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James L. Reveal 《Brittonia》2004,56(4):299-306
A new genus ofPolygonaceae subfam.Eriogonoideae is established for what has long been known asEriogonum puberulum. NamedJohanneshowellia in honor of the late John Thomas Howell (1903–1994), a new combination,J. puberula, and a new species,J. crateriorum, are established. The common name Howell's-buckwheat is proposed for the group. The new genus differs from other members of the subfamily in having its involucral structure reduced to a spiral of four to seven bracts each of which is associated with a flower-bearing pedicel and a basal bractlet. In bud and early anthesis the outer two (rarely outer three) bracts may be partially connate, but typically become separate at full anthesis. The connate, ternate, foliar bracts at the base of the node act as a traditionalEriogonum-like involucre surrounding the branches of the inflorescence, the involucral bracts, and the flowers. Members of the new genus are found in the arid Intermountain West of the United States from Inyo Co., California, across Nevada to western Utah.  相似文献   

Syngonanthus elegans flowers are distributed in capitula whose involucral bracts open and close in a diurnal rhythm. The anatomy of these bracts was studied to understand how such movements occur and how it influences reproductive ecology of the species. The involucral bracts have a single layered epidermis composed of thick-walled cells on the abaxial surface, which are responsible for the movement. Since they are hygroscopic, these cells swell when they absorb water from the surrounding environment, causing the bracts to bend and the capitula to close. In natural conditions, the capitula open by day, when temperature increases and the relative air humidity decreases, and close at night, when temperature decreases and the relative air humidity increases. The involucral bracts may thus protect the flowers from abiotic factors, exposing them only at the time of the day when temperature is higher and insects are more active, favoring pollination by small insects. The closed capitula do not only protect the flowers, but they also function as a shelter for floral visitors as Brachiacantha australe (Coccinellidae) and Eumolpini sp. (Chrysomelidae). These small Coleoptera pollinate the flowers of S. elegans during the day and remain within the closed capitula during the night, in a possible mutualistic relationship.  相似文献   

W. Zack Faust 《Brittonia》1972,24(4):363-378
The taxa of the Interiores species group are treated as two species, one of which is divided into two subspecies.Vernonia missurica, a widespread taxon, has large flower heads (32-58 flowers per head), obtuse involucral bract tips, and a characteristic flavonoid Chromatographic profile.Vernonia baldwinii ssp.baldwinii, occurring throughout the Ozarks and Ouachitas, andV. baldwinii ssp.interior of the Central Plains possess smaller flower heads (17-34 flowers per head), acute or acuminate involucral bracts, and a different Chromatographic profile.Vernonia baldwinii ssp.baldwinii is distinguished from ssp.interior by the recurved involucral bract tips and by the possession of more flowers per head. Morphological data reveal that an intergradation zone exists between the population systems of the two subspecies along the edges of the Ozarks and Ouachitas. Although much gene exchange occurs between these two taxa, they maintain a level of genetic integrity that permits their ready recognition throughout wide ranges. All three taxa have a gametic chromosome number ofn = 17 and hybridize extensively with sympatric species.  相似文献   

Extracts of small amounts of inflorescence material (3 lingular flowers, 3 tubular flowers, 1 receptacle with involucral bracts), obtained withn-hexane, were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography using a capillary column. The presence of terpenoids was demonstrated and differences in composition between extracts from different inflorescence parts were found.  相似文献   

Two new species of Ophiorrhiza collected from Mt Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary in Davao Oriental, Philippines, are herein described and illustrated. Ophiorrhiza erythropilosa is the third Philippine species possessing involucral bracts and is further characterized by its predominantly villose stems that appear red due to strikingly red-violet trichomes, subpersistent bifid stipules, linear involucral bracts without prominent midrib, and 4 mm long urceolate corolla that is villose outside and lightly puberulous inside. Ophiorrhiza hamiguitanensis is characterized by its coriaceous, lanceolate leaves with attenuate apex and base, brochidodromous venation, subpersistent bilobed stipules with slightly recurved acute tips, presence of 1.5–2.5 mm long linear ensiform bracts, heterostylous flowers, clavate calyces and broadly obcordate capsules.  相似文献   

