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M Lenhard  A Bohnert  G Jürgens  T Laux 《Cell》2001,105(6):805-814
Floral meristems and shoot apical meristems (SAMs) are homologous, self-maintaining stem cell systems. Unlike SAMs, floral meristems are determinate, and stem cell maintenance is abolished once all floral organs are initiated. To investigate the underlying regulatory mechanisms, we analyzed the interactions between WUSCHEL (WUS), which specifies stem cell identity, and AGAMOUS (AG), which is required for floral determinacy. Our results show that repression of WUS by AG is essential for terminating the floral meristem and that WUS can induce AG expression in developing flowers. Together, this suggests that floral determinacy depends on a negative autoregulatory mechanism involving WUS and AG, which terminates stem cell maintenance.  相似文献   

Plant shoot stem cell pool is constantly maintained by a negative feedback loop through peptide-receptor mediated signaling pathway. CLAVATA3 (CLV3) encode a 96 aminoacid protein which is processed to 12-amino-acid or arabinosylated 13-amino-acid peptides, acting as a ligand signal to regulate stem cell homeostasis in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Although arabinosylated 13-amino-acid CLV3 peptide (CLV3p) shows more significant binding affinity to its receptors and biological activities in the SAM, the physiological function of two mature forms of CLV3p remained an unresolved puzzle in the past decade due to the technical difficulties of arabinosylation modification in the peptide synthesis. Here, we analyzed the role of two mature CLV3 peptides with newly synthesized arabinosylated peptide. Beside shoot meristem phenotypes, arabinosylated CLV3p showed the conventional trait of CLV2-dependent root growth inhibition. Moreover, both 12-amino-acid and arabinosylated 13-amino-acid CLV3 peptides have analogous activities in shoot stem cell signaling. Notably, we demonstrated that non-arabinosylated 12-amino acid CLV3p can affect shoot stem cell signaling at the physiological level unlike previously suggested (Ohyama et al. 2009; Shinohara and Matsubayashi 2013; Shinohara and Matsubayashi 2015). Therefore, these results support the physiological role of the 12-amino-acid CLV3p in shoot stem cell signaling in the deficient condition of arabinosylated 13-amino-acid CLV3p in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Receptor kinases are a large gene family in plants and have more than 600 members in Arabidopsis. Receptor kinases in plants regulate a broad range of developmental processes, including steroid hormone perception, organ elongation, self-incompatibility, and abscission. Intracellular signaling components for receptor kinases in plants are largely unknown. The CLAVATA 1 (CLV1) receptor kinase in Arabidopsis regulates stem cell identity and differentiation through its repression of WUSCHEL (WUS) expression. Mutations at the POLTERGEIST (POL) gene were previously described as phenotypic suppressors of mutations within the CLV1 gene. Genetic evidence placed POL as a downstream regulator of CLAVATA1 signaling.RESULTS: We provide evidence that POL functions in both the CLV1-WUS pathway and a novel WUS-independent CLV1 pathway regulating stem cell identity. We demonstrate that POL encodes a protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) with a predicted nuclear localization sequence, indicating that it has a role in signal transduction downstream of the CLV1 receptor. The N terminus of POL has a possible regulatory function, and the C terminus has PP2C-like phosphatase catalytic activity. Although the POL catalytic domain is conserved in other PP2Cs, the POL protein represents a unique subclass of plant PP2Cs. POL is broadly expressed throughout the plant.CONCLUSIONS: POL represents a novel component of the CLV1 receptor kinase signaling pathway. The ubiquitous expression of POL and pol phenotypes outside the meristem suggest that POL may be a common regulator of many signaling pathways.  相似文献   

CLAVATA1 (CLV1) is a receptor protein expressed in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) that translates perception of a non‐cell‐autonomous CLAVATA3 (CLV3) peptide signal into altered stem cell fate. CLV3 reduces expression of WUSCHEL (WUS) and FANTASTIC FOUR 2 (FAF2) in the SAM. Expression of WUS and FAF2 leads to maintenance of undifferentiated stem cells in the SAM. CLV3 binding to CLV1 inhibits expression of these genes and controls stem cell fate in the SAM through an unidentified signaling pathway. Cytosolic Ca2+ elevations, cyclic nucleotide (cGMP)‐activated Ca2+ channels, and cGMP have been linked to signaling downstream of receptors similar to CLV1. Hence, we hypothesized that cytosolic Ca2+ elevation mediates the CLV3 ligand/CLV1 receptor signaling that controls meristem stem cell fate. CLV3 application to Arabidopsis seedlings results in elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ and cGMP. CLV3 control of WUS was prevented in a genotype lacking a functional cGMP‐activated Ca2+ channel. In wild‐type plants, CLV3 inhibition of WUS and FAF2 expression was impaired by treatment with either a Ca2+ channel blocker or a guanylyl cyclase inhibitor. When CLV3‐dependent repression of WUS is blocked, altered control of stem cell fate leads to an increase in SAM size; we observed a larger SAM size in seedlings treated with the Ca2+ channel blocker. These results suggest that the CLV3 ligand/CLV1 receptor system initiates a signaling cascade that elevates cytosolic Ca2+, and that this cytosolic secondary messenger is involved in the signal transduction cascade linking CLV3/CLV1 to control of gene expression and stem cell fate in the SAM.  相似文献   

