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The cellular organisation of Taenia ovis oncospheres is interpreted from ultrathin serial sections and transmission electron microscopy following high pressure freezing and freeze-substitution. The surface of a hatched, non-activated T. ovis oncosphere is covered by an oncospheral membrane below which is the tegument bearing microvilli. The basal lamina of the tegument is underlain by broad bands of peripheral somatic musculature. Three pairs of hooks and associated muscles are present in the somatophoric third of the oncosphere. Approximately 19 cells of seven different types were identified which include: (i) a quadri-nucleated syncytium of penetration gland type 1 containing two lateral pairs of cell bodies interconnected by narrow cytoplasmic bridges (PG1); (ii) a quadri-nucleated syncytium of penetration gland type 2 (PG2); (iii) a single-nucleated median mesophoric gland cell; (iv) 10 somatic cells; (v) two germinative cells; (vi) two nerve cells; and (vii) a pair of median somatophoric cells. This study provides a clear understanding of the morphology of T. ovis oncospheres and forms the basis for further investigations into the biology of taeniid oncospheres.  相似文献   

Maurer's clefts are single-membrane-limited structures in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes infected with the human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The currently accepted model suggests that Maurer's clefts act as an intermediate compartment in protein transport processes from the parasite across the cytoplasm of the host cell to the erythrocyte surface, by receiving and delivering protein cargo packed in vesicles. This model is mainly based on two observations. Firstly, single-section electron micrographs have shown, within the cytoplasm of infected erythrocytes, stacks of long slender membranes in close vicinity to round membrane profiles considered to be vesicles. Secondly, proteins that are transported from the parasite to the erythrocyte surface as well as proteins facilitating the budding of vesicles have been found in association with Maurer's clefts. Verification of this model would be greatly assisted by a better understanding of the morphology, dimensions and origin of the Maurer's clefts. Here, we have generated and analyzed three-dimensional reconstructions of serial ultrathin sections covering segments of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes of more than 1 microm thickness. Our results indicate that Maurer's clefts are heterogeneous in structure and size. We have found Maurer's clefts consisting of a single disk-shaped cisternae localized beneath the plasma membrane. In other examples, Maurer' clefts formed an extended membranous network that bridged most of the distance between the parasite and the plasma membrane of the host erythrocyte. Maurer's cleft membrane networks were composed of both branched membrane tubules and stacked disk-shaped membrane cisternae that eventually formed whorls. Maurer's clefts were visible in other cells as a loose membrane reticulum composed of scattered tubular and disk-shaped membrane profiles. We have not seen clearly discernable isolated vesicles in the analyzed erythrocyte segments suggesting that the current view of how proteins are transported within the Plasmodium-infected erythrocyte may need reconsideration.  相似文献   

Summary The seminal vesicles and the coagulating gland of the rat were studied 2, 3, 5, 7 and 21 days after castration. The major changes within the seminal vesicles were primarily formation of whorls of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), followed by a general atrophy with a numerical reduction of the RER-profiles, and with general simplification of the cytoplasm due to loss of the organelles. It was a gradually reduction of secretion granules, diminution of the Golgi apparatus, formation of pigment bodies and autophagic vacuoles. Lipid droplets were observed in the basal cytoplasm of the epithelial cells. In the coagulating gland, similar changes occurred within the Golgi area and the lysosome complex. On the other hand, cisternae of the basal endoplasmic reticulum tended to persist in many cells. The similarity in response strongly suggests that the pathogenetic mechanisms are similar in both organs, i.e. atrophy due to deprivation of the androgenic stimulus. The deprivation of androgen gave rise to an inflammatory-like process with infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages. The increased number of macrophages may indicate that they contribute in some way to the involution of the prostate by removing the material in the autophagic vacuoles.  相似文献   