Although Cyperaceae are considered anemophilous, some species exhibit features that are attractive to pollinators, such as the white UV‐reflecting involucral bracts of Rhynchospora ciliata. But how effective are these conspicuous adaptations? To address this question, we tested the hypothesis that species such as R. ciliata are visited by greater numbers of pollinating insects than similar species with green involucral bracts, such as R. pubera. We compared the floral biology of both species and the number of visits to sympatric populations of each species, associating them with the availability of pollen and the pollination system. We verified that species with white involucral bracts are preferred, because there were more visits to R. ciliata in the first 2 h the flowers were open. The peak visitation in R. pubera was 2 h after the flowers opened, when the pollen of R. ciliata was exhausted. Although the involucral bracts of R. pubera are green, the spikelet scales and anthers are white and reflect ultraviolet light. Overall, flowers of R. pubera exhibit fewer white or reflective surfaces and are probably less conspicuous to a bee than those of R. ciliata. It is possible that R. pubera is a second option for visitors after the first 2 h of anthesis. The two different peaks in visitation minimize interspecific competition for pollinators, suggesting that R. ciliata and R. pubera together could attract more generalist pollinators and, instead of competing, facilitate the pollination of both species. Although R. pubera is autogamous and self‐compatible, both wind and insects are important to its reproductive success.  相似文献   

王文采  吴增源 《广西植物》2019,39(3):294-296
该文描述了自云南东南部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属一新种,南溪楼梯草(Elatostema nanxiense)。此新种与田林楼梯草(E. tianlinense)相似,但其叶具三出脉,边缘具浅圆齿或小钝齿,雄总苞苞片较少,8枚,排成一层,背面有1~3条纵肋,只1枚在顶端具角状突起而与后者相区别。此外,此新种与盘托楼梯草系的广布种盘托楼梯草(E. dissectum)的区别在于其茎被糙伏毛,叶呈椭圆形,具三出脉,雄头状花序的花序梗较短,雄总苞苞片较少,呈宽卵形或横长方形,背面有1~3条纵肋,雄小苞片有缘毛。  相似文献   

The only Balkan endemic of the genus Picris, Picris hispidissima, was studied in detail using morphological and karyological methods. The species was shown to be morphologically distinct from the closest taxon, Picris hieracioides, by the pectinate–ciliate indumentum of involucral bracts, dilatation of the peduncle, length of the outer and inner bracts, and indumentum colour. No morphological variation that would require taxonomic classification was found within this species. Despite the diploid chromosome number (2n = 2x = 10) being confirmed for P. hispidissima, variation of up to 9.5% in genome size was found. The likely explanation for this variation is hybridization and introgression with closely related P. hieracioides. The most convincing evidence for this hypothesis is the detection of plants with two clearly different DNA contents arising from a single capitulum found in the location where P. hispidissima and P. hieracioides co-occur.  相似文献   

A new genus and species,Dedeckera eurekensis, are described from the Last Chance Mountains, Inyo Co., California, from an area just south of the Eureka Valley sand dunes. A member of Polygonaceae, it is most closely related toEriogonum, differing from that genus in lacking a tubular involucre, and fromStenogonum, Hollisteria, Nemacaulis, andGilmania in being a shrubby perennial. It differs from all other members of the subfamily Eriogonoideae in having (1) a head of subsessile or sessile flowers borne on a slender peduncle and subtended by 2 to 5 foliaceous bracts, and (2) a single short-pedicellate axillary flower at the base of each peduncle. The numerous yellow-flowered heads are arranged in open cymose inflorescences that terminate short annually produced branches with alternately arranged exstipulate foliage leaves.Eriogonum flexum is transferred to the genusStenogonum. A key to the genera of subfamily Eriogonoideae is included.  相似文献   

