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Mouse eggs microinjected with physiological concentrations of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) do not emit the second polar body, form a pronucleus, or display a fertilization-associated set of changes in the pattern of protein synthesis. IP3-injected eggs, however, display a conversion of the zona pellucida glycoprotein ZP2 to ZP2f. The effect is concentration-dependent with an EC50 (effective concentration, 50%) of 5-10 nM and also occurs in the presence of reduced levels of extracellular calcium. The egg-induced zona pellucida modification is not elicited by several other inositol phosphates that are not able to release calcium from intracellular stores in other systems. Analysis of individual eggs microinjected with IP3 reveals a strong correlation between a reduced binding of sperm to the zona pellucida and the ZP2 to ZP2f conversion. In addition, solubilized zonae pellucidae isolated from IP3-injected eggs possess reduced levels of acrosome reaction-inducing activity. These egg-induced modifications of the zona pellucida--reduced sperm receptor and acrosome reaction-inducing activities and the ZP2 to ZP2f conversion--elicited by microinjected-IP3 are similar to those that occur following fertilization. Results of these experiments suggest that IP3 generated in response to fertilization may play a role in the egg-induced modifications of the zona pellucida that result in the polyspermy block.  相似文献   

Zonae pellucidae were isolated from a variety of human eggs collected from follicular aspirates for in-vitro fertilization. Zonae were removed from pools of eggs classified as fertilized but unsuitable for embryo transfer, inseminated but not fertilized, and immature and not inseminated. Isolated zonae were heat solubilized, iodinated and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Under reducing conditions, zonae from unfertilized eggs separated into three acidic proteins with molecular weight ranges of 90,000-110,000 (ZP1), 64,000-78,000 (ZP2) and 57,000-73,000 (ZP3). Under non-reducing conditions, ZP1 and ZP2 co-migrated at Mr 92,000-120,000. An identical pattern was seen from zonae isolated from eggs that were not inseminated. Therefore, if chemical modification of the zona is effected by spermatozoa, these changes were not apparent in the electrophoretic patterns. The electrophoretic pattern of zonae isolated from eggs classified as fertilized revealed fertilization-associated modification of the zona pellucida. This was expressed as a modification of the ZP1 molecule, and was only evident after reduction of the sample. We suggest that this modification may be effected by egg cortical granule dehiscence after fertilization and that the chemical modification of the zona may be involved in a zona block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

Lentiviruses are highly efficient vehicles for delivering genes into cells. They readily transduce primary and immortalized cells in vivo and in vitro. Genes delivered by lentiviruses are incorporated and replicated as part of their host genome and therefore offer a powerful tool for creation of stable cell lines and transgenic animals. However, the zona pellucida surrounding the fertilized eggs acts as a barrier and hinders lentiviral transduction of embryos. Here, we utilize a laser, typically used to perforate the zona pellucida for in vitro fertilization, to permeabilize the zona for lentiviral gene delivery. A single hole in the zona is sufficient for the lentivirus to gain access to fertilized eggs without the need for microinjection for en masse gene delivery. Embryos generated by this method elicit no damage and can develop to term for creation of transgenic animals.  相似文献   

Bovine zone pellucida (ZP) glycorproteins from ovarian egg emerged as three bands with molecular mass of 78 kDa, 64 kDa and 21 kDa in SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. Endo-β-galactosidase (EβG) digestion of the glycoproteins yielded five products with molecular mass of 76 kDa (EβG-76), 68 kDa (EβG-68), 63 kDa(EβG-63), 47 kDa (EβG-47) and 21 kDa (EβG-21) under the same conditions. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of EβG-76 and EβG-21 were identical. This fact together with the results of diagonal SDS-PAGE indicated that EβG-21 (N-terminal region) is linked to EβG-63 (C-terminal region) through disulfide bond to form EβG-76. Immunoblot analysis using anti-pig ZP protein antibodies revealed that bovine EβG-76, EβG-68 and EβG-47 correspond to pig PZP2, PZP3α and PZPEβ glycoproteins, respectively. The EβG-76 and EβG-68 components were shown to be specifically cleaved during fertilization.  相似文献   

