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Summary Over 400 Brassica napus plants regenerated from individual protoplasts, from protoplast fusions and from anther culture were analysed for chloroplast and mitochondrial genome rearrangements by restriction fragment length polymorphisms. None were detected, attesting to the fidelity of the tissue culture procedures employed. In the majority of protoplast fusion products, the cytoplasmic organelles had completely sorted out at the callus stage but three regenerated plants possessed mixed parental populations of mitochondrial genomes and one regenerant contained mixed chloroplast genomes. In all four examples, the cytoplasmic genome sorted out in planta in favor of one parental type which was faithfully maternally transmitted to progeny.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum and Solanum brevidens were analysed for mitochondrial and chloroplast genome rearrangements. In all cases, the chloroplast genomes were inherited from one of the parental protoplast populations. No chloroplast DNA alterations were evident but a range of mitochondrial DNA alterations, from zero to extensive intra- and inter-molecular recombinations, were found. Such recombinations involved specific recombination hot spots in the mitochondrial genome. Not all hybrids regenerated from a common callus possessed identical mitochondrial genomes, suggesting that sorting out of mitochondrial populations in the callus may have been incomplete at the plant regeneration stage. Sorting out of organelles in planta was not observed.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybrid plants were recovered following fusion of leaf mesophyll protoplasts isolated from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cultivar UC82 with protoplasts isolated from suspension cultured cells of L. chilense, LA 1959. Iodoacetate was used to select against the growth of unfused tomato protoplasts. Two somatic hybrids were recovered in a population of 16 regenerants. No tomato regenerants were recovered; all of the non-hybrid regenerants were L. chilense. The L. chilense protoplast regenerants were tetraploid. The hybrid nature of the plants was verified using species-specific restriction fragment length polymorphisms for the nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes. The somatic hybrids had inherited the chloroplast DNA of the tomato parent, and portions of the mitochondrial DNA of the L. chilense parent. The somatic hybrids formed flowers and developed seedless fruit.  相似文献   

Summary The chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs of Petunia somatic hybrid plants, which were derived from the fusion of wild-type P. parodii protoplasts with albino P. inflata protoplasts, were analyzed by endonuclease restriction and Southern blot hybridization. Using 32P-labelled probes that distinguished the two parental cpDNAs at a BamH1 site and at a HpaII site, only the P. parodii chloroplast genome was detected in the 10 somatic hybrid plants analyzed. To examine whether cytoplasmic mixing had resulted in rearrangement of the mitochondrial genome in the somatic hybrids, restriction patterns of purified somatic hybrid and parental mtDNAs were analyzed. Approximately 87% of those restriction fragments which distinguish the two parental genomes are P. inflata-specific. Restriction patterns of the somatic hybrid mtDNAs differ both from the parental patterns and from each other, suggesting that an interaction occurred between the parental mitochondrial genomes in the somatic fusion products which resulted in generation of the novel mtDNA patterns. Southern blot hybridization substantiates this conclusion. In addition, somatic hybrid lines derived from the same fusion product were observed to differ in mtDNA restriction pattern, reflecting a differential sorting-out of mitochondrial genomes at the time the plants were regenerated.  相似文献   

Summary To examine the possibility of producing asymmetric somatic hybrids of Brassica having a complete genome of one species and a part of the other, we fused inactivated B. oleracea protoplasts with X-irradiated B. campestris protoplasts. The plants obtained were studied with regard to their morphology, isozymes and chromosomes. The morphology of the hybrids was similar to B. oleracea in 9 out of 22 hybrids studied and the rest showed the intermediate phenotype of the parents. Analysis of three isozymes, leucine aminopeptidase, acid phosphatase and esterase indicated that ten hybrids lost B. campestris-specific bands in one or more of the three isozymes examined. The chromosome analysis showed that 90% of the hybrids were aneuploids. In addition, abnormal chromosomes were often found in root tip cells. These results suggested that the hybrids obtained were asymmetric in nature and resulted from elimination of B. campestris chromosomes by X-ray irradiation.  相似文献   