Summary The molecular layer of rat occipital cortex was studied at a number of ages throughout postnatal development in an attempt to formulate a quantitative morphogenetic scheme of synaptic development. As previous work had pointed to the potential usefulness of E-PTA stained material in synaptogenic studies, this technique was employed. Synaptic junctions were assigned to five categories, A-E, on the basis of variations in the organization of their presynaptic densities. Of these categories, Type A represented a mature junctional form with well-defined and discrete dense projections. Type E, by contrast, represented the immature end of the spectrum, its presynaptic apposition generally lacking recognizable densities. Types B-D represented intermediate forms.As development proceeded, the percentage of A type junctions increased from 0.3% at 7 days to 25% in the adult. Type E junctions showed the opposite trend falling from 42% at 7 days to 5% in the adult. On the basis of these results, and those relating to types B-D, possible morphogenetic schemes involving the five synaptic categories are put forward. These schemes incorporate and extend those previously suggested by other workers. By placing observations on a quantitative footing, the schemes proposed here lend themselves to use in experimental investigations.This work was supported by the Nuffield Foundation. We wish to thank Mr. W. Kendrick for technical assistance  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy has provided most of what is known about the ultrastructural organization of tissues, cells, and organelles. Due to tremendous advances in crystallography and magnetic resonance imaging, almost any protein can now be modeled at atomic resolution. To fully understand the workings of biological “nanomachines” it is necessary to obtain images of intact macromolecular assemblies in situ. Although the resolution power of electron microscopes is on the atomic scale, in biological samples artifacts introduced by aldehyde fixation, dehydration and staining, but also section thickness reduces it to some nanometers. Cryofixation by high pressure freezing circumvents many of the artifacts since it allows vitrifying biological samples of about 200 μm in thickness and immobilizes complex macromolecular assemblies in their native state in situ. To exploit the perfect structural preservation of frozen hydrated sections, sophisticated instruments are needed, e.g., high voltage electron microscopes equipped with precise goniometers that work at low temperature and digital cameras of high sensitivity and pixel number. With them, it is possible to generate high resolution tomograms, i.e., 3D views of subcellular structures. This review describes theory and applications of the high pressure cryofixation methodology and compares its results with those of conventional procedures. Moreover, recent findings will be discussed showing that molecular models of proteins can be fitted into depicted organellar ultrastructure of images of frozen hydrated sections. High pressure freezing of tissue is the base which may lead to precise models of macromolecular assemblies in situ, and thus to a better understanding of the function of complex cellular structures.  相似文献   

Summary— The three-dimensional architecture of the nucleolonema of Vicia faba has been studied by applying a silver impregnation technique to serial ultrathin sections. This technique disclosed lateral and transverse segments of the nucleolonema which were heavily impregnated with silver. The lateral profiles of the nucleolonema segments were classified into three main categories; a segment made up of one to several rod-like filaments (type I); a ladder-like segment consisting of two parallel and of transverse filaments (type II); and a last type constructed from two parallel filaments (type III). Tracing of the lateral segments through serial sections has indicated that type I first appears, then either type II or III and finally type I reappears at the corresponding sites on sections. Types II and III remained constant in width, about 1.0 μm, along their longitudinal axes whereas the width of type I was significantly smaller than that of the two former. The lateral filaments of both types II and III showed heterogeneity in width on account of the presence of knobs intermittently distributed along them. The thickness of these knobs was about 0.35 μm. Combining the observations on serial ultrathin sections and the morphometrical data it is very probable that the elementary structure of the nucleolonema is a 0.35-μm thick filament that tightly coils up into a solenoid structure with a thickness of approximately 1.0 μm. This model can explain the appearance of open- and closed-argyrophilic rings in serial sections since transverse segments of the solenoid are expected to show the argyrophilic rings. The elementary filament of the nucleolonema solenoid was sometimes loosened. Judging from our cytochemical data at the electron microscope level, some argyrophilic proteins appear to reside in the axial space of the solenoid but both DNA and RNA were not detectable in this space.  相似文献   

Cryoelectron microscopy of vitrified sections has become a powerful tool for investigating the fine structural features of cellular compartments. In the present study, this approach has been applied in order to explore the ultrastructural morphology of the interphase nucleus in different mammalian cultured cells. Rat hepatoma, Chinese hamster ovary and Potorus kidney cells were cryofixed by high-pressure freezing and the cryosections were examined at low temperature by transmission electron microscopy. Our results show that while the contrast of nuclear structural domains is remarkably homogeneous in hydrated sections, some of them can be recognised due to their characteristic texture. Thus, condensed chromatin appears finely granular and the perichromatin region contains rather abundant fibro-granular elements suggesting the presence of dispersed chromatin fibres and of perichromatin fibrils and granules. The interchromatin space looks homogeneous and interchromatin granules have not been identified under these preparative conditions. In the nucleolus, the most striking feature is the granular component, while the other parts of the nucleolar body, which appear less contrasted, are difficult to resolve. The nuclear envelope is easily recognisable with its regular perinuclear space and nuclear pore complexes. Our observations are discussed in the context of results obtained by other, more conventional electron microscopic methods.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopic study of normal bladder urothelium of elderly patients ranging in age from 61 to 82 years has shown the occurrence of unusually thin regions consisting of either one or two layers of undifferentiated cells interspersed between 3–4 cell layers thick regions. A morphometric study has confirmed the existence of a pattern of cytodifferentiation in cells of the thick region. The generally microvillous nature of the luminal surface is attributed to incompletely differentiated cells that have come to occupy the superficial layer. The lack of thickened and/or asymmetric membrane plaques in luminal plasma as well as the dearth of characteristic precursor vesicles in the cytoplasm are also explicable in terms of a failure of normal cell differentiation. It is suggested that the unusual features noted are consequences of tissue ageing rather than prognostic of cancer. There are indications that the aged urothelium may be prone to increased leakiness and the bladder tissues may therefore be at greater risk from urine-borne chemicals and carcinogens.  相似文献   