The hardening of the zona pellucida as a result of the cortical reaction was estimated in triploid oocytes produced with cytochalasin B by two different procedures. Triploid oocytes resulting from fertilization in the presence of cytochalasin B did not reveal hardening of the zona pellucida unlike triploids obtained by inhibiting in-vitro extrusion of the second polar body in oocytes fertilized in vivo.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been applied successfully in the treatment of male infertility in humans and in fertilization research in mice. However, the technique has had limited success in producing offspring in other species including the rabbit. The aim of this research was to test the in vitro and in vivo developmental of rabbit oocytes after ICSI. Sperm used for ICSI were collected from mature Dutch Belted buck and washed 2-3 times with PBS +0.1% polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and then mixed with 10% polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) prior to microinjection. Oocytes were collected from superovulated does 14-15 hr after hCG injection and were fertilized by microinjection of a single sperm into the ooplasm of each oocyte without additional activation treatment. After ICSI, the presumed zygotes were either cultured in KSOM +0.3% BSA for 4 days or transferred into oviducts of recipient does at the pronuclear or 2-cell stage. A high percentage of fertilization (78%, n = 114) and blastocyst development (39%) was obtained after ICSI. Control oocytes, receiving a sham injection, exhibited a lower activation rate (31%, n = 51) and were unable to develop to the blastocyst stage, suggesting that the blastocysts developed following ICSI were derived from successful fertilization rather than parthenogenetic development. A total of 113 embryos were transferred to six recipient does. Two recipients became pregnant and delivered seven live young. Our results demonstrated that rabbit oocytes can be successfully fertilized and activated by ICSI and can result in the birth of live offspring.  相似文献   

We have devised a procedure for mechanically inserting intact, acrosome reacted spermatozoa under the mouse zona pellucida, and have examined the ability of sperm so inserted to fertilize the mouse oocyte. Sperm immobilized by a variety of different methods are unable to fertilize the egg, despite the fact that electron microscopy confirms that they are acrosome reacted. Control experiments show that the oocytes are capable of being fertilized by motile sperm after the microinjection procedure, and that the immobilized sperm are able to form male pronuclei after injection directly into the ctyoplasm. These results indicate that in addition to its importance for penetration of egg investments, sperm motility is required for fusion of the gametes. Alternatively, the findings suggest that the enzymatic machinery required for sperm motility is very similar to that utilized for gamete fusion, and that destruction of one is likely to lead to inactivation of the other.  相似文献   

Sperm receptors are located in the mammalian egg extracellular coat, or zona pellucida. Mouse and hamster sperm receptor glycoproteins, mZP3 (83 x 10(3) M(r)) and hZP3 (56 x 10(3) M(r)), respectively, have very similar polypeptides (44 x 10(3) M(r); 81% identical) that are glycosylated to different extents. Purified mZP3 and hZP3 can bind to mouse sperm, prevent them from binding to eggs and induce them to undergo exocytosis, the acrosome reaction, in vitro. A DNA construct that placed the hZP3 gene under the control of mZP3 gene 5'-flanking sequence was used in this report to produce two mouse lines that harbored the foreign sperm receptor transgene. In both lines, the transgene was expressed only by growing oocytes, at a level comparable to that of the endogenous mZP3 gene, and the developmental pattern of transgene expression resembled that of the mZP3 gene. In addition to mZP3, transgenic mouse oocytes synthesized and secreted a glycoprotein indistinguishable from hZP3, and incorporated both glycoproteins into a mosaic zona pellucida. Importantly, hZP3 purified from such zonae pellucidae exhibited both sperm receptor and acrosome reaction-inducing activities in vitro and, following fertilization of transgenic mouse eggs, was inactivated. These results demonstrate that a biologically active foreign sperm receptor can be synthesized and secreted by transgenic mouse oocytes, assembled into a mosaic zona pellucida, and inactivated following fertilization as part of the secondary block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

