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Kuang H  van Eck HJ  Sicard D  Michelmore R  Nevo E 《Genetics》2008,178(3):1547-1558
Genetic structure and diversity of natural populations of prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) were studied using AFLP markers and then compared with the diversity of the RGC2 disease resistance gene cluster. Screening of 696 accessions from 41 populations using 319 AFLP markers showed that eastern Turkish and Armenian populations were the most diverse populations and might be located in the origin and center of diversity of L. serriola. Screening 709 accessions using the microsatellite MSATE6 that is located in the coding region of most RGC2 homologs detected 366 different haplotypes. Again, the eastern Turkish and Armenian populations had the highest diversities at the RGC2 cluster. The diversities at the RGC2 cluster in different populations were significantly correlated with their genomewide diversities. There was significant variation of copy number of RGC2 homologs in different populations, ranging from 12 to 22 copies per genome. The nucleotide diversities of two conserved lineages (type II) of RGC2 genes (K and L) were not correlated with diversities calculated using the MSATE6 or AFLP data. We hypothesize that the high genomewide diversity and diversity of the RGC2 cluster in eastern Turkish and Armenian populations resulted from high abiotic and biotic stresses in the regions of origin of L. serriola.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the segregation of resistance to five British races and two Dutch races of Bremia lactucae in the F2 progenies of crosses involving seven resistant and several susceptible lettuce cultivars. These data and also those previously published by other workers are considered in relation to the systematic model proposed by Crute & Johnson (1976) to explain the genetics of race specific resistance to B. lactucae in lettuce. It is shown that, with minor modifications, the model accommodates almost all of the previously published data and correctly predicts the new data, except for one set which cannot at present be interpreted. It is concluded that genetic evidence exists for the presence, among various cultivars of lettuce, of at least four and possibly five different dominant resistance genes of major effect designated Dm2, Dm3, Dm4, Dm6 and Dm8; and of a pair of dominant genes with complementary effect designated Dm7/1 and Dm7/2. The resistance conferred by these genes is specified in relation to five British races, five Dutch, three Israeli and one United States race of the fungus. Resistance genotypes are proposed for cultivars Avoncrisp, Avondefiance, Calmar, Great Lakes 659, Kares, Meikoningen, Mildura, Proeftuins Blackpool, Solito, Valverde, Ventura and the USDA line PI 164937.  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of specific resistance was studied in F2 populations which segregated for either one or two resistance genes. The resistance factors 1, 11 and 14 which had not previously been characterized genetically segregated as single dominant genes (Dm). Resistance was determined by three linkage groups; R 1/14, 2, 3, and 6 in the first, R 5/8, and 10 in the second and R 4, 7 and 11 in the third. Cultivars of lettuce commonly used in the differential series to detect virulence to R3 and R10, were demonstrated to carry two tightly linked resistance genes. Implications of this linkage arrangement to the manipulation and characterization of these resistance genes are discussed.  相似文献   

The degree of relationships withinLactuca sativa and three wild relativesL. serriola, L. saligna, andL. virosa was studied by observing the performance, vigour and fertility of the F 1 hybrids obtained from crosses made in and between the four species. The crosses ofL. saligna ×L. virosa and the reciprocal crosses produced no hybrids.L. saligna andL. virosa are the least related of the four species.L. sativa ×L. serriola and the reciprocal crosses were successful and produced fertile hybrids These two species are genetically very closely related.L. saligna is known to produce, as a female parent, hybrids withL. sativa andL. serriola. Now the reciprocal cross was successful for the first time, so the unability to obtain hybrids in the past was based on the choice of accessions and not caused by unilateral incompatibility.L. virosa ×L. sativa and the reciprocal combination produced hybrids. The combinationL. serriola ×L. virosa produced hybrids with very limited fertility. In contrast to earlier reports (sterile hybrids) one combination of the reciprocal cross too produced hybrids with very limited fertility.—Some of theL. saligna ×L. sativa (and reciprocal) hybrids were found to look strikingly likeL. serriola. This adds evidence for the descent ofL. serriola andL. sativa:L. saligna also made part of the ancestral complex of the cultivated lettuce.  相似文献   

Sesquiterpenoid lactones (SLs) from lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) include constitutive components of latex such as lactucin and the induced phytoalexin, lettucenin A. A redundant primer strategy was used to recover two full length cDNA clones (LTC1 and LTC2) encoding sesquiterpene synthases from a cDNA library derived from seedlings with the red spot disorder, which accumulate phytoalexins. Recombinant enzymes produced from LTC1 and LTC2 in Escherichia coli catalysed the cyclisation of farnesyl diphosphate to germacrene A, potentially an early step in the biosynthesis of SLs. RT-PCR analysis showed LTC1 and LTC2 were expressed constitutively in roots, hypocotyls and true leaves but not in cotyledons. Expression in cotyledons was induced by challenge with the downy mildew pathogen Bremia lactucae in the disease resistant cultivar Diana. Southern hybridisation experiments showed that LTC1 and LTC2 were not part of a multigene family. The germacrene A synthases provide targets for modified expression to generate beneficial modifications to the SL profile in lettuce.  相似文献   