Intergeneric somatic hybridization between Brassica napus and Raphanus sativus was carried out to enrich gene pool of B. napus. Twelve somatic hybrids were produced via PEG-mediated protoplast fusion between B. napus and R. sativus. The hybridity was confirmed by morphological observation and molecular marker analysis. Hybrid progenies (BC1) were obtained via backcrosses with B. napus. Behaviour of R. sativus chromosomes in a B. napus background in the F1 and BC1 plants was revealed by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). The potential of somatic hybridization to enrich the suitable gene pool for rapeseed breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Intergeneric somatic hybrids Diplotaxis catholica (2n=18) + Brassica juncea (2n=36) were produced by fusing mesophyll protoplasts of the former and hypocotyl protoplasts of the latter using polyethylene glycol. Out of 52 somatic embryos, 24 produced plants of intermediate morphology. Cytological analysis of 16 plants indicated that 15 were symmetric hybrids carrying 54 chromosomes, the sum of the parental chromosome numbers. One hybrid was asymmetric with 45 chromosomes. Nuclear hybridity of five putative hybrids was confirmed by the Southern hybridization pattern of full length 18s-25s wheat nuclear rDNA probe which revealed the presence of Hind III fragments characteristic of both the parental species. The hybridization pattern of mitochondria specific gene probe cox I indicated that three of the hybrids carried B. juncea mitochondria and one carried mitochondria of D. catholica. Presence of novel 3.5 kb Hind III and 4.8 kb Bgl II fragments suggested the occurrence of mtDNA recombination in one of the hybrids. The hybrids were pollen sterile. However, seeds were obtained from most of the hybrids by back crossing with B. juncea.  相似文献   

Summary Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variability of 60 taxa of the genus Brassica and allied genera comprising 50 species was studied. RFLPs for seven enzymes were generated and F values were estimated from five frequently cutting enzymes. Phenetic clusterings indicated a clear division of Brassica coenospecies into two distinct lineages referred to as the Brassica and Sinapis lineages. Two unexplored genera, Diplotaxis and Erucastrum, also exhibited two lineages in addition to the genera Brassica and Sinapis. This finding is inconsistent with the existing taxonomic classification based on morphology. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variability studied from EcoRI RFLP patterns, by hybridizing total DNA with four cosmid clones containing non-overlapping mtDNA fragments, did not show any congruence with cpDNA variation patterns. However, at the cytodeme level, the patterns of genetic divergence suggested by the cpDNA data could be correlated with mtDNA variation. In the Brassica lineage, Diplotaxis viminea was identified as the female parent of the allotetraploid D. muralis. The chloroplast DNAs of Erucastrum strigosum and Er. abyssinicum were found to be very closely related. In the Sinapis lineage, Brassica maurorum was found to be the diploid progenitor of autotetraploid B. cossoneana. B. amplexicaulis showed a very different cpDNA pattern from other members of the subtribe. Brassica adpressa was closest to Erucastrum laevigatum and could be the diploid progenitor of autotetraploid Er. laevigatum. Based on the close similarity of the cpDNA pattern of Diplotaxis siifolia with that of D. assurgens, we have proposed the retention of this species in the genus Diplotaxis. The taxonomic positions of some other species have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts from etiolated hypocotyls of Brassica napus stained with carboxyfluorescein were fused with mesophyll protoplasts from Eruca sativa. Hybrid cells could be identified under the light microscope by (1) fully developed chloroplasts derived from E. sativa and (2) the cytoplasmic strands of the B. napus hypocotyl protoplasts, or (3) by the presence of both red and green fluorescence when investigated under UV light. The heterokaryons were selected using either a micro-manipulator or a flow sorter. On average, 5.4% of the calli obtained after selection differentiated into shoots. Regenerated shoots were subjected to isozyme analysis for verification of their hybrid character. Of the 23 hybrids successfully transferred to the greenhouse, 11 were asymmetric according to isozyme analysis. The nuclear DNA content of the hybrids was determined by flow cytometry, which gives an estimate of chromosome number. Most of the hybrids had a DNA content, and thus a chromosome number, that deviated from the expected sum of the parents. Almost all of the hybrids had some degree of fertility and produced seeds. Seed set, expressed as seeds per pollinated flower, was on average 7% of that of B. napus in the case of self-pollination and 26% of that of B. napus when backcrossed to B. napus. The chloroplast genotype was investigated in 13 hybrids. Of these, 11 had chloroplasts derived from B. napus, while only 2 had chloroplasts of E. sativa origin.  相似文献   

Summary An efficient procedure for obtaining somatic hybrids between B. oleracea and B. campestris has been developed. Hypocotyl protoplasts of B. oleracea were fused with mesophyll protoplasts from three different varieties of B. campestris by the polyethylene glycoldimethylsulfoxide method. The selection of somatic hybrids utilized the inactivation of B. oleracea protoplasts by iodoacetamide (IOA) and the low regeneration ability of B. campestris. The efficiency of recovery of somatic hybrids depended upon the IOA concentration, and when 15 mM IOA was used, 90% of the regenerated plants were found to be hybrid. The somatic hybrids were examined for i) leaf morphology, ii) leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) isozyme and iii) chromosome number. All the hybrids had intermediate leaf morphology and possessed LAP isozymes of both parental species. The chromosome analysis revealed a considerable variation in chromosome number of somatic hybrids, showing the occurrence of multiple fusion and chromosome loss during the culture. Some of the hybrids flowered and set seeds.  相似文献   