Here, we describe an in vitro assay that has permitted further characterization of a proteinase (called "ZP2-proteinase") that is released upon activation of ovulated mouse eggs and cleaves ZP2, one of three glycoproteins present in mouse zonae pellucidae. Results presented suggest that ZP2-proteinase readily diffuses through the zona pellucida within 5 min of activation of eggs by ionophore A23187 and carries out limited proteolysis of ZP2. Appearance of ZP2-proteinase is completely dependent upon activation of eggs, consistent with it being present in cortical granule exudate. The proteinase is insensitive to a wide variety of proteinase inhibitors, but is inhibited when either an anti-ZP2 monoclonal antibody or an Fab fragment of the antibody is bound to ZP2. Proteolysis occurs near the amino- or carboxy-terminus of ZP2, producing a 23,000 Mr glycopeptide(s) that remains attached to ZP2 by intramolecular disulfide bonds. HPLC fractionation of activated egg exudate suggests that ZP2-proteinase has an apparent Mr between 21,000 and 34,000. Proteolysis of ZP2 correlates with "hardening" of the zona pellucida following egg activation and, thus, may be responsible for one aspect of the zona reaction.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida (ZP) is the extracellular coat surrounding the mammalian egg. Numerious evidence supports the role of ZP carbohydrate residues as the specific sperm receptors. In this study we used lectins to study different distribution patterns of carbohydrate residues in the rat ZP, and to follow changes at fertilization. ZP were collected from follicular, ovulated, and fertilized eggs, incubated with one of 11 different biotin-labeled lectins, followed by avidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) complex, and visualized by epifluorescent microscopy. For electron microscope (EM) histochemistry, eggs were embedded in LR white and ultrathin sections were stained with the complexRicinus communis lectin (RCA-1)-colloidal gold. Some lectins (RCA-I,Glycine max) bound to the entire ZP while others were restricted to the inner or outer zones [Griffonia simplicifolia, Concanovalia ensiformis, Triticum vulgaris (WGA), succinyl-WGA]. Other lectins (Lens culinaris, Ulex europhaeus) were totally excluded. The RCA-1 binding pattern changed following sperm penetration, from homogeneous in ZP of ovulated eggs (57%) to uneven in ZP of fertilized (71%) or activated (68%) eggs. Our results demonstrate an uneven distribution of different sugar residues in the rat ZP, and a post-fertilization change in the distribution of β-galactose, which is specifically recognized by RCA-I, presumably correlated with other changes in the ZP that lead to the block to polyspermy. This work is in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD degree of Tamar Raz at the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University  相似文献   

Three glycoproteins (ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3) are synthesized in growing mouse oocytes and secreted to form an extracellular zona pellucida that mediates sperm binding and fertilization. Each has a signal peptide to direct it into a secretory pathway, a "zona" domain implicated in matrix polymerization and a transmembrane domain from which the ectodomain must be released. Using confocal microscopy and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), the intracellular trafficking of ZP3 was observed in growing mouse oocytes. Replacement of the zona domain with EGFP did not prevent secretion of ZP3, suggesting the presence of trafficking signals and a cleavage site in the carboxyl terminus. Analysis of linker-scanning mutations of a ZP3-EGFP fusion protein in transient assays and in transgenic mice identified an eight-amino-acid hydrophobic region required for secretion and incorporation into the zona pellucida. The hydrophobic patch is conserved among mouse zona proteins and lies between a potential proprotein convertase (furin) cleavage site and the transmembrane domain. The cleavage site that releases the ectodomain from the transmembrane domain was defined by mass spectrometry of native zonae pellucidae and lies N-terminal to a proprotein convertase site that is distinct from the hydrophobic patch.  相似文献   