The anti-fungal activity of two alkaloids isolated from bulbs of Zephyranthes citrina was observed against 10 fungi, viz, Aternaria solani, A. triticina, Curvularia lunata, C. maculuns, Cercospora malvacearum, Erysiphe sp., Fusarium udum, Helminthosporium pisi, H. speciferum and Ustilago cynodontis. Different concentrations (200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 µg/ml of alkaloids (A and B) were used. Spore germination was inhibited at 600, 800, 1000 µg/ml. B alkaloid was used against Erysiphe cichoracearum causing powdery mildew in balsam (Impatiens balsamina) in the field as pre- and post-inoculation treatments at 1000, 1500, 2000 µg/ml doses. The extract was effective in both pre- and post-inoculation treatments. Foliar application of this alkaloid resulted in inducing synthesis of phenolic acid in the leaves of balsam. Maximum phenolics were detected in the leaves treated with 1500 µg/ml in both pre- and post-inoculation treatments. The increase in the production of phenolics in treated leaves of balsam can be correlated with the induction of resistance in treated plants against powdery mildew. The significant efficacy of the alkaloid under field conditions opens the possibility of its use by farmers for also controlling other diseases.  相似文献   

中国的石松科植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对国产石松科(狭义)进行了分类学研究,共记载本科植物6属15种3变型。文中引用新建 立的1属,即拟小石松属Pseudolycopodiella Holub,并包含1个新命名:Lycopodium neopungens H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang,1个新变型:Palhinhaea hainanensis C.Y. Yang f.glabra H.S.Kung et L.B.Zhang和9个新 异名:Lycopodium annotinum L.var.brevifolium Christ(=L .zonatum),L.annotinum L.var.aciculare Christ (=L.zonatum),L.alticola Ching(=L.zonatum),L.simulans Ching et H.S.Kung ex Ching(=L.japoni- cum),L.interjectum Ching et H.S.Kung ex Ching(=L.japonicum),L. taliense Ching(=L.japonicum),L.pseudoclavatum Ching(:=L.japonicm.),L. pseudoclavatum Ching var.yunnanense Ching(=L.japonicum),及L. centro-chinense Ching(=L. japonicum).本文还记述了有关分类群的地理分布,并认为中国没有Dipha- siastrum wightianum(Wall.ex Grev.et Hook.)Holub的分布。  相似文献   

The fern-allied family Lycopodiaceae(s. str. ) in China is reclassified in the present paper. Six genera, fifteen species and three forms are recorded. The genus Pseudolycopodiella Holub (1983) is adopted, one new name, Lycopodium neopungens H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, is given to replace the invalid name L. pungens Desv., one new form is described: Palhinhaea hainanensis C. Y. Yang f. glabra H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, and nine names are treated for the first time as synonyms: L. annotinum L. var. brevifolium Christ( = L. zonatum Ching), L. annotinum L. var. aciculare Christ( = L. zonatum Ching), L. alticola Ching( = L. zonatum Ching), L. simulans Ching et H. S. Kung ex Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), L. interjectum Ching et H. S. Kung ex Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), L. taliense Ching(=L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), L. pseudoclavatum Ching( = L. japonicm Thunb. ex Murray.), L. pseudoclavatum Ching var. yunnanense Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray), and L. centro-chinense Ching( = L. japonicum Thunb. ex Murray). The distribution of all the taxa is also given. Additionally, some taxonomic discussions are made and it is considered that there is no Diphasiastrum wightianum (Wall. ex Grev. et Hook. ) Holub( = Lycopodium wightianum Wall. ex Grev.et Hook. ) in the flora.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the segregation of resistance to four races of Bremia lactucae in the F2 progenies of crosses involving 15 resistant and various susceptible lettuce cultivars. Most of these data and those recently published by other workers fit the systematic model for the genetics of race specific resistance to B. lactucae proposed by Crute & Johnson(1976). Seven different dominant resistance genes of major effect were found. There was also evidence of a pair of dominant genes with complementary effect, one of which may sometimes be effective on its own. Two of the genes may be linked and another may have two different alleles for resistance at the same locus. The resistance conferred by these genes is specified in relation to two British, two Dutch and four French races of the fungus. Resistance genotypes are proposed for 16 cultivars.  相似文献   