Summary Fusion of leaf protoplasts from an inbred line of Brassica oleracea ssp. botrytis (cauliflower, n=9) carrying the Ogura (R1) male sterile cytoplasm with hypocotyl protoplasts of B. campestris ssp. oleifera (cv Candle, n=10) carrying an atrazine-resistant (ATR) cytoplasm resulted in the production of synthetic B. napus (n=19). Thirty-four somatic hybrids were produced; they were characterized for morphology, phosphoglucose isomerase isoenzymes, ribosomal DNA hybridization patterns, chromosome numbers, and organelle composition. All somatic hybrids carried atrazine-resistant chloroplasts derived from B. campestris. The mitochondrial genomes in 19 hybrids were examined by restriction endonuclease and Southern blot analyses. Twelve of the 19 hybrids contained mitochondria showing novel DNA restriction patterns; of these 12 hybrids, 5 were male sterile and 7 were male fertile. The remaining hybrids contained mitochondrial DNA that was identical to that of the ATR parent and all were male fertile.  相似文献   

Summary Brassica napus cybrid plants which contain novel nucleus-mitochondria-chloroplast combinations have been constructed, via protoplast fusion. Such fusions resulted in mitochondrial DNA plasmids being lost (at a frequency of 12.5%) or, more surprisingly, being transferred from mitochondria of one protoplast population to mitochondria of the other population (at a frequency of 6.1%). Mitochondria containing their new DNA complement became the dominant organelle population in regenerated plants and were faithfully maternally inherited through successive sexnal generations. No concomitant alterations in mitochondrial chromosome organization or nuclear chromosome number occurred. Protoplast fusion can, therefore, cure plant mitochondria of extrachromosomal DNA and, more importantly, be used to transform plant mitochondria with naturally occurring mitochondrial plasmids. The potential for mitochondrial transformation with recombinant vectors is discussed.  相似文献   

A double-mutant cell line, which was unable to grow in a medium with NO 3 - as the sole nitrogen source and was resistant to 5-methyl-tryptophan (5MT), was selected from cell suspensions of Sinapis turgida Del. (Brassicaceae) by culturing the cells in AA medium (Toriyama and Hinata, 1985, Plant Sci. 41, 179–183) supplemented with 50 mM chlorate and 229 M 5MT. Protoplasts of this cell line were fused with mesophyll protoplasts of Brassica oleracea L. with dextran, and six somatic hybrids were selected initially by culture in the NO 3 - medium and then by transfer to the NO 3 - medium supplemented with 229 M 5MT. The somatic hybrids produced embryoids, leaves and plantlets on a regeneration medium. The hybrid characters were confirmed by investigations of acid phosphatase (EC and peroxidase (EC isoenzymes, chromosome number, growth on NO 3 - medium, 5MT resistance, and capacity to regenerate plants. Somatic hybrids between S. turgida Del. and B. nigra (L.) Koch were also obtained using this method. These results indicate that the double-mutant cell line established here will be able to serve as a universal hybridizer to select somatic hybrids after protoplast fusion with any other wild-type partner.Abbreviations B5 medium of Gamborg et al. (1968) - MS medium of Murashage and Skoog (1962) - 5MT 5-thethyltryptophan  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybridization between Brassica oleracea ssp. botrytis (cauliflower, 2n=18), carrying the Ogura (R1) male-sterile cytoplasm and B. napus (2n= 38), carrying a male-fertile, atrazine-resistant (ATR) cytoplasm, yielded three hybrids (2n=56) and six cauliflower cybrids (2n=18), which were selected for resistance to the herbicide in vitro. The hybrids and cybrids were male fertile and self-compatible. They contained both chloroplasts and mitochondria from the ATR cytoplasm. We found no evidence for mtDNA recombination in any of the regenerated plants. Selfed progeny of the B. oleracea atrazine-resistant cybrids were evaluated for tolerance to the herbicide in the field. Resistant plants exposed to 0.56–4.48 kg/ha (0.5–4.0 pounds/acre) atrazine in the soil showed no damage at any herbicide level, whereas plants of a susceptible alloplasmic line were severely damaged at the lowest level of herbicide application and killed at all higher levels. These atrazine-resistant cauliflower may have potential horticultural use, especially in fields where atrazine carry over is a serious problem.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of the mitochondrial genome and the genotype of the chloroplast genome was characterized using restriction fragment length polymorphisms in a population (82 individuals) of symmetric and asymmetric somatic hybrids of tomato. The protoplast fusion products were regenerated following the fusion of leaf mesophyll protoplasts of Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato cv UC82) with suspension cell protoplasts of L. pennellii that had been irradiated with 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, or 100 kRads from a gamma source. The chloroplast genome in the somatic hybrids showed a random pattern of inheritance, i.e., either parental genome was present in equal numbers of regenerants, while in asymmetric somatic hybrids, the chloroplast genotype reflected the predominant nuclear genotype, i.e., tomato. The mitochondrial genome in the symmetric somatic hybrids showed a non-random pattern of inheritance, i.e., predominantly from the L. pennellii parent; asymmetric somatic hybrids had more tomato-specific mitochondrial sequences than symmetric somatic hybrids. The non-random inheritance of the chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA in these tomato protoplast fusion products appears to be influenced by the nuclear background of the regenerant.  相似文献   