We injected somatic subtypes of histone H1 into newly fertilized mouse eggs, which do not naturally contain this chromosomal protein, and examined the fate of the injected protein and its effect on preimplantation development of recipient eggs. Rhodamine-labelled H1 injected into the cytoplasm of 53 eggs was transported into the pronuclei in 51 cases, and this nuclear accumulation could be detected within 15 min of injection. Unlabelled histone H1, which was detected using immunofluorescence, was also transported following microinjection to the pronuclei, where it colocalized with the chromatin and remained associated with the nuclei following cleavage to the two-cell stage. Nuclear accumulation of injected H1 was inhibited when injected eggs were incubated in the presence of drugs that prevent mitochondrial electron transport or glycolysis, which indicates that nuclear transport occurs through an energy-dependent process, as previously observed in tissue culture cells. To determine whether the presence of somatic H1 in early embryonic nuclei would influence subsequent development, fertilized eggs were injected with an approximately physiological quantity (1–5 pg) of somatic H1 or, as controls, with another small basic protein, cytochrome c. Fifty-three eggs were injected with cytochrome c, of which 51 divided to the two-cell stage, and 32 (60%) reached the blastocyst stage, after 5 days in culture. One hundred and eleven eggs were injected with somatic H1, of which 95 divided to the two-cell stage, and 53 (48%) reached the blastocyst stage, after 5 days in culture. The two groups did not differ statistically (X2, P > 0.1) with respect to the fraction of injected embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage. These results show that, although mouse embryos lack the somatic subtypes of histone H1 until the four-cell stage of development, they are able to progress through preimplantation development when these subtypes are present beginning at the one-cell stage. This may imply that the distinctive chromatin composition that characterizes early embryos of a variety of species is not essential for early development in mammals. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Boja ES  Hoodbhoy T  Garfield M  Fales HM 《Biochemistry》2005,44(50):16445-16460
The mammalian zona pellucida is an egg extracellular matrix to which sperm bind. Mouse zonae are composed of three glycoproteins (ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3), while rat zonae contain four (ZP1, ZP2, ZP3, and ZP4/ZPB). Mouse sperm bind to zonae comprised solely of mouse ZP2 and ZP3. In this report, we show that rat sperm also bind to these zonae, indicating that ZP2 and ZP3 contain a "minimum structure(s)" to which rodent sperm can bind, and ZP1 and ZP4/ZPB are dispensable in these two rodents. These data are consistent with our mass spectrometric analysis of the native rat zona pellucida proteome (defined as the fraction of the total rat proteome to which the zonae glycoproteins contribute) demonstrating that the rat zonae glycoproteins share a high degree of conservation of structural features with respect to their mouse counterparts. The primary sequences of the rat zonae proteins have been deduced from cDNA. Each zona protein undergoes extensive co- and post-translational modification prior to its secretion and incorporation into an extracellular zona matrix. Each has a predicted N-terminal signal peptide that is cleaved off once protein translation begins and an anchoring C-terminal transmembrane domain from which the mature protein is released. Mass spectrometric analysis with a limited amount of native material allowed determination of the mature N-termini of rat ZP1 and ZP3, both of which are characterized by cyclization of glutamine to pyroglutamate; the N-terminus of ZP2 was identified by Edman degradation. The mature C-termini of ZP1 and ZP3 end two amino acids upstream of a conserved dibasic residue that is part of, but distinct from, the consensus furin cleavage sequence, while the C-terminus of ZP2 was not determined. Each zona protein contains a "zona domain" with eight conserved cysteine residues that is thought to play a role in the polymerization of the zona proteins into matrix filaments. Partial disulfide bond assignment indicates that the intramolecular disulfide patterns in rat ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3 are identical to those of their corresponding mouse counterparts. Last, nearly all potential N-glycosylation sites are occupied in the rat zonae glycoproteins (three of three for ZP1, six or seven of seven for ZP2, and four or five of six for ZP3). In comparison, potential O-glycosylation sites are numerous (59-83 Ser/Thr residues), but only two regions were observed to carry O-glycans in rat ZP3.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida (ZP) is a highly organized extracellular coat that surrounds all mammalian eggs. The mouse egg ZP is composed of three glycoproteins, called mZP1-3, that are synthesized, secreted, and assembled into a ZP exclusively by growing oocytes. Here, we microinjected epitope-tagged (Myc and Flag) cDNAs for mZP2 and mZP3 into the germinal vesicle (nucleus) of growing oocytes isolated from juvenile mice. Specific antibodies and laser scanning confocal microscopy were used to follow nascent, recombinant ZP glycoproteins in both permeabilized and nonpermeabilized oocytes. When such cDNAs were injected, epitope-tagged mZP2 (Myc-mZP2) and mZP3 (Flag-mZP3) were synthesized, packaged into large intracellular vesicles, and secreted by the vast majority of oocytes. Secreted glycoproteins were incorporated into only the innermost layer of the thickening ZP, and the amount of nascent glycoprotein in this region increased with increasing time of oocyte culture. Consistent with prior observations, the putative transmembrane domain at the C terminus of mZP2 and mZP3 was missing from nascent glycoprotein incorporated into the ZP. When the consensus furin cleavage site near the C terminus of mZP3 was mutated, such that it should not be cleaved by furin, secretion and assembly of mZP3 was reduced. On the other hand, mZP3 incorporated into the ZP lacked the transmembrane domain downstream of the mutated furin cleavage site, suggesting that some other protease(s) excised the domain. These results strongly suggest that nascent mZP2 and mZP3 are incorporated into only the innermost layer of the ZP and that excision of the C-terminal region of the glycoproteins is required for assembly into the oocyte ZP.  相似文献   

Sperm penetration of the zona pellucida and fertilization are inhibited in mouse eggs treated with phorbol esters and the diacylglycerol, sn-1,2-dioctanoyl glycerol. The effect appears mediated by the zona pellucida, since zona-free eggs treated with these compounds are fertilized to the same extent as untreated eggs. Moreover, the binding of sperm to isolated zonae incubated in the absence or presence of biologically active phorbol esters is similar. Last, sperm treated with phorbol esters or sn-1,2-dioctanoyl glycerol bind to eggs and undergo the acrosome reaction to the same extent as untreated sperm. The inhibitory effect on fertilization is correlated with an egg-induced modification of at least ZP2, as manifested by a change in its electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels. In addition, changes in the biological properties of the treated zonae occur, such that sperm binding is not altered, but that the final stage(s) of the zona-induced acrosome reaction is inhibited. Zonae obtained from phorbol ester- or diacylglycerol-treated eggs should provide a system to study both the structural modifications of the zona proteins that are involved in induction of the acrosome reaction, as well as, delineating the sequence of events that comprise the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

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