Summary The integument of the rotifer Habrotrocha rosa Donner is provided with pores and formed by an extrasyncytial cuticle and a syncytial hypodermis. The hypodermis peripherally contains 3 layers of dense cytoplasm and borders the cuticle by an asymmetric cell membrane. The wall of the pores is stiffened proximally like an annulus. The pores lead into cytoplasmic invaginations which are surrounded by vesicles. Close to and also beneath the condensed cytoplasmic layers microbodies are found, which are interpreted as microperoxisomes. Subhypodermal layers of muscles are connected with the cytoplasm of the hypodermis by desmosome-like structures.I am indebted to Dr. H. Breucker, Anatomisches Institut Hamburg, and Prof. Dr. W. Becker, Zoologisches Institut Hamburg, under whose direction this work was carried out. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Be 464/10)  相似文献   

The alimentary system of Habrotrocha rosa is composed of the alimentary channel, five digestive glands and another gland which is in close relation to the intestinal syncytium. After the present investigation, the alimentary channel can be divided into sections which clearly differ from each other, these are: oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, mastax, stomach-hose, syncytium of intestine, and terminal intestine.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the nuclei of epithelial cells of the dorsal lobe of the rat prostate were studied after administration of three different antiandrogenic compounds.The nucleolus appears to undergo a progressive disorganisation with partial fragmentation and dispersion of its normal components. Different types of intranuclear inclusions were found.The various alterations observed were often encountered within the same section. This may indicate that the nuclear alterations occur in the same compartment of the cell, and represent a dysfunction of integrated biochemical events occurring within this compartment.The findings support a view that the stimulatory secretory effect of androgens is mediated via a secretory center, located within the nucleolusassociated chromatin. Within this secretory center, the initial steps of the secretory process, the binding of the DHT receptor complex to DNA is assumed to occur.  相似文献   

The appearance and distribution of dense-core vesicles in the stomatogastric ganglion of the spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, were examined using transmission electron microscopy. Following five fixation techniques, three types of dense-core vesicles were identified on the basis of size and morphology. Type-I vesicles are found in a distinct neuronal fiber system that appears to be involved in chemical transmission within the ganglion. Type-II vesicles occur in nerve processes in the ganglion, in major nerve trunks and in the perineural sheath of the nerves and ganglion. Type-III vesicles are present in all neuronal somata of the ganglion. The distinct morphology and location of the three types of vesicles suggest that their functional roles differ. Furthermore, the histochemical, biochemical and physiological data available for the stomatogastric ganglion indicate that Type-I vesicles may store dopamine.  相似文献   

Summary A new method described in the present paper allows identification of neurophysine-containing (NP) vesicles of the magnocellular neurosecretory system of vertebrates. After oxidation of ultrathin sections, the content of NP vesicles can be dissolved specifically in an alkaline medium. This procedure marks NP vesicles selectively in all portions of the classical neurosecretory system.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Dres h.c. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Granted by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technik der DDR.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the pineal gland of 18 human fetuses (crown-rump lengths 30–178 mm) was investigated.The pineal gland exhibits a pyramidal shape and consists of an anterior and posterior lobe. Only one parenchymal cell type, the pinealocyte, was observed. Few neuroblasts were seen between the pinealocytes and in the extended perivascular space. The pinealocytes possess all the organelles necessary for hormone synthesis. No specific secretory granule could be observed. The organ is abundantly vascularized and richly innervated. The morphology of the capillaries indicates the existence of a blood-brain barrier.The ultrastructure of the human fetal pineal gland suggests that the gland has a secretory function in early intrauterine life. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Mrs. Yael Balslev and Miss Inger Ægidius for their able technical assistance. This investigation was supported in part by The Carl and Ellen Hertz's foundation and the Johann and Hanne Weimann foundation.  相似文献   