本文为作者在研究樟科月桂族的基础上,通过对一些有关问题的讨论,阐明月桂族在樟科中的地位。假伞形花序下的苞片由螺旋状排列(互生)演变成外面的苞片增大、质地变厚变硬,并两两交互对生,可视为假伞形花序演进的重要阶段,构成了月桂族关键性的形态特征.月桂族在命名上过去延用木姜子族Tribus Litseeae Mez,因在这一族内包括有樟科Lauraceae的模式属月桂圆Laurus L.,根据现行的《国际植物命名法规》应该用月桂族Tribus Laureae的名称。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2019,39(3):291-293
描述了自重庆南部发现的荨麻科楼梯草一新种,江津楼梯草(Elatostema jiangjinense)。此新种与锐齿楼梯草(E. cyrtandrifolium)近缘,两者的区别在于江津楼梯草的叶在狭侧具2条二级脉,托叶卵形或披针形,以及雄总苞片在顶端具长角状突起。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):207-208
该文描述了自缅甸北部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属一新种,克钦楼梯草。此种在体态上与骤尖楼梯草甚为相似,与后者的区别在于本种的每一茎节具正常叶和一退化叶,托叶狭披针状条形和无脉,雌总苞苞片无角状突起,雌小苞片较大,呈楔状长圆形,雌花具一小花被片,以及雌蕊具一宽倒卵球形柱头。  相似文献   

Scirpus heterophyllus, known only from Madagascar, is described and compared withS. erectus. The unusual leaf dimorphism is pointed out, and the presence of chlorenchyma above and below air cavities in leaf blades and involucral bracts is regarded as a useful taxonomic character.  相似文献   

Billie L. Turner 《Brittonia》1986,38(2):168-170
Coreopsis queretarensis, a new species from northeastern Mexico belonging to sectionPseudoagarista, is described and illustrated. It is closely related toC. mevaughii of Nueva Galicia but is readily distinguished by leaf shape, involucral bracts, and details of corolla.  相似文献   

In greenhouse and field studies, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) flowers were inoculated with Aspergillus flavus at the involucral nectaries. Bolls developing from early-season flowers had significantly higher percentages of A. flavus-infected seed than did bolls from flowers formed later in the season. Seeds from bolls inoculated 2 weeks after anthesis had the same infection levels as those from flowers inoculated at anthesis. These results indicate that early-season flowers are predisposed to A. flavus infection and that the degree of susceptibility at anthesis is retained through early boll development.  相似文献   

Plants produce secondary metabolites related to ecologically relevant processes. These compounds include surface secretions such as latex, mucilage and resins that help plants face abiotic and biotic environmental threats such as drought, nutrient deficiency, extreme temperatures and UV radiation, as well as herbivory, pathogenic microorganisms and other natural enemies. We studied the resinous coating found on involucral bracts of Haplopappus platylepis Phil. (Asteraceae). This plant belongs to a speciose genus widely distributed in South America (Lane and Hartman in Am J Bot 83:356, 1996). H. platylepis is characterized by resinous fragrant leaves. In this species, resins cover the involucral bracts as well as young leaves and are also secreted on reproductive stalks in smaller amounts. We carried out chemical analysis and natural history observations in order to identify whether arthropods caught in inflorescence resin differed from the ones freely visiting floral disks. Regarding bracteal adhesive’s chemistry, we identified a mixture of diterpenoids and flavonoids; these compounds form a dense surface resin layer, especially over inflorescence’s bracts. In relation to associated arthropods, we found a marked difference in the main organisms captured by bracteal resin compared to insects we observed foraging on disk florets; Arthrobracus (Coleoptera: Melyridae) and Linepithema (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were the predominant insects “trapped in resin”, while Diadasia (Hymenoptera: Apidae) was the most frequent “floral visitor”. We propose that bracteal resin of H. platylepis may function as a selective trap for non-mutualistic insects reaching reproductive structures of this plant and discuss other multiple possible roles for this secretion, including protocarnivory.  相似文献   

In the tribe Cynareae the genus Carlina is a well limited taxon. The sequence of leaves and involucral bracts, and the form of heads are important characters for identification. The genus is classified into the subgenera Carlowizia, Lyrolepis, and Carlina. The ancestral subgenera Carlowizia and Lyrolepis are endemits of the Canary islands respectively the south Aegean islands. The very variable species of the Mediterranean-Central European-West Asian subgenus Carlina are divided into sect. Corymbosae, sect. Mitina, sect. Carlina, and sect. Heteracantha. These sections are well distinguished by several morphological and anatomical features. A new species C. kurdica) is described from north-west Iraq.  相似文献   

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