Continuous organ formation from the shoot apical meristem requires the integration of two functions: a set of undifferentiated, pluripotent stem cells is maintained at the very tip of the meristem, while their daughter cells in the periphery initiate organ primordia. The homeobox genes WUSCHEL (WUS) and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) encode two major regulators of meristem formation and maintenance in Arabidopsis, yet their interaction in meristem regulation is presently unclear. Here, we have addressed this question using loss- and gain-of-function approaches. We show that stem cell specification by WUS does not require STM activity. Conversely, STM suppresses differentiation independently of WUS and is required and sufficient to promote cell division. Consistent with their independent and distinct phenotypic effects, ectopic WUS and STM activities induce the expression of different downstream target genes. Finally, the pathways regulated by WUS and STM appear to converge in the suppression of differentiation, since coexpression of both genes produced a synergistic effect, and increased WUS activity could partly compensate for loss of STM function. These results suggest that WUS and STM share labour in the shoot apical meristem: WUS specifies a subset of cells in the centre as stem cells, while STM is required to suppress differentiation throughout the meristem dome, thus allowing stem cell daughters to be amplified before they are incorporated into organs.  相似文献   

The function of the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM) gene in shoot and floral meristems throughout Arabidopsis development has been analyzed. The results show that STM plays a major role in maintaining shoot and floral meristems. In an allelic series of stm mutants the shoot meristem was either reduced or completely absent in mature embryos and mutant seedling cotyledons showed partial fusion, indicating that the STM gene affects embryonic shoot meristem development and spacing of cotyledons. Postembryonically, stm mutants initiated adventitious shoot development at a position corresponding to the shoot meristem in wild-type. Repetitively initiated defective mutant shoot and floral meristems were consumed during primordia formation and typically terminated prematurely in fused ectopic primordia, indicating that STM is required for continuous shoot and floral meristem function. Analogous defects were observed in stm embryonic and postembryonic development suggesting that similar mechanisms are employed in embryonic and postembryonic organ primordia initiation. Allelic combinations suggest different thresholds for STM requirement during plant development. STM requirement could not be bypassed by standard growth factor regimes or by shoot regeneration from calli. The results suggest that STM functions by preventing incorporation of cells in the meristem center into differentiating organ primordia and that this role can completely account for all defects observed in stm mutants. Mutations in the WUSCHEL (WUS) and ZWILLE (ZLL) genes result in defective organization and premature termination of shoot meristems. Genetic interactions between STM, WUS and ZLL were analyzed and the results indicate that STM acts upstream of WUS and ZLL. Therefore, while STM appears to function in keeping central meristem cells undifferentiated, WUS and ZLL seem to be subsequently required for proper function of these cells.  相似文献   

Stem cells in shoot and floral meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana secrete the signaling peptide CLAVATA3 (CLV3) that restricts stem cell proliferation and promotes differentiation. The CLV3 signaling pathway is proposed to comprise the receptor kinase CLV1 and the receptor-like protein CLV2. We show here that the novel receptor kinase CORYNE (CRN) and CLV2 act together, and in parallel with CLV1, to perceive the CLV3 signal. Mutations in CRN cause stem cell proliferation, similar to clv1, clv2, and clv3 mutants. CRN has additional functions during plant development, including floral organ development, that are shared with CLV2. The CRN protein lacks a distinct extracellular domain, and we propose that CRN and CLV2 interact via their transmembrane domains to establish a functional receptor.  相似文献   

