified as the signature cytokine of a distinct CD4+ T-cell subset known as Th17. Accumulating evidence suggests that the majority of the IL-17 released in inflammatory arthritis is produced by innate immune cells rather than T cells. Understanding molecular mechanisms behind these early innate immune responses will be the key to designing rational therapies targeting these important inflammatory pathways.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that 20S proteasome is present and functional in the extracellular alveolar space in humans. Proteasomal activity was measured in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) supernatant from eight humans using specific proteasomal fluorogenic substrates and I(125)-albumin with and without specific proteasome inhibitors. Furthermore, gelfiltration, Western blot technique, and mass spectrometry were applied for proteasome characterization. All proteasomal fluorogenic substrates were hydrolyzed by BAL supernatant, with hydrolysis inhibited by epoxomicin (P = 0.024) and other proteasome inhibitors as well. E64, a lysosomal inhibitor, did not inhibit enzyme activity. The majority of proteolytic activity was detected in BAL supernatant rather than in the cell pellet. No correlation was found between proteasomal hydrolysis in BAL supernatant and lactate dehydrogenase activity, the total cell count in the cell pellet, and the fraction of avital cells in the cell pellet, ruling out cell lysis as a major source of proteasomal activity. Gelfiltration revealed hydrolyzing activity in the supernatant at 660 kDa and proteasome core proteins after analysis by ESI-QqTOF mass spectrometry. Furthermore, Western blots using a polyclonal antibody against proteasomal alpha-/beta-subunits detected proteasomal proteins in the typical 20- to 30-kDa range in BAL supernatant. Incubation of BAL supernatant with I(125)-albumin showed a high mean cleavage rate (101.8 microg/ml x h lavage +/- 46 SD) that was inhibited by epoxomicin (P = 0.013) and was ATP and ubiquitin independent. We identified for the first time extracellular, biologically active, ATP- and ubiquitin-independent 20S proteasome in the human alveolar space, with a high albumin cleavage rate. Possibly, the proteasome assists in maintenance of a low intra-alveolar oncotic pressure and/or alveolar protein degradation.  相似文献   

The term “Epiphyte” has been used for a plant growing on any object, and also for any organism growing on a plant. Evidence from analogy, dictionaries, use and precedence supports the two interpretations equally. We recommend that “epiphyte” be used only for an organism growing on a plant.  相似文献   

The autoimmune disease scleroderma (systemic sclerosis (SSc)) is characterized by extensive tissue fibrosis, causing significant morbidity. There is no therapy for the fibrosis observed in SSc; indeed, the underlying cause of the scarring observed in this disease is unknown. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) has long been hypothesized to be a major contributor to pathological fibrotic diseases, including SSc. Recently, the signaling pathways through which TGFbeta activates a fibrotic program have been elucidated and, as a consequence, several possible points for anti-fibrotic drug intervention in SSc have emerged.  相似文献   

The colonial marine hydroid, Hydractinia, exhibits four possible outcomes to allogeneic contacts: passive rejection, aggressive rejection, stable fusion and transitory fusion. In the special case of transitory fusion, Hydractinia colonies undergo tissue fusion, followed by tissue death at the original contact area, and colony separation. This type of rejection is different in several aspects from the rejection process that accompanies incompatible encounters. It has been suggested that in transitory fusion, the colonies gain immediate benefits from fusion, mainly due to size increase, without succumbing to costs associated with fusion (germ line parasitism). We report a long-term observation of repeated fusion and separation cycles in clones featuring transitory fusion that revealed a slow-down of specific growth rates following fusion, and recovery in growth rates following separation. Very rapid transfer of stained material between partners in transitory chimeras provides suggestive evidence that protection against germ line parasitism is far from being guaranteed by separation. Our data cast doubt as to whether the benefits considered for transitory fusion are sustainable and support the already made suggestion that fusion with self, rather than fusion with kin, has been the major selective force governing the evolution of allorecognition in colonial invertebrates.  相似文献   

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