This report compares cellular localization of fesselin in chicken smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues using affinity purified polyclonal fesselin antibodies. Western blot analyses revealed large amounts of fesselin in gizzard smooth muscle with lower amounts in skeletal and cardiac muscle. In gizzard, fesselin was detected by immunofluorescence as discrete cytoplasmic structures. Fesselin did not co-localize with talin, vinculin or caveolin indicating that fesselin is not associated with dense plaques or caveolar regions of the cell membrane. Immunoelectron microscopy established localization of fesselin within dense bodies. Since dense bodies function as anchorage points for actin and desmin in smooth muscle cells, fesselin may be involved in establishing cytoskeletal structure in this tissue. In skeletal muscle, fesselin was associated with desmin in regularly spaced bands distributed along the length of muscle fibers suggesting localization to the Z-line. Infrequently, this banding pattern was observed in heart tissue as well. Localization at the Z-line of skeletal and cardiac muscle suggests a role in contraction of these tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the pancreas of the domestic fowl was studied electron microscopically. The extrapancreatic nerve is composed mostly of unmyelinated nerve fibers with a smaller component of myelinated nerve fibers. The latter are not found in the parenchyma. The pancreas contains ganglion cells in the interlobular connective tissue. The unmyelinated nerve fibers branch off along blood vessels. Their synaptic terminals contact with the exocrine and endocrine tissues. The synaptic terminals can be divided into four types based on a combination of three kinds of synaptic vesicles. Type I synaptic terminals contain only small clear vesicles about 600 Å in diameter. Type II terminals are characterized by small clear and large dense core vesicles 1,000 Å in diameter. Type III terminals contain small clear vesicles and small dense core vesicles 500 Å in diameter. Type IV terminals are characterized by small and large dense core vesicles. The exocrine tissue receives a richer nervous supply than the endocrine tissue. Type II and IV terminals are distributed in the acinus, and they contact A and D cells of the islets. B cells and pancreatic ducts are supplied mainly by Type II terminals, the blood vessels by Type IV terminals.This work was supported by a scientific research grant (No. 144017) and (No. 136031) from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Prof. M. Yasuda  相似文献   

Summry— The aim of this study was to localise two ionic S-phase markers in tissue sections using SIMS microscopy: aluminium as a potential endogenous marker and bromine as an exogenous marker after in vivo injection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). This study was performed in an experimental model of hyperplastic proliferation after partial hepatectomy in rat. Aluminium was never detected in nuclei which were positive or negative for tritiated thymidine uptake, as determined by autoradiography in tissue prepared by cryotechniques. In contrast, bromine of BrdU was found in hepatocyte nuclei. However, there was a discrepancy between SIMS bromine images and BrdU immunohistochemistry detection which appears more sensitive. This is probably due to problems of stereology intrinsic to the correlation method which requires serial sections for this multi-instrumental approach.  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of the aerobic, Gram-negative multicellular-filamentous bacteria of the genus Simonsiella were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The flat, ribbon-shaped, multicellular filaments show dorsal-ventral differentiation with respect to their orientations to solid substrata. The dorsal surface, orientated away from the substrate, is convex and possesses an unstructured capsule. The ventral surface, on which the organisms adhere and glide, is concave and has an extracellular layer with fibrils extending at right angles from the cell wall. The cytoplasm in the ventral region contains a proliferation of intracytoplasmic membranes and few ribosomes in comparison to the cytoplasm in other parts of the cell. Centripetal cell wall formation is asymmetrical and commences preferentially in the ventral region. Quantitative differences in morphology and cytology exist among selected Simonsiella strains. Functional aspects of this dorsalventral differentiation are discussed with respect to the colonization and adherence of Simonsiella to mucosal squamous epithelial cells in its ecological habitat, the oral cavities of warm-blooded vertebrates.List of Abbreviations SEM scanning electron microscope - TEM transmission electron microscope  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the nuclei of epithelial cells of the dorsal lobe of the rat prostate were studied 2, 3, 5, 7 and 21 days after castration. The nucleolus appears to undergo a progressive disorganisation with partial fragmentation and dispersion of its normal components.Changes in the nucleoplasm were primarily reflected by a condensation of chromatin, particularly along the nuclear membrane and adjacent to the nucleolus. Later, different types of intranuclear inclusions were observed.After 21 days, the nuclei were characterized by an irregular outline with large indentation. Within the nucleoplasm aggregates of coarse granular chromatin were found. No cell necrosis was observed, indicating that androgen deprivation results in a remodeling of the cell to a less active state with marked cellular alterations and cessation of secretion, but apparently with some of their basic functions still intact.Injections of testosterone completely reverse the castrated-induced alterations.The changes observed are assumed to be due to the withdrawal of the androgenic stimulus, with a direct influence on the secretory function of the cell. The findings support the view that the stimulating secretory effect of androgen is mediated via an intranuclear androgen receptor, probably located in the nucleolus-associated-chromatin. It is also proposed that the secretory function of the epithelial cells of the prostatic complex, initiated by androgens, may be regulated by an intranuclear secretory center.  相似文献   

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