Hu W  Feng B  Ma H 《Plant molecular biology》2011,76(1-2):57-68
A leaf undergoes determinate growth from a primordium on flank of the shoot apical meristem. Several intrinsic pathways restrict meristematic activity in the leaf of Arabidopsis; however, other factors remain to be defined. We report here that the overexpression of MINI ZINC FINGER1 (MIF1) or MIF3 disrupted the leaf determinate growth by inducing ectopic shoot meristems on leaf margins. These ectopic meristems occurred along margins of late rosette leaves at serration sinuses in an ERECTA-dependent manner. Expression of STM was activated in these ectopic meristems but not other leaf regions. The formation of ectopic meristems was independent of the BP gene but suppressed by exogenous gibberellic acid. In addition, reduced auxin response along leaf margins and subsequent response peak in the sinus were correlated with the occurrence of ectopic meristems. Our results suggest that the sinus of leaf serration is a quiescent domain possessing the potential for meristem formation. MIF1- or MIF3-overexpressing transgenic plants may provide a new genetic system for dissecting the molecular mechanism that maintains leaf determinate growth, and for understanding the interactions between hormone actions and meristematic activity.  相似文献   

Postembryonic organ formation in higher plants relies on the activity of stem cell niches in shoot and root meristems where differentiation of the resident cells is repressed by signals from surrounding cells. We searched for mutations affecting stem cell maintenance and isolated the semidominant l28 mutant, which displays premature termination of the shoot meristem and differentiation of the stem cells. Allele competition experiments suggest that l28 is a dominant-negative allele of the APETALA2 (AP2) gene, which previously has been implicated in floral patterning and seed development. Expression of both WUSCHEL (WUS) and CLAVATA3 (CLV3) genes, which regulate stem cell maintenance in the wild type, were disrupted in l28 shoot apices from early stages on. Unlike in floral patterning, AP2 mRNA is active in the center of the shoot meristem and acts via a mechanism independent of AGAMOUS, which is a repressor of WUS and stem cell maintenance in the floral meristem. Genetic analysis shows that termination of the primary shoot meristem in l28 mutants requires an active CLV signaling pathway, indicating that AP2 functions in stem cell maintenance by modifying the WUS-CLV3 feedback loop.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, CORYNE (CRN), a new member of the receptor kinase family, was recently isolated as a key player involved in the CLAVATA3 (CLV3) signaling pathway, thereby playing an important role in regulating the development of shoot and root apical meristems. However, the precise relationships among CLAVATA1 (CLV1), CLAVATA2 (CLV2), and CRN receptors remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate the subcellular localization of CRN and analyze the interactions among CLV1, CLV2, and CRN using firefly luciferase complementation imaging (LCI) assays in both Arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts and Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Fluorescence targeting showed that CRN was localized to the plasma membrane. The LCI assays coupled with co‐immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that CLV2 can directly interact with CRN in the absence of CLV3. Additional LCI assays showed that CLV1 did not interact with CLV2, but can interact weakly with CRN. We also found that CLV1 can interact with CLV2–CRN heterodimers, implying that these three proteins may form a complex. Moreover, CRN, rather than CLV1 and CLV2, was able to form homodimers without CLV3 stimulation. Taken together, our results add direct evidence to the newly proposed two‐parallel receptor pathways model and therefore provide new insights into the CLV3 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Root apical meristem (RAM) and shoot apical meristem (SAM) are vital for the correct development of the plant. The direction, frequency, and timing of cell division must be tightly controlled in meristems. Here, we isolated new Arabidopsis mutants with shorter roots and fasciated stems. In the tonsoku (tsk) mutant, disorganized RAM and SAM formation resulted from the frequent loss of proper alignment of the cell division plane. Irregular cell division also occurred in the tsk embryo, and the size of cells in meristems and embryo in tsk mutant was larger than in the wild type. In the enlarged SAM of the tsk mutant, multiple centers of cells expressing WUSCHEL (WUS) were observed. In addition, expression of SCARECROW (SCR) in the quiescent center (QC) disappeared in the disorganized RAM of tsk mutant. These results suggest that disorganized cell arrangements in the tsk mutants result in disturbed positional information required for the determination of cell identity. The TSK gene was found to encode a protein with 1311 amino acids that possesses two types of protein-protein interaction motif, leucine-glycine-asparagine (LGN) repeats and leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). LGN repeats are present in animal proteins involved in asymmetric cell division, suggesting the possible involvement of TSK in cytokinesis. On the other hand, the localization of the TSK-GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusion protein in nuclei of tobacco BY-2 cells and phenotypic similarity of tsk mutants to other fasciated mutants suggest that the tsk mutation may cause disorganized cell arrangements through defects in genome maintenance.  相似文献   

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