记述中国多足摇蚊属指名亚属Polypedilum (s. str.) Kieffer 1新种——等跗多足摇蚊Polypedilum (Polypedilum) aequabe, sp. nov.,该新种雄虫可借以下组合特征与本亚属其它已知种类相区别:后足第 2 与第 3 跗节等长,肛尖具侧毛,上附器外侧毛位于近端部,下附器端部膨大。模式标本存放在南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊研究室。正模:♂,四川乡城硕曲河,2 700 m,1996-Ⅵ-12,灯诱,王新华采;副模:18♂♂,同正模;1♂,云南丽江石鼓冲江河,1750m,1996-Ⅴ-25,灯诱,周长发采。  相似文献   

New distributional records and ecological observations are presented for the Cape endemic hydraenid Ochthebius capicola. Considered extinct on the Cape Peninsula, the species has been re-discovered at two adjacent locations as well as at a new site in Tsitsikamma National Park, Eastern Cape. New species associations are recorded, in conjunction with observations confirming this species' preference for algae-covered rock surfaces in the hypersaline pools of the supralittoral zone. Provisional internationally-endangered status for this species was examined but considered dependent on future data. It was considered likely that the beetle may be insufficiently recorded, due to its atypical habitat requirement. A synopsis of the taxonomic status of this species and Ochthebius rubripes is given. Notes on both species are provided, as well as a record of sympatric occurrence.  相似文献   

中国横断山区狭义百合科四属部分植物核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用细胞压片法对分布于中国横断山区的百合科4属部分植物进行了核型研究,其中百合属(Lilium)中除卷丹(L.tigrinum)为三倍体2n=36外,大部分都是2倍体,2n=24;贝母属(Fritillaria)全为2倍体,2n=24,其次缢痕较多,且比较明显;假百合属假百合(Notholirion bulbuliferum)同时存在2倍体和3倍体,2n=24以及2n=36;洼瓣花属(Lloydia)只研究了一种,即西藏洼瓣花(Lloydia tibetica),发现2n=23。4个属的核型区别明显,为确定属间亲缘关系提供了一定的参考。其中,马塘百合(L.matangense)和西藏洼瓣花的核型是首次报道。  相似文献   

Summary In the progeny of a hybrid between monotelosomic line 3B of Chinese Spring wheat and Chinese Spring — Aegilops longissima ditelosomic addition line G a cytologically stable strain was selected consisting of 20 wheat chromosome pairs, one pair of telosomic chromosome 3BL and one pair of telosomic longissima chromosome G. Inoculating Chinese Spring — Aegilops longissima addition and substitution lines with ten different powdery mildew isolates, partial resistance was observed. The infection grade as well as the number of spores/cm2 leaf area were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Liosarcophaga (s. str.) bartaki sp. n. is described from Turkey based on four males collected at three locations in Western Turkey. A morphological study of the genitalia using light and scanning electron microscopy has been carried out. An original key to the 10 species of Liosarcophaga occurring in Turkey is given.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:117C58FC-E957-4A7B-AB4C-B6DB35357763  相似文献   

Powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera xanthii is an important foliar disease in melon. To find molecular markers for marker-assisted selection, we constructed a genetic linkage map of melon based on a population of 93 recombinant inbred lines derived from crosses between highly resistant AR 5 and susceptible ‘Earl’s Favourite (Harukei 3)’. The map spans 877 cM and consists of 167 markers, comprising 157 simple sequence repeats (SSRs), 7 sequence characterized amplified region/cleavage amplified polymorphic sequence markers and 3 phenotypic markers segregating into 20 linkage groups. Among them, 37 SSRs and 6 other markers were common to previous maps. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis identified two loci for resistance to powdery mildew. The effects of these QTLs varied depending on strain and plant stage. The percentage of phenotypic variance explained for resistance to the pxA strain was similar between QTLs (R 2 = 22–28%). For resistance to pxB strain, the QTL on linkage group (LG) XII was responsible for much more of the variance (41–46%) than that on LG IIA (12–13%). The QTL on LG IIA was located between two SSR markers. Using an independent population, we demonstrated the effectiveness of these markers. This is the first report of universal and effective markers linked to a gene for powdery mildew resistance in melon.  相似文献   

Rheum emodi, vernacularly known as Archu, is one of the important high altitude medicinal plants widely distributed in Himalayan regions. Though widely used in Ayurveda for curing various human diseases, its use in plant diseases is limited. Ethanolic extract of Rheum rhizome was assayed against spore germination of Alternaria solani, Heliminthosporium penniseti and Curvularia palliscens. The inhibition of spore germination was concentration dependent. Maximum inhibition was obtained at 4000 and 5000 ppm followed by 3000, 2000 and 1000 ppm. However, the extract was highly effective in the pre-inoculation treatment against powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum) of balsam (Impatiens balsamania) under field conditions. High performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis of balsam leaves showed increased synthesis of phenolic acids, which has been correlated with induced resistance in inhibiting the disease intensity of balsam powdery mildew.  相似文献   

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