Intergeneric somatic hybrids, Trachystoma ballii (2n=16)+B. juncea (2n=38), were obtained by fusing mesophyll protoplasts of T. ballii and hypocotyl protoplasts of B. juncea using polyethylene glycol. The heterokaryotic fusion frequency was around 23%. Plants were regenerated from 10 out of 2×104 calli of which four were hybrids. Hybrids were intermediate between the parents in general morphology. However, in some characters one of the parents dominated. All the plants were symmetric in their chromosomal constitution as revealed by the formation of 26 bivalents at metaphase-I of meiosis. Two trivalents and 2 univalents were also observed in some pollen mother cells. Hybrid nature was also confirmed by Southern hybridization of DNA of one regenerated plant restricted with Hind III and probed with the nick translated plasmid pTA71 carrying a wheat nuclear r-DNA sequence. Hybrid plant RT 1 showed bands characteristic of both parents. All the plants were absolutely pollen sterile. However, on backcrosses to B. juncea seeds were obtained.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction patterns of chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA in Brassica napus rapeseed reveal the alloplasmic nature of cytoplasmic male sterility in this crop. Both the Shiga and Bronowski systems probably exploit cytoplasmic diversity in B. napus cultivars arising from introgression of cytoplasm from the other rapeseed species, B. campestris. Nuclear genes specific to these systems do not cause sterility in maintainers (Bronowski and Isuzu-natane) because they have a campestris cytoplasm, but give rise to sterility in napus cytoplasms. In the course of hybridization to napus cultivars a line with the triazine resistant cytoplasm (a campestris cytoplasm) has undergone an alteration in the mt genome rendering its restriction pattern more similar than previously to that of napus. The alteration may be an inversion between 7.2 and 3.4 kb in length.  相似文献   

Summary Cell suspension-derived protoplasts of a chlorsulfuron-resistant (GH50) strain of Arabidopsis thaliana cv Columbia were X-irradiated at 60 or 90 krad, to facilitate the elimination of GH50 donor chromosomes in fusion products. Irradiated GH50 protoplasts were fused, with polyethylene glycol, to protoplasts derived from stem epidermal strips of Brassica napus cv Westar. Chlorsulfuron-resistant colonies were selected in vitro and then transferred to shoot and root regeneration medium. Seventeen hybrid lines were regenerated in vitro, and eight were successfully established in the greenhouse, where they flowered. These eight asymmetric hybrids were intermediate in vegetative morphology between Arabidopsis and Brassica. The flowers from these hybrids were male-sterile with abnormal petal and pistil structures. Zymograms for phosphoglucomutase, esterase, and peroxidase showed the presence of all parental isozymes in each of the hybrids tested. Nuclear hybridity was also confirmed for the ribosomal RNA genes using a wheat rDNA probe; however, the chloroplast genome in each of the hybrids was derived solely from the Brassica parent. All selected somatic hybrids were capable of rooting at levels of chlorsulfuron which were inhibitory to unfused Brassica plantlets. The degree of herbicide resistance in the hybrid shoots is presently being evaluated.Contribution No. 1428, Plant Research Centre, Agriculture Canada  相似文献   

Summary Using different genotypes of tomato and diploid potato, possessing alien selectable markers as well as endogenous markers, very high frequencies of protoplast fusion hybrids were obtained. One endogenous genetic marker, the amylose-free (amf) mutant of potato, was helpful not only for the confirmation of fusion products but also for the study of genetic complementation and the segregation of amylose-free starch in microspores. Cytological analysis of the fusion hybrids indicated that except for one which was hexaploid, all of them had a perfectly balanced chromosome number of allotetraploid constitution (2n = 4x = 48). Despite normal chromosome pairing and a diploid behaviour, the microspores in some of the fusion hybrids segregated for the recessive amf-locus. This anomalous segregation of a recessive character in these hybrids was shown not to be due to chromosome elimination or to the absence of the wild-type tomato Amf gene. Although all fusion hybrids were totally sterile, the hexaploid produced stainable pollen and berries with badly developed seeds. Embryo rescue has so far failed to produce backcross progeny.  相似文献   

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